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Before this war in Europe is over nearly all the races of the earth seem likely to be included in the combatants. There are Turcos, Senegambians, Afghans, Turks, Sikhs, Boers, North American Indians, as well as Poles, Jews, Slavs, Magyars, Czechs, Servians, Bohemians, French, Germans, Belgians and Anglo-Saxons. The latest addition is a contingent of Fiji Islanders that is on the way from Australia. They long ago forgot their cannibalistic pleasantries and are now, most of them, Wesleyan Methodists.


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RINCE VON BÜLOW had scarcely assumed his functions as ambassador from Emperor William to King Victor Immanuel when a concerted effort was made by certain radical elements in Rome to make life at the Quirinal impossible for the former imperial chancellor. These intrigues are traced by the Berlin Tageszeitung to agents of the London foreign office. Prince von Bülow appears to the London News to have bent his energies less to the persuasion of the Italians to come out on the side of Germany than to a defeat of the plan to involve them with the allies. The Prince is widely known in Italian society, where his wife has many influential relatives. He knows Italy well. His love for her is deep-rooted and sincere. Unfortunately for his plans, the new Italian foreign minister, Baron Sydney Sonnino, is half English through his mother. The Baron is said to cherish for England the same degree of sympathy the Prince cherishes for Italy. The result is a diplomatic duel on which for the moment the most critical issues in world politics depend, or so the European dailies affect to think. Organs of official opinion in Berlin have for some weeks praised Italy for her strict neutrality and advised her to persist in it.

Premier Salandra has just been fortunate enough to win a vote of confidence from the deputies in Rome, and, since he professes the strictest neutrality, the Norddeutsche Zeitung predicts that British efforts to involve Italy must fail.

Immediate Future of Italy as a Neutral.

SALANDRA, the Italian premier, remains an instru

ment in the hands of the inscrutable Signor Giolitti, who, all foreign dailies agree, will decide the attitude of his country to the war. "Germany never had any illusions," we find the Berlin Tag saying. "She knew that the whole triple entente would be against her in the event of war, while she could count on the aid

of Austria only. Italy's fulfillment of her pledges to the Triplice consisted in her remaining loyally neutral. Nothing more could be expected from her." Two new factors have arisen to delay the entry of Italy into the war, according to the London Post. One of these is the arrival of cold weather. The other is the appearance of cholera in Austria-Hungary. The Italian military authorities do not object to heat-witness the fighting in Cyrenaica with a tropical sun blazing. They shrink from cold and snow. Especially do they dread the prospect of cholera. Meanwhile Premier Salandra, in view of recent indiscretions, has sent a circular to the prefects calling the attention of editors to the law relative to promulgation of military secrets. News of the movements of Italian troops is rigidly censored.

Italy Under the Salandra Ministry.

FOREIGN policy, the army and finance must occupy the reconstructed Salandra ministry in Rome to the exclusion of other issues, says the Giornale d'Italia, in close touch with Baron Sonnino. Diplomacy affords Italy just now its most complex problem since the Risorgimento, it adds. As for the army, Italy desires a perfectly efficient fighting force in the shortest possible time. The normal methods of finance are not adapted to the present extraordinary situation. The anticlerical Messaggero, while objecting to a conservative element in the reconstructed ministry, admits that "this is not the time to raise domestic questions." The Popolo Romano approves of the appointment of Baron Sonnino as foreign minister because of his firmness. The clerical Corriere d'Italia expresses confidence in the cabinet, especially in Salandra, whose policy of neutrality will, it thinks, be continued. The Corriere della Sera affirms that Italy still counts in Europe if only because she is considered as a sword whose weight may be felt in the balance where the destinies of nations are weighed.

