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RACTICALLY every burglary is prearranged and the details planned, according to that famed detective, Inspector Cornelius F. Cahalane, now in charge of the training school of the New York police department. Burglars, he says, guard against the ordinary precautions which they think a live policeman will take to prevent their crimes or to capture them. Do not imagine, warns Inspector Cahalane, that every burglar or thief wears a peak cap, box coat, sweater, striped trousers or bull-nosed shoes, so typical of stage burglars. They realize that to dress in such a manner would arouse immediate suspicion and, accordingly, dress and carry themselves in a manner least likely to attract attention. They do not, as most persons fancy, carry burglary tools on their persons at all times. They know that it is not only a violation of the law, but that it is circumstantial evidence as well. Hence burglars carry tools no longer than is absolutely necessary. Sometimes they hide their tools near the scene of the contemplated burglary. If they have tools in their possession and think they are going to be searched, they will try to hide them or throw them away. Tools are carried frequently in musical instrument cases.*

"There are many different types of burglars, who resort to various means in


open it and enter. They generally ceek the place where it is most likely that valuables have been left before the owner re

tired, such as the tops of dressers or the pockets of clothing. In going from room to room, they usually place some obstruction, a table or a chair, in such a position that if the occupant should awaken and attempt to leave the room, he would trip over the object and make enough noise to warn the burglar that his presence had become known. Unless they are sure that no alarm has been given, they will seldom leave by way of the street; usually they back yard and remain until there is an opsecrete themselves on the roof or in the portunity to escape."

Flat thieves are not as desperate as the ordinary run of burglars, but they are burglars too, and they manage to steal considerable property. As a rule they will not enter an apartment while anyone is at home. They profit by the knowledge that housekeepers generally hide their money and valuables in a nook where they think a thief will be least likely to look-under rugs, legs of tables, between mattresses and beds, in sewing machine drawers, and the like. A flat thief requires only about five minutes in an ordinary flat, and when he is through it looks as though an earthquake had shaken the building. He starts by pushing the furniture to one end of the room. He turns the rugs over, empties the contents of bureau drawers into the middle of the

plying their calling. The burglars most floor, where they are examined, throws

dangerous to society are those known as 'Dutch house men.' They are the most desperate. They always work heavily armed and to accomplish their purpose or to avoid capture will take life under the slightest provocation. They usually operate in an inhabited dwelling, and to gain entrance, secrete themselves in some part of the building or grounds until they think the occupants have retired; then, if necessary, they make their way to a roof, fire-escape or porch, and get in by prying open a skylight or jimmying a window sash.

"As a rule, householders fasten windows leading to fire-escapes or porches, but are careless about the other windows. 'Dutch house men' know this failing and often take advantage of it. They fasten one end of a rope (which one of them may have carried wound around his body) to a chimney on the roof and drop the other end over the ledge. One of them will lower himself to the desired window,

POLICE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE. By Cornelius F. Cahalane, Inspector of Police of the City of New York. E. P. Dutton and Company.

mattresses to the floor, cuts them open if he has not already discovered the hiding-place, turns vases and bric-abrac upside down and, in this way, has every part of the flat searched in a short time.

Flat thieves are usually young men between the ages of sixteen and thirty years:

"They gain entrance by ringing the vestibule bells and, if no response is made, they assume that no one is at home, and enter the hallway and proceed to the apartment selected. If the door is locked, they either use a false key or jimmy it open. Or, they may watch persons leaving their apartment, and enter during their short absence. If questioned, they try to represent themselves as peddlers, agents, inspectors of telephone, gas, water or electricity, or mechanics. They usually bundle together the proceeds of a theft and carry it to the street, passing through the halls with an air of bravado, so as not to excite suspicion. They generally

work in pairs; one standing in the hallway to warn his partner of the return of the tenant, and, in case the thief is pur

sued, to trip the person in pursuit or to

divert him in some other way. They seldom leave a house together, but usually meet at a distance from the scene to dispose of the property and divide the proceeds."

Many flat thieves work by hiring a room or rooms in a residential section of the city and as near the roof as possible, particularly where the roofs in the vicinity are of about the same height. They use scuttles and fire-escapes as a means of getting into buildings and convey the plunder over the In this way they roofs to their rooms. avoid the danger of being detected in the street.

