MINNESOTA. HISTORICAL. Note. - The area included in the State was partly embraced in Northwest Territory (Virginia cession 1784), partly in Louisiana Purchase, 1803 (Louisiana Territory, 1805), and in whole or in part was successively included in the Territories of Indiana (1800), Illinois (1809), Missouri (1812), Michigan (1834), Wisconsin (1836), and Iowa (1838). 1849. Act of Congress creating the Territory of Minnesota (Mar. 3). 1857. Enabling Act for formation of a State government. 1858. Act of Congress admitting the State to the Union (May 11). U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1021. Folwell's "Minnesota" ("American Commonwealths "). Territory BIBLIOGRAPHY. Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly." State Title of legislative body "The Legislature." Session laws called "General Laws" and "Special Laws." SESSION LAWS. Territory 1st Assembly, 1st Session, Sept. 3, 1849. xxxvii +213 p. 8°. [2d] Session, Jan. 1, 1851, 53 p.) Bound in 1 vol. separate indexes. [3d] Session, Jan. 7, 1852, 78 p. 8°. [Contains reports of cases argued and determined in supreme court of the territory, July term, 1851 [by William Hollinshead]. With index, 43 p. St. Paul, 1851. See also Rev. Stats., St. Paul, 1851, passed at 2d session.] [Contains appendix and annual report.] 24th Session, Jan. 6, 1885. Special. xxvii + Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 581 p. 25th Session, Jan. 4, 1887. General. xxii + (1) + 456 + 78 p. 8°. [Contains appendix and annual report.] 25th Session, Jan. 26th Session, Jan. 4, 1887. Special. 90 p. 8°. 8, 1889. xxix + (1) + 1074 p. 8°. General. xxi + (1) + 602 + 77 + 26th Session, Jan. 27th Session, Jan. 27th Session, Jan. Special. 1138 p. 8°. 8, 1889. Special. xxxviii + (1) + 1258 8°. 8, 1891. General. 462 + 75 + 81 p. 8°. [Contains appendix and annual reports.] 8, 1891. p. 29th Session, Jan. 8, 1895. 30th Session, Jan. 5, 1897. [Contains appendix and annual reports; also "all special laws" and constitutional amendment prohibiting special legislation.] General. 922 p. 8°. General. xi + 752 p. 8°. [Contains appendixes.] 31st Session, Jan. 3, 1899. General. viii + 626 + 76 + 77 p. 8°. [Contains appendixes and annual reports.] 32d Session, Jan. 8, 1901. General. v + 812 p. 8°. [Contains appendixes.] Extra Session, Feb. 4, 1902. General. v +250 + (1) p. 8°. 33d Session, Jan. 6, 1903. General. 867+ (1) p. 8°. [Contains appendixes.] [Contains appendixes.] [Contains appendixes.] 34th Session, Jan. 3, 1905. General. 776 p. 8°. 35th Session, Jan. 8, 1907. General. xi + 932 p. 8°. [Contains appendix.] 36th Session, Jan. 8, 1909. 37th Session, Jan. 3, 1911. General. 872 p. 8°. Territory STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Laws of Wisconsin (1849). Republication of important general laws of Wisconsin, in force in territory of Minnesota, by provision of organic Act. [Appended to Acts, etc., of 1st legislative assembly of Minnesota, 1849, p. 105-160, p. 203-213.] Revised Statutes of Territory (1851), passed at 2d session of legislative assembly commencing January 1, 1851. Published by authority, under supervision of M. S. Wilkinson. xvi + 734 p. 4to. St. Paul, 1851. Collated Statutes of Territory (1853). Collated statutes and decisions of supreme court, pursuant to resolution of March 5, 1853. [By William Hollinshead and Isaac Atwater.] 19896 p. 4to. State St. Paul, 1853. Public Statutes (1849-58) of state. Moses Sherburne and William Hollinshead, commissioners. xliii+1071 p. 4to. St. Paul, 1859. Report of Commissioners (1866). Report of G. E. Cole and E. C. Palmer, commissioners appointed to revise the statutes [under] chap. 25, laws 1863, as amended. 40 p. pamph. 8°. St. Paul, 1866. General Statutes (1866), revised and passed at the session of 1866. Statutes at Large (1873), comprising the general statutes of 1866 as amended to 1873, [and] all laws of a general nature in force March 7, 1873; with decisions. A. H. Bissell, compiler. 2 vols. 4to. Chicago, 1873. Analytical Index (1849-75) to general and special laws of territory and state, from 1849-75. By J. C. Shaw, J. B. West, S. L. Pierce. 121 + (3) + 63 p. 8°. Hand-Book to General Statutes of 1866; Teeple. In New York Bar Association. St. Paul, 1876. 1877. General Statutes (1879), as amended, with general laws in force 1878; prepared by George B. Young under laws of 1878 and 1879. xvi + 1031 + 186 p. 8°. 2d ed. George B. Young. xii + 186 p. 8°. In Social Law Library. St. Paul, 1879. St. Paul, 1880. |