Imágenes de páginas

of coal used; ampere hours and voltage of current generated; heating conditions, such as cubical contents, radiating surface and exposure.

This information is obtained by the technical man by direct investigation at the plant. He also has made a photograph of each plant as well as the building which it supplies. He then tabulates the data so as to show plainly the cost of operating the building with the existing plant, compared with the proposed cost of operating it with Edison service. This comparison is made with existing methods of operating whatever machinery may already be in the building, and with the indicated changes in operative methods necessary to equip the building most economically with Edison service.


HEN the technical man completes his report, it is turned over to a salesman who uses


it as a basis upon which to prepare a proposition and selling talk for talk for presentation to the of the building. How such a proposition is presented depends largely upon the type of man with whom the sales man has to deal the same as in other lines of business. But the point is here a technical man seldom makes a good salesman, and a salesman seldom has an aptitude for technical work. The Edison Company realizes that each of these two parts of the sale calls for expert knowledge. And so it places both in the hands of specialists. Thus the salesman can go straight to the owner of a plant and command his instant attention because he not only knows the Edison proposition but also that of the prospect. And, furthermore, a study of the technical man's report has shown him just what objections the prospect will raise, to overcome which he can prepare arguments in advance of his call, instead of trusting to spur-of-the-moment replies.

By the use of these methods the Edison Company succeeds in inducing right along, with a minimum of effort, owners of private plants to close them down in favor of Edison service. The difficult nature of this work, and the value of the methods used, will be fully appreciated when it is considered that the average sale of this nature represents a revenue to the Edison Company of from $10,000 to $20,000 per

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proach. So many times we hear it said by a salesman that he never knows what he is going to talk about when he enters a man's store, until he meets the proprietor. We trust too much to catch-as-catch-can methods in approaching merchants. It is of great importance in every case to make a thoro study of the prospect's business before you introduce yourself to him. You can easily make a purchase of a cigar, or apple, or any article in the store, and at the same time hand the clerk a piece of money which will require him to make change. You can in this way see the location of the cash drawer, and learn the method of handling the sale. If possible, enter into conversation with the clerk.


"Train your mind to grasp the situation in the store-to see in a moment's time how the charge business is handled. Gather from the baskets on the floor whether the merchant delivers goods by drivers, and from the bill in the basket his method of handling this From his fixtures and show-cases you can see whether or not he is progressive. From the kind of scales he uses you can see whether he is a believer in modern equipment; from his show-window, whether he is smart enough to take advantage of advertizing space; from the general appearance of his store and his clerks, you see whether he is a believer in neatness and discipline.


"You can train yourself to take in the entire situation in a few minutes, and will thus be fortified in your first interview with the proprietor. You will not only be able to show him where money-leaks are likely to occur in his store, but, from the kind of fixtures he uses and appliances with which he surrounds himself, you can judge very closely the kind of system to present to him and whether he will be easy or difficult to interest in a modern, up-to-date system."


OT all businesses, however, offer the same opportunities for quick sizing up as a retail store. Business offices in general seldom show on the surface the plan of campaign in operation.

This can be learned only by personal investigation. Arthur W. Newcomb, who is associated with Harrington Emerson, the efficiency expert, tells of the successful application of this preliminary investigation idea to a concern which sells a sixty-dollar plan of business promotion. Selling cost ran altogether too high. On investigation it was decided that the way to cut selling cost in this case was to reduce the number of calls by each salesman. This waste of effort took the form of the salesman having to devote the first few calls to finding out details of the prospect's business, and his point of con


Various methods of presentation were tried to get at the facts at the first interview, but without avail. Then it was decided to use junior salesmen

understudies-as "finders." The time value of these young men averaged only one-third of that of a salesman. And so three or four calls by one of these finders equaled in cost only one call by a salesman.

The company compiles a list of prospects in each salesman's territory and then turns these names over to the finders to obtain data on each name. No set method is followed, as, naturally, conditions differ with each prospect.

