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The Quest of Cold Light


Talks about MAZDA No.5

YWITCH on the current that causes an electric incandescent lamp to glow. What happens? You get light, but also heat. Since your eye is a special instrument particularly sensitive to light, since read a book with light and you not with heat, the more light that you get from your lamp the more

"Not the name

of a thing but the mark of a Service"

satisfactory should be the result in every way. A light which is brilliant but cold would represent the ideal of efficiency.

Whether this ideal is ever reached, the incandescent electric lamp will grow steadily colder, steadily more efficient, thanks to the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company at Schenectady.

In these laboratories a corps of picked men, each an expert in some phase of illumination,. men who are in communication with the foremost European investigators of light, are constantly at work. After many months of patient experimenting the art of drawing tungsten into a delicate wire was developed in these laboratories. Thus it became possible to make

You can hold a glow-worm in your
hand-the light is cold. It is one
object of MAZDA Service

to discover the sec-
ret of cold light

the new filament which glows in the MAZDA lamp of today and which has supplanted the old carbon filament because three times as much light can be obtained for a given amount of current.

The Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company represent almost every branch of technical knowledge -chemistry, metallurgy, physiology, psychology, physics, microscopy, engineering, optics.

Suppose that chemists, for example, discover a way of preparing an element so that it is able to yield much light without breaking down readily under the electric current. Their discovery may mean the birth of a new lamp, or it may come to naught. It must be subjected to critical study by other scientists. The physicist steps in with his analytical instruments to discover how much of the glow that comes from the new material is light and how much is heat, in other words, how much more efficient is the new material than anything thus far discovered; he estimates what is the candle power of the new material for a measured amount of current; he devises better physical conditions for the material to perform its function. Next, the microscopist, perhaps, studies it to learn how it withstands the pitting and the scoring action of the current.

Thus the new material is passed through successive laboratories, from scientist to scientist, from engineer to engineer. If the discovery proves to be of commercial impor

tance the General Electric Company transmits it to its own lamp manufacturing centers at Cleveland and Harrison and to other companies entitled to learn of it.

This constant research, this ceaseless effort to improve the incandescent lamp, this transmission of an important discovery from the General Electric Company constitute MADZA Service. When you see MAZDA on a bulb, think not of the shining lamp itself, but of the Service received by its particular authorized manufacturer, of the thousands of

Specialists in every branch of science are engaged in MAZDA
Service all with the aim of making MAZDA always the mark
of the furthest advance in the science of illumination. Here
a microscopist is shown at work.

In these laboratories scientists conduct many researches along advanced theoretical lines. What is the secret of the phosphorescent glow that emanates from certain marine animals and decaying organic matter?

Why can the glow-worm shine in your hand and never burn your skin? What is the exact color of daylight? Is the best artificial light a miniature sun or a body with a brilliancy not so white? Scores of such problems must be attacked in the quest of the ideal light.

But even more important commercially is research that gives promise of immediate results.

experiments that had to be performed, in his interests and yours, of the hundreds of light producers that were developed and tested before one was finally selected and included in the MAZDA that you screw into its socket.

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by A. H. Harris, vice-president of the New York Central. "Congress could then properly control its own children," declared Mr. Harris, testifying before the Senate Interstate Commerce committee. "Now these children are stateborn. It is unreasonable for the railroads of this country to be chartered by the States and Congress given the The railpower to control them." roads, continued Mr. Harris, could readily adjust themselves to federal incorporation, and such incorporation would unify control of the roads and simplify their corporate management. In criticizing the Rayburn bill, designed to abolish interlocking directorates, Judge Lovett asserted:

"If the Interstate Commerce Commission had its way as this bill proposes, the New York Central line would terminate at Buffalo and give up its voice in the control of any lines west of Buffalo. The Pennsylvania Railroad would be cut in two at Pittsburgh because it could have no officers in common with the lines it is interested in west of that point. The Baltimore and Ohio would terminate at Petersburg, W. Va., and be cut off from its present service to St. Louis. The Southern Pacific, which has a continuous service clear across the continent, would be broken into seven or eight fragmentary lines.