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neutrality safest, at least from the standpoint of thingsTALY made a profound diplomatic blunder in aban

as they are. Thus the nationalist journal, the Idea Nazionale, deplores the appointment of Baron Sonnino as foreign minister on the ground of his lack of poetry and of lyrical enthusiasm and because of his temperament generally, which disqualifies him from comprehending the Italian world. However, this paper promises support even of Sonnino if he will give Italy the national war which is so necessary. It is thought significant that the Sonnino organ, the Giornale d'Italia, is pointing to the rapid diffusion of German influences in Italy in the shape of German advertizements, German "shop-walkers," books, newspapers, governesses (of whom Padua alone has a hundred), waiters and hotel keepers. The Lakes of Garda and Capri are almost German colonies. These are said, too, in the antiGerman papers, to be the advance-guard of Prince von Bülow, who has all sorts of schemes to render Italy powerless. The result is an outbreak of activity among radicals in Rome, led by the clever Marchese de Viti. They hold meetings often to keep up the agitation in favor of intervention in the European conflict. The anti-clericals are charging the Pope with a pronounced pro-Germanism, altho this is denied by the organ of the Vatican. A significant fact is the appointment of a general recently as minister of war in succession to a civilian.

German Views Contested in Italy.

doning the Balkan cause at the outbreak of the first Balkan war, according to the Messaggero. She made a mistake again in opposing a Servian port on the Adriatic. Neither should Italy have opposed Greek claims to Epirus and the Aegean Islands. The recognition of those aspirations is a necessary condition without which the Balkan league can not be reformed because otherwise Greece and Servia can not be induced to compensate Bulgaria and thus gain her adhesion. Moreover, if Italy proposes to reconstruct the Balkan league, she must act with Servia in conquering Bosnia and Herzegovina and in securing an outlet on the Adriatic from Austria. Italy must also appear as the sincere and disinterested champion of the principle of nationality. This she can not do as long as she lays claim to the Dalmatian coast, which is overwhelmingly Slav, and as long as she maintains her doubtful conduct regarding the isles of the Aegean. She could not put herself at the head of the Balkan league recomposed on a national basis if she violated the principle of Slav and Greek nationality. The whole. article is deemed in Europe a serious indication of Italian intervention and of the policy behind it.

Prince von Bülow at the Crisis of His Career.

ALL Europe watches with interest at this moment the

duel of a diplomatic kind which 'is waged by Prince von Bülow in behalf of Germany and of Baron Son

ROMAN opinion has not been on the whole im- nino in behalf of Italy. What the intentions of Son

pressed by Berlin assertions that Germany is not responsible for the outbreak of war in Europe. Thus the Tribuna, in close touch with diplomatic circles, denies the allegations on this subject of the German professors and intellectuals. "Our denial," it adds, "is strictly connected with Italy's honor because, had Germany been attacked, instead of being the aggressor, Italy would have been bound by treaty to support her at any cost. She did not do so because a case under the treaty of alliance had not arisen." The Italian organ next comments upon the weakness it detects in the argument advanced by the German professors and concludes: "German policy had imposed for years upon Europe the dilemma of recognizing a German hegemony or of having war." This was said at the height of the agitation for war upon Austria in behalf of the union with Italy of the provinces still "unredeemed" from the Hapsburgs. What will finally decide Italy, according to the Messaggero, inspired by the influential Signor Bissolati, deputy for the Quirinal division of Rome, may be defined as her need of closer union with the states of the Balkans. The Balkan peoples, in order to give stability to their league, require the help of a If the Flanders floods become any worse, Flanders will be a great place for a naval battle.-N. Y. American.

Probably every soldier engaged in the European war has a desire to live long enough to find out what he is fighting for.-Toledo Blade.