Much of the information is picked up from outside sources, but when necessary the finder goes straight to the office of the prospect and quizzes him at first hand.

As fast as information is obtained on each prospect, it is turned over to the salesman who covers that particular territory. Then by studying it the salesman can go straight to the prospect and launch a selling talk which will hit the bull's-eye right from the start.

This method has resulted in sales being made in a lesser number of calls than before, and at a proportionately lower cost.

Firms that sell pianos, stoves, and the like, to farmers, use a similar plan with great success. During the summer, college and high-school students are hired to make a canvass of certain territories, and find out the make of stove or piano owned by every farmer, how long he has had it, and whether or not he is satisfied with it. Other information such as the standing of the farmer, the size of his family, their likes and dislikes, is obtained at the same time. This information is then passed on to salesmen, who work each territory a week or so after the investigators, and use the data to guide them in phrasing their selling talks.


HERE'S a sales promoter in Chicago-Roy H. Randel-who has a reputation for being able to stock up druggists with any new article in record time. It was recently the privilege of the writer to watch him in action. Randel had decided that a big market existed for a certain proprietary article which retailed at one dollar. He had already decided on the manufacturer to approach. But before presenting his proposition to the manufacturer, he spent an entire week in calling on drug stores in and around Chicago and sounding them out. He would go into a store as a customer, make a purchase of some sort, and then draw the proprietor or one of the assistants into conversation. In the course of this talk he would discover the attitude of the store toward the article in which he was interested. At the end of the week he had accumulated a mass of


vital information on actual trade conditions. This data he tabulated and used it to guide him in preparing his selling talk to the manufacturer. As a result of this preliminary investigation he was able to close a $20,000 deal with only four calls. Natural selling ability, of course, figures largely in his success, but he places the greatest importance upon his preliminary investigations.

There is a builders' supply houseit wouldn't do to mention the city or the firm name-that constantly succeeds in outwitting competitors in landing orders for new buildings.

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actually sell supplies to the building owner, or to the architect, altho their influence is, of course, valuable. The contractor is the man who makes the actual purchase. To find out the name of the contractor the architect is working with, before this information becomes public knowledge, is the problem. When this can be done, the supply house can submit a proposition long in advance of competitors.

Most architects, the firm in question discovered, have a firm or firms of contractors with which they prefer to work. The name of these connections represented very valuable information to the builders' supply house. And so they hired an investigator to find out from the principal architects in the territory they cover the names of the contractors with which the architects


usually work. This information is obtained directly as well as indirectly. It is maintained by the supply house in card-index form. Then the moment they learn that a certain architect is preparing plans for a new building they send a salesman to see the contractors with which he works, as indicated by the card-index record. As a double check, the investigator is sent to the architect to see if he intends using contractors other than those with which he usually works, and also to the owners of the projected building. By using this simple method the builders' supply house is able to scoop its competitors on many a sale.

"Thrice armed is he who hath his quarrel just." And the man who adds good humor to his offensive and defensive equipment is well-nigh invincible.


HE late Robert McQuillan, a man who was a real business builder, and directly responsible for the success of A. Storrs, Bement & Company, of Boston, once said to me: "There are only two grades of creditthe good and the bad. There are no betwixt or middlings. Never take a gambler's chance on a credit proposition.

"Most business to-day is conducted on a narrow margin of profit. Why should a man risk the loss of goods which have actually cost him eightyfive dollars, if there is a chance of not getting a hundred dollars back in money at the end of thirty or sixty days? I would rather bet my eightyfive dollars on a two-for-one horse, than to extend credit to a man who was only reasonably' good pay. If my horse won, I would receive one hundred per cent. profit for having taken the chance; while my profit would only be fifteen dollars on the credit transaction. If you are going to take the gambler's chance, my dear Holmes, take the gambler's profits at the same time." I asked my friend McQuillan if he had found it possible to reduce his credit transactions to mathematical formulas, and his reply was: "Not by any means; we lose money every year owing to poor judgment or lack of correct information. But our losses are smaller than most other concerns in our line of business, simply because we will not take the chances which they do."

