Imágenes de páginas

Revised Statutes (1899), revised and promulgated by 40th General Assembly, F. M. Wilson and others [committee]. 2 vols. 4to.

Jefferson City, 1899.

Annotated Statutes (1906), embracing general laws in force December 31, 1906. Arranged under headings; with.notes of decisions. By staff members of National Reporter System. 5 vols. 4to.

St. Paul, 1906.

Revised Statutes (1909), revised and promulgated by 45th General Assembly, J. C. Brown, Homer Hall, D. H. Harris, revision commission.

3 vols. 4to.

Jefferson City, N.D.

Annotated Code of Civil Procedure; Harrison Burns. [Binders' title "Burns' Annotated Practice Code."]

vii + 1426 p. 4to.

Kansas City, 1896.

In Social Law Library.


[merged small][ocr errors]

The constitution at present in force in this state is that of Nov. 30, 1875.


Journal of Missouri State convention. [Fac-simile reprint by Statute Law Book Co.] 48 p. 8°.

St. Louis, 1820.

Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1104, where it appears that the same was framed by a convention which met at St. Louis, June 12, 1820. It was ratified by the people at the ensuing election.


Constitution; in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1136, it is said that a constitution was framed by a convention which met at Jefferson City, Nov. 7, 1845, and adjourned Jan. 14, 1846. This constitution was rejected by the people.


Note. For ordinances of conventions, 1861-63, see ordinances of convention, 1863, post.

Journal and proceedings of state convention held at Jefferson City and St. Louis, Mar. 1861.

65 +269 p. 8°.

St. Louis, 1861.

Journal of state convention held at Jefferson City, July 1861, with

36136 p. 8°.

St. Louis, 1861.

Journal of State convention held at St. Louis, Oct. 1861, with


27 + (1) + 111 p. 8°.


St. Louis, 1861.

Ordinances passed at various sessions of state convention, 1861 and 1862. [With newspaper clipping.]

21+ (1) p. 8°.


St. Louis, 1862.

Journal of State convention [and ordinances] held at Jefferson City, June 1862, with proceedings.

51 +32 +253 p. 8°.


St. Louis, 1862.

Ordinances of convention (1861-63), amending constitution of 1820. For copies of these ordinances see United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1123, where it is said: "These ordinances were passed by a regularly convened state convention, which assembled at Jefferson City, Feb. 28, 1861, and adjourned Mar. 22, 1861; re-assembled July 22, 1861, and adjourned July 31; re-assembled Oct. 10, 1861, and adjourned Oct. 18; reassembled June 2, 1862, and adjourned June 14; re-assembled June 15, 1863, and adjourned sine die July 1, 1863."

Journal of State convention held at Jefferson City, June 1863, with proceedings.

54 +16+ (1) + 380 p. 8°.

Journal, Jan. 6 to Apr. 10, 1865. 287 p. 8°.


St. Louis, 1863.

St. Louis, 1865.

In Harvard Law School, also in New York Bar Association. Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1136, where it appears that the same was framed by a convention which met at St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1865. This constitution was ratified by the people.


Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1165, where it appears that the same was framed by a convention which met at Jefferson City, May, 1875. It was submitted to the people and ratified.

Constitution Amendments. "Twenty-two amendments have been adopted. . . by vote of the people, as follows: One in 1884, one in 1890, one in 1892, seven in 1900, eight in 1902, two in 1906, and two in 1908." (Missouri State Library, Jan. 1, 1912.)



1803. Part of Louisiana Purchase.

1848. Part of Oregon Territory. 1863. Part of Idaho Territory.

1864. Territory organized. (Part taken from Dakota.) 1889. Admitted as a State.

[blocks in formation]

Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly."

Session laws called "Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials."

Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly."

Session laws called "Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials."

[blocks in formation]

1st Assembly, Dec. 12, 1864. viii + 721 + xli p. 8°.

[Contains Private and Special Laws, p. 536.]


Bound in 1 vol. 278 +44 + (2) p. 8°.

2d Session, Mar. 5, 1866. 54 p. 8°. Fac-simile reprint.
3d Session, Nov. 5, 1866. 99 + (1) p:
4th Session, Nov. 4, 1867.
"Extraordinary" Session, Dec. 14, 1867.
5th Session, Dec. 7, 1868. 156 p. 8°.
6th Session, Dec. 6, 1869. vi + 163 p. 8°.
7th Session, Dec. 4, 1871. xviii+ 770 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

13th Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1883. 14th Regular Session, Jan. 12, 1885. 15th Regular Session, [Jan. 10, 1887].

viii + 221 p. 8°.
x + 251 p. 8°.

[In Compiled Statutes of 1887. Helena, 1888. 8°.]

Extraordinary Session, Aug. 29, 1887. 16th Regular Session, Jan. 14, 1889. State

vi + 122 p. 8°.
xii + 260 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]


STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes).

Revised Statutes, 1871-72. [Binder's label "Codified Statutes."] Passed at 7th session of legislative assembly; with constitution of U. S. and Acts organizing the territory. [Bound with “ Laws, Memorials, Resolutions," 7th session.]

xviii+770 p. 8°.

Deer Lodge, 1872.

(1879), enacted at 12th regular session; with constitution, revised
statutes and laws of the U. S. [Appended are laws of extra
session of 1879 and 12th regular session, 1881.]
xii+795+ (5) + 29+ viii+159 p. 8°.

(1881), supplemental edition.

xii+795 +27 +159 p. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

Helena, 1881.

Springfield, 1881.

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