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FEW days ago the writer received a copy of a new book, and on the fly-leaf the author had written: "If you had not believed in and encouraged me to give the time and thought and energy to it, this book, good or bad, would never have been made. So, godfather, on your head be the result."

The title of the book is "Getting the Most Out of Business," and was written by E. St. Elmo Lewis, formerly advertizing manager of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, and now vicepresident and general manager of the Art Metal Construction Company. At the writer's urgent solicitation, Mr. Lewis wrote a series of twelve articles for The Caxton Magazine, under the title of "The New Gospel of Efficiency," and it is this series of articles, carefully rewritten, with considerable new material added, which makes the present completed volume.

Mr. Lewis possesses one of the

most constructive minds in the business world to-day, and from beginning to end this book is replete with keen analytical observations and practical application of the scientific methods to business practice. While he is a university-trained man, he has been in business long enough to learn the difference between theory and practice, and he has written a book to thoughtful men, young and old, to whom life holds some problems worthy of careful study and even concentrated consideration. There is not a dull or uninteresting page in the whole book, altho there are 483 pages.

(Published by Ronald Press, New York, N. Y. Price $2.00.)

The very highest products of man's life in this world are his ideas and ideals.Hamilton Wright Mabie.

What do you do with the holes in your day-those little periods of five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes waiting for an appointment, waiting for your car, waiting for luncheon, et cetera? Fill in these little chinks, and you will be surprised at what can be accomplished.

Most men make the voyage of life as if they carried sealed orders, which they were not to open until they were in mid-ocean.James Russell Lowell.


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ABLE IDEAS WANTED. Manufac turers want Owen patents. Send for. 3 free books; inventions wanted, etc. I get patent or

Do fee. Manufacturing facilities.

RICHARD B. OWEN, 12 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C.

RANERE The True Everbearing RASPBERRY

Bears the first year, ripens in

Northern New York June 10th, and continues to produce quantities of bright crimson, luscious berries every day all summer until frosts. Rich, sugary, with full raspberry flavor; firm texture, keep in good condition long after picking. Rugged constitution. Grows everywhere. Yield as high as $800 per acre.

A small patch is a sure source of income and supply of rich sugary berries. Oct. 24,1914,growers shipping to Chicago were getting 75c. per at. Our 1915 Catalog includes Nut Culture, Fruits, Roses, Shrubs, etc., FREE. GLEN BROS., Inc., Glenwood Nursery, 1717 Main St., Rochester, N. Y.

The First Five FREE


My Private Havana

I want to introduce to you a ten-cent smoke at a five-cent price.

This is my private Havana cigar, made up especially for me under my monogram band. I am a critical

smoker myself and this is the choicest leaf I have found in 40 years of smoking. It comes from a mountainous district in Cuba, selected for me by an expert. Made up in a Panetela shape it affords a smoke of exquisite flavor and aroma - light, sweet, thoroughly satisfying.

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You cannot buy it in cigar stores. And if you could you would pay just twice what I ask. My price is $5 per hundred; $2.60 for fifty; all charges prepaid. Try it!

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The First Five My Treat

Send me your business card or write me on your business letterhead (stating your position), enclosing 10c. toward shipping expenses, and I will send you trial cigars. Then smoke the five at my expense. See if you ever experienced cigars of such dainty taste, such mild, exquisite flavor before.

I supply heavier, stronger cigars, too, for those who want them. But most men prefer this exceptional J. R. W. Havana Panetela. Don't wait. Write to-day for the Free Cigars. J. ROGERS WARNER 945 Lockwood Building

him. The lowest position can be broadened and made the chrysalis for the development of new strength to master other and greater problems.

"A substantial success means several things. It calls, in the first place, for concentration. There is no truth so potent as that which tells us that we cannot serve God and Mammon. Nor can any young man successfully serve two business interests, no matter how closely allied; in fact, the more closely the interests, the more dangerous are they. The human mind is capable of just so much clear thought, and generally it does not extend beyond the requirements of one position in these days of keen competition.

