Imágenes de páginas

could embark her troops at Batum and add them to the Rumanian army. Rumania, by this time

relieved of her dread of Bulgaria, would next join forces with the Serbian army. Thus must the Austrian effort in these regions be neutralized. The Russian army in the Carpathians, meanwhile, having no longer the Austrians to reckon with, would resume the invasion of the Prussian province of Silesia. The mo


-Sykes in Philadelphia Ledger ment Silesia fell into Russian hands there would be an end of the German resistance in the eastern theater of the war. The Kaiser would be in the position of Napoleon after Waterloo. Such was the prospect opened up to Sir Edward Grey by the fall of Constantinople, notes our Berlin contemporary, which professes to be vastly amused by such a display of romanticism in the allied. imagination. Sir Edward was by no means convinced, we are assured, but the long deadlock in the West and

It seems to be a long way from one end of the Dardanelles to the other, too.-Indianapolis News.

the state of British nerves induced him to consent to something spectacular. Sir Edward, it is made to appear, would be embarrassed if the allies did get to Constantinople, for they would have a new apple of discord in a barrel already full of that fruit. Moreover, France and Russia between them are forcing England to bleed gold and she does not enjoy the experience. With a heavy heart, then, Sir Edward told Théophile Delcassé to get to Constantinople if he could. What came next is set forth in the month's despatches.


Has England Turned the Balkan
Scale Against Germany?

NCE the expedition of the allies against the Turk


had been decided upon, it became of the utmost importance to secure the cooperation of Rumania if not in the field at least in her policy. This implied some sort of guarantee to Bulgaria. Sir Edward Grey was very busy in these negotiations just after his conference. with the present head of the Quai d'Orsay, notes the Berlin Vossische. Was he successful? Europe is debating that very question and time ought to answer it within a very few weeks, concedes the Paris Figaro. The French impression is that Servia will make concessions to Bulgaria in return for her own coming expansion at Austria's expense. Everything in these arrangements is too delicately balanced, thinks the Berlin Kreuz-Zeitung. The allies find themselves at a standstill east and west. They undertook a wild adventure against the Turk, making a series of irreconcilable pledges to Balkan powers to keep their house of cards from tumbling. Bulgaria sulks because she is not allowed to occupy at once both Macedonia and the Dobrudga. Servia, Greece and Rumania agree in not listening to the suggestion—at least in that form. The diplomats of the allies have for weeks been bringing Athens,, Nish and Bucharest to other views, England doing the mendacity while the others do the fighting.

The Sick Man of the East is getting no better fast.-Toledo Blade.


AT the urgent solicitation of Premier Viviani, the

They can get no lenses from Jena. Industries depend

ent upon aniline dyes are at a standstill. Then, too, the port of Archangel has lost its flourishing trade. Poland is starving. Strikes have broken out in Petrograd, Moscow and Odessa. Terrorism prevails.

two Socialist members of his ministry requested the leaders of the Socialist group in the Russian Duma to cease their campaign against autocracy in Petrograd. The Russian Socialists were not able to comply with the request, according to both the Kölnische Zeitung and the Vossische Zeitung. German papers are declared in the London Times to be quite too gloomy in GERMAN reports of Russian affairs are much con

their ideas of the situation in Russia. They paint a picture of the Petrograd scene which corresponds, the British daily thinks, to no reality whatever. There are Russian dailies, however, to which the picture seems gloomy enough. For example, the Rietsch, the Russkoye Slovo and the Russky Viedomosti, all important dailies, dwell upon the acuteness of an industrial crisis brought upon Russia by the difficulty of importing from Germany the raw materials indispensable in some forms of production. Experts like Professor W. W. Dmitrieff are quoted as affirming that Russia can find no substitutes for commodities vital to her needs if she is to remain an active belligerent. The officers of the Czar's army are inadequately equipped with field glasses.

