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against the system of collective murders and pillages which Germany calls war, and against the insolent domination of a military caste, which let loose this scourge of the world, France, an emancipator and an avenger, rose with her allies at a bound."

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How Premier Viviani Reads the Immediate Future.

FINAL victory has not yet come to France, admitted

Premier Viviani. Until then, he confessed, the task will be a hard one. "Let us steel our wills and our courage to this end. Heir as she is to the most formidable burden of glory any people has to bear, France agrees in advance to any sacrifice." The allies know it, he insisted, and the neutral nations know it. Germany professed at first to be in doubt respecting the sympathies of the neutral powers, but her eyes have been opened. "She is also realizing once again that the French Parliament, after more than five months of war, has renewed before the world the spectacle it presented on the day when, in the name of the nation, it took up the challenge." To secure victory, however, the heroism of the troops of France will not alone suffice. There must be union within, a union which now exists and which will be maintained:

"To-day as yesterday and as to-morrow, let us have but one cry: Victory! but one vision: Our Country! and, but one ideal: Right! It is for these that we are striving. By our sides Belgium, which has given for those ideals all the blood in her veins, unshakable Britain, loyal Russia, intrepid Servia and the daring Japanese navy. If this war is the most gigantic in history it is not because peoples are flying at each other's throats to win territories and markets, an aggrandizement of material life or political and economic advantages. It is because they are in conflict to settle the destiny of the world. Nothing greater has ever been shown before the eyes of men. Against barbarism and despotism, against the system of methodical provocation and threat which Germany calls peace,

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The French Government in Its Official Home.

ONFIRMING by the mere circumstance of its appearance in Paris the determination of the Viviani ministry to deem "the danger of assault upon the capital finally removed," and hence the first great object of German strategy permanently foiled, the chamber of deputies is an object lesson to the Emperor in Berlin, opines the London Telegraph. "That is the prime significance of the coming together of the national legislature in the ancient heart of France.". Had it been foretold to the makers of war in Germany, adds the British organ, that more than five months after the end of peace the whole machinery of the French State would be performing its functions in an unthreatened Paris, the prophecy would have been "scouted as a madman's dream." That, nevertheless, is the situation today. The fact reminds the English newspaper once more of what it calls "the total ruin which has overtaken the whole fabric of calculation on the strength of which the German club was raised." Premier Viviani, we read too, is the head of an administration which has no parallel in French history-an executive body in the organization of which all the domestic quarrels of republican France are reconciled and which is supported even by those Frenchmen who have no love for the republic. The impression of the opposition organ is confirmed from another point of view by the radical London Chronicle thus:

"If Germany has lost her soul in this war, France has found hers. Nowhere, least of all in Germany, was it thought that France had such inexhaustible reserves of moral strength as she is now proved to possess. The war has revealed to the world a new France, regenerated, purged of dross, virile, enduring, capable of any sacrifice. To Germany that revelation has come as a terribly disagreeable surprise. German writers were never weary of expatiating on French decadence. They have had a rude awakening. Just as the German General Staff by its invasion of Belgium showed its incapacity to measure the soul of a people, so German professors and politicians, in their disdain and scorn for France, proved that they were incapable of distinguishing between essentials and nonessentials-between, for example, the frothy declamation of warring politicians and the strong heart of France."


France Corrects a German Impression.

ERMANY has of late cherished an impression that France might be won over to a plan for peace in the near future, declares the Homme enchaîné, inspired by the great Clemenceau. Premier Viviani aimed particularly at removing Berlin misconception on this head. His oration was an echo at least in part of the statement at the Guildhall in London last November by Prime Minister Asquith. "We shall never sheath the sword," the English statesman said then, "until Belgium recovers in full measure all and more than all that she has sacrificed, until France is adequately secured against the menace of aggression, until the rights of the smaller nationalities of Europe are placed upon an unasssailable foundation and until the military domination of Prussia

is wholly and finally destroyed." So marked an identity of language in these declarations seems to the Paris Débats much more than coincidence. French newspapers of weight and responsibility agree that the Viviani echo of Asquith was for Germany's benefit particularly and it reflects the determination of the French. The monarchical Gaulois agrees upon that perfectly with the socialist Humanité. The chagrin of Berlin, says the Figaro, is unmistakable. If anything could make the Germans pause, notes the London Westminster Gazette, "it should be that this declaration could be made after five months of war in the parliament house of the capital they confidently reckoned upon having securely in their hands within three months."