"If there exists a secret of success, it lies, perhaps, in concentration more than in any other single element. During business hours a man should be in business. His thoughts should be on nothing else. Diversions of thought are killing to the best endeavors. The successful mastery of business questions calls for personal interest, a forgetfulness of self, that can come only from the closest application and most absolute concentration. I go so far in my belief of concentration to business interests in business hours as to argue that a young man's personal letters have no right to come to his office address, nor should he receive his social friends at his desk.

“Business hours are none too long in the great majority of offices-and they never seem so to the right young man-and with a rest of one hour for luncheon, no one has a right to chop (44) off fifteen minutes here to read an

Buffalo, N. Y.

irrelevant personal letter, or fifteen minutes there to talk with a friend whose conversation distracts the mind from the problems before it. Digression is just as dangerous as stagnation in the career of the young man in business. There is absolutely no position worth the having in business life to-day to which a care of other interests can be added. Let a man serve the interests of one master, and if he serves him well he has his hands and his head full."

(While this book is addressed to young men, it contains food for thought for the rest of us. The business executive who reads this book will find many suggestions which he can apply to his own efforts, and others which he can pass on to his subordinates, young men for whose growth and development he is responsible.)

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Midnight Sun

Special excursion from Seattle. June 14, via "inside" passage to Fort Yukon within the Arctic Circle. Other Trips at Special Rates Throughout the Summer through the famed "inside" passage to Skaguay and beyond. High class service-Frequent sailings. Make reservations now. Write for booklets and information. HERMAN WEIG, G. P. A.

A. F. ZIPF, T. M. 109 W.Washington St., Chicago; 804 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE.





CASSON, for years a very active figure in American business circles, associated himself with an English company just prior to the war, and has since been residing in London. In a letter to a friend he says some things which are so pat and to the point, that we reprint them here.

"In England there is no uncertainty in business. Both manufacturers and merchants are maintaining their organizations as a patriotic duty, and their slogan is 'Business must go on.' On all sides I hear this question, 'What's the matter with the United States?' No one seems to have a satisfactory answer.

"With the exception of a few men representing American concerns seeking large orders from the government, there are no hustling business getters here from the United States. Why are there not fifty American salesmen in London right now trying to sell $200,000,000 worth of American goods in place of the goods which last year were bought from Germany and Austria? From the European point of view, the United States is a haven of peace, security and prosperity. Why are American factories not running night and day? What is the matter with the American business men, why are they not taking advantage of their opportunities?

"If I could afford it, I would charter the Mauretania and Lusitania and convey a party of five thousand American manufacturers over here for a trip of education. I would give them an opportunity to study conditions here, and it would be an inspiration to them. When they understood that, in spite of the fact that the British empire is engaged in the greatest war the world has ever known, the business interests are not suffering from 'cold feet,' then I would say to my visitors: 'Now go back and appreciate the United States, and realize your opportunities. Get ready for the most tremendous boom that any nation ever had. Build your factories bigger. Train more salesmen. Go ahead with your business, and be thankful that you are living in a land that is at peace, at a time when nearly the whole world is at war.'"




'ELL," said the little tailor to

me, as he finished calling off my measurements for a new suit, "I have taken the measure of many men in my time, fathers, sons, ay, and a few grandsons, too, he pointed to his silvering locks and smiled-"and I have found that birth, position or money doesn't make much difference in a man's height or breadth of shoulders. We seem all to be built on pretty much the same plan, regardless of what we may do or make in this world."

I leaned up against the cutting-table and smiled encouragement at him who


had taken the measure of so many men. I wondered what sort of philosophy he had builded out of his observations. "I saw a picture in Life just the other day," continued the tailor, "that in a It way visualized one of my ideas. showed a wealthy man, big, round and portly, with his heavy fur-lined coat, stepping across the walk from his Fifth avenue mansion, to enter a splendid limousine waiting for him at the curb. And down in one corner of the picture, shaded and misty, appeared the figure of a stoop-shouldered, lean chap, meanly dressed, carrying a pick over his shoulder. Below the picture was the sentence, 'If the founder of the family I could see it now.'