Uprisings of the Unemployed in Russia.

cerned with the strike at the famed Putiloff works, which rival Krupp as purveyors of the muniments of war. The Czar's Minister of War intervened directly in this struggle, says the Vossische Zeitung (Berlin). Troops are on guard outside the plant. The workers have been forced to return to their places by the police. Measures no less drastic have been taken in other industrial centers to cool the fever of the strike spirit. Russian dailies attribute the industrial crisis in the land to that policy of economic independence of Germany which official Petrograd is bent upon. There is to be a permanent financial boycott of Berlin. The Moscow Viedomosti feels convinced that the influence of Germany in Russia is on the way to permanent extinction.


The immediate effects are somewhat inconvenient, it confesses, but the work is in process of achievement. It denies the accuracy of the stories of proletarian unrest with which German dailies are filled. Those stories are reiterated, nevertheless, by the Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), which cites Odessa as a typical instance. There the workers are shot and clubbed because they want something to eat.


Difficulty of Getting Facts from Russia.

'NGLISH newspapers, and especially the London Times, strive to convey an impression of a united Russia, sneers the Vienna Neue Freie Presse, when, as it affirms, there is a marked repugnance to fight among the masses of the Czar's humbler subjects. They realize that England is really responsible for the world

wide strife, the Austrian paper remarks, and for that reason all the well-informed in Russia hate England for making so much mischief. Official Petrograd is filled with terror because of the many important German settlements in Russia. When it came to Armageddon, the bureaucracy opened a campaign against the German resident. Correspondence in German is forbidden. German place names have been altered to Russian equivalents. No Russian bank may lend money to a German on any security whatever. Meanwhile the subjects of Nicholas II. are surfeited with unblushing mendacities on the progress of the campaign against Germany. For instance, when the Russians retreated before the advance of von Hindenburg, the Novoye Vremya and its Petrograd contemporaries announced a great victory for the Grand Duke Nicholas, who was at that very moment in straits near Warsaw.


Suspicions of Reaction in Russia. CANDINAVIAN dailies of importance have of late commented pessimistically upon "the final overthrow" of the freedom of Finland. Russia has advanced her bureaucratic administrative machine to the very frontier of Sweden, it is charged, and the fact itself is evidence of the prevailing spirit in Petrograd. There appears to the Manchester Guardian, a close student of Russian affairs, to be some doubt as to the precise character and effect of the Russian official document announcing the series of sweeping changes which have given rise to "this widespread alarm." It has been described as a "ukase” but in form at least it seems to the liberal British daily to be merely the report of a commission appointed some years ago to consider the


gaged on Russia's side, it is painful to have even to consider such a question as this, but nothing is to be gained by ignoring it. The strength of the Allied cause lies in its justice; if feeling in this country is unanimous in support of the war, it is largely because it is regarded as one waged in defense of the rights of the smaller nations; if, on the morrow of victory, the basis of a lasting peace is to be laid it must be on these sure foundations. The matter is, therefore, one which touches us nearly, and we can only hope that any steps which have been taken are not past recall, and that nothing may happen to disturb the complete harmony and confidence which have marked all the relations of the Allies and which constitute for all of them so precious an element of strength."

Growing Scandinavian Concern at
Russia's Domestic Policy.

A FRIENDLY word to Russia on the Finnish quesGreat Britain, observes the Swedish Afton Tidningen. tion would be quite worthy of the traditions of The slightest incident on the Russo-Scandinavian frontier, to quote further, "may throw the already highly agitated Scandinavians into armed conflict with . Russia." Considering the way in which Russia has treated and still treats the Finns, could the Swedes and Norwegians expect to find in Finland a hostile camp? Much might be quoted from Scandinavian papers in support of these discouraged comments. For instance, the Svenska Morgenbladet notes:

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"What all those promises about the 'liberation of nationalities' mean to Russia, the Russian statesmen are proving in deeds in Finland. There was published recently the program for the complete Russification of Finland, the complete annihilation of Finnish nationality and culture-a program showing better than anything else how shortsighted the Russian statesmen are and how little those phrases are worth with which some radicals and liberals abroad are trying to cover real facts. What are English liberals now saying? That question was asked lately by the radical Norwegian government organ, the Dagbladet, commenting upon the impending blow to Finland. Indeed, one may ask, what are they saying?"

