Session, Jan. 1887. 1891. Session, Jan. 1893. Colony (Biennial Sessions.) (401-791 p.) 8°. (657-1272 p.) 8°. (581-1286 p.) 8°. (521-1209 p.) 8°. 642 p. 8°. (611-1299 p.) 8°. STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). 1 1 Code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the General Court, also constitution or civil compact adopted by the towns of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield in 1638-39, with extracts from the laws and judicial proceedings of New Haven colony, commonly called Blue Laws. Printed by S. Andrus & Son. 119 p. 12mo. (1836), published by Judd, Loomis & Co. 119 p. 24mo. Hartford, (1822). Hartford, 1836. New-Haven's Settling (1656), [a bibliographic list of laws relating to this subject will be found in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws " p. 105]. (6) + 120 p. 4to. [Hartford], 1900. Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven. The True Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the False Blue Laws invented by Rev. Samuel Peters; with additions. [See below.] J. Hammond Trumbull, editor. The above contains the following: (1) First constitution of Connecticut, 1638-9, p. 52. (2) First code of laws, May, 1650, p. 61. Hartford, 1876. (3) Some orders of General Court and Court of Magistrates, 1636-65, p. 142. (4) Fundamental agreement at New Haven, June 4, 1639, p. 161. (5) New Haven settling in New England and some laws for government (published in London, 1656), p. 177. (6) Laws, orders and judgments of New Haven courts, 1639–60, p. 275. (7) Blue law forgeries of Peter's, p. 301. (8) Blue laws of England in reign of James I., p. 347. 1 For other early colonial and provincial compilations, etc., see commencement of Session Laws, ante. Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, etc. (1838). "By an antiquarian " [Royal Ralph Hinman]. Bound in volume entitled “ Blue Laws, Quaker Laws and Witchcraft." x+336 p. 12mo. (1899), published by "the Truth Seeker Co." 88 p. 12mo. Il. Hartford, 1838. New York, 1899. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1638-39), Hartford Colony. [For copy see U. S. Charters and Const's, Part I, p. 249.] Confederacy of the Colonies (1643-72). Articles of Confederation between the colonies of the Massachusetts, New Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven "with the plantacons in combinacon therewith." For copy see "Compact, Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth," p. 308, by William Brigham. Boston, 1836. x + 357 p. 8°. Charter of the colony of Connecticut (1662) preceded by a sketch of the circumstances and proceedings which led to its grant by Charles II and the attempt of Sir Edmund Andros in 1687 to secure its surrender. Printed by Case, Lockwood, and Brainerd Co. 20 p. 12mo. [Hartford], 1900. Laws enacted by Governor Sir Edmund Andros (1686-89) and his Council for the territory and dominion of New England; 2, 3, 4 and 5 James II. (Contained in "Laws of New Hampshire," Vol. I, Province period, pp. 143-258.) xcix+914 p. 8°. Manchester, 1904. Abridgment of Laws (1704) in force and use in H. M's plantations [including Connecticut]. (3) + 284 +304 p. 12mo. London, 1704. Book of General Laws (1673), collected out of records of the general court. Lately revised and with some emendations and additions established and published by authority of the general court. Printed by Samuel Green. 1 leaf + (2) + 1-71 + (4) p. Folio. Cambridge, 1673. ["The edition is not known; but in May 1677, 'fower hundred copies remained yet unpayd for.'" Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws."] (1673), an exact reprint of the original edition of 1673, with a prefatory note by George Brinley. Printed for private distribution. Hartford, 1865. 1 leaf1 leaf + v-vii + 1 leaf + 1 leaf +1-71+ (4) p. Folio. Acts and Laws (1702) of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England. Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen. 1 leaf +1-118 p. Folio. Boston, 1702. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1702); a fac-simile reprint [Acorn Club]. 118 p. 4to. Hartford, 1901. (1709) passed by general court or assembly of Her Majesties colony New London, 1709. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1715) reprinted and sold by Timothy Green. [Does not contain a table or copy of charter.] (1)+505 p. Folio. New London, 1715. Note. - In Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws,' concerning this edition, it is said: "This edition of 1540 copies consists of a reprint of the revision of 1702, extending to p. 119, followed by a reprint of the laws passed at subsequent sessions, pp. 120-210. Copies of this edition frequently lack the original table at the end of the volume and have bound in following the title, the charter and table printed in 1729." Commencing with p. 211 and continuing through to the end of the volume, p. 505, are appended original Acts and Laws of sessions subsequent to 1715 to May 1741 incl. (1750) of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut in New England. Printed by Timothy Green. [Prefixed is the charter (of 1662) with separate title page. ((1) +6 p.) Annexed are subsequent session laws to 1664.] (1) + (1) + 6 + (2) + 357 p. Folio. New London, 1750. Note. The Acts and Laws prior to 1750 contained in this volume (p. 1-256), are in form of a revision, the Acts themselves being without dates. Appended to the revision (p. 257-357) are original folio session laws to 1664. (1754) of His Majesty's colony of Connecticut in New England. 1 leaf +1-6+ 284 + (4) + 1-256 p. Folio. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1769) of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut in New England. Reprinted and sold by Thomas and Samuel Green in New Haven, and Timothy Green in New London. New London and New Haven, 1769. (1) +8 + 10 +361 p. Folio. Contains charter (of 1662) and table prefixed; also revision of laws from pp. 1-256. From p. 257 to p. 336 appear reprints of session laws from Oct. 1750 to May 1768 incl., and original folio session laws from Oct. 1768 to May 1771. Parliamentary Acts reprinted [relating to American colonies and particularly to Connecticut. A bibliographic list of these Acts will be found in Albert Carlos Bates' " Connecticut Statute Laws," p. 109.] State (6) + 120 p. 4to. [Hartford], 1900. Acts and Laws (1784), of the State of Connecticut in America. Printed by Timothy Green. (1) +8 + 6 + (9) + 434 p. Folio. New London, 1784. Contains charter (of 1662) and Articles of Confederation, catalogue of Acts and table prefixed; also revision of laws from p. 1-264. On p. 265 is a reprint of a session law of Jan. 1784. Appended from p. 267 to end of volume, are original folio session laws to Oct. 1792 incl. (1786), printed by Elisha Babcock. Hartford, 1786. Prefixed are the charter (of 1662), Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, treaty of Paris (1784), followed by an edition of the revision of 1784, and reprints of session laws from May 1784 to May 1786 incl. Appended are original session laws from Oct. 1786 to Oct. 1789 incl. (1796), printed by Hudson and Goodwin. (15) 491 p. 8°. Hartford, 1796. Prefixed are the index, charter (of 1662), Declaration of Independence, and constitution of the United States, followed by a revision of the Acts and Laws (to p. 438) and subsequent original session laws to May 1798 incl. (1805), printed by Hudson and Goodwin. Hartford, 1805. Prefixed are the index, charter (of 1662), Declaration of Independence, and constitution of the United States, followed by a revision of the Acts and Laws (to p. 438) and subsequent original session laws to Oct. 1804 incl. System of Laws (1795), of the State of Connecticut, by Zephaniah Public Statute Laws (1808), published by authority. Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. In 2 books, 2 vols. [Compiled by J. Treadwell, E. Perkins, and T. Day. Contains prefixed, advertisement by compiler, with index and table, also charter (of 1662) and constitution of United States, with session laws.] 2 vols. "2 Books." 8°. Hartford, 1808. "Book 1" is a revision. xiv + (118) + 696 p. (1821), as revised and enacted in May 1821; to which are pre- xv + 512 p. 8°. Hartford, 1821. (1824), as revised and enacted in May 1821, with the Acts of the three subsequent sessions included. Prefixed are Declaration of Independence, and constitutions of United States and of Connecticut. Published by authority. [Compiled by Z. Swift, L. Whitman, and T. Day.] xii + 469 p. 8°. Hartford, 1824. (1826), passed since session of General Assembly of 1824. Published under direction of Secretary of State. Printed by H. Huntington, Jr. (1) + (1) + 473-502 p. 8°. Hartford, 1826. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1835), compiled [by_order] of General Assembly. Prefixed are Declaration of Independence, and constitutions of United States and of Connecticut. Published by authority. John B. Eldredge, printer. 1 leaf + 1-34 + 357–640 p. 8°. Hartford, 1835. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1837), [comprising] laws passed at May and December sessions 1836, and May session 1837; with errata, and some public Acts not included in edition of 1835. Published by authority. Printed by J. L. Boswell. 1 leaf3-109 + 1 leaf + i-viii p. 8°. Hartford, 1837. Shown in Albert Carlos Bates' "Connecticut Statute Laws." (1838), compiled. 717 p. 8°. Hartford, 1839. |