"Can't you see the whole story?" went on the tailor. "The laborer newly arrived in this country, working in the ditch with pick and shovel, and then by


force of intelligence and labor getting to be foreman of the gang; and then borrowing a little money and going into the contracting business himself, with a few teams and a gang of his own. I'll bet he died worth fifty thousand dollars -and then his son took the fifty and made it five hundred thousand, and his son made it ten millions. That's the fellow entering the limousine, who probably never notices the chaps who carry picks and shovels up the road.

"I've measured some such during my life, and let me tell you that about the only difference seemed to be that the second and third generations measured more around the trouser band and less about the biceps. Another thing-the generation of those that go up in the world is generally the one with the qualities that start something. There is many a son and grandson and great

It's the Muscles at Twenty-but What at Forty?

Your early success was largely muscularphysical. Your buoyant vitality gave you a sort of personality which helped you as a salesman or made you popular with your superiors and won easy promotion. It was taken for granted that you didn't know anything and no one minded.

But what at forty? The answer is fairly obvious, is it not? The man of forty is only useful from the jaw up. His successes are not to be won with a vigorous hand shake. His youthful attractiveness is gone. The only thing that counts is what he knows. What will you know at forty?

The routine of a department? The inside affairs of


particular business knowledge that would be useless with any other concern? Is that all? It won't be enough. There will be plenty of boys to match that knowledge at half your salary. At forty, business must be a profession. If you are to step to the front office instead

of to the scrap pile, you

must know business as

a whole-the principles

which underlie all

business activity and how to apply those principles in solving business problems. You Must Be

the man of broad affairs it offers
an invaluable summary of that
which he knows; that is to say, it

organizes his own experience into

a more efficient counsel.

The Alexander Hamilton In-
stitute is planned and conducted
by recognized authorities under
the supervision of an Advisory
Council composed of the following
educators and business leaders:
Joseph French Johnson, D.C.S., Dean

of the New York University School of
Commerce, Accounts and Finance.
Frank A. Vanderlip, LL.D., President of
the National City Bank of New York.
Elijah W. Sells, M.A., C.P.A., Senior
Member Haskins & Sells, Certified Public

include men in every rank of business life; presidents and officers of big corporations, proprietors of progressive smaller concerns; department heads and assistants; accountants, chief clerks and the younger men who are looking forward to bigger responsibilities. To all these it gives knowledge that could be otherwise obtained only by years of bitter experience -if at all. Find out today what it offers you.

"Forging Ahead in

contains a vital message drawn from the experience of hundreds of successful business men. The

The Modern Business
Course and Service

a Trained Business Brain

The Modern Business Course and Service of the Alexander Hamilton Institute is a course of study which covers the whole range of organized business knowledge. It offers to the men of limited horizon the concentrated experience of all business-reduced to an orderly science. To

book is handsomely print-
ed and bound, contains 116
pages, is illustrated with
charts in color, and will
make a valuable addition
to your business library.
We will gladly send you
a copy free and without
the slightest obligation, if
you will request it on
your business letterhead
or fill out attached coupon.

Send the
Coupon Now.

Alexander Hamilton Institute

Jeremiah W. Jenks, LL.D., Professor of
Government, New York University.
Elbert H. Gary, LL.D., Chairman of the
Board, U. S. Steel Corporation.
It covers adver-
tising, selling,
financing, account-
ing, credits, bank-
ing, correspond-
ence and commer-
cial law.

Its subscribers


35 Astor Place, New York

35 Astor Place, New York City

I should like to have you send, without cost or obligation to me, a copy of "Forging Ahead in Business," and full information about your Modern Business Course and Service.


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Snug Shirt







POEMS WANTED for publication.

