Imágenes de páginas

The experience of big business and little business with

the Dictaphone

Carries a significant message to every business man-especially

To the man who has never dictated a letter except to a stenographer, who writes his every word twice, once in shorthand and once on the typewriter

To the man whose own time is valuable and who knows the money value of the time of his typists

To the man who believes he is fully in

formed on the subject of dictation systems, but may be years behind the Dictaphone situation.

If you want to find out how to save money, time and worry in handling your correspondence, just reach for your telephone and call up the "Dictaphone." We'll demonstrate the "Dictaphone" in your own office and your own work. If you don't find "Dictaphone" in the book, write to

he provides more than mere representations of florid melons on his catalog covers. One of his methods of assuring the customer that his business is appreciated is that of providing each patron-and some of his better prospects-with a ticket good for meals and lodging, all without money and without price. Whether the customer motors into Waterloo or drives in humbly behind a mule, he knows that he will be taken care of "at the plant"-for such care is a part of his share of the melon. With the Galloway method in operation, the patron feels that he is dealing, not with a soulless corporation, but

with a real, live, tangible, get-at-ablehuman being. That alone is enough to explain a good share of the growth of the business, and sets a lesson which other business men may follow with profit.

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Five of the Finest
Fordhook Vegetables
For 25c

we will mail one package
each of the following Fa-
mous Ford hook Vegetables. BURPEE'S
earliest and best first early. BURPEE'S
earliest butterhead variety. BURPEE'S
est growing of all white radishes.
earliest really first class tomato in the fam-
ily garden. 25 cents buys all of the above. Five
collections mailed for $1.00 and mailed to five differ-
ent addresses if so ordered. AS A COMPLIMENT TO
THE LADIES we include with each collection a regu-
lar 10c packet of our Fordhook Favorite Asters.
Burpee's Annual

Known as the leading American Seed catalog-this
bright book of 182 pages for 1915 is better than ever.
It is mailed free. Write for it today and kindly name
Current Opinion.

Burpee Buildings, Philadelphia


Personality a striking absence of red tape and blanket orders - is the characteristic, aside from the wonderful efficiency-to be seen at the CutlerHammer works at Milwaukee. The story is a classic in Cutler-Hammer history of how a department head waited for some time for orders from Taylor's "Stahot" Water Bottle the "boss"-and then found that he himself was the boss. He was not obliged to submit his plans to a man higher up, because he was considered the actual head of his department and was expected to go ahead on that basis.


Aployed by the Cutler-Hammer

Company is that of the morn

THE DICTAPHONE ing meeting. I have just said that


the department heads are supposed

Suite 1306, Woolworth Bldg., New York to run their departments from their

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own desk, and not to be errand boys

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Each "Stahot" Is equal to 10 of other kind.



and SYRINGE 6 Months' Trial Guaranteed 5 Years Price $3 postpald Write Today.

POEMS WANTED for publication.

You may write a big song hit! Experience unnecessary. Publication guaranteed if acceptable. Send your verses or melodies today. Write for free MARKS-GOLDSMITH 00. valuable booklet. Department 30, Washington, D. C.



The making of Wedding and Social Invitations. Visiting Cards and Stamped Paper is our special work, done in our own shop. Samples and prices upon request. Write Desk C.

LYCETT, Society Stationer

802 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.

DREER'S 1915 Garden Book



"Third call for dinner

for the manager, as is the case in many "The stock ain't fed yet, Hiram!"'

institutions. How then are the department heads to know what the other "bosses"-ranking equally-are doing? The morning meeting is the answer; where incoming correspondence is discussed, past work is checked up, responsibility is diveded and apportioned.

In the morning meeting the engineer gets the views of his associates-the salesman who must keep up his quotathe credit man who is trying to make collections keep pace with sales-all get the point of view of the man who is paying his money for the product. Results are to be seen outside and inside the plant. The employee gives his best to the organization because he knows that returns proportionate to what he gives will come back to him; the patrons "tie to" a company whose departments can initiate a thing and carry it through without overhead or other interference.

Under these conditions, it is not difficult to get individuality from the individual-personality into the organization. The Cutler-Hammer method of making each man responsible and bringing the executives together to get each other's point of view is so successful that it is not only proof that it can be done, but it goes a long way to prove that it is the best method. A single instance will be ample evidence of the spirit of personality that pervades the plant. When I spoke of giving manager Berresford credit for the great efficiency of the organization, he said: "That will never do; give the boys (the other department heads) the credit. They are the ones who really run things. I merely circulate around and see how fine they are keeping things going."