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Roger W. Babson, the statistician, says: "One cause of the increased cost of living is the extension of the credit system.' But suppose credit were suddenly to be removed from the business world-what would happen? The great wheels of the world's business would come to an absolute standstill. We would retrograde to the small scale of olden times, and business would again become insignificant trad



There would be no large organizations of industry; commerce would cease, and half the world would be idle.

The word "credit" comes from credo

(I believe), and every transaction performed by credit involves the belief on the part of one man in the integrity

and character of another. The most successful credit managers I have known were, like my friend McQuillan, depending on their own judgment of human nature, plus the best information they could secure from all sources. No matter how well-rated a customer may be, no matter how prompt he is with his payments, they keep their fingers on the credit pulse of each customer all the time. The most unsuccessful credit managers are those who blindly pin their faith to a commercial agency rating-book, or in some readymade set of rules, never looking to the right or left.

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FTENTIMES a concern whose real assets are practically nil will have a good rating, while a concern with actual and material assets will have a very poor rating. The system by which the agencies secure their data is, perhaps, the best that is possible under present conditions; but it is pretty much the same system that was in use a quarter of a century ago. There has been little improvement, nor is it any more exact. The agency asks for a statement, which is usually furnished; the representative of the agency makes a few inquiries, interviews the manager of the business; and then the agency, acting on its best knowledge and belief, fixes the rating.

If a business is in an uncertain condition, the manager is usually anxious to furnish statements and will go out of his way to make sure that the investigator secures the right kind of information. But I have known many business men whose affairs were in excellent condition who refused to give a statement to the agencies, and who would be brusque and almost rude to their representatives. The agency men are only human, and having been rebuffed will give the business only a “reasonable rating." Personally I would much rather extend credit courtesies to these men who are brusque than to the smiling, look-us-all-over fellows who appear to tell everything. They never tell the things we ought

to know.


O NOT misunderstand me. This is no brief against commercial agencies. They have their place, and everyone having to do with credits should study his agency reports carefully. I am not defending the human turtle, who pulls himself into his shell the minute credit is mentioned; for at best he is his own worst enemy. I am

simply telling you what my experience men and others, and all information the statement may be or what the assets has been.

Here is a twice-told tale, but it illustrates the point: One morning a man with a handful of papers went into a store-I don't know whose store or where—and said, turning over his papers, "I would like to find out how much stock you have." The "boss" suddenly became very busy-so busy he could not stop to make a calculationbut volunteered in a very large way, "Well, we have got about $10,000 worth of stock on our shelves." "Yes, and how many solvent debtors have you? How much is owing to you that you consider good?" "About $5,000." "Well, how much do you owe?" "Don't owe anything." "Good," said the inquirer, "I'll see you later."

That afternoon he returned to the store, and, taking out his papers, announced, “I have come to collect your personal property tax." "Well," said the "boss" not remembering him, "I suppose you want to find out what property I have got." "Why, no," explained the caller; "I was here this morning and you told me. We assessed you accordingly." The "boss" was angry, and said: "My friend, you haven't treated me right. When you came in this morning, I thought you was a Dun or Bradstreet man."

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OU will note that it is not a legal crime to lie to a commercial agency, altho in some states they are trying to enact a law to that effect. There are times when even a banker, in order to save himself, will give an incorrect statement regarding a debtor. A manufacturer doing business in a small town was on the verge of failure and owed the bank of his own town six or seven thousand dollars. He wanted to transfer his account from that bank to one of the very large banks in the city, and the two bankers had some correspondence on the subject. The local banker, knowing the true conditions, and wishing to "get from under," gave the debtor a very excellent reputation, and the account was removed to the city, to which news of the depositor's failure came some few weeks later.