Scandinavian Disillusion on the Subject of Russia.

whole question of the government of Finland. "As RUSSIA is teaching the Scandinavians the impor

such it would be subject to ratification by the Duma and the sanction of the Czar." But the fact appears to our contemporary to be that it has actually received the Czar's signature before being submitted to the Duma and not only so, but that it is already in course of enforcement in Finland. Obviously, comments the great Manchester organ of British liberalism, the matter is one of deep consequence not merely in regard to Finland itself, but also as bearing upon the whole policy. of Russia in regard to liberty and human rights:

"What prospect can there be of the establishment of local liberties in a reconstituted Poland if the ancient liberties of Finland are meanwhile to disappear? At a time like this, when all our interests and sympathies are en

tance of military preparation against her sinister designs upon human liberty, to sum up in a phrase the gist of much comment in their newspapers. No benefit

whatever has accrued to the Finns from the fact that they showed their loyalty to Nicholas II. to-day as they showed it during the Crimean war, laments the Norrkopings Tidningar. Loyalty and sympathy have not helped, it says. "On the contrary, Russia has found the opportunity very suitable for dealing the final blow. From western Europe she need not fear troublesome letters written by jurisconsults and friends of freedom." If they live in England or in France, they will be "very tame," adds this newspaper, or else they will keep silence, "and the Germans are enemies." Besides, who would listen in a world war to the suppressed cries

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A Policy of Terrorism by Russian Bureaucrats. 'HOSE who would comprehend what the liberalism of the Czar on paper becomes when translated into actual fact should note with care the progress of recent events in Finland, declares the Socialist Berlin Vorwärts. Since the beginning of the war prominent Finnish citizens, including the Speaker of the Finnish diet, have been arrested in Finland and exiled to Siberia by administrative order. Finnish newspapers have been suppressed by the same process, and

the Finnish press forbidden to reproduce or even to mention the manifesto to the Poles. However, those Russians who believe that Russia is on. the eve of liberal reforms do not base their opinion on "the illusion that the Russian government has already given up its reactionary policy," to quote a well-informed writer in the London Nation. A new liberal spirit, for all that, has come into the political life of Russia, "altho the old spirit is still very much alive." The present Duma, adds this writer-in touch with the facts-is far from being a radical one, yet in spite of the mutilated electoral law and the efforts of the Russian government to obtain a packed Duma, it still reflects the changed attitude of the Russian people and has already on several occasions voted against the government. The war must, he argues, strengthen progressive tendencies in the Duma. Russian liberal newspapers, while conceding that Finland has been dealt with in a reactionary spirit, point out that the new program of the Czar there is "entirely out of. date and at variance with present political circumstances," belonging more to "the past than the present.'

Russians Still Longing for Strong Drink.

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VODKA continues to aggravate the domestic problems vexing Russia as a result of the war. The manifesto through which Nicholas II. divorced his government from partnership in the drink evil costs the Russian treasury a net profit of over $350,000,000 a year, as the London Times calculates. The reform was welcomed by the peasants at first. Throughout the empire, our contemporary explains, the peasants assembled in their village

motes to petition the government to close the monopoly shops. These petitions were complied with. But the difficulties, often foreseen, of such a situation manifested themselves "in the perversity and weakness of human nature." In some instances, after an abstinence of several weeks, the peasants decided that they could not endure enforced temperance any longer. They petitioned to have the liquor shops opened again. "It was evident that legislation or no legislation, the desire for strong drink could not be suppresed in a day." The great necessity, the British daily says, was "another attraction." It was provided by the war. "Russia, as all the world knows, from being one of the most drunken nations in Europe, automatically and at once became a people of total abstinence."

Why don't the Turks Hobsonize the Dardanelles?-Chicago Evening Post.