"If this bill were to be enacted a great many systems might become bankrupt and go into the hands of receivers because they could not finance themselves."

Federal incorporation and control, he agreed with Mr. Harris, would be the only solution to the present railway crisis.



The Financier vs. The Engineer. ONCERNING the extravagant

purchase of the Westchester Railway, a high-speed electric line not more than twenty-six miles long, by the New Haven directors at a cost of more than $11,000,000, the Engineering News declares that this deal was quite compatible with other financial exploits in connection with the New Haven corporation, as well as the other financiering with which the Morgan firm had been connected. It is quite easy to believe,, points out this journal, that the financiers actually thought that the roads would eventually prove to be worth what they had paid for them. This type of financiering was popular from 1900 to 1907, the period of "egg-scrambling" or trust formation. Properties were then bought at two or three times their cost value and sold to the public at seven or eight times their cost value. This process, we are informed, created several "Captains of Industry" a half-dozen years ago. The Engineering News suggests another solution for the difficulties of railway financing.

"A point of great interest to engineers in this exposure is that it cannot fail to have the greatest influence in destroying public confidence in the banker as a safe business guide. No financier has ever had to such a high degree the confidence of the investing public as did Mr. Morgan; but the New Haven revelations, coupled with the disastrous experiences of his firm as promoters of the shipping and shipbuilding combinations and other enterprizes which have grounded on the shoals, illustrate that the banker whose overconfidence or conceit causes him to rely on his own judgment rather than the opinions of competent experts is truly a blind man leading the blind.

"No other class of men in the community has given as careful study to the problems involved in the operation of railways and other public utilities as have engineers. It is true that there are all kinds of engineers and one often finds the names of engineers as sponsors of enterprizes of doubtful merit. But it is the bankers' or business men's responsibility to pick the engineer as an adviser whose opinion can be trusted just as he selects his legal adviser. A conservative banking concern should no more assume responsibility for an enterprize which they offer to the investing public without the favorable opinion of an engineer than they would sell bonds whose validity was questioned without obtaining the advice of an attorney."


Railroad Rates in Europe and America.

S LONG as the law insists on limiting their earning power in the present arbitrary fashion, the railways will find it increasingly difficult to supply themselves with needed capital. So Arthur von Gwinner, managing director of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin and the leading German expert on American affairs, declared last month in a speech before the American Luncheon Club of Berlin. Herr von Gwinner believes that American freight rates ought to be raised 25, 35, or 50 per cent. higher. The American roads, he pointed out, charge per ton-mile a rate of 65, 63, and 46 cents on an average, while English railways in certain cases charge $2.45, the Prussian state railways, $1.33, and the French Chemin de Fer du Nord, $1.13. This comparison, the German expert went on, is more remarkable because of the high wages paid on the American roads. He continued:

"Such a state of affairs is utterly anomalous. It is more than that-it is a deliberate menace to the prosperity of the republic and because the prosperity of the rest of the world is closely bound up with that of America, it is a danger to all of us. Unless ways and means are found to remedy it, you are headed straight for an economic calamity.

"Meantime the natural development of your country will be sorely crippled. Your lawmakers ought not to waste time hag


The Telephone Emergency



HE stoutest telephone line cannot stand against such storm as that which swept the Middle Atlantic coast early in the year. Poles were broken off like wooden toothpicks, and wires were left useless in a tangled skein.

It cost the telephone company over a million dollars to repair that damage, an item to be remembered when we talk about how cheaply telephone service may be given.

More than half of the wire mileage of the Bell System is underground out of the way of storms. The expense of underground conduits and cables is warranted for the important trunk lines with numerous wires and for the lines in the congested districts which serve a large number of people.

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But for the suburban and rural lines reaching a scattered population and doing a small business in a large area, it is impracticable to dig trenches, build conduits and lay cables in order that each individual wire may be underground.

More important is the problem of service. Overhead wires are necessary for talking a very long distance. It is impossible to talk more than a limited distance underground, although Bell engineers are making a world's record for underground communication.