Harlow. N. Higinbotham, former partner of Marshall Field, and credit manager of that great company, tells this little story from his experiences: "How little the credit man can rely on regular methods, and how largely he must depend on his own judgment is shown in this case. One of our customers owed about $5,000, and his increasing slowness in taking care of his bills led to the suspicion that his business was not prospering. I visited

was in favor of the doubtful customer. "He stood high in the estimation of everybody, especially with the church people. He was active in religious work. The banks regarded him as a substantial business man. But all this did not offset the fact that he was not meeting his bills promptly, and my investigation revealed the fact that he was not doing as much business as formerly, that he was devoting a larger and larger amount of his time to outside interests. I went back home and wrote a letter to this customer that he must pay in full.

"Within a few days I received a personal call from the merchant's local banker. He wanted to know why we had refused credit. 'Everybody in our town has the utmost confidence in him,' he said, ‘and if you will investigate a little, you will reconsider your attitude.' I told him we needed the money, but that if the merchant was so well thought of at home, no doubt he could raise the money without difficulty, and perhaps the bank would make the loan. 'Yes, it will,' exclaimed the banker, 'but it is absurd that a house like yours makes such a thing necessary.' loan was made, and our bill was paid; but before the loan was paid, the merchant had failed. This banker made the common mistake of confusing good fellowship and good pay."



A. PARMALEE, vice-president of Parmalee-Dohrmann Company, tells of a very interest

ing case:


“A jeweler who had been an excellent customer for a number of years began slipping in his payments. did a good business and his account had previously been very desirable. When we reminded him of his pastdue account he replied, giving a very plausible excuse, and asked for a considerable extension. Owing to his previous record this was granted. A few months later he did not reply to correspondence, and investigation disclosed that he was drinking to excess, and gambling; but all this had been carried on so quietly that our salesmen had not learned the facts.

"I then made a personal call and spent the day with this man. I found conditions so bad that his continued patronage was not wanted, and I felt free to use harsh methods. As a result, several hundred dollars was raised that day, some merchandise was returned, and a fairly satisfactory adjust ment effected. Within two months he was forced to make an assignment, with assets less than half his liabilities." There is only one real basis for his city and made an investigation on credit—character-the character of the my own account. Without disclosing man or men who are "behind" a busimy purpose or asking any direct ques- ness. If the man or men are not hontion, I talked with a number of business est and square, it matters not how good


The agencies try to tell you how much; but the more important question is: How was it made, and what is being done with it.

Some credit managers are interested in a lot of red-tape rules and regulations; but those who have few losses apply the test of character to every credit, as a chemist would test a solution for acid or alkali. No less an authority than the late J. P. Morgan declared shortly before his death that character was the one thing to be looked for in the extension of credit. He cited instances in which he had given his check for large sums to men whose sole assets were their character. It is probable, however, that the acknowledged master of finance used the term "character" in its broadest sense, including therein the elements which others would classify under the head of "capacity."


UT what about the man who is honest, who hasn't any bad habits, who is attending strictly to business, but who is fighting a losing game? Not all of the men who fail to pay their obligations are dishonest. It frequently happens that a man who is absolutely honest is forced by circumstances which are beyond his control to compromize with his creditors. The loss is no less real to his creditors, even if the man's intentions were the best.

A year ago a firm in a little up-state New York town failed for more than

$20,000, and after months of waiting ramifications, the creditors received while the court performed its usual four cents on the dollar. The manager of this business was a young man, full of ambition and energy, and possessing a determination that ought to have carried him through. But it didn't, because he was fighting against odds which floored him. I asked him how it happened that he got in so deep. He told me that he had started his ing progress, but his ambition got the business in a small way and was mak

best of him. He wanted to branch out, and when he explained his proposition to a group of "business builders" they told him to go ahead and they would take an interest in the business and help him. One of them did as he agreed and more.

