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HE surest way to discover how little you really know about a given subject is to sit down and write an essay about it. When you have tabulated all the facts which you remember, you will probably find that you haven't onesixteenth part of the information that you ought to have about the matter. You will find yourself in the fix of the schoolboy who was told to write an essay upon Snakes in Ireland. He wrote: "There are no snakes in Ireland," and

then he quit; which was the proper

thing to do since he had exhausted the


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There are a good many reasons why should put more things into writing. Every day there comes to every one of us dozens of ideas and inspirations that we cannot afford to let slip. But most of them do vanish forever in spite of our efforts to fix them in memory. The human

THE DICTAPHONE brain is not a perfect mechanism.


An average of two hours a day spent in note-taking means a business week out of every month lost to letter writing.

In hundreds of businesses the Dictaphone has cut the cost of correspondence in half it will save you at least the cost of the stamp on every letter you write.

Ask for a demonstration on your
own work. Reach for your tele-
phone and call up the Dictaphone.
If you don't find that name in the
book, write to

Famous Acousticon

You must not confuse the Acousticon with On any other instrument The Acousticon is the instrument you regulate instantly to clearly free Hear Every Sound

near or distant-loud or low, indoors or out-
doors, under every conceivable condition. The
Acousticon receives the sound by our exclu-
sive indirect principle, and transmits it to
your hearing in its original tone. Not
blurred-not a single sound is harsh,
The Acousticon covers

48 Degrees of Deafness

Unless "stone deaf" the Acousticon enables you to hear every soundperfectly. Not a theory-not new or untried-but a world-known success for many years.



Write for Special Limited Offer-no money down -not even a promise to buy. Let us prove the Acousticon is the instrument you must use.

EASY TERMS Learn how to secure an
Acousticon on easy month-

ly payments before special offer expires.
WRITE now for greatest free book of facts for
the deaf-testimonials from ministers,
judges and hundreds of others everywhere.
General Acoustic Co.,
1327 Candler Bldg., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City
468 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada



for the


Every new idea that we lay hold of and Now Direct By Mail

keep seems to misplace an older idea. Yet the old one may be the more valuable of the two.

If more men were to form the habit of keeping a little pad and pencil handy at all times, and would make note of the ideas and suggestions which come into their minds, they would be much richer and wiser than they are. No doubt you have sometimes marveled at the versatility of some prominent business executive, and you have been

THE DICTAPHONE amazed that a human mind could think

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of the innumerable ideas that he injects into his business. If you knew his secret, you would find that every impression, every suggestion, every idea that comes to him, no matter where he is, goes onto a scrap of paper and is filed for future reference.

While it is important that you form this habit of putting your ideas and suggestions in writing so that they will not slip, it is equally important that you collate this data and file it in some way, so that it will be "on tap" when you want it. My friend, E. St. Elmo Lewis, vice-president and general manager of the Art Metal Company, a man who is recognized as one of the most constructive thinkers in the business

world, says: "A little thinking every day, about each of many subjects, in the course of a year produces a largeness of information, suggestion, ideas and memory. But a man should not attempt to carry all this material around in his head-not if he has a man's sized job.

"I was not naturally orderly, and so I devised a plan for filing the data which it is necessary for me to have at hand all the time. For some years I

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An Unusually Desirable 6% Investment

(For $100, $500, $1000 or more)

First mortgage on property valued at four times loan.

Obligation of company with 60 years' splendid history.

Cash investment of stockholders twice entire bond issue.

Part of security of such character as could readily be disposed of for an amount considerably in excess of bond issue.

Strategic location, liberal sinking fund provision, experienced management and strongest possible ownership. Reservations made for January Ist delivery.

Write for Circular No. 868T

Peabody, Houghteling & Co.


10 S. La Salle Street, CHICAGO

have always had my work-desk top covered with glass. Under that is my schedule of activities; simply a sheet of paper with numbers opposite certain subjects in which I am interested, such as: 'Salesmanship,' 'Advertizing,' 'Commercial Organization,' 'Printing Displays,' and some forty others.

"My secretary uses a vertical file in which are envelopes filed numerically, corresponding to the numbers opposite each subject on my list. When I see or write an article, receive a booklet, write or receive a letter, or hear a speech, which I wish to save for some purpose of my plan, I mark it with the number in blue pencil, and it is filed in the subject envelope, where it is ready when I want it."

Don't turn down a suggestion because you happen to dislike the man who advances it. Better frankly consider the suggestion on its own merits.