Russia is determined to have Constantinople. Map-makers of the future will probably spell it Prjconstanzymtinopmyslgrad.— Charleston News and Courier.

THE LOOKOUT MAN ON OUR SHIP OF STATE Counsellor Robert Lansing, captain of the crew of Commodore Bryan's State Department ship, who wrote the United States protests to Germany and Great Britain, prepares our international law briefs, and diplomatically steers between Scylla and Charybdis. We pay him $7,500 a year.

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HE United States as a neutral in these war days sets up a public plea for at least the "core" of international law. What chance do we stand of getting anything more than the answer from all combatants: "There ain't goin' to be no core"? Much depends, Americans think, upon the putting of our case before the public opinion of the world at large; which is only another way of saying that our diplomatic intercourse with other nations is traditionally quite openfaced compared to the policy of secrecy practiced before the war in Europe. And with the publication of the clearly inoffensive but incisive protests of the United States to Germany and Great Britain against interference with the rights of neutrals on the high seas, came the emergence of the diplomatic author, Robert Lansing, official Counsellor of the State Depart


Straightway the New York City Alumni of Amherst, the college which gave him academic birth, after the manner of such metropolitan associations of enterprizing and loyal sons of colleges and universities, discovered a banquet speaker to whom honor was due. His speech, carefully written and convincingly read, displayed none of the arts of oratory; but his confrères report that his well-restrained ability and power impressed them.

graph, and new form of explosives. It
has made mechanical motive power an
absolute necessity in military operations.
The old strategy of surprise has given
place to mobility. The petroleum prod-
ucts, essential to rapid motion in the air,
on land, and beneath the sea, are as neces-
sary to a modern army and navy as arms
and ammunition. New devices for com-
munication and transportation are used
now for the first time in war, and new
modes of attack are employed.

"The result is that neutral nations have
had to meet a series of problems which
have never been solved. The liability of
error, the danger of unintentional par-
tiality, and the constant complaint of one
or another of the belligerents make the
path of neutrality rough and uncertain."

For any lawyer to admit that legal precedent may be lacking for any side of a case that he may be called upon to advocate, strikes the layman as not altogether an unhopeful sign of professional quality. Mr. Lansing's note changed to that of confidence, however, in describing the recent reorganization of the machinery of the State Department. Rapidly it had to be changed from the ordinary peace basis to one which had been able to meet, he said, "not merely daily questions of neutral rights and duties, but the new responsibilities of a veritable diplomatic clearing-house of the world," besides those of a banker, transportation agent and medium of communication for Americans abroad. Incidentally he insisted upon the advantage to-day of securing individual initiative, personal force, and sound judgment in our foreign diplomats rather than the results of a routine promotion system of diplomatic service. This revealed the "special pleader" type of lawyer in the Counsellor of State, according to the New York Times and various critics of the Wilson-Bryan administration. But on the whole, Mr. Lansing's statement to his alma mater's "boys" was accepted as an enlightenmethods is different from all the wars ing if not inspiring interpretation of which have gone before. One can look an anxious time, when Americans in vain for precedents in many cases. In could hardly be appealed to in vain to fact, we have to abandon that time- join in the toast he proposed: "To honored refuge of jurists and diplomaour Country. May she continue in tists, precedents, and lay hold of the bed rock of principle. Diplomacy to-day is peace—with honor." wrestling with novel problems, to which it must apply natural justice and practical

A much wider audience of newspaper readers was quick to discern the seriousness with which the Counsellor takes both himself and the unprecedented difficulties of an extraordinarily delicate situation. Hear him:

"It is my duty, as many of you know, to deal with the questions of international law and usage, which are arising every day in our relations with other countries. These questions are of absorbing interest and many of them are extremely complex because this war in its magnitude and

common sense.

"This great conflict has introduced the submarine, the aeroplane, the wireless tele

Observe a certain naïveté and un

conventionality connected with this
kind of a roundabout diplomatic
"coming out" party. One can almost
imagine a vociferous call of "Who is

Lansing?" and an answer with a yell
of "Amherst! Lansing! He's all
right!" One does not easily think of
its like happening in a nation where
long-trained diplomats abound. Nev-

ertheless it serves the
of a
personal introduction to the American
public which he has not had before.