More ambitious than the flat thief but in something of the same class is the loft burglar. Loft burglars are the most feared by merchants, for when they make a haul it is usually a big one, amounting to thousands of dollars. They are necessarily the brainiest of burglars for the reason that their work requires more and better planning. Plans are often made weeks in advance:

"A loft is selected after a study of its location and the quantity and quality of the stock carried in it. Weeks are then spent in becoming familiar with the habits of persons who might be in a position to

thwart or discover them, particularly the

watchmen and patrolmen on post, and the customary time of opening and closing the building, noting the person to whom this duty is entrusted.

"A Saturday afternoon or night is generally selected for the entry. Sometimes it is necessary to gain entrance through clamber back over the roofs. When the a building three or four doors away and loft selected is reached they do not hesitate to cut through a wall to get one of their number into it; if necessary, they will drill through the floor from the loft below or through the ceiling from the one above, lowering the first man down with a rope. The door of the loft is then opened from the inside if the circum

stances warrant it.

"The loot is carefully selected from the most valuable stock. Packing cases are constructed from material lying about, filled, and nailed shut.

"They are now confronted with the most difficult task, that of getting the packing cases from the building. The property is seldom moved at night. They fear that the appearance of a vehicle at

an unusual hour in a section of the city where lofts are located would arouse suspicion. Instead, if, as a result of their previous study, they know that the loft will be opened at 7:30 a. m., a vehicle will be brought to the front of the building at about 7:20 a. m., the door opened from the inside by one of the gang dressed as a porter, and in the most bold and daring manner the cases will be loaded on the wagon. One of the gang may even engage the patrolman on post in conversation, possibly within sight of their activities. The bogus porters, if the circumstances necessitate it, will go back into the building and escape by way of the roof or through an adjoining building."

Safe burglars know as a rule the particular make of each safe on which they intend to operate. Like loft burglars, they plan far in advance and come prepared to break through any part of a building in order to get to the safe. They have been known, when working in an exposed position, to make a pasteboard safe, paint it to imitate the original, shove the genuine safe into an inner room and leave the substitute in its place. Others do not resort to this subterfuge, but simply bodily shove the safe into a position where they can not be observed from the street and begin operations. They try not to use explosives. The easiest way, the combination, is tried first. If this fails, the weakest part, the bottom or back, is tried. The ordinary safe is turned upside down and the bottom or back is cut out with a tool they call a "can opener." If the bottom or back resists, they drill a hole near the combinations and try to disturb the tumblers sufficiently to turn the lock. As a last resort a hole is drilled and charged with explosive. To deaden the report the safe is wrapped with material found on the premises or with blankets brought along. A lookout is generally stationed on the outside to signal in the event of peril. Safe burglars, like burglars who break windows or side lights, wait for the rumble of a passing vehicle to deaden the sound of an explosion.

Store burglars generally gain entrance through a rear or side window:

"They travel in gangs of two or three, one always on guard, and steal from the till, cash register or small safes. They, too, have their work planned in advance, and know just what to do when they


"The loot is seldom removed through the front of the building; it is carried through the rear yards or over the roofs of an adjoining building and thence to the street.

"If the booty is too bulky to transport on their persons, a push-cart is hired or stolen for the purpose, or a milk or bakers' wagon is pressed into service, sometimes with the consent of the driver, and the goods moved early in the morning, during the hours when milkmen and

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bakers are making their deliveries, so as not to excite suspicion.

side-lights work in pairs and are very "Burglars who break store windows and tricky. Their outfit in most instances consists of a long piece of heavy wire and a heavy piece of cloth, such as part of a bed comforter, which they carry wrapped about their bodies.

"A store is selected which displays articles of some value in its windows. The habits of the man on post are learned, and at an opportune moment during his absence they will throw a padded brick or iron through the window or side-light, having first placed the comforter on the stoop or walk to catch the broken glass and deaden the sound. Or, they may use a glass cutter to remove a section of the window. This step accomplished, they dart into a nearby hallway and wait to see if the breaking of the glass has attracted attention. If they find it has not, operations are resumed and the contents of the show-window extracted by means of a stiff wire, the tip of which has been bent into a hook.

"The store selected is often covered by the crooks for hours, sometimes from an adjoining precinct or post, awaiting a suitable opportunity."

The sharpest and most successful burglars of late have been foreigners, some of whom can not speak English.


Their favorite method is to select a residence along some street-car route, enter it during the day-time, if possible, and remain secreted in area ways, back yards or on roofs until night, then force an entrance through a window, door or roof scuttle when the occu

pants have retired. After securing the plunder they open the front door and wait inside until a car passes. Then they run out and board a moving car, watching meanwhile to see if they are pursued. Sometimes they ride almost to the city line before getting off. They are afraid that if they pass a brightly lighted street corner they will be observed and for this reason they use the street-cars.