HIS'intangible thing which we call "Good-Will" is one of the greatest assets any business man can possess; and yet how few of us fully realize that every action, every business transaction, either adds to or detracts from its value.

I have said intangible thing, and yet is it intangible? When Philander C. Knox was Secretary of State he said something like this: "Good-Will is property capable of being appraised, bought and sold. In many cases it is the main ingredient of value. It represents all of the strength, industry, tact and judgment that makes success. estimating the worth of a business it is not infrequently reckoned more valuable than the buildings and the machinery that make up the physical plant.'

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Every day we come in contact with men who are dissipating this wonderful asset. Knowingly or unwittingly they make claims, either about themselves or the goods which they sell, which are not in accordance with the facts. If the truth is known to us at the time, this man's "good-will" depreciates in value immediately; if the facts are unknown to us at the time, but we discover later that the goods were not as represented, or we find that the claims he has made about himself were not correct, his "good-will" loses its market value as far as we are cerned.


Your reputation as a man, and the merit of your goods, are estimated and weighed by the public at large. So your "good-will," while yours by right of creation, is, nevertheless, in the keeping of those who know you and those whom you serve. Ill health may curtail your efforts, it may even cut you down; fire, panic, tornado, or

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Four Through All Steel Electric
Lighted Dining Car Trains Daily.

Superior Roadway, Equipment and Service to Charleston, Summerville, Augusta, Savannah, Thomasville and Florida Resorts.

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The Fox Visible Typewriter is the Highest Grade Typewriter in the World There can be but one "Best" in anything, and when we began the manufacture of the Fox, more than fifteen years ago, we definitely decided on our policy: "Best at Any Cost."

The Fox Typewriter, today, substantiates every advertised claim we have ever made for it.

WRITE FOR EXCLUSIVE SELLING CONTRACT We want men everywhere to represent us. Our slogan for 1915 is "Every Town a Fox Typewriter Town." Have you a few dollars to invest in a high-class, profitable, permanent business? Exclusive selling contracts given. Stock can be paid for cash or payments. If you mean business, write at once. Please mention Current Opinion.

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Here's the real truth the European War has forced home on us-that America must become more self-sustaining. She must make her products instead of buying them. She must build up American industry instead of drawing her materials from abroad. She must make American business safer-more stable. The only way she can do it is by using products that are made in America of American material. That's why so many far-sighted business men have been insisting upon

Construction Bond

Construction Bond has always been made of bright, clean clippings collected from American garment factories by American industry. Most better grade bond papers have been made of imported rags collected from the tenements of Europe. Such rags are cheaper, but which do you prefer to have your letterheads made of?

While war has curtailed the importation of rags, and mary makers of bond paper are shifting about for new sources of supply, the manufacture of Construction Bond has gone right ahead without changes in formula or finish. That's why the quality and uniformity of Construction Bond is being maintained in spite of the war. That's why it offers even better comparative value now than ever before.

Construction Bond has long been known as the standard of value in business correspondence paper. It is a substantial and impressive paper, sold only in large quantities direct to the most capable and responsible printers and lithographers in the 190 principle cities of the United States not through jobbers. Obviously, by eliminating the jobber and buying in large quantities, those concerns who handle Construction Bond are able to give you better value in impressive business stationery.

Write us today on your letterhead for names of those concerns near you. Also for 25 handsome letterhead specimens that may offer valuable suggestions for the improvement of your own business stationery.

W. E. WROE & CO., Sales Office: 1006 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill,

Ten Thousand High-School Students

in every way qualified for a higher education are obliged to forego its advantages because of lack of funds to gratify their ambition. If you are one of these students, the

Current Opinion Scholarship Fund can help you: It is helping hundreds of ambitious high-school boys and girls; earn the funds for a complete four years' college course. You choose your own college.

The Fund offers to well-qualified students Cash Scholarships, renewable and non-forfeitable, ranging in value from $300 up.

Send today for free booklet, "The Open Door To A College Education." CURRENT OPINION SCHOLARSHIP FUND

134-140 West 29th St., New York City

floods may put your business out of existence, but it cannot destroy your "good-will." "Good-Will" is the cyclone-proof cellar which will protect you when everything goes dead wrong.



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HE stuff men are made of is shown

up more quickly in forced selfdenial of the little things of life than in anything else. It will dishearten and crush the weak ones and develop and strengthen the ones who possess backbone. Self-denial is a thing that may be forced on any man and every one should train himself to be able to meet it.

When Emerson said, "Train thyself in the little things and thence proceed to greater," he did not set any limit on how small the things should be. It is the little things that reveal character most faithfully.

