Imágenes de páginas

"In analyzing our sales records we had noticed that orders from some lines of business would predominate at certain periods of the year. We selected a number of lines of business sold to that showed this characteristic and had them investigated. It developed that at the time the orders were placed the concerns were either beginning or were in the middle of their busy season. This condition naturally led to the obvious conclusion that at certain periods of the year most concerns are more likely to buy our goods than at other periods.

"We took our sales records for the preceding five years and listed every line of business sold to. Then we investigated these lines of business to find out their busy seasons. We found

that but few lines of business transact an equal volume of business the year around. The great majority have busy seasons such as April to September; February to November; July to October; Spring; Fall; July to January; September to December, and so on. This investigation as a whole showed that we had ample live prospects for every month in the year.

"Our next step was to operate seasonal advertising and selling campaigns. Instead of appealing to all our prospects the year around, in a haphazard manner, we now concentrate on each line a little in advance of and during its busy season. Naturally a firm is more likely to be in the buying mood when its factory is humming with activity than during the dull sea

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Creating a New Art

At the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, the exhibit of the Bell System consisted of two telephones capable of talking from one part of the room to another.

Faint as the transmission of speech then was, it became at once the marvel of all the world, causing scientists, as well as laymen, to exclaim with wonder.

Starting with only these feeble instruments, the Bell Company, by persistent study, incessant experimentation and the expenditure of immense sums of money, has created a new art, inventing, developing and perfecting; making improvements great and small in telephones, transmitter, lines, cables, switchboards and every other piece of apparatus and plant required for the transmission of speech.



As the culmination of all this, the Bell exhibit at the PanamaPacific Exposition marks the completion of a Trans-continental Telephone line three thousand four hundred miles long, joining the Atlantic and the Pacific and carrying the human voice instantly and distinctly between New York and San Francisco.

This telephone line is part of the Bell System of twenty-one million miles of wire connecting nine miilion telephone stations located everywhere throughout the United States.

Composing this System, are the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Associated Companies, and connecting companies, giving to one hundred million people Universal Service unparalleled among the nations of the earth.

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You Can Weigh Exactly What You Should

-I know you can, because I have reduced 32,000 women and have built up that many more scientifically, naturally, without drugs, in the privacy of their own rooms.

You Can Be

So Well!

-if you only knew how well! I build up your vitality-at the same time I strengthen your heart action; teach you how to breathe, to stand. walk and relieve such ailments as

Nervousness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Indigestion, Etc. One pupil writes: "I weigh 83 pounds less. and I have gained wonderfully in strength."

Another says: Last May I weighed 100 pounds, this May 1 weigh 126 and oh I feel SO WELL. Won't you sit down and write now for my interesting booklet. You are welcome to it. It is FREE. Don't wait, you may forget it. I have had a wonderful experience and I should like to tell you about it. Susanna Cocroft Dept. 6, 624 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Miss Cocroft is a college-bred woman. She is the recognized authority on the scientific care of the health and figure of women.






Inflammation of the Throat

Hoarseness, cough, bronchial and asthmatic troubles are relieved promptly by Brown's Bronchial Troches. Safe to use whenever required to check a cough or give relief in throat troubles. Entirely free from opiates in any form. Singers and speakers will find them excellent for clearing the voice.

Sold only in Boxes--never in bulk. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Sample Free. JOHN I. BROWN & SON Boston, Mass.

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condition arose through retailers holding back their orders until public demand had indicated the fashion in cards for the season.

But the Dennison Manufacturing Company is no longer at the beck and call of fashion; nor do they suffer from a condition that necessitates crowding the output of a year into a few weeks or months. The company now spreads its Christmas output over an entire year and keeps its factory running evenly.

Here is the way it is done: Instead of trailing behind fashion, the Dennison Manufacturing Company now sets the fashion in cards. They prepare designs two years in advance and send salesmen out to submit these designs to retailers eighteen months in advance of the Christmas season for which the cards are intended. Then they begin manufacturing the cards in quantities based on trade demand in the past, and keep them in stock. Rush orders no longer trouble this company, for filling orders is now simply a matter of shipping. This plan has enabled the Dennison Manufacturing Company to




equalize their Christmas sales and to STILLWELL CALIFORNIA HOME keep their force steadily at work the year around.

