STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Revised Codes (1877); George H. Hand. (Published by authority.) xxvi +976 p. 8°. (1880); 2d ed. G. H. Hand. xliii946 p. 8°. Yankton, 1877. Yankton, 1880. In Harvard Law School, also in Department of Justice. Annotated Revised Codes (1885); A. B. Levisee and L. Levisee. 2d ed.; with supplement by Robert Desty showing changes affected by Acts of 1885. xiii + (1) + 1654 + xxxvi + 225 p. 8°. St. Paul, 1885. Social Law Library, contains an edition of 1883, edited by A. B. Levisee and L. Levisee. Compiled Laws (1887); Caldwell and Price. xxii + 1428 p. 8°. Bismarck, Dak., 1887. DELAWARE. HISTORICAL. 1610. Delaware river and bay explored by English under Lord de la Warr. 1631. First settlement by Dutch, near present town of Lewes. Destroyed by Indians. 1637. Settlement by Swedes at Christina Harbor. 1654. Swedish dominion ended by Dutch from New Amsterdam under Peter Stuyvesant. 1664. Charter of Charles II to James, Duke of York, covering all lands between Connecticut river and Delaware bay. 1681. Part of Delaware included in grant by Duke of York to William Penn ("The Three Lower Counties on the Delaware" or "The Territories"). 1701. Charter of Charles II to William Penn. U. S. Charters and Const's, Part I, p. 270. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Title of legislative body "General Assembly." SESSION LAWS (Folio). The Charlemagne Tower Collection of Colonial Laws shows the following, published in folio form: (1) Laws of Government (1741), of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware. Published by order of Assembly. Printed and (2) sold by B. Franklin. 1 leaf +3-178 +1 leaf + 3-8 p. Folio. Also in Harvard Law School. Philadelphia, 1741. (1752), published by order of Assembly. Printed and sold by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1 leaf +3-361 + i-xvii p. Folio. Also in Harvard Law School. Philadelphia, 1752. The Charlemagne Tower Collection-Continued. (3) Laws of Government (1763). Printed by James Adams. Marked "Vol. II.” 1 leaf+1 leaf + i-v+1-81 p. Folio. Philadelphia, 1763. See "Laws of the Government" etc. (1763-75) post. (4) Session, Oct. 20, 1733. Adjourned Session, Mar. 17, (5) Session, Oct. 20, 1779. (6) Session, Oct. 1779. Adjourned Session, June 8, 1780. (7) Session, Oct. 20, 1780. Adjourned Session, May 28, 1781. Printed and sold by B. 24 p. Folio. Philadelphia, 1734. p. 21-35. Folio. p. 40-67. Folio. p. 51-55. Folio. (8) Session Oct. 20, 1781. Continued by adjournments, “being their sixth session." Printed by James Adams. 1 leaf3-15 p. Folio. Wilmington, 1782. Laws of the Government (1763-75) of New Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware. "Vol. II." Printed by James Adams. [Published by order of Assembly.] (2) + iv +351 p. Folio. Wilmington, 1763. The expression "Vol. II" on title page is unexplained. There does not appear to have been any Vol. I. Pages 1 to 81 comprise a revision of the laws to November 2, 1762. Appended to the foregoing revision (from p. 83 to p. 351) are original session laws of the following subsequent sessions: Session, Oct. 20, 1763. p. 83. (No laws shown.) Adjourned Session, Mar. 31 [1764]. pp. 83-97. pp. 99–106. Session, Oct. 20, 1764. Session, Oct. 20, 1772. p. 279. (No laws shown.) Session, Oct. 20, 1774. p. 301. (No laws shown.) Adjourned Session, Aug. 21, [1775]. pp. 301-351 (to Sept. 1775). Laws from Oct. 1700-Aug. 1797. Contained in Vols. 1 and 2 of Laws "published by authority," Newcastle, 1797. 8°. Laws from Jan. 2, 1798-Jan. 25, 1805. Contained in Vol. 3 of Laws "published by authority," Wilmington, 1816. 399 + 30 p. 8°. [This book is Vol. 3 of a set of 5 vols., of which Vols. 1 and 2 are noted in the preceding.] The foregoing contains laws of the following sessions:- Session, [Jan.] 1799. p. 47-115. Laws from Jan. 1806-Feb. 1813. Contained in Vol. 4 of Laws "published by authority," Wilmington, 1816. 671 + 6 + 83 p. 8°. [This book is Vol. 4 of a set of 5 vols. of which Vols. 1, 2, and 3 are noted in the preceding.] The foregoing contains laws of the following sessions: Session, Jan. 1806. p. 3-56. [Includes omitted laws of 1811.] p. 575-586. Session, [May] 1812. The following session laws contain independent title pages: Session, Apr. 1813. p. 1-10. p. 11-17. Session, May 1813. Bound in 1 vol. being Vol. 5 of a set of 5 vols., of which Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are noted in the preceding. "Published by authority." 437 p. 8°. [Indexes inserted and paged separately.] Bound in 1 vol. 382 p. 8°. [Indexes inserted and paged separately.] p. 275-368. Bound in 1 vol. "384-763 + 159" p. 8°. [Indexes inserted and paged separately.] "163-496" 78 p. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. 199 p. 8°. [Indexes inserted and paged separately.] 200-297"+ 14 p. 8°. "301-373" + 11 p. 8°. [Photo fac-simile reprint of June, 1904.] Special Session, June 1836. 61 p. 8°. Adjourned Session, Jan. 1852. "617-707"+ 17 p. 8°. |