German Doubts of French Endurance. IRM as is the tone of French statesmen and of French newspapers in hurling fresh defiance at Berlin, the opinion prevails in Germany that all this is but a manifestation of a French mood, a display of what the Berlin Post deems the histrionic temperament. It is beyond all doubt, says the Cologne Stadtanzeiger, that a majority of the French believe Emperor William mainly responsible for the war, and they feel sure that the German army has invaded its neighbors' territories through a wish for plunder. Fortunately, explains the

Berlin says the latest French report is "pure fiction." Don't believe it. Never knew any pure fiction to come out of Paris. -Nashville American.


Cologne paper, such "misconceptions" are really of brief duration. It believes that the truth will yet become obvious to the French people. They are all too excited at present against Germany and all things German to be able to weigh the evidence in the case in a frame of mind that can be deemed judicial.

"A desire to put an end to the struggle will not be long in arising in the French and the decision at which they have arrived not to conclude peace except in common with England and with Russia will be abandoned as they grow aware of the purpose of the allies to sacrifice France.

"The middle-class Frenchman, having as his supreme desire a life of contentment and of the satisfaction of his desire for comfort, will not be able to support much longer the sacrifice of his ease, especially when the prospect opens of a loss of that ease for good.

"He will have but one thought, but one resource-to open negotiations for peace with ourselves. We shall approach that question with all essential firmness, but we shall be able at the same time to demonstrate to the French people that we are not a horde of brigands, as the government in Paris, with the support of the newspapers it is able to inspire, pretends.

"The French people will realize in the end that we have crossed their frontiers with no desire for making conquests and that we do not understand warfare after the fashion of Louis XIV. and Bonaparte. So when the time comes the French will experience surprise after surprise."

The papers say that more 'German soldiers are dying from disease than from bullets. But neither of them can hope to kill off as many as the Petrograd news bureau.-Southern Lumberman.



AT NO time since the loss of the temporal power has

the Vatican been so assiduously courted by the foreign offices of Europe, laments the Socialist Berlin Vorwärts, a suggestion prompted by the satisfaction of the Osservatore Romane at the resumption of diplomatic relations between England and the Holy See. These relations were severed generations ago. They are resumed, avers the Berlin Vossische Zeitung, largely because Sir Edward Grey is eager to neutralize the efforts of extreme patriots in Ireland, where a strongly seditious movement is undergoing suppression. There exists an additional motive, notes the Berlin paper, in the hint conveyed recently by Premier Salandra that Italy may soon cease to be a neutral. The tremendous earthquake will not, the despatches say, affect the foreign policy of Italy in the least, whatever may be thought of it at home. What if by any chance the Quirinal decided not to fight with the Allies? The British ambassador in Rome must then be withdrawn. The presence of an envoy from England to the Vatican would provide Sir Edward Grey with facilities for the system of espionage which is such an essential instrument of his work as foreign minister in London. Protected by the Italian law guaranteeing the inviolability of the Vatican, Sir Henry Howard can be as useful to his country as tho accredited to the Quirinal itself.

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Premier Viviani is alleged to have told London unofficially that the government of republican France, in view of the recent separation of Church and State, could not send anyone to the Vatican. It was highly inconvenient, in view of Prussian pressure upon His Holiness, to leave the Allies without a spokesman at the court of Benedict XV. Indeed, it is mainly for the sake of counteracting the influence of Germany, according to the Milan Perseveranza, that Sir Henry Howard is appearing in Rome. Berlin will now insist that Turkey send her envoy to the Vatican, a suggestion politely evaded by the pontifical secretary of state, lest France take offense. France has in the past set great store by the protection she accorded Roman Catholic missions in the Orient and developments at the Vatican have stirred the press of Paris to comment. The Débats, for instance, ob


"The English have always feared that in case of war the Irish would rebel in order to be revenged at last for secular persecution. That was one of the main reasons for the opposition to Home Rule. It was, too, in these latter days, the hope of Germany, which has maintained in Ireland very active agents. Nor was it one of the least of the disillusionments of William II. to see the Irish join the combination against him at the beginning of August. He was convinced, and his agents had confirmed him in the opinion, that civil war would surely break out in the British Isles. English, Scotch and Orangemen did instant justice to Irish loyalty. Their leaders declared in Parliament that after what had just been witnessed, there could no longer be any question regarding Ireland. It is certain, indeed, that after the war the question of Home Rule will settle itself. The union of Ireland and of Great


Britain is henceforth cemented by the blood they have shed in common.