The Crane Company used to be up against the problem of rush work and This consequent uneven production. condition exists particularly in bridge construction work. They have over

132 Successful BOOKS

Building Plans

We sell books & blue prints on a money back guarantee

"Representative Cal. Homes"

50-$1600 to $6000-Price 50c "West Coast Bungalows"

51-$600 to $2000-Price 50c "Little Bungalows"

31-8300 to 81700-Price 25c All 3 for 81.00-Postpaid

E. W.Stillwell & Co.. Architects. 4354 Henne Bldg..Los Angeles


come it to a large extent by putting the TYPEWRITERS ALL PRICES

Look at these bargains! Typewriters Rebuilt in our own Factories. Every machine is guaranteed for one year. Remingtons $20 to $55 Underwoods $35 to $60 L. C. Smiths $30 to $50

Smiths $18 to $40 Royals $25 to $45 Olivers $20 to $35

matter frankly to customers and discouraging rush work whenever possible. In periods of general business depression, instead of keeping some men at work full time and laying others off, the entire force is kept employed by AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., Inc., 345 Broadway, N. Y. cutting working hours from fifty-four hours a week to thirty-two.

[blocks in formation]

We have others. Send for catalog describing them, and address of nearest branch office.


ted for its ability to keep its large force in paint is not the novelty you busy the year round. This fortunate

state of affairs is due primarily to the may think it. It is only new to world-wide trade of the company. De- you. There are painters who pressions are seldom world-wide, and will never paint without it, and a slowing down in one or even several house owners who will never parts of the world has but little effect on the sum total of a world-wide busi- let them.


Ask for "Your Move"

Room 408, 55 Wall St., New York

During the present war-time conditions, with almost universal depression, the International Harvester Company The New Jersey Zinc Company is using the surplus time of its men to prepare for the future. The effect of the large number of horses that is being shipped to Europe will later be felt on farms in the United States. There will undoubtedly be a dearth of horses

For big contract jobs consult our Research Bureau



Go to Helen Hart Jeans



in the future for agricultural use. meet this future condition the International Harvester Company is keeping its surplus men busy on building engine-driven farm machinery to replace horse-drawn machinery.

The Pullman Company is also meeting present conditions by doing future work. The wood facings on old cars are being replaced with steel facings. And, incidentally, the company is taking advantage of the lull to train its cabinet makers to handle steel work. In emergencies, also, the Pullman Company handles work at cost in order to keep its force busy.


ULL PERIODS can often be overcome by adding new lines that will sell during the customary slack season. A typical instance of this is a coal firm that adds an ice department. But while all business will not find such an easy solution as this, the plan is practicable and is in wide use. In its early days the Robert A. Johnston Co., of Milwaukee, manufacturers of candies, experienced a dropping off of business during the summer. The public appetite for chocolates is naturally not so great during the summer as the winter. To offset this condition they manufactured a line of candies, such as butterscotch, peanutbrittle, and the like, which would sell when more heating candies would not. This plan solved the problem of a slack summer season. Johnston's business is now spread evenly over the entire year, and the full force of workers kept busy all the time.

Slack periods in a factory are often the result of lack of careful planning of production. This is particularly true where a large number of parts enter into the finished product. Certain parts will often be manufactured in excess. When this condition arises, the department that makes these parts is often closed down until the other departments have caught up.

The McElwain Shoe Company operates twenty factories in the New England states. As a result of careful planning of production these factories. are kept running with the same force

Like Finding Money

Dealers ask $40.00. Our Factory
Price $20.50. Brooks Settee

No. 109.- All Quarter.
Sawed Oak-Massivo

Spend 20 minutes and save about 820. You can assemble this fine, rich looking sette e and save balf usual cost. Our original method of shipping fine furniture in sections


packing costsfreightfactory floor space usually needed.

Write for free book.

We man

u facture everything for home, office and club. We are not

a mail-order housenot jobbers or wholesalers. You deal direct

with factory. 100 designs in Colonial, Mission and Flanders. All beautiful Quartersawed Oak. Write for Free Book of Brooks Master-Built" Furniture.

109 Setteo BROOKS MFG. CO.,

4303 Brooks Ave., Saginaw, Mich.

Largest plant of its kind in the world.




This Dial Shortens The Business Day

[For Thousands of Busy Americans]

Ta touch of your finger it gets your connection instantly-automatically -18 seconds quicker than the most perfect hand-operated telephone system. No operator is needed. A machine takes her place-a machine that is never tired-never cross-never out of order-always ready 24 hours a day, 365 days in the year.

The Automatic-Phone

A Better Inter-communicating System

has been adopted by such representative American businesses as Sears, Roebuck & Co., Standard Oil Co., of Ohio, Solvay Process Co., Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co., BaldwinLocomotive Works, NewYorkCentral Railroad and scores of others equally well known.