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Enchanted Homes
Transformed by Billiards

This grand old game was once the sport of royalty alone. Yet these are days when Carom or Pocket Billiards reigns supreme in mansion and cottage alike.

Look about you-learn how home folks love the boundless pleasures of
Billiards. Learn how they prize its physical benefits too.
Men's cares

Each evening in the billiard room a round of gaiety ensues.

are lost amid the thrilling rivalry. Each winning shot brings back the old-time bloom to mothers' cheeks.

Here girls develop gracefulness and charm. And Billiards keeps boys home, quickens their wits and makes them big-hearted little men! Real BRUNSWICK Home

Billiard Tables


Real Brunswick regulation tables, modified only in sizes and design.

Quick-acting Monarch cushions, genuine Vermont slate bed, fast imported billiard cloth all the most scientific playing qualities embodied.

The "GRAND" and "BABY GRAND" are built of handsome San Domingo mahogany, richly inlaid. They add immensely to the beauty of the home.

No house or apartment is too small to have real billiards now.

Factory Prices-20c a Day

Our popular purchase plan-terms as low as 20c a day-lets you pay monthly as you play. Thousands are buying like this-direct from us at low factory prices.


30-Day Trial-Outfit FREE

Test any table 30 days in your own home and learn the delights of billiards first hand.

And remember we give a complete high-class Playing Outfit FREE-Balls, Cues. Rack. Markers, Spirit Level. Cue-Clamps, Tips, Table Cover, expert book on "How to Play," etc.

Our famous book, "Billiards-The Home Magnet." shows these tables in actual colors and gives full details. Mail the coupon at once and have this interesting book by return mail free.

This Brings Billiard Book FREE

The Brunswick-Baike-Collender Co.


Dept. 12-S, 623-633 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Send me free, postpaid. color-illustrated book 'Billiards-The Home Magnet" with details of your 30-day trial offer. Name

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Here's the real truth the European War has forced home on us-that America must become more self-sustaining. She must make her products instead of buying them. She must build up American industry instead of drawing her materials from abroad. She must make American business safer-more stable. The only way she can do it is by using products that are made in America of American material. That's why so many far-sighted business men have been insisting upon

Construction Bond

Construction Bond has always been made of bright, clean clippings collected from American garment factories by American industry. Many bond papers have been made of imported rags collected from the tenements of Europe. Such rags are cheaper, but which do vou prefer to have your letterheads made of?

While war has curtailed the importation of rags, and many makers of bond paper are shifting about for new sources of sup ply, the manufacture of Construction Bond has gone right ahead without changes in formula or finish. That's why the quality and uniformity of Construction Bond is being maintained in spite of the war. That's why it offers even better comparative value now than ever before.

Construction Bond has long been known as the standard of value in business correspondence paper. It is a substantial and impressive paper, sold only in large quantities direct to the most capable and responsible printers and lithographers in the 190 principal cities of the United Statesnot through jobbers. Obviously, by eliminating the jobber and buying in large quantities, those concerns who handle Construction Bond are able to give you better value in impressive business stationery.

Write us today on your letterhead for names of those concerns near you. Also for 25 handsome letterhead specimens that may offer valuable suggestions for the improve. ment of your own business stationery.

W. E. WROE & CO., Sales Office: 1006 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill,

My Beauty Exercises

will make you look Younger and More Genuinely Beautiful than all the artificial, external treatments known.

As my way is Just Nature's Way, results are permanent and come soon. It is astonishing to see how the too thin face and neck round out and the hollows fill in by scientifically developing and thickening the muscles. Other special exercises Reduce Double Chin by working away excess fatty tissue, leaving the flesh firm.

Wrinkles caused by the drooping facial muscles disappear. Muddy, sallow skins become clear and the complexion Fresh as in Girlhood. No one too old to benefit.


Instructions for beautifying the hair, hands, nails and feet are included.

Write today for my Illustrated Facial Beauty Booklet-FREE. If you tell me what improvement you would like I can write you more helpfully.

KATHRYN MURRAY, Dept. 283, 209 State St., CHICAGO The First Woman to Teach Scientific Facial Exercise.

Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights Difficult and rejected cases specially solicited. No misleading inducements made to secure business. Over 30 years' active practice. Experienced, personal, conscientious service. Write

for terms-Book free. Address. E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Suite 20, N. U. Building, Washington, D. C.