Parallel to the underground there must also be overhead wires for the long haul, in order that the Bell System may give service universally between distant parts of the country.

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gling whether railway rates can be raised, 3, 4, or 5 per cent.; they ought to be increased ten times those percentages. Far greater issues are at stake than bigger dividends for the shareholders. Your whole industrial fabric must experience an unprecedented boom the moment the railways are placed in a position to make vast extensions to their existing plants."

Opportunities for legitimate reform of capitalistic abuses were not lacking in the United States, said Herr von Gwinner, instancing the necessity for better laws protecting stockholders against the autocratic action of Boards of Directors. But he warned the Americans against such regulation of big business that would be likely to destroy it.



HE problem of industrial relations seems to become daily more and more insoluble. Yet it is a problem that is commanding daily greater attention from the industrial world and threatens to become the central problem of business. Recently the federal Commission on Industrial Relations held a lengthy and detailed hearing in New York concerning proposed solutions of labor difficulties; but, The Annalist exclaims editorially, this mountainous record of industrial dissatisfaction will probably suffer the fate of all such records and never get read. "If the Commission is able at last to digest the evidence and formulate thereon a theory of social salvation, to which all the members will subscribe, that in itself will be the second most remarkable fact in the world." Scientific management of shops and factories, advocated by experts like Miss Josephine Goldmark, the author of "Fatigue and Efficiency," Professor Rautenstrauch, of the department of Mechanical Engineering in Columbia University, and others, is bitterly opposed for the most part by organized labor. The enactment of federal and state laws designed to prevent discrimination against organized labor, has resulted, according to Walter

itors while maintaining a wage scale that does not permit her to meet their prices, and does not offer to capital an inducement to go in to new fields of development or even to remain where it has hitherto been occupied. She meets this not by removing the shackles from her industries but by fastening other shackles on her capitalists; fetters that must be added later to those that already gall the limbs of labor. She has entered upon the most elaborate experiment ever seen to compensate the worker for the work he has lost through insisting upon impossible economic terms, now that work is no longer to be had, by a vast eleemosynary system which makes the State pay for his unemployment, his sickness, his misfortune and his death. He is to be sustained in his position of inability to compete with other workers; and he is to be protected against the penalty of his economic defiance at the expense of the whole community. The budget just presented calls for an annual expenditure of over a billion dollars. Twenty years ago it was half that sum. Taxes are now accomplishing actual confiscation.

"Reduced to its simplest terms, this project is not 'humanitarian,' but unspeakably cruel; tho that high-sounding word and its familiar fellow, 'social justice,' are common cloaks for legislative cowardice or incapacity that does not dare apply the real remedy to the obvious disease. It merely postpones the inevitable, and intensifies the catastrophe, which can more be averted than hunger can satisfy itself on air."



Has the Protocol Made Good?


HE labor protocol, as an arrangement for industrial understanding, was instituted in the garment-making industries of New York City in 1910. Altho it has been maintained with more or less success since then, it has never proved entirely satisfactory either to the manufacturers or employees. Devised to prevent possible industrial warfare, by the attorney of the manufacturers' association, Julius Henry Cohen, it is at bottom only a safety valve. So declares Mr. Cohen in an interview in The Annalist. But the safety-valve is necessary in indusstrial development, asserts Mr. Cohen:

"We have come to the point in our industrial development where there must be

Waterman PORTO Does It Gordon Merritt, counsel for the anti- safety-valve provisions; otherwise the old

Makes any boat a motor boat. 1914 Model, 3 H. P. Weight 59 lbs. Sold direct from Factory to you, freight paid. Save Agent's profit.

The Waterman PORTO is the original outboard motor. 9th year-25,000 in use. Guaranteed for life. Fits any shaped stern; has Carburetor-not "mixing valve"; 3 Piston Rings instead of 1; Removable Phosphor Bronze Bearings; Solid Bronze Skeg, protecting 10 x 16 in. Propeller. Steers by rudder from any part of boat. Water-cooled Exhaust Manifold; Noiseless under-water Exhaust; Bronze Gear Water Pump; Spuncopper Water Jacket; any ignition equipment desired.