"Unless China is Christianized," declares Miss Hle Ding Lin, "she will lead the rest of the world to paganism." Some parts of the rest of the world can dispense with a guide.-Springfield Republican.

nino may be passes conjecture in the foreign press. The government in Rome dreads most of all, affirms the Paris Figaro, a peace from which it would be excluded—that is, a treaty ending the war without recognition of Italian claims in southern Europe. If Italy remains a neutral to the end, she will not be recognized as an important factor in the settlement by the allies. Notice to that effect has been served upon the Salandra ministry by such organs as the London Post. German organs like the Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, inspired officially, assure Italy that she will participate in the "settlement" whether she comes in as a belligerent or not. French papers tend to the idea that Italy is at last convinced that the allies must win. She was not so sure of that at first. The desperation of the pass to which Germany has been reduced, according to the Matin, is revealed by the despatch of Prince von Bülow to Rome. He comes, it says, too late. Nevertheless, concedes the London News, there are factors of the utmost importance on the side of Germany still. The outcome of the situation in Rome is the most critical factor in the struggle against Germany on its diplomatic side.

The unspeakable Turk should begin at once to learn how to say "enough" in several languages.-Toledo Blade.

Some notion of the harmony with which Gens. Joffre and French work together may be gained from the following discovery:



That is, they work together, either offensively or defensively. -St. Louis Post Dispatch.





HREE Americans have been brought out prominently before the whole world by the situation in Europe - three Americans and two of these Ohioans. They are Myron T. Herrick, Brand Whitlock and Herbert Clarke Hoover. The first monument the Belgians build after the war is over, says Will Irwin, will be one to Brand Whitlock, our minister to Belgium, formerly mayor of Toledo. He has had a very difficult task to perform and he has performed it with splendid efficiency and devotion, even to the extent at times of living on black bread. Mr. Hoover, the chairman of the American commission in London that has had charge of the relief work, first for the fleeing American refugees and then for the starving Belgians, has shown himself a first-class organizer and administrator. With Hoover handling the London end of the Belgian relief work and Whitlock handling the Belgian end, they have achieved wonders, and, in consequence, when the American flag is seen nowadays in the streets of Brussels or Antwerp or any other Belgian city, the people spontaneously take off their hats.

Myron T. Herrick, ex-Ambassador to France, ex-Governor of Ohio, has won equally enthusiastic praise by the way he has handled a difficult situation in France. "He won the hearts of the people of Paris," says ex-Minister Pichon, in the Petit Journal. There are other ambassadors and ministers in Europe who have earned the praise of their countrymen-Gerard in Berlin, Van Dyke in Holland, Walter H. Page in London, Thomas Nelson Page in Rome, Morgenthau in Constantinople, Penfield in Vienna. Only one of these men had had experience in diplomatic situations, but they all seem to have acquitted themselves creditably under exceptionally trying circumstances. None of them, however, seems to have made such a conspicuous success as has been achieved by Herrick and Whitlock. If the latter does not look out he will be canonized before he gets out of Belgium, and as for Herrick, before he left Paris last month some of the French newspapers were trying to nominate him for President of the United States. If he had stayed a month longer they might have gone ahead and elected him without waiting


for America to have anything to say and rural credits. He wanted to study
the methods of the Credit Foncier in
about it.
France and the Landschaften associa-
tions in Germany and the reasons why
the farmers are producing 28 bushels of
wheat to the acre in Germany and 20
bushels in France, while we in this coun-
try, with soil that ought to be more pro-
ductive, are producing but 15 bushels;
why we can get only 80 bushels of po-
tatoes, on an average, to the acre, and
France can get 190, Germany 226, and
Belgium 286. In an interview in the
N. Y. Times in the spring of 1912, he

As a matter of fact, much more wonderful things have happened than the nomination of Herrick for the Presidency. His "boom" may have started in Paris but it has not ended there. Cleveland, where his home is, took it up several weeks ago and began to arrange for a reception to help it on as soon as it was known when he was to return. The Washington Post takes the movement very seriously. It remarks: "Distinguished as he is as a man of remarkable ability in business affairs, Mr. Herrick would command at once, if nominated, the confidence and support of the business interests of the United States in the largest measure. He, possibly, of all the men named, is the best-equipped by experience, practice, and knowledge of affairs in a more varied sense and in a broader sphere of action." "Republican lightning," observes that great organ of Democracy, the N. Y. World, "might flash further and strike worse."