Robert Lansing's appointment to of-
fice as the successor of John Bassett
Moore a year ago attracted compara-
tively little attention. Assuming that
there is wisdom in trying to keep out
of trouble, it is none the less true that
such a policy does not lend itself to
spectacular performances. But it was
generally recognized that no amateur
hand phrased the notes of protest to
Germany and Great Britain.
It was
recalled that Counsellor Lansing had
practiced international law since 1892,
notably as associate counsel for the
United States in the Behring Sea
Arbitration, 1892-3; counsel for the
United States before the Behring
Sea Claims Commission, 1896-7; so-
licitor for the United States before
the Alaska Boundary Tribunal, 1903;
counsel for the United States in the
North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbi-
tration at the Hague, 1909-10; agent
of the United States in the American
and British Claims Arbitration, 1912-
14. He was also one of the founders
of the American Society of Interna-
tional Law, associate editor of the
American Journal of International
Law, and joint author of a text-book
on government. Reciting his record,
a New York Evening Post writer
estimates Mr. Lansing as an habitual
client-taker to whom the President or
Secretary of State outlines a case in
general terms. Whereupon Mr. Lan-
sing, "with expertness and accuracy,
transforms it into international law
with a clearness and lucidity of style
and a directness of purpose which not
only serves the people of the United
States well, but, at the same time,
pleases his immediate superiors im-

"It takes a special pleader to keep peace in some families, and the Wilson political family is one of them. This is the principal reason why William J. Bryan frequently walks down the corridor of the

State Department to the office of Robert
Lansing. It is one of the reasons why
Robert Lansing walks down the same cor-
ridor two or three times a day and makes

himself comfortable in the office of William J. Bryan. It is the sole reason why both Mr. Bryan and President Wilson rely more on Mr. Lansing than they ever did on Mr. Moore, and there is no doubt in the world that it was the sole reason why Robert Lansing becomes 'Acting Secretary of State' more often than any subordinate officer in the State Department has ever been, and why he often sits in the Cabinet in the absence of Mr. Bryan." The Pacific Northwest is reminded by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that Mr. Lansing cut his eyeteeth in the business of international relations in the seal claims case at Victoria. That he was a life-long Democrat


discovered about the time of his re

cent appointment, according to this far-away newspaper. This Republican journal remarks:

"Mr. Lansing is a diplomat as well as a diplomatist, the distinction being that a diplomatist is a diplomat who has a job. Why shouldn't he be? He is a son-in-law of that famous old diplomat, John W. Foster, former secretary of state under President Harrison, former foreign adviser to the emperor of China; a gentleman who has had his fingers in many an international pie. Mr. Foster, from a

beautiful home in Washington, which he shares with his daughter and Mr. Lansing, looks out upon the diplomatic situation in Washington with shrewd and far-seeing eyes. If Mr. Lansing follows his fatherin-law's advice he will make no mistakes."

The Washington correspondent of the Providence, R. I., Bulletin, referring to this genial father-in-law, declares that it is perhaps not too much to say that not one of the diplomatic notes goes forth from the State Department these days without having first passed under the eagle eye of "the diplomatic fox." Which, if true, we observe might be interpreted as evidence of democratic ability to get help from an old-time Republican father-in

law, which is something of an achieve-
ment in itself. When the important
neutrality resolution giving President
Wilson unusual powers over shipping
from American ports was sent to Con-
gress in the last days of the recent
session, it excited considerable com-
ment that neither the President nor the
Secretary of State, but Robert Lan-
sing, sent the communication to the
House requesting its passage.
It ex-
cited still more comment that when the
resolution struck a snag in the Senate
and had to be remodeled, a hasty con-
ference at the White House ensued,
and it was Lansing not Bryan that
took part therein. The explanation
made in the press reports was to the
effect that Mr. Bryan was found to
be in bed and "it was not thought nec-
essary to wake him." A Secretary of
State whom it is not thought necessary
to waken in a critical matter of that
kind is surely to be congratulated on
the able assistance he is fortunate
enough to command.