They have chosen it, (1) for its economy-a net, clear saving in money on operator's salaries and instrument rentals sufficient to pay the entire cost of the equipment within a very short time-(2) for its saving of time-which is even more important-(3) for its sturdy reliability—(4) for its incompar

New York Cleveland

able convenience-(5) for its secrecy(6) for its constant 24-hour service.

Without "pushing," without elaborate sales effort, without advertising until recently-the Automatic-Phone has forged its way ahead by sheer superiority. 37.4% of our sales for the last 10 years have been additions to equipment already installed.

Request This Booklet

Our booklet "At Your Finger's End" tells how the Automatic-Phone is used and why it has been chosen. Request it now. Please address Dept. 36 and mention the number of telephones you use.

Automatic Electric Company

(Makers of 500,000 Automatic Telephones in Use the World Over) Morgan and Van Buren Streets, Chicago Buffalo Pittsburgh Kansas City Indianapolis St. Louis Toledo



Portland, Ore. AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES, LTD.-Liverpool-Winnipeg-Sidney

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'ABLE IDEAS. WANTED. Manufac turers want Owen patents. Send for 3 free books; inventions wanted, etc. I get patent or no fee. Manufacturing facilities. RICHARD B. OWEN, 12 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C.

MEN! Put Your Razor Blade Money in this "Bank" INDESTRUCTIVE Safety Razor Blade SHARPENER

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Hones and sharpens, in one operation, like new, any make safety razor blade (except Durham Duplex) in 30 seconds.

Write for circular-agents wanted NICHOLS EL. & MFG. CO., 1-3 W. Broadway, New York

I will send my 25c book

Strong Arms

for 10c in stamps or coin

For MEN,

Illustrated with twenty full- WOMEN

page half-tone cuts showing exercises that will quickly develop, beautify and gain great strength in your shoulders, arms and hands, without any apparatus.




901 Barker Bldg., 110 W. 42nd St., New York

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All you have to do then is to telephone for
what you want, instead of waiting for your
clerk to come to you for directions.
simple arrangement saves time at both ends of
the line. It costs little to install and no more
to keep up than your present push button-
buzzer arrangement. A convenience you can-
not afford to be without.

We Will Send On Approval

Western Electric Company

Manufacturers of the 8,500,000 "Bell" Telephones
463 West Street, New York
500 S. Clinton Street, Chicago

We will ship you these
Inter-phones by parcel
post, all ready to con-
nect, on receipt of $8.75.
Your money back if not
satisfied. For full par-
ticulars and directions
for attaching these
Inter-phones, write for
Booklet No. 44-AB.

Hardy English Walnut Trees

Rochester Grown succeed where Peach trees are safe to plant. Plant an English Walnut orchard this Spring. We believe this is the only Northern locality where English Walnut orchards containing hundreds of trees in bearing more than twenty years may be seen. For the lawn or driveway, English Walnut is exquisitely beautiful. Rochester parks and streets contain many beautiful bearing trees, producing delicious nuts as well as shade.

No matter what you may be interested in get our Catalog and Planting Guide, profusely illustrated, includes Nut Culture, Fruits, Roses, Shrubs, Evergreens, etc., FREE.

GLEN BROS., Inc., Glenwood Nursery, 1716 Main St.. Rochester, N.Y.

throughout the year. One factory makes the heels, another the vamps, another the soles, and so on. All parts are kept moving along at a uniform rate. Instead of heels coming along in seven days, vamps in seventeen, and other parts lingering to, say, twentyseven days, all move along at the same rate-none waiting for another.

As a result of this system of dovetailing production, the company is able to keep its entire force busy all the time. And, furthermore, it has cut the time it takes to fill orders. Where it used to take, say, twenty-seven days to fill an order, it is now done in seventeen days. The company also claims that it turns out a better product than before, because by keeping men continuously on the job, they are at all times at their highest efficiency.

PERSONALITY: A CASHABLE BUSINESS ASSET (Continued from page 206) comparatively small profit makes a personality appeal-that of being in the same boat as the man he is selling.

'HEN it comes to the third


point, that of the language employed to tell the tale, the Johnson policy is in line with the celebrated anecdote of Henry Ward Beecher, who, when told of an ungrammatical expression that he had. used, replied: "Grammer doesn't stand any chance when it gets in my way." The policy of "farmer" Johnson has been to tell the story forcefully, naturally and philosophically. If grammar stands in the way of doing thiswell, it's that much worse for gramThe personality that uses "farmer's" grammar in selling to the farmer is one of the personality points that differentiates Johnson from the large number of other manufacturers who build similar goods. By far the greater bulk of business literature concerns itself with fineness of expression.




