Sessions, 1809-11. Bulletin Ill. Hist. Library, Vol. I, No. 2, June 1, 1906. xiv +34 p. 8°. 4th Session, 1815-16. Kaskaskia, 1816. 84+ iii p. 12mo. [Reprint of 1898.] 5th Session, 1816-17. Kaskaskia, 1817. 60 p. 8°. [Reprint of 1898.] 6th Session, 1817-18. Kaskaskia, 1818. 104 p. 8°. State [Reprint of 1898.] 1st Assembly, 1st Session, Oct. 1818. (No laws enacted.) 1st Assembly, 2d Session, [Jan.?] 1819. [Public and Private.] 387 + 58 +2 +22 p. 8°. 2d Assembly, 1st Session, Dec. 1820. 19+ (1) p. 8°. 3d Assembly, 1st Session, Dec. 1822. +17 +3 p. 8°. 4th Assembly, 1st Session, Nov. 1824. 4th Assembly, 2d Session, Jan. 1826. and Private.] 109 p. [Public and Private.] 188 + [Public and Private.] 232 [Public and Private.] 199 p. 8°. [Public 5th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1826. Private. 48 + (1) p. 5th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1826. Public. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. [Contained in "Revised Code of Laws" Vandalia, 1827.] 6th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1828. Public. [Contained in "Revised Code of Laws" Cincinnati, 1829.] 7th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1830. [Public and Private.] 217 p. 8°. 8th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1832. Public. [Contained in "Revised Laws," Vandalia, 1833.] 8th Assembly, 1st Session, Dec. 1832. 9th Assembly, 1st Session, Dec. 1834. (1) p. 8°. 9th Assembly, 2d Session, Dec. 1835. 10th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1836. xvi p. 8°. Private. 212 + 6 + (1) p. 8°. [Public and Private.] 259 + [Public and Private.] 296 p. 8°. [Public and Private.] 350 + 10th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1836. 344 + xxi p. 8°. [Incorporation Laws.] 10th Assembly, Special Session, July 1837. [Public and Private.] 125 +vi + (1) p. 8°. 11th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1838. [Public and Private.] 317 + xv p. 8°. 11th Assembly, Special Session, Dec. 1839. [Public and Private.] 156 +(1) + xxxii p. 8°. 12th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1840. [Public and Private.] 359 + xxxiv p. 8°. 13th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1842. [Public and Private.] 339 + (1) + lxv p. 8°. 14th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1844. [Public and Private.] 384 + lx p. 8°. 15th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1846. Public. 235 + xvii p. 15th Assembly, [1st Session], Dec. 1846. Private. 220+ ix p. 16th Assembly, 1st Session, Jan. 1849. 16th Assembly, 1st Session, Jan. 1849. 16th Assembly, 2d Session, Oct. 1849. Private.] 56+ v p. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 17th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1851. 208 + xix p. 17th Assembly, 1st Session, Jan. 1851. 326 + lxiv p. Public. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Private. 17th Assembly, 2d Session, June 1852. [Public and Private.] 268 + xvi p. 8°. 18th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1853. eral." 282 + xvii p. "Gen 18th Assembly, 1st Session, Jan. 1853. Private. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 618+ (1) viii + liii p. 18th Assembly, 2d Session, Feb. 1854. [Public and Private.] 259 + vii p. 8°. 19th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1855. Public. 19th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1855. Private. 200+ xiii p. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 22d Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1861. Public. 23d Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1863. Public. 86+ iv + 111 + Private. 2 vols. 8°. viii + 205 + 99 + 24th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1865. Private. 3 vols. 8°. Public. xvi + 434 p. 8°. 28th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1873. Public. Bound in 1 vol. xiv + 800 + vii p. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. x + vii + 118 + ii p. 8°. 29th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1875. [Journals of the House of Representatives and of the Senate, and Public Laws, bound in 1 vol. 130+ xvii +84 + viii + 16 p. 8°.] 33d Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1883. 34th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1885. 35th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1887. 36th Assembly, [1st Session], Jan. 1889. 36th Assembly, Extra Session, July 1890. v + 192 + iv + (1) p. 8°. x 239 p. 8°. + vii + 205 p. 8°. [Journals of the House of Representatives and of the Senate and Public Laws, bound in 1 vol. 64 + xvii + 42 + viii+11 + 10 p. 8°.] 37th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1891. 38th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1893. 39th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1895. xi + 350 p. 39th Assembly, Extra Session, June 1895. 13 p. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 40th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1897. xii +336 p. 8°. 40th Assembly, Extra Session, Dec. 1897. 63 p. 8°. 41st Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1899. 45th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session. Jan. 1907. xvi + 605 p. v + 112 p. 45th Assembly, Adjourned Session, Oct. 1907. xii+ 424 p. 8°. xi +387 p. 8°. xiii + 381 p. 8°. xiii + 428 p. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. xv+469 p. 8°. xvi + 605 p. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 46th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1909. xvi + 517 p. 8°. 46th Assembly, Special Session, Dec. 1909. iv + 98 p. 8°. 47th Assembly, Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1911. xvi + 576 p. 8°. Territory STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Revision of Laws of Indiana Territory including Illinois Territory. By Jones and Johnson. (1) + xxviii p. 8°. Vincennes, 1807. In Department of Justice, also in Harvard Law School. Laws of Territory, revised and digested by Nathaniel Pope. Vol. 2. 8°. In Harvard Law School. Revised Laws (1819). In New York Bar Association. State Revised Code of Laws (1827). iv + 406 p. 8°. Kaskaskia, 1815. 1819. Vandalia, 1827. (1828), published by Alexander F. Grant & Co., Shawneetown, Ill. Printed by L'Hommedieu & Hammond. 278 p. 8°. Revised Laws (1833). v +677 + (40) p. 8°. Cincinnati, 1829. Vandalia, 1833. Incorporation Laws passed at the [10th Assembly] Dec. 1836. 344+ xxi p. 8°. Vandalia, 1837. Public and General Statute Laws (1837), published by Stephen F. Gale. iv 743 p. 8°. Chicago, 1839. Real Estate Statutes (1849), N. H. Purple. Compiled Statutes (1856), N. H. Purple. xl + 285 p. 8°. vi +555+ (1) p. 8°. In Social Law Library. 2 parts, 2 vols. 8°. Digest of the Criminal Laws (1818-68), Eugene L. Gross. Statutes in force Dec. 1, 1857. Compiled by Treat, Scates, and Blackwell. [Cooke's edition.] Quincy, 1849. Chicago, 1856. Springfield, 1868. 2 vols. 4to. Treat, Scates, and Blackwell, to 1861. 1 vol. in 2. 4to. Chicago, 1858. Chicago, 1862. Chicago, 1866. In Harvard Law School; also in New York Bar Association. (1866); Treat, Scates, and Blackwell. 3 vols. 4to. In Social Law Library. Index to Statutes (1869); Gross. 1869. In New York Bar Association. Statutes (1818-69); Eugene L. Gross 3d ed. [Being "Vol. 1" of a set.]1 "Vol. 1." 4to. Springfield, 1870. (1818-72); Eugene L. Gross and Wm. L. Gross. [Acts of 1871 and 1872. Being "Vol. 2 " of a set.]1 66 'Vol. 2." 4to. Springfield, 1873. (1818-74); Wm. L. Gross, 2d ed. [Acts of 1873-74. Being "Vol. 3" of a set.]1 "Vol. 3." 4to. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Statutes Construed (1873-75); W. H. Underwood. Springfield, 1874. 1873-75. In Department of Justice; also in New York Bar Association. 1 One set, 3 vols. |