A splendid factory building was erected, equipped with machinery that had been carefully selected: the outlook was most promising. But the men who had promised to stand "behind” did not do as they agreed. The young manager found himself in much the position of the bank which David Harum so cleverly described as "all building and no assets." "And there I was,"

(Continued on page 130)

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UCH has been said and volumes have been written describing at length the many kinds of baths civilized man has indulged in from time to time. Every possible resource of the human mind has been brought into play to fashion new methods of bathing, but strange as. it may seem, the most important, as well as the most beneficial of all baths, the "Internal Bath," has been given little thought. The reason for this is probably due to the fact that few people seem to realize the tremendous part that internal bathing plays in the acquiring and maintaining of health.

If you were to ask a dozen people to define an internal bath, you would have as many different definitions and the probability is that not one of them would be correct. To avoid any misconception as to what constitutes an internal bath, let it be said that a hot water enema is no more an internal bath than a bill of fare is a dinner.

If it were possible and agreeable to take the great mass of thinking people to witness an average post mortem, the sights they would see and the things they would learn would prove of such lasting benefit and impress them so profoundly that further argument in favor of internal bathing would be unnecessary to convince them. Unfortunately, however, it is not possible to do this, profitable as such an experience would doubtless prove to be. There is, then, only one other way to get this information into their hands and that is by acquainting them with such knowledge as will enable them to appreciate the value of this long-sought-for health-producing necessity.

Few people realize what a very little thing is necessary sometimes to improve their physical condition. Also, they have almost no conception of how little carelessness, indifference or neglect can be the fundamental cause of the most virulent disease. For instance, that universal disorder from which almost all humanity is suffering, known as "constipation," "auto-intoxication," "auto-infection," and a multitude of other terms, is not only curable but preventable through the consistent practice of internal bathing.

How many people realize that normal functioning of the bowels and a clean intestinal tract make it impossible to become sick? "Man of to-day is only fifty per cent. efficient." Reduced to simple English this means that most men are trying to do a man's portion of work on half a man's power. This applies equally

to women.

That it is impossible to continue to do this indefinitely must be apparent to all. Nature never intended the delicate human organism to be operated on a hundred per cent. overload. A machine could not stand this and not break down and the


body certainly cannot do more than a machine. There is entirely too much unnecessary and avoidable sickness in the world.

How many people can you name, including yourself, who are physically vigorous, healthy and strong? The number is appallingly small.

It is not a complex matter to keep in condition, but it takes a little time, and in these strenuous days people have time to do everything else necessary for the attainment of happiness but the most essential thing of all, that of giving their bodies their proper care.

Would you believe that five to ten minutes of time devoted to systematic internal bathing can make you healthy and maintain your physical efficiency indefinitely? Granting that such a simple procedure as this will do what is claimed for it, is it not worth while to learn more about that which will accomplish this end? Internal Bathing will do this, and it will do it for people of all ages and in all conditions of health and disease.

People don't seem to realize, strange to say, how important it is to keep the body free from accumulated body-waste poisons. Their doing so would prevent the absorption into the blood of the poisonous excretions of the body and health would be the inevitable result.

If you would keep your blood pure, your heart normal, your eyes clear, your complexion clean, your mind keen, your blood-pressure normal, your nerves laxed and be able to enjoy the vigor of youth in your declining years, practice internal bathing and begin to-day.