DEMAND these essentials in an out-board motor, or you won't get your money's worth. Write Today for Free Engine Book Waterman Marine Motor Co., 7271 Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit, Mich.

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boycott association, in the defeat of the aims intended by such legislation. Workingmen's compensation laws and other 'paternalistic" remedies termed equally futile. James J. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway, declared them so in a paper read at the National Foreign Trade Convention. In criticizing this solution by the British government, Mr. Hill said:

"Widespread and long-continued industrial distress in England come from attempting to hold markets against compet

story of bloodshed and misunderstanding, of picketing and injunctions, goes right on all over again. There must be a place where a record can be made by both parties, where in the open they can meet each other's contention. That clears the

atmosphere. With the right machinery that precludes deadlock, just as in Government under a political constitution, the Legislature and the courts are the safety valves for the people; when they break down, then your whole situation breaks down.

"The system of collective bargaining substitutes a constitution for chaos, law for disorder, reason for force. It makes

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Yet, admits Mr. Cohen, the protocol is wholly dependent on the spirit of the two parties, and in many cases has been as unsatisfactory to the employer as to the union members.


The Evolution of Industrial

HE protocol idea is in a sense political and "paternalistic" in nature. It may prove as detrimental to industry as the political interference that Mr. Hill has criticized in the British industrial situation. The Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, appointed by President Roosevelt, suggested that employees be treated by business men as business men, and that thus the best element in the union would be brought out. The commission summed up the point in this way:

"Experience shows that the more full the recognition given to a trades union, the more businesslike and responsible it becomes. Through dealing with business men in business matters, its more intelligent, conservative, and responsibe members come to the front and gain general control and direction of its affairs. If the energy of the employer is directed to discouragement and repression of the union, he need not be surprised if the more radically inclined members are the ones most frequently heard."

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Our entire stock is offered at below-listprices for the summer only. All trademarked and guaranteed for one year. Buy now and save as much as $75. Branch Stores in Leading Cities Write for Summer Price List and Catalog AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., Inc., 345 Broadway, N. Y,

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The "WASHBURNE" Paper Fastener of "O.K." fame. Brass, 3 sizes, in brass boxes of

50 &100. Your Stationer, 10 & 204. Send 10¢ for sample box of 50. Yearly Sale Over 100 Million. Booklet of our 3 "O.K." office necessities Free. TRADE O.KMARK THE O.K. MFG. CO., Syracuse, N.Y.,U.S.A.

[blocks in formation]

Montreal-Quebec to Bristol, Eng., via scenic St. Lawrence 22 days on the beautiful, historic St. Lawrence, 32 days at sea, to Bristol, England. (2 hours to London.) Speedy, restful voyage to Europe. Our palatial speedy steamships "Royal Edward" and Royal George" are equipped with every convenience for your comfortCabins "de Luxe"

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[blocks in formation]


Canadian Northern Steamships, Ltd., Toronto, Canada
Chicago, Ill., 64 W. Adams St. Montreal, Que. 2:6 St. James St.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Park Bldg. Ottawa, Ont., Russell House Blk.

St. Paul, Minn., 4th & Jackson Sts. Quebec, Que., Can. North. Depot
Duluth, Minn., 424 W. Superior St. Toronto, Ont., 68 King St., East
Minneapolle, Minn., 311 Nicollet av. Winnipeg, Man., 683 North Main
Halifax, N. S., 123 Hollis St.


Do You Know that Every Indestructo Trunk is Guaranteed for Five Years?

Does this mean that if an Inde-
structo trunk is damaged by care-
less handling within five years
after your purchase we will re-
pair or replace it without charge?
It does.

Does it mean that even if your In-
destructo be destroyed in a wreck
we will replace it?
Assuredly it does.

Indestructo trunks are built for
five years' steady service as a
minimum. They actually are good
for many more years.

Explorers carry them on the most strenuous expeditions because they are light as well as strong. Every year they are taken around the world hundreds of times.