You may write

a big song hit! Experience unnecessary. Publication guaranteed if acceptable. Send us your verses or melodies today. Write for free valuable booklet. MARKS-GOLDSMITH CO. Department 30, Washington, D. C.

grandson to-day sitting in a dozen big
directorates and smoking twenty-five-
cent straight cigars who is just the
living result of the snowball that the
old fellow with the pick and brains
and energy started a-rolling a genera-
tion or so back. You see, it takes
steam to get an engine started, but it's
easy enough to climb on behind and
go along when the wheels begin to


"A suit of clothes, I've found, doesn't always look quite as nice on the fellow who does the real work, but it's certainly worn a whole lot shinier." "All of which," said I, taking up the conversation, "suggests that true success is not to be judged by what a man acquires but by what he acquires with what he has to acquire it with." "Exactly," said the tailor. "Well, here comes a customer. I'll see you again Friday for the fitting."

-Edwin N. Ferdon.


In expressing opinions, if we would. be fair to our friends and honest with ourselves, we must always allow for the personal equation. To most of us

it is impossible to look at a question from more than one point of view. We may say that we look at it in an all around way, but do we? Unless we have no personal interest in a matter about which we are expressing an opinion, we will be biased even if it be ever so slightly. The human mind is limited and can only regard other interests after it has taken care of its own. As to the truth of this we can find evidences in the biographies of all successful men.

-Frank Anderson.

STUDY INVESTMENT Now, don't dodge. This isn't a getrich-quick or a make-a-million-overnight scheme. The best place for any man to study investment is right in his own business. If you had five or fifty thousand dollars tied up in bonds or stocks, you would expect it to earn six or seven per cent. on your investment, wouldn't you? Well, if you have the ability to earn four thousand dollars a year, and you are only earning two, you have an investment of about thirtyfour thousand dollars which is not paying dividends. Think it over.


Necessary to Civilized Man.

A teacher, sighted by the Albany Knickerbocker Press, was explaining to her pupils in the primary class the difference between civilized and uncivilized races, insisting upon the three things as requisites for civilization

MSS. SUCCESSFULLY PLACED-food, clothing and shelter.

Criticised, Revised, Typed. Send for leaflet L. References: Edwin Markham and others. Established 1890 UNITED LITERARY PRESS, 123 5th Ave., New York


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The following day she resumed her subject, by way of review.

"What are the three things necessary to a civilized man?" she asked.

Several of the children remembered food
and clothing, but the third requisite seemed
to have entirely escaped their recollection.
Finally, after the question had been repeated
two or three times, one of the boys, the
largest one in the class, raised his hand, tri-

"Well, James, you may tell us."
"A wife."

The Soul-Saving Time Limit.

Here is a story told for professional platform people by The Lyceum World:

One day a visiting clergyman, who was to preach before the students at Yale University, asked how long he was expected to talk.

"Of course, we put no time limit upon you," replied President Hadley, with his usual pump-handle gesture, "but we have a feeling here at Yale-that no souls-are saved-after the first twenty minutes."

Concealing a Vacuum.

Some people might say that the Birmingham Age-Herald suggests a cruel suspicion in this colloquy:

"Professor Diggs likes to use high-sounding phrases."

"A mere affectation, no doubt."

"No. I rather think he uses such phrases because he's afraid that if people knew what he was talking about they'd know he didn't know what he was talking about."

How Could She Tell?

Mrs. Williams, who had recently returned from abroad, was attending an afternoon tea which was given in her honor.

"And did you really go to Rome?" asked the hostess.

"I really don't know, my dear," replied Mrs. Williams. "You see, my husband always bought the tickets."

The Landlord's Own Plan.

"Well, yes," confessed the landlord of the Periwinkle Tavern, to Tom Morgan, in the Woman's Home Companion, "it is an idea of my own, painting a purple stripe all around the hotel at the top of the first story. You see, there wouldn't otherwise be anything to distinguish this particular inn from thousands of others. As it is, a good.many people drop in to point out to me that such a decoration is not in good taste, or to urge some other color, or something that-a-way. And they usually remain long enough to spend a dollar or two before I am thoroly convinced.

