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Read of the experience of two ambitious young
people who have entered college on the money
earned through the



November 7th, 1914.


Gentlemen:-The work with your company during the past summer was remunerative, pleasant and profitable and I consider it the best proposition of its kind that I ever heard of. During a working period of less than nine weeks my gross proceeds amounted to about three hundred and forty ($340) dollars, and by working in my native city and state at very little expense, I am able to report a clear profit of over three hundred dollars (more than one hundred and fifty dollars per month) for my summer's work.

The work brought me in contact with the best people of every community and offered an unexcelled opportunity to study human nature from an entirely new viewpoint.

The courteous treatment and even cordiality with which I was received by those with whom I came in contact together with the royal treatment at your hands, made the work a pleasure. Too much cannot be said for the manner in which I was treated in my dealings with you, and knowing by actual experience that you will live up to your half of a bargain, I feel no hesitancy in saying that if a candidate fulfils his part of the contract as well, there is no reason why success should not crown his efforts.

I know of no better way in which a student can secure pecuniary means necessary for obtaining a college education than by enrolling as a candidate under the Current Opinion Scholarship Fund. Sincerely yours, (Signed) FRANCIS S. HARMON, University of Virginia.



134-140 West 29th St., New York City.

October 17th, 1914.


Gentlemen-I am now looking back over the summer just past and can safely say that it has been the most enjoyable and profitable vacation I have ever spent. And the reason for it all is the Current Opinion Scholarship Fund. I not only enjoyed every day of my vacation, but found myself the proud possessor of $310, the first money I have ever earned. I find that it alone almost covers my college expenses.

I have made many friends in several cities and can easily expect a hearty welcome when I revisit them next summer. And as a last remark I wish to say that there are no words of praise in the English language that are good enough for the editor and manager of this Fund. No person but Mr. Clayton could possibly take such a personal interest in each candidate. I am grateful to him and to the assistant manager for their advice which surely was a help to me in getting the Scholarship. I take a great deal of pleasure in speaking of the Scholarship Fund to my friends and I hope to be able to represent CURRENT OPINION again next summer.

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Sincerely yours,

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me, without obligation on my
part, your free booklet "THE
TION," and full information about
the operation of the Fund.





Ex-Chamberlain of the City of New York.

Ex-President of Lafayette College.

President, Mt. Holyoke College.

During the past six years the Current Opinion Scholarship Fund has helped over 1000 college and high-school students solve the problem of their colThe Fund is ready to help you solve your problem.

lege expenses.

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ANY new words are being coined, but fortunately for us most of them go into the discard almost as soon as invented. this were not so, our language would soon become more unwieldy and cumbersome than it is now, and, instead of being able to lift a dictionary by main strength and awkwardness, it would be necessary to employ a hydraulic lift.

From time to time some fertile brain evolves a word which is really worth while because it adequately expresses a thought or defines something which heretofore has needed a more comprehensive name. "Shamateur" is such a word, and was invented by an Englishman to designate a certain type of would-be sporting man who, at games and races, pretends to know all about the inside of the affair without in reality knowing anything. All of us have seen those wise-looking people -not the simple, pleasure-loving amateurs, but "shamateurs," the loud and important fellows who take particular pains to let you understand that they know all about it.

We Americans have an uglier term which has often been applied to such people, that is, "four-flushers." When we stop to think about it, what an excellent creation this new word is"shamateur." It applies to so many places in business and society. How it fits that fellow in our office who has so far succeeded in "pulling the wool" over the manager's eyes by his cute tricks and self-assertion. He hasn't had an original thought since he came into the organization, he swipes his ideas right and left and then claims them as his own. He doesn't know his business, and we know that he doesn't; by and by the manager will find out that he doesn't, and then he will have to hunt for a position. We have his measure and his number, and it amuses us to see him putting up the bluff; but we will simply call him a "shamateur" and let it go at that.

We find this type of fellow in every walk in life. Whenever we find a real big man or big business we find the "shamateur"-the sham artist-lingering about in the shade ready to appropriate the success which rightfully belongs to others. Everywhere, among real people, we find the "shamateur" with his sanctimonious countenance and manners. We cannot escape him. We all know him. He is no more a real, genuine man than a scarecrow, and yet the law forbids that he be taken by the neck and thrown out, notwithstanding the fact that he is a public menace wherever he exists.

