Statutes Construed - Continued. (1878); W. H. Underwood; with notes, etc., by R. A. Halbert and E. M. Haines. ix + (1) +1401 + (3) + xxv p. 4to. In Social Law Library. St. Louis, 1878. Springfield, 1845. Revised Statutes (1844-45), with appendix by M. Brayman. xvi + 749 p. 8°. (1874.) viii+1235 p. 8°. Springfield, 1874. In Social Law Library. (1877.) xii + 1167 p. 8°. Chicago, 1877. In Social Law Library. (1895); G. W. Cothran. 8th rev. ed. [Styled "Myers author ized edition."] Revised Statutes, Annotated from revision of 1874 to 1880. By George W. Cothran. xi 1810 p. 12mo. In Social Law Library. (1883), laws in force, 4th ed. Chicago, 1880. Chicago, 1883. Annotated Statutes in force Jan. 1, 1885. By Starr and Curtis. 2 vols. 4to. Supplement (1885-87); Starr and Curtis. Chicago, 1885. Chicago, 1887. Vol. 3. 4to. In Department of Justice, also in New York Bar Association. Supplement (1885-92); Starr and Curtis. [Binder's label. Vol. 3.] xxii + 1480 p. 4to. Chicago, 1892. Chicago, 1896. Supplement (1902) to Starr and Curtis. By Jones and Adding ton. In force July 1902. [Binder's label, Vol. 4.] In Harvard Law School, also in Department of Justice. (1880); Harvey B. Hurd. xvi + 1244 p. 4to. (1882); Harvey B. Hurd. In Harvard Law School. Chicago, 1880. Chicago, 1882. 1 In Social Law Library. The constitution at present in force in this state is that of 1870. 1818. Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part I, p. 439. 1848. Journal of Convention assembled at Springfield, June 7, 1847 for the purpose of ordering, amending, or revising the constitution. Published by authority of the convention. 592 p. 8°. Springfield, 1847. Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part I, p. 449. Debates and proceedings; convention convened at Springfield, Dec. 13, 1869. 2 vols. 4to. Springfield, 1870. Constitution adopted May 13, 1870; ratified by the people July 2, 1870; in force Aug. 8, 1870. Amended 1878, 1880, 1884, 1886,* and 1890. With annotations by C. W. Tooke. Printed by order of secretary of state. 58 p. 8°. Springfield, 1899. New Constitution; Lex-legum. The new constitution ratified by the people July 2, 1870, with proclamation. Presented by Sanjamo Insurance Co. 31 p. 8°. Chicago, 1870. Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part I, p. 470, where it appears that the same was adopted May 13, 1870 and ratified by the people July 2, 1870. Adopted and ratified in 1870 and amended in 1877; with proclamation. 54+ (4) p. 8°. Springfield, 1879. [Prefixed is an historical account of the constitutions of Illinois.] 58 p. 8°. Springfield, 1900. Constitution Amendments. This constitution has been amended as follows: Art. IV, sec. 31 ratified Nov. 1878; Art. X, sec. 8 ratified Nov. 1880; Art. V, sec. 16 ratified Nov. 1884; Art. amendments," sec. 1, ratified Nov. 1886; Art. IX, sec. 13 ratified Nov. 1890. (Illinois State Library, Jan. 18, 1912.) 1887. Constitutional Conventions; history, powers and modes of proceedings. By J. A. Jameson. 4th ed. xxix+684 p. 8°. Chicago, 1887. INDIAN TERRITORY. Not a "Territory" in the formal sense, but a body of land under the jurisdiction of Congress. No legislative Assembly or local head. No session laws. HISTORICAL. 1803. Part of Louisiana Purchase. 1834. Settlement of "The Five Civilized Tribes." The Five Civilized Tribes." (See Indians, Treaties, etc., post.) 1893. The Dawes Commission. 1897. Extension of Federal judicial system over the district. 1898. The Curtis Act, providing for tribal local government. STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Annotated Statutes; "embracing all laws of a general and permanent character in force at the close of the 2d session, of the 55th Congress." By Dorset Carter. lxxxiii+1149 p. 4to. St. Paul, 1899. |