First Farm Mortgages More
Desirable Than Ever Before

The disturbed conditions throughout the
world has had a tendency to decrease the
value of many other securities, but well
placed First Farm Mortgages are by reason
of the increased demand for farm land and
farm products made even mare desirable
than ever before. Our experience furnish-
ing investments of this character covers 31
years "Right on the Ground." Send for
descriptive pamphlet "K" and list of offer-
ings in large or small amounts.
Grand Forks, N. D.
Established 1883
Capital and Surplus, 8400,000


The demand in unsettled times for good first mortgages indicates their unusual stability. First mortgages do not shrink in value-they are usually on property worth three times the money loaned. We have loaned over 81,000,000 and not a single cent lost to any investor or a single foreclosure sale made. Write for booklet describing methods, and lists of loans from $300 to $10,000. Aurelius-Swanson Co., 37 State National Bank Building, Oklahoma City, Okla.



ERE is a little confession, made by a man who now draws a salary made up of five figures. "When I came into this office as a boy, I was elected to push a broom, run errands and do as many other things as I could find time to do between eight in the morning and six in the evening, and I pulled down three dollars every week; but I wasn't exactly happy, I must confess. You see, the fellow over me would scold' me fierce, and he seemed to make it his business to keep me jumping. How I longed for the happy day that I'd be able to hold his job. Well, time rolled on as it always does, and one day my ambition was gratified.

"I had his job and I had his pay, and also another point of view. The chief clerk was now my boss, a grouchy cuss with a frowning face, and I had my troubles good and plenty. But I stayed around, and after a while I became the chief clerk. Then it was that the manager discovered me, and I discovered another boss. When the manager flitted hence, I was Johnny on the spot, I was again elected, and then I found that the manager wasn't the real boss, because the president of our company was the man who said what was what.

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Ask for Circular No. 875T

Peabody, Houghteling & Co.


10 So. La Salle Street, CHICAGO


come true, and I am not a real boss yet. I am bossed by every one of the fifteen directors, and I am blamed and cussed, at times, by every one of our fourteen thousand customers.

"In this mortal vale of tears, from the time we are born until we are dead, we find, no matter where we work or what position we hold, that there is always some one just ahead. Sometimes I think that the man at the top is no better off, he pays the price for place and power, he doesn't work from eight to five, but punches the time clock every hour. He has a hundred bosses now where formerly he had but one, if he makes mistakes they cost him dear, and a good excuse will help him none."


A GOOD CUSTOMER HE good customer is not always the man who gives the big order, nor yet the one who pays his bills promptly—not but that these traits are good ones in any customer-but the really good customer is the man who buys what he wants at the same price and on the same terms as other buyers get, and who pays for what he buys when he says he will.

No customer can be said to be a good customer who is always trying to beat down a price or obtain an extra favor in terms. A good customer is not the man who is always seeking to claim allowances for shortages or errors that are partly or wholly fictitious. Nor is he a good customer who mails a check. on the twelfth day with the ten-day discount taken off. In fact, a good customer is a man who gives and expects a fair deal in every transaction.

Large buyers are apt to be pursued and fawned upon until they are spoiled and get an inflated idea of their importance and insist upon concessions that they are not entitled to. A small buyer who is a good customer is worth more than a large buyer who is not.

"Those who live in the past must give in to those who live in the future-otherwise the world would turn the other way," says one of the characters in "Milestones."


Smokeless Firebox Boilers Cut Coal Costs

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In anapartment building at 246 West End Ave., New York City, two Kewanee Smokeless Firebox Boilers save the owners $7.88 daily or $1654.80 in a heating season of 210 days.

To heat this building they burn daily 11⁄2 tons of bituminous coal costing $3 75 per ton-a coal cost of $5 62 In another building, of the same size and type owned by the same concern, another make of boiler (not a smokeless) burns daily three tons of Anthracite Coal costing $4 50 per ton-a coal cost of $13 50

This shows a daily saving of $7 88 by the Kewanee Smokeless Firebox boilers compared with the other boilers in the other building

A Kewanee Smokeless Boiler burns the cheapest of soft coal without smoke Therefore, it is unnecessary to burn high priced Anthracite or smokeless coals even in cities where a smoke ordinance prohibits smoky boilers That is one saving

And a Kewanee Smokeless Boiler has conclusively proven its ability to get a bigger proportion of the heat from cheap soft coal than ordinary boilers can get from expensive Anthracite




Heating Boilers. Radiators, Tanks and Garbage Burners


Electric Vacuum Cleaner Special reduced price. New improvements. Absolutely guaranteed. At last a vacuum cleaner a woman can handle as easily as a carpet sweeper. As powerful as many big unwieldy machines.

The Morrow 10 Days' Free Trial We take all

the risk. write today for free book. Don't delay-send now. THE MORROW CO.. Dept. 1313 Waukegan, Illinois Good Territory Still Open-Agents und Dealers Write

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Tear it out when attended to

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Reminds You Instantly

Don't trust engagements or ideas to inemory or an ordinary notebook filled with old notes. Use the Robinson Reminder which preserves only live notes.