If there were no receivers of stolen goods there would be but little burglary of these or any other kinds:


"A thief will not steal unless he knows that he can make some profitable disposition of his haul.

"It is comparatively easy to dispose of jewelry, but a thief must know positively where he can immediately dispose of bulky property that he cannot readily conceal. Usually such stuff is immediately sold to unscrupulous dealers who carry goods of the same kind in stock; for instance, a quantity of stolen cloth may be sold to a dishonest dry-goods merchant. In some cases, however, a store or flat is rented in advance of a burglary or theft and the loot stored in it. The receivers are then visited in turn by the thieves, shown samples, and bids are requested. In this way they dispose of the goods more profitably."

A careful thief destroys, as soon as possible, all marks of identification, but if he has not done so, the receiver takes that precaution as soon as the stolen property comes into his possession. Inspector Cahalane gives a point on the subject of stolen goods with which the general reader is unfamiliar.

"Merchandise handled under unusual conditions should immediately suggest receivers to you. For instance, if you saw a large quantity of silk being taken into a small retail store, or saw the delivery being made from a hand-truck or from a wagon not ordinarily used for such deliveries, or by persons who, from their appearance and manner of handling the merchandise, did not seem to be engaged in the business; or if you observed boxes of shoes being taken into a barber shop, or a great quantity of food being delivered to a dwelling, it should arouse your suspicion.


"Remember that persons engaged in a legitimate business are constantly devisingways and means of advertising themselves. They want everyone to know that they are engaged in a certain business, and located at a certain place, and invite inspection of their stock. They do not paint their windows to hide the contents of their store, or arrange the interior so that the stock will not be in plain sight, or deny prospective purchasers the privilege of examining their stock."




HAT may amount to a revolution in the automobile industry was the subject of a forecast by the famed consulting engineer, Charles P. Steinmetz, recently. He told of the impending predominance of the electric motor vehicle and of its triumph over the gasoline car for most of the purposes to which the motor vehicle can be put. The immediate cause of this prophecy, made through the New York Times, was the perfecting of a device for the improvement of electric automobiles. This is an entirely novel power plant, forming an integral part of the rear axle, upon which Doctor Steinmetz has been at work as consulting engineer. This new invention, which Doctor Steinmetz feels is to make such important modifications in automobiles, was not originated by him, but in a measure Owes its existence to his inspiration. It was not until he had declared his faith in the promise of the electric motor car, first at a meeting of the Electric Vehicle Association of America and later in another address before the annual convention of the National Electric Light Association, that the invention was brought to his attention and attained its development. Its importance is indicated in the statement of the New York Times that it may bring down the weight of electric automobiles to one-third of the present figure and reduce the item of cost at least proportionally, putting this type of car within the range of a very moderate income. Simplification, reduction in the number of parts and great reduction in weight mark the new device, which is the invention of Harry E. Dey, a New York electrical engineer. In the words of Doctor Steinmetz himself, as given in the New York Times:

"The trouble with electric car making at present is that it is all piecework. Each car is a little different, each person wants some special detail, and the production is by hundreds rather than by tens and hundreds of thousands. That is all very well for the purpose of the special, luxurious, and consequently costly, machine, but it is not the method which has made the low-priced gas car such a wonderful success.

"You know the difficulty with either type of car has been to get not merely a cheap car but a good cheap car. The early gasoline cars were cheap. Prices were about $1,000 or $1,200. But they gradually became more expensive as the

makers found that the demand was for

better vehicles. It was not until the plan of huge production, with a minimum of frills but a maximum of performance in the product, was put into operation that we got what we had been looking forthe good car at a low price.


"Many people think that the whole trouble of the electric lies in the storage It used to be battery. This is not so. true. Batteries would deteriorate with alarming rapidity. But the perfecting of the Edison battery has not only provided a very satisfactory battery in itself but has also led the lead battery makers to improve their product by reason of competition, until the lead battery is also highly satisfactory today."

The real source of trouble has been complexity of structure and consequent great weight. Now, we are told, by a delightfully simple method, these disadvantages have been done away with:

"This desirable effect has been brought about by the introduction of a principle new to electric motors; new, at any rate, to motors for vehicles. The motor in this novel rear axle has both field and armature free and revolving. Heretofore one or the other of these constituent parts of the electric motor has always been stationary. But by the simple idea of having them both revolve, see what a host of benefits are brought about.