We cannot help feeling disgusted when we think of him. He is so con(Continued on page 139)



The Mirage

Are you waiting and watching for it-for that accidental grouping of events which will open for you the easy path to success-are you waiting for Opportunity? The race-horse doesn't wait for opportunity-he is trained. The lawyer or doctor doesn't wait-he is trained. In the ninety-nine cases, success goes to the best man-to the man whose superior training enables him to hew out his own opportunity.

Business is no longer a scrub game for amateurs. The leaders of business must be men who have reduced to a science the control of those forces involved in the conduct of business. Leaders of today don't guess, don't experiment, don't take a chance-they know what they are doing-and why. They build on basic principles-on exact knowledge of finance, organization, distribution, sales, advertising, commercial law, transportation, accounting. Is your experience teaching you these business principles-or is your work so circumscribed that you have no chance to learn them? Do the walls of your office cut off your broader vision of business as a whole?

The Modern Business Course and Service of the

Alexander Hamilton Institute

is a course of study which covers the whole range of organized business knowledge. It offers to the men of limited horizon the concentrated experience of all business-reduced to an orderly working science. To the man of broad affairs it offers an invaluable summary of that which he knows: that is to say, it organizes his own experience into a more efficient counsel. The Alexander Hamilton Institute is planned and conducted by recognized authorities under the supervision of an Advisory Council composed of the following educators and business leaders: JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON, D.C.S., Dean of the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. FRANK A. VANDERLIP, LL.D., President of the National City Bank of New York. ELIJAH W. SELLS, M.A., C.P.A., Senior Member Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Accountants.

JEREMIAH W. JENKS, LL.D., Professor of Government, New York University. ELBERT H. GARY, LL.D., Chairman of the Board, U. S. Steel Corporation.

Its subscribers include men in every rank of business life: presidents and officers of big corporations; proprietors of progressive smaller concerns; department heads and assistants: accountants, chief clerks and the younger men who are looking forward to bigger responsibilities. To all these it gives knowledge that could be otherwise obtained only by years of bitter experience-if at all. Find out today what it offers you.

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To prove to you that the Monarch is the most powerful. durable and practical massage vibrator of its size and cost on the market, we send it To Try Free.

Runs on its own dry cells or connects with electric light socket.

The Monarch Vibrator stimulates circulation wherever applied, relieving headache, catarrh, nerves." rheumatism. stiff neck, and all ailments due to congestion of circulation.

Renutifies complexion, prevents dandruff and scalp trouble. It brings the blood to build up deficient parts to normal or to reduce abnormal flesh. It is the

Ideal Massage Machine Write for our new book, "Health and Beauty Without Medicine," FREE.

MONARCH VIBRATOR CO., Dept. C2, Jackson, Mich.

"Forging Ahead in Business" contains a vital message drawn from the experience of hundreds of successful business men. The book is handsomely printed and bound, contains 116 pages, is illustrated with charts in color, and will make a valuable addition to your business library. We will gladly send you a copy free and without the slightest obligation, if you will request it on your business letterhead or fill out attached coupon.

Send the Coupon Now

Alexander Hamilton Institute

35 Astor Place, New York City



I should like to have you send, without cost or obligation to me, a copy of Forging Ahead in Business," and full information about your Modern Business Course and Service.


Street Address

Business Position...


(Name of firm or company) Number of years in business

My Beauty Exercises


will make you look Younger and More Genuinely Beautiful than all the artificial, external treatments known.

As my way is Just Nature's Way, results are permanent and come soon. Wrinkles caused by the drooping facial muscles disappear. Muddy, sallow skins become clear and the complexion Fresh as in No one too old to benefit.

It is astonishing to see how the too thin face and neck round out and the hollows fill in by scientifically developing and thickening the muscles. Other special exercises Reduce Double Chin by working away excess fatty tissue, leaving the flesh firm.

Instructions for beautifying the hair, hands, nails and feet are included.

Write to-day for my illustrated Facial Beauty Booklet FREE.-If you tell me what improvement you would like I can write you more helpfully.