"Nothing, moreover, could be more pleasing to the Irish than the coming together, be it only temporary, of the London cabinet and the Vatican. The Irish had no need of encouragement to fight hard, for they have always been splendid soldiers. But now they will feel more enthusiasm and more devotion. Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey and their colleags have effected at a stroke a master-play and good deed.”


Ireland Not Pacified
by the Pope.


the screen of the military, censorship. There may be a change in the office of Lord Lieutenant this month. The Home Rule followers of Mr. John Redmond have vehemently repudiated Sir Roger Casement "and all his works." They deny that Sir Roger has the least right to speak in the name of the Home Rulers. "Sir Roger Casement, so far as we know anything at all about him, is one of a small minority which is trying to wreck the constitutional movement in Ireland.'

What the Pope May Do in Ireland.

RELAND has by no means subdued her nationalist SYSTEMATIC as have been the efforts of the Engspirit as a result of the appearance of an English envoy at the Vatican. There was a great outpouring of the masses in Dublin a few weeks ago to protest against the suppression of certain Irish papers which are charged with inciting to sedition. The daily Ireland, which supported the Sinn Fein movement, had to suspend its appearance owing to the action of the military authorities. Dublin extremists, especially the Irish who faith in John Redmond, are agitated by the episode involving Sir Roger Casement. This gentleman, who has held responsible positions under the British government, had an interview in Berlin-or so the story goes-with a German diplomatist on the subject of Irish freedom. Official Berlin was highly interested in Sir Roger, assuring him that if an army corps from the Fatherland trod Irish soil soon, the forces would appear in the capacity of liberators of an oppressed people. Sir Roger is reported to have been delighted with the assurance, after which he proceeded in the direction of the United States. There has been a fierce controversy in consequence between the liberal London News and the conservative London Post. The former accuses the latter of "dividing the nation" and of breaking the political truce between parties in England. The definite fact in this discussion is that events of great importance are taking place in Ireland behind

Maybe Mexico's object in life is to make the United States appreciate Canada as a neighbor.-Toledo Blade.

lish to conceal the fact, the seditious movement in Ireland grows constantly, affirms the Berlin Kreuz-Zeitung. German dailies have sources of information respecting events in Ireland which are denied to the English, suspects the London Post. It insists that Dublin, Cork and Belfast are filled with German spies and that German money supports the extremists who repudiate John Redmond. Such, in outline, is the crisis which Sir Henry Howard will submit to the pontifical secretary of state, to follow one report in the Berlin Vossische. London hopes the priests in Ireland will cease to stand apart. The influence of the Pope is to be used to that end, if the English envoy be sufficiently persuasive. For the time being, as the London Post puts it, "Anti-British Irishmen continue to preach proGermanism under the guise of Irish patriotism in the streets of Dublin." The organs of this movement have been suppressed all over Ireland, especially Irish Freedom and Sinn Fein, while the solidly respectable dailies, acting upon hints from the military authorities, now in supreme control, have closed their columns against "seditious" speeches. London organs hint that the enemies of John Redmond in Ireland receive German subsidies by way of America. The money is remitted from the United States, but its place of origin is said to be Berlin.

A first-class country with a second-class navy is like a bank without a safe.-Phila. Ledger.


spiritual metropolis of that faith. It is therefore highly
astute, it thinks, for Great Britain to refrain from the
annexation of Egypt, as some propose, and to set up,
instead, a Sultan who may become the logical com-
mander of the faithful when the city of Constantinople
is no longer held by the Turk.

The British Vassal on the
Throne of Egypt.