A well-known Chicago business man used to carry a prune in his pocket constantly when he was a young man. He did it because he was excessively fond of prunes and wanted to see if he could have one with him all the time and resist the temptation to eat it. Not that the prune would have done him any harm, but he simply wanted to settle once and for all which was the stronger-his will or his appetite.

Most men laugh when they hear this story. But if you meet this man you'll find a man of calm, steady, confident strength. Maybe the prune incident did not create his will-power, but it proved to him that he had it and furthermore taught him how to use it. Try yourself on any of your little habits. For instance, in eating. We all eat too much at times or eat many things that we know will harm us. Make a list of these things and try to resist. You will give in eight times out of ten, because

My Beauty Exercises you are weak.

Will make you look Younger and more Beautiful than all the

you might use for a lifetime. No massage, electricity, vibration, astringents, plasters, straps, filling, or sur


Of course you will deny this indignantly, declaring the things are not of external treatments enough importance. If your will-power cannot conquer the unimportant thing, how about the really big things? Traingery-Just Nature's ing the will-power is exactly the same as training the muscles. Very few men can stand stiff-legged and reach down and put the palms of their hands on the floor. Try it yourself. Then keep on trying, as little as ten times each morning, and in a week it will be easy for you. But if you stop for a week you will have to begin all over again.


Results come soon and are permanent. My System makes muddy, sallow skins clear. and the complexion as fresh as in girl

hood; firms the flesh, and never falls to lift drooping

and sagging facial muscles, thereby obliterating resultant wrinkles. The too thin face and neck are rounded out and

hollows filled in. No one too old or too young to benefit.

My System makes double chins disappear quickly and it leaves the flesh firm, after the superfluous fat is worked


My Beauty Exercises are supplemented by special work to make the figure more shapely and youthful: in

structions to beautify the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes,

hands, nails and feet.

No matter how tired, five minutes of my Facial Exer

cise will freshen complexion and give it a most exquisite


Write today for my New Booklet on Facial Beauty CulIf you tell me what improvement you would like, I can write you more helpfully.

ture. Body Culture and New Beauty Suggestions FREE


Dept. 281, 209 State Street


In the same way the will must be kept in constant training. The big things don't come every day, so you will have to utilize the little, every-day things. The man with a trained willpower is much stronger and more efficient in the big crisis than the self

The First Woman to Teach Scientific Facial Exercise indulgent man.

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OTHING the President said in his speech in Indianapolis was as important as the general tone of the address. It was a buoyant challenge, confident, aggressive, good-natured. He smilingly spanked the Republicans, birched the insurrectos in his own party, wooed the independent voters, exulted over the record of his administration, and, as the N. Y. World puts it, for the first time since he was inaugurated "cut loose" generally with "straight-flung words that went whizzing to their mark." He covered a good deal of ground in a rapid-fire way. He talked about Mexico in anything but an apologetic tone. He took up the tariff, the trust legislation, the new system of federal reserve banks, conservation, the ship-purchase bill, and the need of reform in our "antiquated" system of judicial procedure. He advanced one new issue-a “great federal reserve bureau," to help solve the problem of the unemployed. But none of these things, as he dealt with them, equalled in interest his frankly political utterances. The tone of it all was the more surprising because of the reports that have been coming from Washington lately of the strife between the President and the Senate over the subject of federal patronage. In several cases presidential nominees have been rejected unanimously by the Senate, and even the Wilson papers have been talking uneasily about the "revolt in the party" and "the factional fight against the President." In addition, affairs in Mexico seem to be growing steadily worse, the opposition to the ship-purchase bill, on which the President has apparently set his mind, is assuming formidable proportions, the unemployed in New York City and Chicago and elsewhere are threatening to raise a troublesome issue for the party in power, and a rather nasty scandal is being ventilated in connection with the federal administration of the Dominican customs, in which Mr. Bryan emerges

in an unenviable light. But Mr. Wilson's buoyancy of tone is unaffected by any or all these things.

The President Assails the Republican Trenches.