KATHRYN MURRAY, 209 State St., Dept. 282, Chicago The first woman to teach Scientific Facial Exercise


Merely About
Some Back Numbers

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A man from another publication, who had recently joined the Current Opinion organization, was amazed at the great number of requests that poured into the office for back numbers.

"Why is this?" he asked; "I thought Current Opinion was just a sort of a monthly newspaper, and like a newspaper or a weekly, thrown aside forever after it was a few days old."

"You were not thinking," replied the man who handled these requests. "You were simply letting your mind amble comfortably along in a deep groove worn by the million minds that follow beaten tracks and wear them into ruts. If you'll read a few of these requests through to the end you will observe that these people want, earnestly want, old copies of Current Opinion because they regard the magazine as a gigantic serial story of the whole race of man, because they are preserving it as such, constantly referring to it, and they don't want a single chapter to be missing.

"And they find this is true of no other magazine because no other is edited in a way to preserve carefully the interesting sequences of its subjects from month to month."

Though this is really a story for advertising men, not many such will read it. But it is also a story for advertisers, for the men who are investing money in publicity, for the men who like to pay to have their messages graven into the very tablets of history, rather than written on the sands of the passing moment.

Oh, yes, and of course the moral is, use




temptible in contrast with real things, real men, real effort, real courage, real accomplishments. Perhaps some day men will be simply men for what they can do, for what they are worth as men, and not as shams. When that day comes we will no longer need the word "shamateur," but right now it fills a long-felt need.

Our business in life is not to get ahead of other people, but to get ahead of ourselves. To break our own record, to outstrip our yesterdays by todays, to bear our trials more beautifully than we ever dreamed we could, to whip the temper inside and out as we never whipped him before, to give as we never have given, to do our work with more force and a finer finish than ever; this is the true idea: to get ahead of ourselves. Whether we win or not, we are playing better than we ever did before, and that's the point after allto play a better game of life.-Maltbie D. Babcock.



F WE would all make an effort to get our business binoculars adjusted to a sane and proper focus, we would do more genuinely constructive thinking, is the belief of N. W. Ayer & Son. They recently published a little book under the title of "Better Business," and I am taking the liberty of quoting some of the paragraphs:

"There never was a time when so many persons were trying in so many ways to make things better, and this desire for better things means much to the man with a business which deserves success.

"No art of prophecy is required to predict that business is going to be better with the better business-it's going to be increasingly hard times with the inefficiently organized and poorly. managed business. Modern methods are direct and open-in politics, in diplomacy and in business. The days of mystery and indirection have slipped into the limbo of things that are past. There isn't a single pair of gum shoes in the modern business house. Business must justify itself or it can't exist.

"Mere business isn't a business sin. Some businesses which have grown big through wrong methods must change their methods. They've won at the expense of thousands, perhaps millions of others, and that's not according to the rules of the game. Some big businesses are a blessing because of their bigness, and the benefits conferred are in direct proportion to their size. Such business structures are sound because their foundations are sound. Some of the meanest business practices imaginable would be unearthed if certain small businesses were investigated.

"The complex dailiness of a business frequently prevents its proprietor from

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as is its recWONDERFUL Word of triumphs, MAZDA ord of triumphs, MAZDA Service strives toward even higher accomplishment in electric lighting.

For the mission of MAZDA Service is to develop not merely a better lamp, but the best illuminant that mankind can devise. For this, a corps of scientific pioneers in our Research Laboratories at Schenectady delves unceasingly into the hidden ways of science-exploring the whole world for new materials, new methods, new thoughts and supplying the results of this

search to the makers of MAZDA lamps so that they may bring the perfect light always a little closer.

For this, too, thro' all the years to come, MAZDA Service will go on and on, ever seeking to improve the lamps of tomorrow as it has improved the lamps of yesterday. And thus as the mark MAZDA etched on a lamp means to you the best lamp of today, so to your children's children, MAZDA will mark the lamp that sums up in their day all this endless search for the perfect light.



"Not the name of a thing but the mark of a Service"

'ABLE IDEAS WANTED. Manufac turers want Owen patents. Send for 3 free books; inventions wanted, etc. I get patent or no fee. Manufacturing facilities. RICHARD B. OWEN, 12 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C.

