1911. Ohio Constitutional Convention. Law providing for fourth constitutional convention. By C. B. Galbreath. Published by order. 13 p. 8°. Columbus, 1911. Constitutions of Ohio (1787-[1911]). [Contains] amendments, and proposed amendments; [also] ordinance of 1787, Acts of Congress dividing Northwest Territory and creating state of Ohio, with historical data and historical introduction. By Isaac Franklin Patterson. 358 p. 8°. Front. and il. Cleveland, 1912. OKLAHOMA. HISTORICAL. 1803. Part of Louisiana Purchase; included in the original Indian Territory. 1890. Oklahoma Territory created by Act of Congress (Mar. 2); a small portion being taken from Texas. 1906. Act of Congress enabling formation of State government (June 16). 1907. Nov. 16, admitted as a State by proclamation of President. See Reports of the Governors of Oklahoma Territory; also U. S. Statutes at large. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Territory Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly." Session laws called "Session Laws.” State Title of legislative body: 1st Session, “Legislative Assembly." 1st Session, Dec. 2, 1907. viii+ 800 p. 8°. 2d Legislature, 1st Session, Jan. 5, 1909. xxiii +692 p. 8°. 2d Legislature, "Extraordinary Session," Jan. 20, 1910. xvii + 316 p. 3d Legislature, "Extraordinary Session," Nov. 28, 1910. p. 1-20. 3d Legislature, [Regular] Session, Jan. 3, 1911. p. 23-417. Bound in 1 vol. xxx + 439 p. 8°. Territory STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests). Adopted Code; containing statutes of Nebraska extending over territory of Oklahoma. By G. A. Brown. iii+(1)+91+"746–1021"+(8) p. 4to. Topeka, Kansas, 1890. Statutes of Oklahoma (1890); W. T. Little, L. G. Pitman and R. J. (1893); W. A. McCartney. J. H. Batty, J. M. Johnston. Guthrie, 1893. Revised and Annotated Statutes (1903); W. F. Wilson. 2 vols. 4to. Guthrie, 1903. State General Statutes (1908); Benedict Elder and W. L. Curtis. Published by authority. 1774 p. 4to. Kansas City, Mo., 1908. Kansas City, Mo., 1909. Compiled Laws (1909); Henry G. Snyder. Published by authority. xx+2063 p. 4to. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS, CONSTITUTIONS, ETC. Note. - The constitution at present in force in this state is that of Nov. 16, 1907. 1906. Proceedings of constitutional convention of proposed state of Oklahoma held at Guthrie, Nov. 20, 1906, to Nov. 16, 1907. 48673 p. 8°. Muskogee, N.D. Constitution and enabling Act, annotated. Approved June 16, 1906, with amendments thereto, approved Mar. 4, 1907; also constitution and ordinances as approved by the President of United States. Compiled by C. O. Bunn and W. C. Bunn. 195 p. 8°. Ardmore, 1907. 1906-7. Constitution, certificates, county boundaries, and election ordinances. 176 p. 8°. Proposed Constitution. 96 p. 8°. 80 p. 8°. Constitution; Senate Doc. No. 187, 60th congress, 1st session. Guthrie, [1907]. 1907. Washington, 1907. n.p. N.D. Kansas City, 1908. There have been none. (Oklahoma With notes. By H. G. Snyder. iv + 521 p. 8°. Constitution Amendments. State Library, Jan. 1, 1912.) OREGON. HISTORICAL. 1818. Prior to this time, district claimed by United States and by England. 1818. Convention with Great Britain. 1824. Convention with Russia. 1846. Treaty with Great Britain fixing boundary lines. 1848. Act of Congress creating territorial government (Aug. 14). 1853. Washington territory formed of northern half of Oregon. 1859. Act of Congress admitting to Union (Feb. 12).1 U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1482. Johnson's short history of Oregon. Chicago, 1904. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Territory Title of legislative body, "Legislative Assembly." Session laws called "General Laws," "Local Laws," and "Special Laws." State Title of legislative body, "Legislative Assembly." Session laws called "General Laws" and "Special Laws." |