Now that your attention has been called to the importance of internal bathing, it may be that a number of questions will suggest themselves to your mind. You will probably want to know WHAT an Internal Bath is, WHY people should take them, and the WAY to take them. These and countless other questions are all answered in a booklet entitled "THE WHAT, THE WHY and THE WAY OF INTERNAL BATHING," written by Doctor Chas. A. Tyrrell, the inventor of the "J. B. L. Cascade," whose lifelong study and research along this line make him the preeminent authority on this subject. Not only has internal bathing saved and prolonged Dr. Tyrrell's own life, but the lives of a multitude of hopeless individuals have been equally spared and prolonged. No book has ever been written containing such a vast amount of practical information to the business man, the worker, and the housewife; all that is necessary to secure this book is to write to Dr. Tyrrell at Number 134 West 65th Street, New York City, and mention having read this article in CURRENT OPINION, and same will be immediately mailed to you free of all cost or obligation. [ADVERTISEMENT]



Perhaps you realize now, more than ever, the truth of these statements, and if the reading of this article will result in a proper appreciation on your part of the value of internal bathing, it will have served its purpose. What you will want to do now is to avail yourself of the opportunity for learning more about the subject, and your writing for this book will give you that information. Do not put off doing this, but send for the book now while the matter is fresh in your mind.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." A thief is one who steals something. Don't allow procrastination to cheat you out of your opportunity to get this valuable information which is free for the asking. If you would be natural, be healthy. It is unnatural to be sick. Why be unnatural, when it is such a simple thing to be well?

IF YOUR EYES ARE NOT NORMAL there is a perfectly safe and natural way of restoring perfect circulation of blood, which is all that weak eyes require.

It is in the nature of a gentle massage given over the closed lids for five minutes at a time twice a day, and for twenty years this method has been successfully used in correcting eye troubles and bringing back normal eyesight to young and old

Many of those whom it has benefited had very serious eye troubles too, as is shown by their voluntary letters on the subject.

Just note what leading authorities say on the subject of eye massage-Doctor De Schweinitz of Philadelphia, Professor of Ophthalmology at Jefferson College, has stated that in treating even so serious a condition as dreaded cataract of the eye, massage of the eyeball "has been followed by improvement in vision and deepening of the anterior chamber." The Medical Record, in treating the same subject, says that "the most feasible plan seems to be properly applied massage."

This system of massage to which we refer is fully explained in a scientific book on "The Eyes-Their Care, Their Ills, Their Cure," which may be obtained free on request from The Ideal Masseur, 134 West 65th Street, New York, if you will mention the CURRENT OPINION.

The most effective helps for our weaknesses nowadays are often the most simple and safe. Hosts of people have saved themselves from the nuisance of constantly wearing eyeglasses by using this massage (or exercise), so it will probably be well worth your while to at least inform yourself further by writing for the little book which treats the subject so thoroughly.

explained the young man, "head over heels in debt, with a fine plant, plenty of business within easy reach because we had established a pretty good reputation for the quality of our product, but without a penny of working capital to conduct the business.

Burpee's Sweet Peas W


Six Superb Spencers For 25c we will mail

one regular

10-cent packet (40 to 50 seeds) each of BURPEE'S DAINTY, a beautiful picotee pink-edged Spencer; BURPEE'S KING EDWARD. deep carmine scarlet; BURPEE'S IRISH BELLE or DREAM, rich lilac flushed with pink; MRS. CUTHBERTSON, an exquisite pink; MRS. HUGH DICKSON, rich apricot on cream ground; also one large packet (90 to 100 seeds) of the BURPEE BLEND OF SUPERB SPENCERS FOR 1915, the finest mixture of Spencers or Orchid-Flowered Sweet Peas ever offered. The Burpee leafleton Sweet Pea Culture with each collection Burpee's Annual

WE HAD a reasonably good rating, altho I had tried to be absolutely frank with everybody, including the commercial agency. I explained the condition of our affairs to several of our largest creditors, and they told me to keep a stiff upper lip and dig in, altho one or two limited our credit. Salesmen called on us every day from the concerns we had previously been buying of, and others who thought they recognized in us a new and valuable customer. I had no difficulty whatever in buying all the goods we wanted, but I bought sparingly, telling each salesman that we would require long terms. The salesmen appeared very anxious for our business and quoted their longest terms. I told each one that I might want even longer terms than they offered, and in most cases they volunteered the information BUNGALOW HOME that I would be accommodated.