Nor is this the first time that Myron T. Herrick has been rather conspicuously mentioned for the highest position in our government. After his election as governor of Ohio, in 1903, by the largest majority given to any man since the days of the Civil War114,000-he was looked upon as a possible or even probable successor to McKinley in the White House. Unfortunately he

for governor


second time, at a period when the liquor question came to the front and when the revolt against George B. Cox had reached its climax. Herrick was too closely identified with Cox for his own political health, and as a result he was defeated by a plurality of 43,000. That and the meteoric career of Roosevelt ended all further talk of Herrick at that time for President. He vanished from the political arena, tho President Roosevelt tried to induce him to accept the ambassadorship to Italy and President Taft tried later to entice him into his cabinet as secretary of the treasury. Herrick good-naturedly refused all such offers and resumed his highly successful financial career. Two years ago, however, he accepted the post of ambassador to France because he had by that time developed a new ambition. He had become greatly interested in the subject of farm finance

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Experience in both France and Germany, he went on to say, proved that the development of scientific farming has been largely due to the facility with which farmers can obtain funds for the purpose of financing improvements. Our railway securities, our industrial securities, our municipal securities, and now our commercial paper have been given a negotiable value that enables them to circulate freely and to be readily accepted as security for loans. Mortgages, and especially farmmortgages, are the only form of security that retains its primitive immobility. All this Mr. Herrick saw very clearly several years ago. The subject has been up very prominently in Congress since then and President Wilson has had a commission traveling in Europe to obtain data for the establishment of a new system of farm-banks. It has come to be recognized, in other words, as Herrick recognized years ago, that the greatest defects in our agriculture are due to our financial institutions rather than to the farmers themselves. Herrick has been a banker and financier nearly all his life, and he saw how the farmer was being handicapped all along the line. It was the sense of this among the farmers of the


West that produced the Greenback movement, the Farmers' Alliance movement, the Populist movement and even the Free-Silver movement. They were all efforts more or less blind to secure a square deal for the farmers of the country. This fact has been partly recognized in the new federal reserve system. It will not be completely recognized until a system of rural banking has been installed that gives the American farmer an equal chance with the French and German peasants. "We cannot hope," says Mr. Herrick, "for an increase in the production of food-stuffs in this country to approximate the increase in consumption unless the deserving tiller of the soil can be supplied with the funds he needs at low rates and for long periods. It is as necessary for the farmer to have cheap money as it is for the railroad builder or the manufacturer." He is so immersed in the subject that he has written a book on it. It is entitled "Rural Credits" and has just been published by the Appleton Company.

Now anyone can see with half an eye that in an issue of this sort there are tremendous political as well as economic possibilities. It is of vital interest not only to the farmers as a class but to everybody to whom the high cost of living is a matter of consequence. There is no reason that we know of for supposing that Herrick has taken it up with a view to the political side, or, indeed, that he has any political ambitions left. His first utterance on returning to this country last month was to disown the presidential "boom" already started by that time and to stigmatize it as "nonsense." He added, a little impatiently, that whatever credit he might have earned by his services in France he does not propose to capitalize. His present prominence before the country is obviously a result of accident rather than of scheming on his part. In the ordinary course of events, his going to France would have removed him from the stream of political affairs instead of plunging him into the spotlight as it has.