A classmate of Robert Lansing at
Amherst remembers that he always
made a pleasing appearance, was good-
looking, well dressed and popular. He
learned team play as quarterback and
captain in class football, and was given
to practice in long-distance punt-
ing, tho he never made the varsity
team. He ranked as a thoro student,
especially interested in psychology and
allied subjects as taught by the famous
Professor Garmon, but received no
special class or college student honors.

Mr. Lansing is now fifty years of
age, of medium height, hair slightly
tinged with gray, a well-groomed per-
sonality one would notice in any group
of men.
He has won out with the
newspaper men by giving them what
they call a "straight steer" to prevent
them from making mistakes unwit-

tingly regarding diplomatic affairs of state. We are assured that he is a man of strong common sense, good manners, wide and valuable personal acquaintance; one of the quietest, most modest men in Washington, temperamentally splendidly equipped for his work, thoroly human in thought and action, kindly and sympathetic. "His gray eyes twinkle, and his face lights into a warm smile on the slightest provocation. He likes to be of service, and is of service, and goes about the job so simply and earnestly as to win confidence without seeming to try to do so." He belongs to the Metropolitan Club in Washington, the Chevy Chase Club in Maryland and the Black River Valley Club in Watertown, N. Y., his native town.

Watertown is the prosperous county seat of rugged Jefferson County, which borders the eastern end of Lake Ontario and the outflowing St. Lawrence, the boundary line of a hundred years of peace with Canada and Great Britain. County historians say that the name Lansing was originally spelled Lansingh in Holland, which might suggest an ancestral Dutch neutrality in the blood. Counsellor Lansing is the only son of John Lansing, with whom he practiced law in Watertown, and his grandfather had been elected county judge and State senator. From law practice in a small city of 20,000 to Counsellor Generalship in international law for a neutral nation of 100,000,000 souls is certainly magnified American opportunity for presenting cases before the bar of world-opinion. If he finds himself without precedents he may take chances of making some. And yet he has been seen at his state department desk after diplomatic calling hours, calm as a fisherman, with a flatbowled briar pipe in his hand.



ULKY of body, raucous of difficult the task has proved in reality, his father was a Prussian officer, as voice, purple of visage and so much so that he is already a legend- are his two sons to-day. His favenerable in years, Marshal ary figure. His gall-stones, for ex- vorite beverage is not Munich beer, Paul Beneckendorf und von ample! Remedies have been sent him according to the Berlin Post, altho Hindenburg, owing to his by every mail, and now it is made to the Bavarians insist that it is. Even campaign against the Russians in appear that he never suffered from the strategic importance of his battles the Masurian Lakes, has sprung into them in his life. The famous anecdote is disputed, the London News professa world-wide renown. Newspaper which summons him from retirement ing to despise the victories he has won despatches have for weeks given de- at the Emperor's peremptory command at such enormous cost. tails of the hero worship accorded is only another invention, says the him by the Germans. Streets named Neue Freie Presse (Vienna). He was in his honor, busts of him in ginger- eager for the fray. The Saxon claim bread and songs of which he is that his mother was a Saxon is mere the theme prove how completely moonshine, adds the Neueste Nachrichhe has captured the imaginations ten, because he is a Bavarian by anof men in the Fatherland. How cestry, this last statement being coneasy it seems to get his personality tradicted again in the Berlin Vorwärts, down in black and white, says the which makes him out a Prussian. At Berlin Vossische Zeitung, and how any rate, he was born in Posen and

Hindenburg illustrates to the militarist Vienna Zeit an important truth about the great war which has not received the attention it deserves. The dominant personalities are all old men. The Grand Duke in Russia, Kitchener in England, Joffre and Foch in France and Hindenburg in Germany have passed middle age. This development flies in the face of theory. War should

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