Known as the leading American seed catalog-this bright book of 182 pages for 1915 is better than ever. It is mailed free. Write for it today and kindly name Current Opinion.

W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. Burpee Buildings, Philadelphia

[blocks in formation]


Our books show 132 plans.
"Representative Cal, Homes"

50...$1600 to $6000... Price 50c. "West Coast Bungalows"

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We sell books and blue prints on All 3 for $1.00-Postpaid. a money back guarantee.


The making of Wedding and Social Invitations. Visiting Cards and Stamped Paper is our special work, done in our own shop. Sampics and prices upon request. Write Desk C.

LYCETT, Society Stationer

802 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Md.

Dreer's 1915
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Everything worth growing in Flowers. Everything worth growing in Vegetables. Cultural instructions for planting and growing will mike gardening easy even for the amateur.

Over 1,000 photographic illustrations, 8 color and duotone plates, 272 pages.

Mailed free if you mention this publication

Dreer's Orchid-Flowered Sweet Peas With immense wavy flowers in sprays of 3 and 4 blossoms each. Our mixture contains a full range of colors. 10c. per pkt.; 20c. per oz.; 6oc. per 14 lb.

Garden Book free with each order

Henry A. Dreer 714-716 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa.

-she is not delicate,
-not short-lived,

as some people suppose. Judge
the Jersey by the facts. In 1913
there were among

The Jersey

cows officially tested for the year
18 cows which averaged 12
years 7 months of age. Their
average production of milk was
8617 pounds. Average butter
fat, 387 pounds.

Longevity, Constitution and Economic Production are Jersey characteristics. She is everywhere proving suitable to the American climate and farming conditions. The American Jersey Cattle Club

324 W. 23d St., New York City

Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights

Difficult and rejected cases specially solicited. No misleading in

"Every dollar I possessed was invested in the business, and on my personal recommendation some of my friends had invested. This was done MSS. SUCCESSFULLY PLACED prior to the time that the 'promising

ducements made to secure business. Over 30 years' active

practice. Experienced, personal, conscientious service. Write for terms-Book free. Address. E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Suite 20, N. U. Building, Washington, D. C.

business builders' had taken an interest in our affairs. If I had shown the If I had shown the white feather we would have been in bankruptcy within twenty-four hours, so I did the best I knew how under the

Criticised, Revised, Typed. Send for leaflet L. References: Edwin Markham and others. Established 1890 UNITED LITERARY PRESS, 123 5th Ave., New York

POEMS WANTED for publication.

You may write

a big song hit! Experience unnecessary. Publication guaranteed if acceptable. Send us your verses or melodies today. Write for free valuable booklet. MARKS GOLDSMITH 00. Department 30, Washington, D. C.

circumstances, depending on optimism Pu

and hard work to carry me through. I tried not to deceive anybody, and was always glad to discuss details with anyone who asked for a statement. Some fellow with a forty-four caliber capacity would probably have succeeded in spite of the handicap, but I didn't measure up to it and was finally forced to surrender."


HIS case is cited not because it is unusual but rather because it is

typical of many. Who was responsible? It seems to me that the concerns that extended credit were as much to blame as anyone. If they were not familiar with the conditions, it would have been comparatively easy for them to ascertain the facts. If they knew the facts and yet were willing to take the gambler's chance, they had no cause to complain. If they extended credit on the basis of the commercial agency rating, it ought to have taught them a lesson.

Salesmen, as a whole, are too optimistic and too anxious to secure names on the dotted line, to act as credit

(Continued on page 132).


Picking Up Magazine
Orders in Your
Spare Time

In every community there
are many magazine readers.
You could just as well get
their orders and have the
profit on
We pay
generously for new or re-
newal subscriptions to all
magazines and particularly

Write for our new bonus offer; the most generous ever made by a standard magazine.

CURRENT OPINION 134 West 29th Street, New York City

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