Myron T. Herrick's interest in farms and farmers is not, moreover, an accident. He was raised on a farm in Lorain county, Ohio, where he was born sixty years ago. He went to college at Oberlin and later at the Ohio Wesleyan, but had to earn money as he was going through college, and he did it by tramping around from one farm to another selling dinner-bells and, for a time, lightning-rods. He taught school and studied law and was admitted to the bar, but fate intended him for a financier. A lucky land speculation in Cleveland gave him a start, and his skill in taking hold of two or three moribund financial institutions and putting them on their feet

Copyright, Harris & Ewing




When Myron T. Herrick reached New York on his return last month he found awaiting him a presidential "boom," a large delegation of fellow-townsmen from Cleveland, O., and a decoration from the French government, which had awarded him the Grand Cordon d'Honneur, which is the highest class of the Legion of Honor and the highest distinction that government awards.

gave him a reputation that in the course of a few years made him sought after by large banking concerns. He became secretary and treasurer of the Society for Savings, he organized the Euclid Avenue National Bank, he linked up various streaks of rust into the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway, he organized the "oatmeal trust," and in the course of time he succeeded Samuel Mather as president of the Society for Savings and was elected president of the American Bankers' Association. At all times he was near enough to politics to see the wheels go around. He was an adviser of William McKinley when the latter was still a young aspirant for political honors. He was on fairly intimate terms with Mark Hanna long before the latter became a President-maker. delegate to a number of Republican national conventions, and in 1900 he

He was a

became a member of the National Republican Committee. The only offices he would accept during this time were one as member of the City Council, in which he served for two years, and the post of colonel on Governor McKinley's staff. He had refused, it is said, before accepting the ambassadorship to France, five diplomatic appointments and three appointments to Presidential cabinets.

Herrick at sixty looks as if he were in the very prime of life, tho his strenuous exertions in trying to take care of four embassies at once in Paris has told upon him somewhat. He makes a fine appearance. He is at least six feet tall, erect, well proportioned, with a splendid head, wavy hair which used to be brown but is now iron gray. He has a voice deeply musical, an engaging smile, strong but not coarse features, and altogether, in

his evening attire, it may be said that the Apollo Belvedere "has nothing on him." He is reasonably fond of society, loves good music, good paintings, good books. He has a fair amount of sentiment and poetry in his temperament. He is fond of golf and fonder still of running his own motor cars. He believes in the Salvation Army and has gone out of his way to indicate this -belief in other ways than by the giving of money. He can talk to a political assemblage or to an after-dinner audience and do it agreeably and well. But he is not an orator and does not attempt to be one. He does not take himself quite seriously enough for that. Life has evidently been a serious thing with him-no man can accomplish what he has accomplished and be an idler or a trifler or a dilettante-but it has not been tragic. There are no deep dramas written in his face. It is the face of a man who has found it comparatively easy to achieve success, to make and keep friends, to stay on good terms with his conscience, and to keep his body in a fine condition. There are lines of power and mastery,

but few or none of suffering and se-
vere struggle. He has eyes that look
straight into yours, but they do not
bore into your soul and they do not
challenge you to combat. They are, so
to say, regardful eyes, kindly discern-
ing eyes, not repellent or suspicious or
even indifferent.

That he made a hit in France is evi-
dent from the tone of comment in all
the Paris papers. That tone is far
from perfunctory or merely polite. It
borders closely on enthusiasm. One
scrutinizes the character of Monsieur
Herrick vainly for traces of that cul-
ture which develops the mere COS-
mopolite, notes a writer in the Paris
Figaro. He is not in the class of
Americans who, however delightful
personally, have lost the fine flavor of
their western atmosphere by breath-
ing too fondly and too intimately the
air of the European. Monsieur Her-
rick is typically American in the
twentieth-century style of the type. He
is the citizen of a republic rivaling
Rome of old in its greatness and
Athens in its culture and he is con-
scious but not too conscious of that.

His pride in his native land is never provocative. His efficiency is American, too, and he has the adaptability of his nation. He made his name so honored in France that henceforth it must be associated with that of the great Jefferson and the greater Franklin. The Gaulois is impelled to dwell upon the generosity of Mr. Herrick's instincts, the exquisite timeliness of his services not to his own country only but to France herself. He understands France and he lets that be known in all his words and in every emergency.