GYPT has now passed from the sway of a Khedive to that of a Sultan. The country itself ceases officially to be a dependency of Turkey. No more tribute will be paid. The British protectorate becomes henceforth formal as well as actual. Hussein Kamel Pasha, eldest living prince of the line of the great Mehemet Ali, reigns in Cairo. Abbas II., Khedive of Egypt for nearly twenty years, was last heard of in the neighborhood of Vienna. He is accused by the English of having aided the expedition which, under Enver Pasha, ENGLAND has a warm admirer in Sultan Hussein, was to have invaded Egypt some weeks ago. Arrangements were actually made with the German embassy in Constantinople for his presence with a military expedition that was to have crossed the frontier of Egypt to effect the delivery of the land from the English. Turkish diplomatists have sent a protest to the neutral powers against the Khedive's expulsion. When the house of Osman is driven from Constantinople, as the British intend it shall be, it is highly probable, according to the London News, that Cairo will become the official metropolis of Islam, precisely as Mecca is the

who will rule Egypt, as the German dailies concede, in complete submission to the resident sent out from London. Martial law has existed in Cairo and Alexandria since last November. There has been a rigorous censorship of the vernacular press. Political arrests have been made in all Egypt on a large scale, a fact admitted by the British. Troops from Australia fill the land, now held down by an unusually large army of occupation. The Moslem press of Cairo was vehement in its comments at first; but the Shaab, organ of the young Turks and of the Egyptian Nationalists as

well, had to cease publication, Princes of the Khedivial family have been flying to the continent until Hussein, the new Sultan, has few relatives left. Germans and Austrians in Egypt have been placed under arrest and concentrated in Malta. Italy seems pleased at the new situation, which, as the Giornale d'Italia remarks, "is accomplished silently and politely, without shocking anyone."


Young Turks Denounce the Change in Egypt.

HELPLESS to control the progress of events, Sultan Mahmoud in Constantinople remains a prisoner and an invalid in a palace on the Bosphorus, as the month's European despatches hint. His convictions are said in London to lie with the moderate party, which, mindful of "the sympathy extended by Great Britain to every effort towards reform in Turkey," wanted their country to remain neutral. On the other side was what the English call "a band of unscrupulous military adventurers" who sought in a war of aggression a means of retrieving the disasters, financial, military and economic, into which they had plunged their country. The crossing of the Egyptian frontier by armed bands and the attacks upon Russian ports by Turkish seaforces under German officers proved too much for London. Mahmoud V. is absolved from blame, but his dynasty has been doomed by the English newspapers, if not by the English foreign office. Thus is marked a fresh stage, we read in the London Telegraph, in "that steady process of disintegration and decay which has for many years been overwhelming" the empire of the Ottomans. The result of the recent wars in the Balkans, it adds, was to deprive the Sultan in Constantinople of much of his European territory. Now Egypt goes.

How Matters Stand With the Turks.

NOW Constantinople is virtually cut off from the

outside world, observes the Manchester Guardian, which states that the native populace lived last month on imaginary victories reported by Enver Pasha and his followers. "They have been confiscating foreign concessions by wholesale and seizing foreigners as hostages against the possible bombardment of Turkish ports." Turkey, in the opinion of the British daily, has only failures to record. She has done badly on the Russian frontier. Her expedition against Egypt has yet to be taken seriously. The Turkish fleet, even with Germans. in command, has won no victory. That holy war which the Berlin Kreuz-Zeitung calls such a menace to England is laughed at in the columns of our Manchester contemporary. There are reports of a Moslem army in action against the Suez Canal; but that waterway was at last accounts in operation. Should Enver Pasha and

his German allies involve the Turkish army in disaster, there would ensue a native revolt. There was an element even among the Young Turks which opposed Enver Pasha and his scheme of intervention, but the Germans made short work of it, as the English think. The Berlin daily denies the existence of any such Young Turks.

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-Carter in N. Y. Evening Sun

teachers expelled and the seminary buildings turned into barracks, as one report in the Paris Figaro has it. Two American institutions, Robert College and Constantinople College, escaped injury. The banks and the railroads have likewise been taken over by the agents of Enver Pasha. Steamship sailings have been cancelled. But one train a day entered Turkey last month, it seems, apart from the cars used for the transportation of troops. Foreigners leaving the land may not carry documents or letters. Notwithstanding these efforts to suppress all news, stories are printed abroad concerning the scramble among the factions for possession of the aged Sultan's person. The Sheikh-ul-Islam is described as a creature of the militarists now in power. His fetvas or edicts are the supreme law of the land and they proclaim a war on the infidel. Germany is behind all these proceedings, in the opinion of the wellinformed London Telegraph.

Future of the Caliphate of Islam.