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writes to the Current Opinion Scholarship Fund:

"I heartily endorse your Scholarship Plan. I earned $425 this last summer, altho I had no previous experience whatever. One of the features of your Plan is that it enables a student to work whenever he has spare time after school, and on Saturdays, as well as during vacations.

I know of no better proposition for self-supporting students, and I recommend it to all who may want to earn their way through college." (Signed) FRANK KUEHN.

The Current Opinion Scholarship Fund has enabled hundreds of High-School students to go through college on their own resources. The Fund is ready to help YOU. Send AT ONCE for our free booklet, "The Open Door to a College Education." CURRENT OPINION 134-140 West 29th Street SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Dept. F,

New York City

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looking over and under and on all sides
of his enterprize. But a business, like
a man, should take an occasional reck-
oning, and see where it is 'at.' A man
going along day by day doing his daily
acts will weaken his efficiency and mar
his life if he gives no thought to the
welfare of others. It is not moral cant,
but the most practical kind of twen-
tieth-century sense, to say that if a
man is not useful to others he is a
nuisance and an encumbrance on the

"Business may be selfish, but the way
to selfish business success is through
an increasingly better service to others.
The greater the number it serves and
the better it serves them, the greater
its growth and prosperity. All of
which is very bromidic, you may say,
but many otherwise able business minds
are apparently unable to grasp these
seemingly simple truths. America has
no cause to be ashamed of her busi-
ness men. Most of them are actuated
by an ambition that is honest and
wholesome. Most of them realize that
there must be a change or there will
be no progress.

"The multiplication of individual
prosperity does not make general pros-
perity any more than the division of
general prosperity makes individual
prosperity. We believe that business
is to be better. We look for a truer
and finer adjustment on the part of
business men to their full opportunities.
Just now we hear a great deal about
'social justice'-'the rights of the peo-
ple'-'the common good.' The same
thought is expressed in many guises
and applied to many phases of exist-
ence-social, commercial and political.
This simply means that civilization is
taking a forward step-that democracy
is gaining ground-that men in mass
are moving one rung up the ladder of


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"Questions like this are apt to divide us into two more or less sharply defined classes, according to our education, position, wealth and environment. Extreme points of view are likely to be developed on either side; but be the struggle for a year or a decade, the records of the dead past afford abundant evidence that the result is always the same. Humanity at large wins. It would be a sorry world were it otherwise. It is sometimes made to appear that business interests are opposed to popular progress, but this is not true. Business success in this country is predicated upon popular progress and popular prosperity."

With the splendid tooks which have been published during the past few years dealing with every phase of business, there isn't anything a man cannot learn if he knows the alphabet and is willing to work and study.

impression made upon a man's consciousness by the order to "Buy Soand-so's Soap" or "Go to see Bent's Beauties" is quite as definite an impression as would be made by the same command shrieked in the ear by a graphophone placed where the sign may be; and, indeed, quite as definite an impression as would be made upon the consciousness by being hit with some soft padded instrument.

While the writer is heartily in sympathy with any movement which will help to remove the objectionable outdoor display advertizing which disfigures our landscapes, the reason advanced by Mr. Bennett why they should be removed is ludicrous in the extreme. If bill-boards have the power which he gives them credit for, it is only necessary to make this fact known and the demand for them will be doubled. The advertizing men in this country, and there are thousands of them, are lying awake o' nights devising methods of appeal to the human consciousness; and if outdoor advertizing has the "punch" which Mr. Bennett claims, it is only a question of time before it will supplant all other forms of advertizing.

Mr. Bennett gave a résumé of the various movements and campaigns against bill-boards, and he was of the opinion that these had been ineffective because the arguments presented were esthetic or opposed to constitutional property rights. He suggested that the next attorney defending a drastic ordinance or statute directed against the "national nuisance," call as expert witnesses some modern psychologists like Münsterberg or, Mark Baldwin to prove that a real injury is done; that sign-boards are an unjustifiable intrusion.

From the standpoint of constitutional property rights, the courts have held, and justly so, that a property owner has a legal right to place an advertizement upon his property or permit others to do so. The courts have refused to uphold legislation tending to the elimination of sign-boards because the arguments advanced against them were esthetic. We will never legislate the bill-boards out of existence, and we

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