Reminder consists of perforated pad of couponed sheets, six coupons to a page (bond paper) in handsome Black Leather case 3 in. by 6 in. with pocket for special papers. Make each note on one of these Coupons, and as soon as attended

to, tear the coupon out and throw it away. No useless matter is kept to hide ive notes.

Reminder complete with extra pad.

$1.00 postpaid-Individual names in gold, 25c. extra.

Send remittance at our risk on Money-back guarantee. ROBINSON MFG. CO., Dept. C,

[blocks in formation]

Detroit Marine Engine

30 DAYS FREE TRIAL Sent on 30 Days

and freight prepaid on the new 1915
"RANGER" bicycle. Write at once for
our big catalog and special offer.

Marvelous improvements. Extraordi-
nary values in our 1915 price offers. You
cannot afford to buy without getting our
latest propositions. WRITE TODAY.

Boys, be a "Rider Agent" and make big money taking orders for bicycles and supplies. Get our liberal terms on a sample to introduce the new "RANGER." TIRES, equipment, sundries and everything in the bicycle line half usual prices. Factory prices on Motorcycle and Automobile Supplies. MEAD CYCLE CO., DEPT. R-217, CHICAGO

saves HALF
operating cost, gives more power,
will not back-fire. Engine starts
without cranking; reversible, only
three moving parts.

Detroit Engine Works, 1249 Jefferson

Free Trial

GREATEST ENGINE BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. If not satisfied money refunded. 1, 2 and 4 cyl. 2 to 50 h.p. Suitable for any boat, canoe, racer, cruiser, or railway track car. Join "boosters" club. Ave., Detroit, Mich.

The Hon. Edward W. Gray. Member of Congress from New Jersey

A Big Thought
from Subscriber No. 1

The Hon. Edward W. Gray-a real estate operator-now Member of Congress from New Jersey, was the first subscriber to The Modern Business Course and Service of Alexander Hamilton Institute.

In a splendid letter to the Institute, Congressman Gray says: "When the majority of our business men understand the fundamental principles of business, many of the serious troubles from which the country is suffering will disappear.

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This means that the country is looking for its leaders to the modern type of business man. The open-minded man. The man who is bigger than the four walls of his own work. The forge-ahead type of man who thinks of business not in terms of "cogs, levers and wheels," but as one vast, smoothly working Business Machine. Such a man realizes that to be in the front rank of Today's leaders of men and affairs he must understand not only his own business intimately but also he must have a general knowledge of Organization, Accounting, Costs, Credits, Finance, Advertising, Selling, Commercial Law and Economics.

The Great Profession of tomorrow is Business. The professionally trained business man can look forward to a wonderful future. He will replace the rule-of-thumb man in the management of business; he will replace the theorist, the ill-informed dreamer, the incompetent poseur in the conduct of national affairs.

The Modern Business Course and Service of the

Alexander Hamilton Institute

is a reading course covering the whole range of business knowledge. From the massed experience of thousands of business men there have been distilled the basic principles and laws governing business.

As one subscriber said, "To read your Course is like mounting a watch tower to survey a field of battle the whole plan of operations lies before your eyes, making everything clear and easily understood."

The Alexander Hamilton Institute is planned and conducted by recognized authorities under the supervision of an Advisory Council composed of the following educators and business leaders:

JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON, D. C.S., Dean of the New York
University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance.
FRANK A. VANDERLIP, LL.D., President of the National
City Bank of New York.

ELIJAH W. SELLS, M. A., C.P.A., Senior Member Haskins
& Sells, Certified Public Accountants.

JEREMIAH W. JENKS, LL.D., Professor of Government,
New York University.

ELBERT H. GARY, LL.D., Chairman of the Board, U. S.
Steel Corporation.

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"Forging Ahead in Business"

contains a vital message drawn from the experience of
hundreds of successful business men. The book is hand-
somely printed and bound, contains 116 pages, is illus-
trated with charts in color, and will make

a valuable addition to your business
library. We will gladly send
you a copy free and without
the slightest obligation, if you
will request it on your business
letterhead or fill out attached

Send the Coupon Now


Alexander Hamilton Institute

35 Astor Place, New York City

I should like to have you send, without cost or obligation to me, a copy of "Forging Ahead in Business," and full information about your Modern Business Course and Service.


Street Address

Business Position..

(Name of firm or company)

Number of years in business....

If you wish to add any facts about yourself, or your business plans that will help us determine the fitness of our Course and service for your needs, we shall treat your letter as confidential and give it personal attention.

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