Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]


STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes).

Laws of Territory [Binder's label "Kearny Code "] ("Leyes del territorio "). [Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearny's code of laws, dated September 22, 1846, comprising the organic law for the territory of New Mexico, and laws for the government thereof. In Spanish and English, parallel columns.] 115 p. 8°.

Santa Fe, October 7, 1846.

MS. memorandum prefixed, states these laws to have been "written by Col. Donophan and Hall.'

(1851), [including constitution of United States in Spanish; organic law in English and Spanish; Kearny's code in English and Spanish; and laws of 1st and 2d sessions in English and Spanish]. 442 + (1) p. 8°. Santa Fe, 1852. Revised Statutes (1856), [Binder's title "Revised Code "], [with] Declaration of Independence; constitution of United States; and organic law. By J. J. Deavenport. Published by authority. In English and Spanish. xv+563 p. 8°.

Santa Fe, 1856.

Revised Statutes and Laws (1865), [Binder's title "Compiled Laws"]. [Comprising laws] in force February 2, 1865. [Laws of 14th assembly, Dec. 1864 appended.] Published by authority. [In English and Spanish.]

856 p. 8°.

St. Louis, Mo., 1865.

Organic Act (1871), compiled by Coles Bashford. [Bound with compiled laws of Arizona, 1864-71, p. 14-19.]

In Social Law Library.

Albany, N. Y., 1871.

General Laws (1880), including all unrepealed general laws from "Kearney Code" in 1846 to the end of the session of 1880. Compiled by L. B. Prince. [In English.]

xii +603 p. 8°.

Albany, N. Y., 1880.

Compiled Laws (1884), including constitution of United States, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Gadsden treaty, Act organizing territory, organic Acts in force, Kearny code, and list of laws. [By] E. L. Bartlett, C. W. Greene, S. Valdez, commission. [In English and Spanish.]

xxiii 1736 p. 4to.

Santa Fe, 1885.

Practica de Testamentos; Pedro Murillo de Lorde [Velarde]. Continued in force so far as applicable by section 1365, Compiled Statutes, 1884.

In Department of Justice.


Local and Special Laws (1884), published in accordance with act approved April 3, 1884. [By] E. L. Bartlett, C. W. Greene, S. Valdez, commission. [In English and Spanish.] xxxiii+967 p. 4to.

Santa Fe, 1885. Compiled Laws (1884); Bartlett, Greene, and Valdez. [In English and Spanish.]


xxiii 1736 p. 4to.

In Social Law Library.

Topeka, 1885.

(1897), compiled in accordance with Act approved March 16,
1897. Including [the documents in compilation of 1884], and
laws enacted since that compilation. By J. P. Victory, E. L.
Bartlett, T. N. Wilkerson, commission. [In English.]
1159 p. 4to.

Code of Civil Procedure.

Santa Fe, 1897.

In Department of Justice.


Kanen's New Mexico Corporation Laws (1910), with rules and

forms. By Charles F. Kanen.

x +923 p. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

Santa Fe, 1910.

Note. The constitution at present in force in this state is that of 1910.


Memorial for admission into Union, and proposed constitution adopted by constitutional convention. Senate mis. doc. No. 121, 51st cong., 1st session. 22 p. 8°.

n.p. N.D.

Constitution adopted by constitutional convention held at Santa Fe,
Sept. 3, 1889; amended Aug. 18, 1890. With address to people.
56 p. 8°.
Santa Fe, N.D.


Proceedings of constitutional convention of the proposed state of New Mexico, held at Santa Fe, Oct. 3, 1910. 292 p. 8°.

Albuquerque, 1910. Constitution adopted by constitutional convention held at Santa Fe,

Oct. 3, 1910.

41 p. 8°.

n.t.p. n.p. N.D.

Constitution of New Mexico adopted by constitutional convention, Santa Fe, Nov. 21, 1910. House Doc. No. 1369, 61st cong., 3d session.

47 p. 8°.

41 p. 8°.

Washington, 1911.

n.t.p. n.p. N.D.

Annotated constitution comprising enabling Act approved June 20, 1910; constitution adopted by constitutional convention, Nov. 21, 1910, ratified by people, Jan. 21, 1910; and Act of Congress for admission to statehood, approved Aug. 21, 1911. A. G. Whittier, compiler and publisher.

174 p. 8°.

Santa Fe, (1911).

Enabling Act of Congress. Act to enable people of New Mexico. and Arizona to form state governments, and to be admitted to Union on proclamation of President. Approved June 20, 1910. (See United States Statutes at Large, Vol. 36, Part I, p. 557.)


Special Message of President [vetoing] House joint resolution, No. 14, to admit territories of New Mexico and Arizona as states. Dated August 15, 1911. House Doc. No. 106. [This message relates to Arizona only.]

10 p. 8°.

Washington, 1911.

Joint Resolution to admit territories of New Mexico and Arizona as states, upon proclamation of President, after they shall have complied with the conditions set forth in this joint resolution. Approved August 21, 1911. (Senate Journal resolution. 57, Pub. Doc.)



1524. Discovered by Giovanni da Verrazano for France.

1609. Champlain's battle with the Iroquois near Lake Champlain. Hendrik Hudson sailed into Hudson River and designated territory New Netherlands. (Dutch East India Co.)

1614. Grants by States General. (Documents relative to colonial history of New York. Vol. I, pp. 10-11.)

1621. Dutch West India Co. chartered.

1626. New Amsterdam (New York City) so named.

1628. "Patroon" system inaugurated.

1652. New Amsterdam incorporated by Dutch (New York City).

1664. New Amsterdam captured by the English under Nicolls and named New York.

Grant by Charles II to James, Duke of York.

1673. New York recaptured by the Dutch.

1674. New York restored to English by treaty with Holland. (Treaty of Westminster.)

2d grant by Charles II to James, Duke of York.

1683. Meeting of representatives of the people in New York City. 1686. New York City chartered; Albany chartered (Dongan charters). 1764. Order in council fixing boundary between New York and New Hampshire ("Boundaries of State of New York," Vol. 1, pp. 82, 83).

1765. Colonial convention to consider Stamp Act.

1774. Declaration of Rights signed and delegates chosen to continental


1776. Declaration of Independence ratified.

1777. April 20, State constitution adopted.

1788. Federal constitution ratified.

See also U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1328.


1664. Prior to this date the legislative body was a Director General and Council, which upon Dutch restoration in 1673 was continued to 1674.

First printed laws supposed to have been issued from the press of William Bradford, 1693. See Bulletin No. 7. New York Public Library (A. R. Hasse) New York, 1903, p. 51.

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