"In the first place, the field turns one of the vehicle's rear wheels and the armature turns the other; hence the motor acts as its own differential, and this delicate and at the same time heavy part of the motor becomes part of the rear axle the ordinary car is banished. Secondly, instead of being mounted under the car or on some other part of the frame. This does away with another entire unit which must be taken care of, and eliminates, as well, the shafting from the motor to the rear axle, the bevel gearing, and the housings for these parts.

"Thirdly, this arrangement leaves the entire underbody of the car free, so that the battery can be put in the most convenient place, and it also ends the necessity for such a rigid structure (which means heavy structure) as will keep ev

erything in place, prevent whipping of the shaft, and keep the bevel gears in mesh. The battery need no longer occupy the space under the seats or a special compartment in the front, and all the space above the level of the frame is left free for other uses."

In addition to these advantages, this novel motor is more efficient. The idea of having both armature and field revolve doubles the output of power, altho it does not double it relatively to the amount of current fed to the motor. But it lends itself to other uses and to a type of control invented by Mr. Dey which also marks a big stride forward. This new control does two highly desirable things. It greatly lessens the reduction in speed when climbing hills, which has always been a drawback of the electric vehicle, and it turns the motor itself into a brake on the down grade and even makes it act as a generator, when a predeter

mined speed has been passed, and puts current back into the battery.

"This is not a perpetual motion scheme. When the motor is acting as a generator it is not putting in as much current as it took out of the battery when it was climbing the hill. It is not quite as good as that. But it does give the battery a real help, a 'boost,' as it is called technically, of considerable proportions. For instance, with a car of a certain weight I have found that the motor begins to send back current to the battery when the down grade reaches 22 per cent. If you are running down the hill at full speed this motor-generator will put back as much current as it takes to run on the level when the grade reaches 5 per cent. If the control is set at half speed it will charge full power likewise on a grade of 72 per cent.

"The last-named condition would be that most usual under ordinary running, because, unless the hill is long and straight and the road surface good, one does not want to run down it at the rate of, say, thirty miles an hour. The half-speed position will give a rate of fourteen or fifteen miles an hour. When that speed has been passed the motor will begin to charge the battery and also to act as a brake. This is a most important feature, for it means that nearly all hills can be negotiated without the use of the ordinary brakes and with none of the discomfort or bother incident to their use.

"This will be a feature of value not only to the user of the electric pleasure car but also to the owner of the light delivery wagon or the heavy truck, because it is a safety feature and makes the electric still more 'fool-proof' in the hands of the unskilled or, at least, not mechanically educated driver."

Mr. Steinmetz is not sanguine that the new motor and control will have of operation of the car, altho he looks a great deal of bearing on the radius

for some increase because of the much

lighter weight of the vehicle-he hopes to get it under 1,000 pounds—and the consequent smaller consumption of power. The average daily mileage of most cars, when not touring, is, say, thirty miles a day—a distance far within the limitations of the present battery. For touring purposes with the new electric, an extra or additional battery can easily be taken along.

Moreover, there is a constant improvement in the facilities for recharging batteries. It is an easy matter for a garage to introduce an isolated charging plant. Garage men are competent to run such an isolated plant. An isolated plant in connection with a private house is likewise not a difficult matter mechanically. Beyond the cost of installation such an outfit is not much of an expense. Take, for example, an average city where the


charge for lighting current is 10 cents a kilowatt hour. For thirty miles a day about three kilowatt hours of current would be required, at a cost of 30 cents. For cities or towns where the current

is of the alternating type the installa

tion of a transformer would be required; of cities like New York, where the current is direct, even this would not be necessary.

The new type of power plant, adds Doctor Steinmetz, is applicable to any kind of vehicle. There are many minor uses to which it could be put. There are now electric lawn motors and there is no reason why this new invention should not prove superior in this field. Then there is another application of the device-its use as a gasoline-electric outfit. The only reason why we have

four, six, and eight cylinder gasoline motors in our automobiles nowadays is because the two-cylinder, two-cycle motor did not prove efficient. There are thousands of two-cycle gasoline engines of the stationary type at work, and it is really the better and more economical type.

With this novel electric power plant we could probably get back to the twocycle motor for automobiles, to be used in conjunction with the electric motor and with a very small storage battery between to act as a buffer, as it were.