What honors must await so able a man in the land of his birth, suggests the Débats. They are rich in men over there in free, peaceful America, it intimates, but there can not be another Herrick. He has the sincerity of large natures, the strength of gentle ones, the force that goes with greatness. He is the true child of America; but France will never forget that she discovered him, hailed him, loved him first.

Mr. Herrick disowns and disinherits his own presidential "boom."



AR did not reveal King the sovereign in the splendid palace Albert to the Belgians was a riddle to his people. They were altho, as the Rome Tri- more accustomed to the Leopold of the buna says, it did reveal Congo. him to the world. Long before the crisis came in Belgium, her people had seen their king in the mines with a pick and shovel, on the railroads, where he drove an engine, and in the factories, in which he exploited a mechanical gift for which he was remarkable from boyhood. The part he plays to-day is made natural to him by temperament. Bitterly, adds our contemporary, do his people recall the solemn warning he addressed three years ago to the Senate in Brussels on the subject of the unprepared state of the kingdom for the conflict that has come. His prophetic voice went unheard. That, too, was inevitable, since King Albert is somewhat too stern, somewhat too serious, for the comprehension of his people in ordinary times. He affords the anomalous spectacle of a severely intellectual sovereign ruling a thoughtless people, a grave monarch in a normally gay realm. The soul of Belgium is artistic and the soul of her King is Roman. His stern devotion to sociology, his dreams of a paradise on earth for the workers in mine and mart, have brought upon him ridicule and criticisms of the sarcastic sort. Even his genius, mathematical and mechanical, seemed alien to his environment, for Brussels was before her tragedy the giddiest capital in all the world, and


One must go back as far as the Homeric age, as the Paris Figaro remarks, for an ideal illustration of all that Albert, in the capacity of King, signifies to his Belgians. He is a king with the kingliness of Agamemnon, the comrade as well as the sovereign of his soldiers, and his heart is leonine as was the heart of Achilles. Albert, as king of the Belgians, reveals the large simplicity of that Diomed who was the bravest and mightiest of the Achaeans before Troy. The Homeric virtue of the King of the Belgians the courage, endurance, strength equip him for the Homeric life he leads, charging the foe in the forefront of the battle or lying by night in a circle of his braves, listening to their tales of war. Albert is a king right out of the Iliad, for, while he remains the commander-in-chief of his people, their judge and their representative before the world, he is no more a despot than was Menelaus or Ulysses. Like the true Homeric prince, he helps in the building of trenches and acts as his own charioteer, or, as we moderns say, chauffeur. His sway is so absolute because it is founded upon the example of heroism that he sets and his people love him because he lives their life.

Glimpses of King Albert, afforded frequently in accounts from the trenches, reveal him in a soiled uniform, eat

ing the warmed-up soup of the regular ration, sharing his match with a soldier from whom he has received a cigaret, or affording first aid to the injured. There are lines about the Coburg mouth that was always the characteristic feature of the countenance of King Albert, says a writer in the French daily. The cheek-bones tend to prominence and the voice is rough and heavy. The tall figure has lost flesh and the complexion is no longer ruddy. There is a slight limp in the walk, for the wound in the foot received at Antwerp is slow to heal completely. His presence with his men is now so much a matter of course that he receives no more attention after the swift salute from the soldier to whom

he speaks. The etiquet of peace is gone completely. Belgians no longer stand in the King's presence, for that would be inviting death. His Majesty's rank is quite forgotten as he holds a torch while the engineers repair the break in a gun carriage or lathers his face to shave himself without the aid of a mirror. He was knocked down by a wounded horse during the retreat from Antwerp, and as his car had been commandeered for ambulance purposes he walked into France surrounded by thousands of troops as ragged and hungry as himself. He is so familiar a figure on the fighting line that no sentry ever demands evidence of his identityan embarrassment to which General Joffre was subjected on at least one

recent occasion.

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