"Persons with literary talent, and occasionally à real writer, come along and suspect me of being a character, and board here while studying me. As a matter of fact, a drummer gåve me a can of purple paint out of his samples, and I didn't know what else to do with it."


Not Even Expected.

There is a certain veteran hotel clerk of a certain small hotel up in the Maine woods who is noted for two things-his peculiar choice of words and the fact that every day for thirty-odd years he has inscribed on the top lines of his register the principal items of current news in the village.

Not long ago a New York editor, who chanced to be stopping at the hotel, so The Saturday Evening Post says, borrowed the register long enough to copy down the following entries:

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"Monday, October 12. Yesterday, while percolating round the milldam, George Bates fell into the water; and, owing to his wife's failing to make him change his wet clothes, he is now threatened with pneumonia."

"Tuesday, October 13. George Bates is rapidly becoming no better.

"Last right his wife sent for Doctor Linden, who looked him over, collected two dollars, and departed, looking very unsatisfactory."

"Wednesday, October 14. George's symptoms are rapidly eventuating into fatalities." "Thursday, October 15. At seven-thirty this morning our fellow townsman, George Bates, went to his Maker, entirely uncalled for."

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After a period of six months of widowhood, Bridget consented to again enter the married state. Some weeks after she was led to the altar, says London Tit-Bits, her old mistress met her in the street dressed in the deepest mourning.

"Why, Bridget," she exclaimed, "for whom are you in black?"

"For poor Barney, my first husband, mum. When he died Oi was that poor Oi couldn't afford to buy mourning, but Oi said if iver Oi could Oi would, and me new man, Tim, is as generous as a lord."

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"Oh, when he's about three, Ethel." "Why can't he talk now, father?" "He is only a baby yet, Ethel. Babies can't talk."

"Oh, yes, they can, father," insisted Ethel, "for Job could talk when he was a baby." "Job! What do you mean?"

"Yes," said Ethel. "Nurse was telling us to-day that it says in the Bible: 'Job cursed the day he was born.'

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When my wife and I were on our honeymoon, says a writer in The Strand Magazine, we were advised to visit a certain ruined castle, the custodian of which was a relative of the noble owner. Having viewed the glorious old pile, I was at a loss how and in what way to offer a gratuity, bearing in mind the "blue blood" of our guide. The following conversation took place:

"We thank you for your courtesy, and would be glad to give a small sum to any


Smokeless Firebox Boilers

Cut Coal Costs



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Apartment Building

51st Street and Forrestville Avenue Chicago

In a 21 apartment building at 51st Street and Forrestville Avenue, Chicago, a Kewanee Smokeless Firebox Boiler saves $883.20 yearly in the fuel bill-this saving being figured from the record of coal costs during two years. This is the way the saving was figured:

The Kewanee Smokeless burned during December 1914 a daily average of 1400 pounds of coal, costing $4.50 per ton. A coal cost of $3.15 daily or $756.00 for the entire heating season of 240 days.

Another Boiler, which was formerly used in the same building for heating 15 of the present 21 apartments, used during December 1913, 2170 pounds of coal daily, costing $4.50 per ton. A coal cost of $4.88 daily. Figuring that the other make of boiler would heat the 21 apartments at the same proportionate cost, the cost of heating the 21 apartments with the other boiler would be $6.83 daily-or $1,639.20 for the heating season of 240 days.

This shows a saving with the Kewanee Smokeless of $3.68 per day or $883.20 in a heating season of 240 days.


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The demand in unsettled times for good first mortgages indicates their unusual stability. First mortgages do not shrink in value-they are usu. ally on property worth three times the money loaned. We have loaned over $1,000,000 and not a single cent lost to any investor or a single foreclosure sale made. Write for booklet describing methods, and lists of loans from $300 to $10,000. Aurelius-Swanson Co., 37 State National Bank Building, Oklahoma City, Okla.



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You may buy any num ber of shares for cash, one, five, seventeen, etc., or you may buy ten or more shares on conservative margin. On the

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