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gers jettassent en France de plus grandes racines, aussy ne permette elle pas qu'en ce nouveau fleuron de la couronne, ils y prennent pié. Il semble jusques icy, que Dieu a eu aggréable de reserver à Vostre Eminence l'exécution de tous les desirs et souhaits de la France, voire mesme pour le regard de la nouvelle. On demandait autrefois avec tant d'ardeur l'expulsion des huguenots qui tenaient le milieu de ces terres; sans Vostre Eminence, qui a pour ce sujet sacrifié ses propres intérests, la chose serait encore à faire, au grand préjudice du bien de ce pays: je tiens pour assuré, que de cent ans d'icy, et peut-estre jamais, nous ne nous voirons quittes de ces autres ennemis de Dieu et de l'Estat, si Vostre Eminence ne met la main à cet ouvrage. Peut estre que les advantages que l'on feroit à quelque particulier assisté de vos faveurs, Monseigneur, et de l'autorité de sa Majesté, leveroient bien des difficultés, qui se pouront rencontrer en ce dessein; mais il nous suffit pour en bien espérer que Vostre Eminence l'ayt agréé. J'espère, Monseigneur, que vous me pardonnerez cette liberté; mais je m'assure que Vostre Eminence le feroit encore plus volontiers, si elle pouvait connoistre l'inclination et l'affection avec laquelle [nous] touts tant qui sommes icy de nostre Compagnie, souhaitons et demandons à Dieu la conservation, et le comble de tant de bénédictions que son infinie liberalité a versé sur elle, mais moy particulièrement qui suis,


Les Hurons en la Nouvelle-
France, ce 28 de mars 1640.

Vostre tres humble, tres obeissant, e très obligé serviteur selon Dieu. Hierosme LALEMANT,

de la Compagnie de Jésus.

eigners to take deeper root in France, so you will not permit them to gain a foothold in this new jewel of the crown? It would seem that, hitherto, God has been pleased to reserve to Your Eminence the execution of all the desires and wishes of France, even as regards new France. Some time ago, the expulsion of the Huguenots, who occupied the midst of these lands, was so eagerly desired; without Your Eminence, who for this object sacrificed your own interests," the thing would still remain to be done, to the great detriment of the welfare of this country. I regard it as certain, that not for a hundred years hence, and perhaps never, shall we see ourselves rid of these other enemies of God and of the State, if Your Eminence do not put your hand to this work. Perhaps the advantages that might accrue to some individual assisted by your favors, Monseigneur, and by the authority of his Majesty, would remove many of the difficulties that may be encountered in this plan; but it is enough for us to hope that it may be acceptable to Your Eminence. I trust, Monseigneur, that you will pardon me this liberty, but I am sure that Your Eminence would do so still more willingly if you could know the interest and affection with which all of our Society who are here desire, and request from God, the continuance and the plenitude of the many blessings that his infinite liberality has poured out upon you,- but especially I, who am,


The Hurons, New France, this 28th of March, 1640.

Your most humble, most obedient, and most obliged servant in God, Hierosme LALEMANT, of the Society of Jesus.

Epistola Patris Hieronymi Lalemant, Superioris Missionis Huronensis, ad Reverendissimum Patrem Mutium Vitelleschi, Præpositum Generalem Societatis Jesu, Romæ.


ISSIONES habuimus 5 in his huronum regio

nibus: amplius quam 10,000 barbaris prædicantium Evangelium, idq. singulis eorum familiis. Linguam habebamus et ipsi aures. Deo in quibusdem occasionibus ministri defectum supplente, et tamen dum sani corpore fuerunt, non audierunt: placuit igitur Deo aures vellere per quoddam pestilentiæ genus, quod universam regionem pervasit et plures sepulchro addixit, verum nihilo meliores facti sunt, immo solito amplius exacerbati, in nos tanquam in autores oium suorum malorum conversi sunt: nescio quibus nos calumniis non oppresserunt, ventum ad minas, ad infestationem, ad privata et generalia de internecione nostra consilia, ad verbera denique sed levia et nondum sanguine multo tincta; aliquid amplius nisi Deus aliter statuat, prima occasione suspicamur et speramus. Certe mirari satis non possumus quod nunc etiam vivimus; nam præterquam quod sine ullo milite, aut loci præsidio hic sumus, cum ne una quidem frumenti pa

Letter from Father Jerome Lalemant, Superior of the Huron Mission, to the Very Reverend Father Mutio Vitelleschi, General of the Society of Jesus, at Rome.


E have had 5 Missions in these regions of the Hurons,― preaching the Gospel to more than 10,000 barbarians, and that to their several families. We had the tongue, and they themselves the ears,- God on certain occasions supplying the want of a minister,- and yet, while they were sound in body, they did not hear; it therefore pleased God to pull their ears through a certain kind of pestilence, which spread over the whole country, and adjudged many to the grave. Nevertheless, they have become nowise better,-nay, they are even more incensed at us than usual, and have turned upon us as if we were the authors of all their troubles. I know not with what calumnies they have not loaded us; they have come to threats, to hostility, to private and public councils respecting our slaughter, and finally to blows,- but light ones, and not yet stained with much blood. We suspect and look for something further, on the first occasion, unless God determine otherwise. Certainly, we cannot suffi ciently wonder that we are even now alive; forbesides the fact that we are here without any soldier or local defense,- since we have not even a grain of

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trii granum nisi barbaris illis vendentibus habeamus, ne sine ipsis ab ullo aut ulla ratione habere hactenus potuerimus, facillimum erat ipsis, et nunc adhuc est vel ex condicto victum negando, eoque tendere visi sunt pervenire: et tamen quæ fuit erga nos Dei providentia, nec nobis, nec domesticis nostris 27 scilicet capitibus, nihil quicquam defuit eorum quæ his in locis ad victum et vestitum sunt usui immo et viliori pretio oia nobis quam indigenis ipsis, abunde suppeditata.

Cæterum nequicquam fremente dæmone, ex moribundis baptisati plus 1000, inter quos infantes plurimi vitam infelicem felici morte prævenerunt. Istud nos feliciter dicam, an infeliciter fefellet, cum enim non exiguos nascentis ecclesiæ nostræ progressus hoc anno speraremus, ecclesiam quidem nova prole fœcundavimus, sed non eam quam intendebamus, de militanti enim erat cogitatio nostra, et providit Deus triumphanti. Is enim fuit his temporibus persecutionis turbo ut non tantum nulla facta fuerit ad militantem nostram ecclesiam accessio, verum etiam congregatam illam superiore anno, pene omnino dispersarit et aboleverit: suspicamur eum forte ordinem esse in decretis Dei, et per triumphantem barbarorum nostrorum ecclesiam, militans hæc statuatur; Dominus est, quod bonum est in oculis suis faciat; certe semen nobis reliquit, sed exiguum illud et tenue, capita tria vel quatuor familiarum, anus aliquot semen omnino sinapis dicas, aut fermentum illud

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