There is a rule of expression which this incubator manufacturer has grasped intuitively-the principle being, "The value of expression is in an inverse ratio to the value of the message." The formulator of this rule goes on to say that we welcome news of great value to us tho it be couched in the worst argot. When we sit down to be entertained by a poem to Dulciana's eyebrows, on the other hand, we demand the utmost nicety of expression. The Johnson selling literature, not being a sonnet to the eyebrow of a fair one, but information of value to those who would make money by raising poultry, is of homely flavor and expression throughout.

The stand that the prospect or customer is entitled to a personal letter is


one that is taken theoretically by a large number of business men, but few have worked out the plans for putting the theory into practice. Meanwhile Johnson reaps the benefits of his own personality methods, and the neglect of others to get away from the traditional -and incidentally, perhaps, the strictly -grammatical.



William Galloway"Bill," as the farmers love to call him-gave a "divide-themelon" banquet at his factory in Waterloo, Iowa, celebrating a milestone on the way to progress, it was said that the melons were given a thorough internal bath of champagne. When the guests came to the melon course and noted the particularly fine flavor of the fruit, it was noted that many prominent prohibitionists-to whom the flavor was a new sensation-might be seen slyly slipping the seeds into their pockets. This story is perhaps a trifle exaggerated, but it illustrates perfectly the Galloway method of adding piquancy to selling flavor. I have noted, in a previous paragraph, that "Incubator Johnson" serves his selling facts raw-and "makes 'em like 'em." He goes straight to the point with a plain man's story. "Bill" Galloway adds the champagne flavor.

Galloway, with large ambition and financial capacity, was not content to be a one-line man. He builds cream separators, spreaders, gasoline engines -farm necessities of all kinds and sizes. And the attitude of the farmer is of as great value as the quality of the goods, for, with a small margin system of selling, only as the customer continues can a permanent profit be earned. In working out his personality methods, Galloway sticks close to the "divide the melon" selling plan. When a product is put on the market by way of the traveling man and local dealer, "each must have his bite of the melon"-is the Galloway claim. When the goods are offered by the "direct-toyou" method, the farmer gets the intermediate profits-not forgetting a taste of champagne. The reason? Well, because "Bill" is a farmer himself and he just naturally likes to treat his patrons well.


BSTRACTIONS, Galloway believes, do not get anything; he is careful always to use the concrete. One of his best selling arguments, occupying a leading place in a good share of his literature, is the story of his own experience when he drove about the country as an agent selling the farmer. The Galloway past compared with the Galloway present makes easy reading-and a basis for easy logic.

In entertaining the farmer-customer,



You, too, will admire

-the rooms you have finished in Luxeberry White Enamel. Its ever constant freshness and lasting whiteness add

that touch of permanent beauty you so want your home to have.

Your floors will be permanently beautiful, too, if

they are finished with Liquid Granite, the lasting waterproof floor varnish.

Like other celebrated Berry Brothers' Products it has withstood the hardest wear and tear in homes and public buildings for Booklets and valuable information on finishings are 57 over years. free to you from the nearest Berry dealer or direct from our factory.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Write Us
On Your

We also make less expensive Typewriter Stands, Typewriter and Office Chairs, Magazine and Catalog Stands, Mercantile Tables, Adding Ma

chine Stands,

Established 1858

Lasting, Waterproof, Floor Varnish

cities of the world.


Write for free catalog.

Soda Fountain Tables and Chairs, Irdestructible Factory Stools, dc.

You Need It As Much As You Need


Showing depth of Stationery Pockets.

The Typewriter Itself

X-RAY VIEW Saves space. Saves time. Meets every requirement of modern business office. Stenographers do more work because they have better light. Takes only 4 sq. ft. of floor space. Easily moved from room to room or into corner when not in use. Casters can be raised instantly, making stand absolutely firm. Can't

Typewriter vibrate.

UHL ART STEEL Table Cabinet

Thousands in use. Only steel typewriter table cabinet on market. Made of steel with built-up wood platforms. Steel pockets for week's supply of stationery instead of catch-all drawers. Steel dust-proof self-locking roll top. Guaranteed 100% practical.

WARNING Beware of imitations. Insist on having the gen

uine "Uhl." Look for our name and trade-mark. Write for Descriptive Booklet, Free The Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 2573 Dorr St., Toledo, O.

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