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"But it is not the same color as the grass!" He turned to them reproachfully. "You said that this was green," he exclaimed, holding out the blades of grass to them, "and now you say that that is green!" He pointed to the pinetree. "You are deceiving me," he said bitterly. "I am a blind man and have never seen before. You are mocking


Said they: "The grass and the pine-tree are both green. There are varieties of green. There is light green and dark green, the green of grass and the green of the pine-tree; there is green that is almost yellow, and green like blue and green like black. There is the green of holly leaves and ivy, and the green of corn and wheat. There is the green of young leaves in spring and the green of old leaves in autumn. There is not one green, but many kinds of green."

"And are all things like that?" he asked.

"All things are like that," they replied. "Then, indeed, it were better for me that I had remained blind. How shall I find my way through the world, when I must stop to learn all these things about one thing? When I have learned green I must learn blue, and when I have learned blue I must learn red. When I know the pine-tree I must learn to know the oak and the ash and the willow. am too old to learn all these things. do not want my sight. I wish to be blind again. I was happy when I was blind. I could move about without fear. My stick tapping on the ground enabled me to find my way. I am not happy without my stick.""




They left the blind man, and told him he must learn to walk by himself. besought them not to leave him, and moaned piteously when they said they must go. "We have much to do," they said. "You must learn to stand by yourself, so that you may come and help us." "I shall never be able to help," he said. "I shall never cease to be afraid."

When they had gone he sat down on the ground, and was filled with despair. The clouds passing swiftly over his head caused him to tremble lest they should fall out of the sky and overwhelm him in disaster. He sat for a long time, looking about him, and then said to himself, "I will try to walk." He raised himself slowly and fearfully from the ground and stood up. He became dizzy and swayed a little. "I shall fall down," he said to himself. But tho he swayed a little and his legs rocked, he did not fall. moved, and then, his voice being tremulous, said, "I can walk a step, I can walk!" He moved quickly, and fell. "I knew," he said ruefully and he rubbed himself where he had been bruised. "I knew that I should fall!" And he declared that he would walk no more. But after


a while he said he would try again, and he walked a long way until he came to the end of the field where a hedge was. "I can walk!" he said joyfully. "I can walk! I can walk!" He turned to walk back again, and when he had gone part of the way, he said, "I will run!" And he ran, but so quickly that he could not stop, and he collided with the hedge, and was torn by the thorns. "I will walk," he said, "but I will not run."

After he had walked and had run and had leaped, and could go about the earth like other men, he came to the town and walked through the street in which his sight had come to him. And he was not afraid. He walked easily. "It is almost," he said, "as if I were blind again!"


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