[blocks in formation]




individual, as his policies approach. maturity, finds that the difference between the face of the matured policy and its loan value, which properly belongs to him, is so small as to show no advantage in carrying the contract

The policyholder has the inalienable right to avail himself of the plain terms of his policy, and the idea that the insurance company has any right whatever to exercize paternalistic powers over him is, The Bellman insists, preposterous.


HERE has been much agitation of
late over the tendency of insured
persons to borrow money on
their life insurance at the low rate of through.
interest to which they are con-
tractually entitled. Some insurance
companies, in order to counteract this
tendency, have raised the rate of in-
terest. In other words, they charge
their policy-holders more for loans than
they charge bankers who draw upon
them. According to the newspapers,
they are justified in this, because the
holders of insurance are practically
defeating the object of life insurance
by destroying the one guaranty of their
families against impoverishment. Be-
fore being alarmed by this agitation, it
is necessary to analyze carefully the
character of the policies written and
the object for which they were taken
The increase in the amount of
insurance is phenomenal. The amount
of ordinary life policies in 1886 was a
little less than two and a half billion
dollars. In 1911 it reached the as-
tounding total of fourteen and a half

billion dollars or an increase of about
500 per cent. in twenty-five years.
The amount of policy loans has in-
creased in an even higher ratio, but this
ceases to be alarming, according to
the Minneapolis Bellman, when the
character of the majority of policies
now written is taken into account.

"No doubt there are some who are foolish enough to sacrifice their policies in order to buy automobiles or other luxuries, but a very large proportion of the large policies written to-day are taken out for investment or commercial policies, as protection to firms and corporations. One of these policies will frequently amount to ten or twenty times as much as the ordinary policy taken out for family or individual protection. Their total must be a very considerable part of the entire amount of the insurance in existence.

"It is absurd to declare that the increase
in policy loans marks the decadence of
the feeling of responsibility to depend-
ents, or the prevalence of shiftlessness
and improvidence. At least it is ridicu-
lous to do so without sufficient evidence

to prove the assertion. It very often
happens that a corporation, having insured
the life of one of its principal men for a
specific purpose, finds no further use for
the policy, the object having been attained.
It therefore borrows the loan value, find-
ing it good business to do so, rather than
cancel, which would be the alternative, in
order to realize on an asset no longer re-

Again, a corporation may find that it is putting too much money into its reserve of life insurance, and that by withdrawing some of the accumulated surplus it can make a profit. Or an



OMPARED with the really incomprehensible figures of the new moving-picture industry, Nome and the Klondike, Ballarat and Kimberley seem like mere incidents, declares Henry Wysham. Lanier, who describes "the latest business gold-rush" in The World's Work. He instances the case of a foreign "movie" corporation which was proposing to incorporate its American business separately. "They had spent five or six hundred thousand dollars in building up the United States end, and they suggested capitalizing this new branch at three millions-showing in detail from their own experience that they could in their various lines make an annual profit of 60 to 100 per cent. on this figure. I couldn't see anything very far out in their estimates, either-tho there are some new elements in the business from now on that are difficult to gauge in advance." The history of the cinema really dates from 1867, tho the first real motion-picture invention was patented in 1869. Edison exhibited the first moving-picture machine, to project from a film, the kinetoscope, at the Chicago Fair in 1893.



it has not been until the last few years that the "movies" have become a "gold mine." To-day the prosperity of the "movie" industry is summarized by Mr. Lanier in the following terms:

"(1) The total business of the whole industry last year was more than $300,000,000-which is said to make it the fourth largest in the United States; and at least thirty brand new millionaires have been added to the roster by it.

"(2) There were 5,000,000,000 paid admissions in 1913 to our more than 20,000 moving - picture theaters-which show 96,000,000 feet of film each night, and literally speckle the whole country. A single motion picture may reach 15 million spectators-more than a company could play to in a 'legitimate' production if it toured steadily for twenty years.

"(3) American film makers will export this year probably 25,000 miles of pictures; and the royalty paid to Mr. Edison is said to amount to about $10,000 a week."

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