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"The present day, in particular, with its moral slackness, stands in urgent need of rousing and regeneration through the moral earnestness of Christianity. In the bosom of Christianity unfathomable forces are slumbering, forces which have by no means lived themselves out and are still

ing human life into new channels with an irresistible and elemental violence. The contact of divine and human begets daimonic forces which may work either for revolution and renewal, or for destruction and desolation. To gain control of these and lead them into the paths of produc

is too rigid, Protestantism is divided by opposition between older and newer types. Courage and sincerity are absolutely necessary for the constructive work of the coming religion, which is to be a world-religion, a necessity

capable of breaking forth again and driv- of the world's development, carrying "within itself the sure guarantee of success, however uncertain we may be to-day of paths to the goal." "All anxious considerations as to the possible and probable result of an open Eucken, "may be met by the following and courageous line of action," says reflection," which he quotes from his previous book, "Truth of Religion":

tive work is one main task of the religious community."

But, he points out, "the particular way of apprehending this task may in the lapse of time become narrow and stereotyped. Then arises the need of appealing from it to the primal force itself and summoning this to the task of new creation."

Eucken, does not definitely formulate a new religious dogma but he continually insists upon an attitude toward evolutionary Christianity. Catholicism


"Either religion is merely a product of human wishes and ideas which have been sanctioned by tradition and society, in which case, as a human fabrication, it must be destroyed by the advancing tide of spiritual progress, and no art or might or cunning can arrest its downfall;-or religion is based upon facts which are more than human, and then the fiercest attack is powerless to shake it, but will rather help it, through all stress of human


need and toil, to come to its full strength and unfold more freely its eternal truth."

An extended study of Eucken's philosophy as set forth in his various works is made in the London Quar

terly Review by W. R. Boyce Gibson. Broadly compared, we are told, Bergson's outstanding emphasis is upon intuition, Eucken's upon action.

union of theory with practice on the one "It is precisely through its intimate other that Activism makes to many of us hand and with mystical insight on the

so profound an appeal. We stand in need of a practical philosophy of life, of a philosophy which takes us as we are, heirs of the past and makers of the future, places us in our historical and cultural setting, shows up the great organized movements out of which our civilization has arisen and within which it is still operative for good or for evil, sets before us a clear live option between the rule of Nature and the rule of Spirit, and calls us to register our decision daily and hourly, if need be, in token of continuous loyalty to spiritual ideals."


ISHOPS of the Church of England in Convocation have solemnly resolved "That the denial of any of the historical facts stated in the Creeds goes beyond the limits of legitimate interpretation, and gravely imperils that sincerity of profession which is plainly incumbent on the ministers of Word and Sacrament."


The issue before the Bishops was as clear as petitions could make it. the one hand, were petitions from the Council of the Churchmen's Union, for freedom to study, interpret and restate traditional doctrines in the light of newly-discovered truth; on the other hand, from clergy and laymen, for removal of doubt as to whether an ordained minister is free to continue to exercise his ministry after he has deliberately come to the conclusion that any historical statement of the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed is not true. No calm in the religious storm has resulted from the Bishops' resolutions, which proceed as follows:

"At the same time, recognizing that our generation is called to face new problems raised by historical criticism, we are

anxious not to lay unnecessary burdens

upon consciences, nor unduly to limit

freedom of thought and inquiry whether among clergy or among laity. We desire, therefore, to lay stress on the need of considerateness in dealing with that which is tentative and provisional in the thought and work of earnest and reverent students."

This decision to "lash themselves to the creeds and let the tide of new thought go by," as one writer puts it,


is accounted a victory for the High Church Bishop Gore, of Oxford, whose open letter to his clergy, "On the Basis of Anglican Fellowship in Faith and Organization," opened the floodgates of controversy in the London Times. Bishop Gore contended that "if a man is to be free to think and say anything he pleases, and still be counted a fit candidate for a bishopric, there can be no corporate principles of any kind at the back of the Church." Regarding the prescribed theological minimum, however, Dean Henson, of Durham, pointed out that Dr. Gore himself interprets the articles which declare the ascension of Christ and his descent into hell in a symbolical sense, while affirming the literalness of the statements of virgin birth and physical resurrection. Every Christian church has to meet the genuine difficulties which modern knowledge raises concerning these articles, says Dean Hen


Books, editorials and leading articles, no less than the debate and pronunciamento of the Bishops' Convocation, indicate the tremendous interest in Engintellectual liberty in the spiritual land aroused by the loud demand for sphere. Dr. Sanday, professor of divinity and canon of Christ Church, Oxford, publishes a reply to Bishop Gore's open letter in which he affirms belief in the central reality of the Supernatural Birth and the Supernatural Resurrection, but not in all that the Church of the past has believed of them as literal fact. Of the Resurrection he writes:

"The only question really at issue relates to a detail, the actual resuscitation of the dead body of the Lord from the

tomb. The accounts that have come down to us seem to be too conflicting and confused to prove this. But they do seem to prove that in any case the detail is of less importance than is supposed. Because, whatever it was, the body which the disciples saw was not the natural human body that was laid in the grave. A natural human body does not pass through closed doors. Its identity would not esintimate friends, cape recognition by either for a shorter time (as by Mary Magdalen) or for a longer time (as by the disciples on the way to Emmaus). No coherent and consistent view can be worked out as to the nature of the Risen Body."