SINCE the commander of the faithful is to be driven from Constantinople, what shall the Moslems do for a capital? Hitherto, replies Hafiz Awad, the editor of the Moayad, Egyptian organ of the faith, Moslems have accepted the Ottoman caliphate as a historical necessity. Now, however, they have to face a revolutionary state of affairs, for "it is impossible that the Caliphate can still be suffered to remain in the hands of a member of the House of Othman, who is under the thumb of a handful of renegade Salonica Jews while Germany pulls the strings."

"The whole scene is changing and soon the political center of Islam may have to move from Constantinople; but

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WHATEVER be the outcome of the approaching He favors the laying down of two super-dreadnoughts

general election in Japan, the advocates of a stronger army and navy will secure a majority in the popular branch of the legislature or the great dailies of Europe are much mistaken. The crisis that brought on the recent dissolution was caused by Premier Okuma's desire to augment the forces on land, says the Berlin Vossische, but we are warned against any inference that the people at large oppose militarism. Count Okuma might have had his way were he disposed to grant concessions in matters of domestic policy to the radical element. The Premier does not think his country ripe for parliamentary government in the British sense. He would not come to a compromize with deputies from rural districts. The Count knows well that his countrymen are in a somewhat bellicose mood, as anyone must realize who studies the vernacular press circulated the among masses. These sheets have developed a fresh tendency to distrust of the United States. The one thing the vernacular press refuses to tolerate, as the London Post admits in its comment on the crisis at Tokyo, is any idea of a Japanese understanding with America regarding the future of the Pacific. Japan is to decide her policy in those waters for herself without compromize with any other power. This is the creed of the Jingoes in the present political campaign.


Yoshihito Exerts his Imperial Influence in Japan. POLITICAL force to be reckoned with in the Japanese crisis is the personal influence of Emperor Yoshihito. His Majesty is no such divinity as was his father, according to the Manchester Guardian. Nevertheless, the present emperor is regarded with a species of religious awe. When the Emperor passes through the streets on his way to some function, school children are still lined up along the route and made to wait, quite unnecessarily, for hours before the procession arrives. Instances of sunstroke and other illnesses from this practice are not uncommon. No one dreams of rebelling, says the British daily. His Majesty is still the sacred emanation from heaven above. That is why the conversion of Yoshihito to the militarist idea is taken so seriously. The German dailies incline to exalt him as the head of the Jingo party in Japan, but this is evidently going too far. Yoshihito is in the hands of the elder statesmen or rather of their successors, for the men of Ito's prime have all passed on. His Majesty wants a great navy and a large army.

annually as well as of two swift battle-cruisers, with a complement of submarines and of torpedo-boat destroyers. At any rate, the Berlin Kreuz-Zeitung and its German contemporaries translate the imperial policy in terms of naval power along these lines. The ensuing taxation has been enormous- -a point of great importance as the political campaign grows warmer.

Why Japan May Not Give Kiao-Chau to China.

AN issue of importance in Tokyo just now concerns

the future of the territory wrested from Germany. Japan's point of view is set forth with something like authority by the Tokyo correspondent of the London Post. In western countries, he says, emphasis appears to be laid on the conditions of Japan's ultimatum to Germany. She promised to return the territory to China on condition that Germany relinquished her hold without force. Now, Germany did not surrender without putting Japan to great expense as well as effort. Hence, the circumstances, from the Tokyo official point of view, have greatly altered. Nor do Japanese statesmen fail to remind the allies that the policing of the Pacific with a fleet widely scattered depletes the treasury in Tokyo. Japan, in fact, is the supreme naval power in the Pacific to-day, or so she deems herself. It may, then, be taken for granted that Japan will rule over Tsing-tau for some time at least. None of the possessions taken from Germany in China will be released by Japan "lightly." She will want an equivalent in concessions elsewhere. A tendency to apprehension in the United States causes all discussion of these things to be cautious in Japan, except in the vernacular popular press, represented by the Chu-Wo. Jingo papers all over Japan assert that the nation will not be coerced into any policy by any power. They deem the submission to any foreign office abroad of Japanese naval plans in the Pacific a humiliation not to be considered. Premier Okuma has set up a native Japanese government over the territory taken from Germany. The newspapers in Tokyo take an intense interest in the future of Kiao-Chau. Japanese public opinion might be described as almost defiant of western influence.

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