"With such an arrangement we would have an equalization of the load on the

gasoline engine. It would drive a generator at a practically constant load. The little storage battery would act as a sort of reserve supply in case of extra stress


on the car, as in climbing hills, making speed, and so forth. It would be what we term in trolley-car service a 'floating' battery, floating on the system and rendering help when needed, but chiefly perlowing the gas engine to work under forming the all-important service of alnearly constant load."

A much smaller and lighter engine of only two cylinders could be used. In addition, carburetor adjustments would be at an end because the carburetor would not have to meet varying conditions of load. Also a much inferior quality of fuel could be used.

"It is probable that fuel nearly as low in the scale as unmixed kerosene could be used with satisfactory results in a car in which the power plant was of the combined gas-electric type described."



UCH of the discovery and most of the great researches have been made, a Birmingham University bulletin reminds us, with simple apparatus altered by investigators who knew exactly what they wanted. The late Sir George Darwin, for example, made the experiments for his investigation into loose earths and their pressuresa topic of the first importance to engineers with the aid of a biscuit box, a wooden drawer and a few pounds of sand and gravel. In a London laboratory to-day some of the problems of heat and work interchange in the human subject are being worked out with apparatus including the frame of an ancient bicycle and a discarded shaving-soap tin. In some of the investigations of the physicists, however, and notably among those which are concerned with the properties and behavior of the atom, the apparatus tends to grow more and more elaborate. In a description of the new electro-magnet designed for the physical laboratory over which Professor Jean Becquerel presides, M. Matout offers an apology in the form of an anecdote for this state of things. Professor Becquerel had been telling an official of the French government of the growing needs of the laboratory as new methods of investigation arose when he was interrupted. "Yes, yes, but surely in earlier days the most magnificent discoveries were made with apparatus almost insignificant in character. Had the scientists of those days greater genius than those of to-day?" To which Professor Becquerel responded: "Monsieur, in olden days, Jean Bart won splendid naval victories with wooden ships." The electro-magnet which gave

occasion to M. Matout to chronicle this rejoinder in Paris Nature is a superb instrument, we read, designed by Professor P. Weiss of Zurich.

The electro-magnet of a laboratory differs as much from the electro-magnets used in industry to pick up heavy objects as an astronomical telescope differs from a field glass. The size is not its commanding feature, altho this one stands over five feet high and weighs a ton and a half. It is capable of producing between its poles the most powerful magnetic field yet achieved. The conditions which have to be satisfied in producing a strong magnetic field are first, to insure that the electro-magnetic winding—if one may so term the winding of the wire through which the current passes about the magnet-shall not become too quickly heated by the passage of the current; and secondly to obtain a magnetic circuit at the poles which shall be susceptible of as high a magnetism as possible.

Now the first of these conditions, according to an expert's report in the London Post, has been complied with by Professor Weiss through the medium of a device like a water jacket:

"He has wound his bobbins not with ordinary wires, but with a fine tubing of copper, through which cold water continually passes. The bobbins are wound with a thousand turns of tubing, and are divided into ten sections-parallel to allow the water to pass in at the center of each and pass out at the periphery-and connected in series for the passage of the current. The core thus never gets hot."

The second condition is complied with by pointing the poles of the magnet with ferro-cobalt :

lent to a 5 per cent. advance on the magnetization to which iron is susceptible; and tho the percentage appears so insignificant numerically, it is of the highest importance in increasing the strength of the field approaches, let us say, 50,000 the magnetic field. As the strength of units (or gausses) the difficulties of increasing it multiply geometrically. In the first place the difficulties of adding a few hundreds of units to the strength of the field are complicated by two considerations. The conductors become very much hotter; the magnetization becomes harder to 'pump in,' as the iron magnet becomes 'saturated' with magnetism. A 5 per cent. increase in the capacity of the ferro-cobalt to receive magnetism is equivalent to an advantage represented by the multiplication of the current by four. The 'magnetic fields' of the future will be strengthened by apparatus which is capable of absorbing still more electric current, and which can be kept cool while the current is passing. It had been hoped that further advance would lie in the cooling of the conductors towards the temperature of absolute zero by means of liquid helium, because it has been shown that the conductivity of metal conductors increases (and their resistance lowers) as temperature is lowered. But Dr. Kamerlingh Onnes has lately dissipated these hopes by showing that at a certain point this super-conductivity ceases abruptly and incomprehensibly when a certain value of the magnetism or strength of the magnetic field is reached.

"Possibly, however, other means may be devised for increasing the strength of


"They are the chief instruments at present not merely for solving the problems of the effect of magnetism on light-to which Becquerel applies them-but those of the structure of the atom.