HERE is the way in which the President opens fire upon the Republican trenches: "The trouble with the Republican party," he says, "is that it has not had a new idea for thirty years. I am not speaking as a politician; I am speaking as a historian. I have looked for new ideas in the records and I have not found any proceeding from the Republican ranks. They have had leaders from time to time who suggested new ideas, but they never did anything to carry them out." Even a good Republican with a sense of humor can chuckle. over the audacity of that when he remembers how often that same kind of shrapnel has been fired into the Democratic ranks. The President goes on in the same strain: "The Republican party is still a covert and refuge for those who are afraid, for those who want to consult their grandfathers about everything. You will notice that most of the advice taken by the Republican party is taken from gentlemen old enough to be grandfathers; and that when. they claim that a reaction has taken place, they react to the reelection of the oldest members of their party." About one week later, it may be observed, Mr. Wilson himself became a grandfather! He continues his challenge by estimating that about one-third of the Republican party is progressive and about two-thirds of the Democratic party. Therefore the independent voter should use the latter as an instrument for the reforms he seeks, as "it would be hopeless to attempt to use the Republican." "I do not have to prove it," he adds; "I admit it." Then the President proceeds to pay his respects to the unprogressive members of his own party,

who, he says, are "sitting on the breeching strap." The Democratic party, he admits, is still on trial:

"The Democratic party still has to prove to the independent voters of this country not only that it believes in these things, but that it will continue to work along these lines, and that it will not allow any enemy of these things to break its ranks. This country is not going to use any party that cannot do continuous and consistent team-work. If any group of men should dare to break the solidarity of the Democratic team for any purpose or from any motive, theirs will be a most unenviable notoriety and a responsibility which will bring deep bitterness to them."

Then the President returns to the attack on the Republicans. Speaking of the independent voter, he says: "I want him to come where there are great emotions. That is what I miss in the Republican party; they do not seem to have any great emotions. They seem to think a lot of things, old things, . but they do not seem to have any enthusiasm about anything."

The Campaign of 1916 Getting Under Way. HE frankly political character of all this is taken THE as a sort of opening of the campaign for 1916. "Play politics," says the President, in effect, and the game proceeds. The Washington correspondents speak of a rallying of the President's opponents in his own party around Champ Clark. The suggestion comes also that Mr. Wilson will not be a candidate for reelection, but is planning to have Secretary McAdoo nominated. The Republican elder statesmen in Washington are said to be concentrating on Justice Hughes. The Herrick "boom" is receiving serious attention in the press, the

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fact that Mr. Herrick was out of the country during the row two years ago between the Taft and Roosevelt forces being played up prominently as a reason why the two forces can unite on him in 1916. It is significant to find a paper like the N. Y. Telegraph, with close Tammany affiliations, saying: "If Myron T. Herrick opposes Woodrow Wilson for the presidency in the next campaign, the Ohio man will go over Wilson like a steam roller." It is also significant, in another direction, that Senator Borah seems to have been the spokesman selected in the Senate to answer the President's Indianapolis speech, and, after he concluded the answer, "almost the whole Republican side rose and the Senators filed forward to shake his hand and congratulate him." The Senator repelled what he called the imputations cast upon a great coordinate branch. of government-casting imputations upon the Senate and repelling them being one of the favorite games of Presidents and Senators-and then proceeded to liken President Wilson to "Tom" Taggart and "Boss" Murphy.

Senator Borah Replies to the President.

THE language which fell from the lips of the leader of the Democratic party at Indianapolis," said Senator Borah, referring to the passage already quoted about team-work, "was not different from that which Tom Taggart would have issued to the men in Indianapolis, eighty of whom this morning pleaded guilty to the crime of corruption. It is not different from the language which would be used by Mr. Murphy, of New York, to his slavish adherents to follow the dictates of the Captain, regardless of what their conscience or judgment might suggest." The Senator went on to mention some of the "new ideas" which the Republican party has embodied in law in the last thirty years, such as the interstate commerce commission, the Sherman anti-trust law, the pure food law, employer's liability, etc., and then remarked:

"There are at least 3,000,000 men in this midwinter asking for work, and the soup-house is again dotting the land. The cry in that campaign of 1916 will not be for more ideas, but for bread; not for more rhetoric, but for more soup; and the termination of the campaign will not be doubtful when its issue is once raised before the American people. Ideas-many a poor fellow wishes to-night that they were eatables."

He assailed the administration for extravagance, for having "given the Panama Canal to England," and most of all for its Mexican policy. On this last subject the Senator grew impassioned. He said:

"The mistreatment of American citizens in Mexico is due to the fact that there has passed into the Mexican minds the idea that we will never protect our citizens, and I say that, whatever criticism shall come to me from those who love peace more than they love honor, that the 'flag which will not protect its protectors is a dirty rag that contaminates the air in which it floats.'

"We cannot have peace, we cannot have honor, unless we are prepared to protect our own citizens, and I believe, verily believe, that we may do so and still have no war with Mexico."


How the Political Parties Are Now Lined Up.

THUS early begins the next presidential campaign.

The complete returns for the election in last November, gathered by the N. Y. Times and published a

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