"That structure has been tentatively held to consist of a central elementary magnet, or magneton, with a ring of elec

"This ensures a magnetization equiva- trons."



VERY newspaper reader has learned by this time that the belligerents in Europe agree at all points regarding the strategy of the great war. Germany's theory of a short, swift campaign, crushing France before Russia could act effectively, is, as the military expert of the Paris Gaulois ob

THE RECESSED TRENCH Through the courtesy of the Manchester Guardian, we give this and following diagrams of trench types.

serves, a commonplace to the million. Tactically, however, as this same expert points out (agreeing here, apparently, with the brilliant British war expert, Spenser Wilkinson, in the London Post), the war is fought along two diametrically opposed conceptions. The Germans, owing to the organization of their military machine, exploit one tactical conception, whereas the Allies have quite another. The difference may be summed up, we read, in the assertion that infantry is the queen of battle. Napoleon, altho an artillery officer himself, subscribed to that doctrine completely. With him the infantry was the foundation of every tactical conception. The artillery, while developed and strengthened, was an adjunct, the cavalry remaining also subordinate. The "execution" devolved always upon the infantry. There has been no change in military doctrine on this point since the Napoleonic age, as an expert tells us in the Journal des Sciences Militaires. Even the organ of the great general staff in Berlin, the Militär-Wochenblatt, has never disputed the proposition that infantry is the queen of battle.

If, now, observes the expert of the

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Gaulois, we study the German conception of battle in its tactical aspect from the opening of the present war, we are astounded to find that infantry is not the queen of battle to the Kaiser's commanders. No doubt they would agree with the theory as a theory, but we do not find them acting upon it in practice. Military experts in Europe note again and again the tendency of the von Klucks, the von der Goltzes and the von Falkenhayns to make artillery rather than infantry the queen of battle. Guns of the heaviest caliber and of quite unprecedented range are accumulated at points of vantage, not apparently for the sake of protecting the advance of infantry so much as to render the enemy's position untenable. The German commanders seem to have so little confidence in their infantry from a tactical standpoint that this arm of the service is dominated by the artillery.

An illustration of this German conception is provided by the expert of When the London Saturday Review. German infantry advances to take a position by assault, the lines are often raked from the rear by a galling fire as a means of urging the men forward to the enemy's trenches. Retreat under such circumstances means death. The troops must go forward because the raking fire in their advances steadily. The result is that the German troops arrive at the enemy's trenches pellmell, breathless, seeking a refuge, rather than a fight.


When it is remembered that the military magnates of Germany are for the most part artillery officers and that the Krupps have fostered the tactical con

SANDBAG LOOPHOLE (a) Bank of earth.

(b) Sandbags.

(c) Sticks and brushwood.
(d) Sandbags with loopholes.
(e) Elbow rest.

ception they exploit in battle, it is not to be wondered at, think French and British experts, that infantry has ceased to be the queen of German battle. This may be the outcome of the teaching of such German tacticians as General Klingelhöffer, who explains in the Jahrbücher für die Deutsche Armee that the moral and material support of infantry can be supplied only by the artillery. The infantry can be energized only when it knows that the artillery is close at hand. Thus the Germans adopt the view that artillery


can be brought right up into the firing line. Such procedure is a direct contradiction of the French Napoleonic conception of infantry as the queen of battle. The stress upon artillery in German tactics accounts to the French experts also for the unprecedented waste of infantry in Flanders. lives of foot soldiers have been sacrificed remorselessly, altho great care is taken not to lose artillerymen or cavalrymen without adequate result. The conclusion seems to be that, whatever their professed theory, the Germans no longer regard infantry as the queen of battle.

While some British experts are inclined to take the same view, the

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"It may be observed that modern conditions are especially favorable to the massing of large forces of artillery, because howitzers, owing to their high angle of fire, combined with considerable range (8,000 yards approximately), can almost always fire with safety over the heads of the attacking infantry and can continue their cooperation up to the final stage of the attack. Similar action in the case of existence of favorable positions in rear field-guns was, and is, dependent on the of the attack. Howitzers can, moreover, be brought into action at closer intervals because, owing to their long range, it is unnecessary for them to change position during the attack; whereas the field-gun, to cooperate effectively, may have to advance to closer ranges as the infantry spaced to allow room for limbering up. progress. Light guns must be widely

Howitzers can also fire from behind vil

lages, woods and other intervening obstacles, which might restrict the frontage available for field-guns. On the whole,

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