Of the Incarnation Dr. Sanday says:

"In regard to the Birth of our Lord, I would say that I believe most emphatically in His Supernatural Birth; but I cannot so easily bring myself to think that His Birth was (as I should regard it) unnatural. This is just a case where I think that the Gospels use symbolical language. I can endorse entirely the substantial meaning of that verse of St. Luke (i, 35): 'The Holy Ghost shall come upon that which is to be born shall be called thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also holy, the Son of God.' This is deeply metaphorical and symbolical, and carries us into regions where thought is baffled. I do not doubt that the Birth of our Lord was sanctified in every physical respect in the most perfect manner conceivable. The coming of the Only-begotten into the world could not but be at

tended by every circumstance of holiness. Whatever the Virgin Birth can spiritually mean for us is guaranteed by the fact

that the Holy Babe was Divine. Is it not enough to affirm this with all our heart and soul, and be silent as to anything beyond?"

The London Guardian recognizes the importance of the occasion which has called forth the action of the Bishops in recognizing student-liberty but setting a limit beyond which loyalty shall not go. "It is not for the ministers of the Faith," says the Guardian, "to teach the negation of Faith." But The Christian Commonwealth declares:

"The controversy now raging in the Anglican Church on the basis of fellowship is pursued on one side as tho the sole end to be gained is the reinstatement of the creeds as records of historical fact rather than of religious truth. Liberal churchmen recognize quite as clearly as Bishop Gore and his friends that if the emphasis is laid upon the historic elements in the creeds, and not upon the spiritual values they contain, their position in the Church becomes impossible. All the restatements and new interpretations of Christian doctrine which scientific knowledge and biblical criticism have made necessary to the modern mind, are ruled out before they are made. If that demand for liberty of intellect is not conceded, not by the Anglican Church alone, Liberal thinkers in all the churches must go out into the wilderness again. But if, as we believe, such freedom of the mind as we claim for all scholars and thinkers in the churches is compatible with an absolute and steadfast loyalty to the aims and ends for which the Churches


exist, no Liberal Christian does any violence to his conscience by remaining in fellowship. Precisely the same issue was raised at the beginning of what is called the New Theology movement in the Free Churches; and it will be raised again

whenever any new movement of the intellect and spirit of free and instructed men and women begins to threaten the traditional habits of thought and modes of worship in the Churches. Only a frank and willing recognition of the fact that spiritual loyalty and intellectual freedom are the twin pillars upon which Liberal Christianity reposes can save organized religion from the repeated disruptions which must follow a victory of the obscurantists."

The Church of England, says the London Nation, is on the verge of a crisis which is bound to have a momentous effect on its future as a Christian and a national institution. "Bishop Gore is under the strange delusion for so able a man that the particular views of orthodoxy which he happens to hold are at the same time the doctrines of the Church of England. . . . As a matter of fact, the Church of England, in the explanation which is given of the second article of the creed in the Church's Catechism, is much more liberal than the Bishop of Oxford."

It is so because it lays emphasis not on historic statements but its religious values. "Plain men will not draw the distinctions which the Bishop of Ox


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"We might afford to dismiss this ecclesiastical hair-splitting if it were merely a quarrel of the schools. But the Bishops of the Church of England are invested by the State with large executive powers, and, as one of the Divinity Professors at Cambridge has pointed out, it lies in the last resort with the Bishops to accept or reject a candidate whom these Professors have trained for the work of the ministry. A candidate who has been trained at one or other of our universities for Holy Orders on modern methods may, and undoubtedly will, find himself rejected by Bishops whose orthodoxy is framed on Dr. Gore's lines. All the labors of a lifetime will be suddenly wasted; suddenly dashed to pieces. His career all the aspirations of a lifetime will be will be broken before it has begun. If Dr. Gore and his friends prevail, we shall have, as in the Roman Communion, a cessation of all relations between the Church

and modern learning. The Professors at the universities will teach one interpretation of the beliefs of the Church in the name of scholarship. The Bishops will insist upon another in the name of orthodoxy. In such circumstances, the Church, as an ancient national institution, is bound to lose its prestige, and will deserve to lose it."


ORK, Play and Love these are the three remedial agents constantly recommended by social experts. To these Dr. Richard C. Cabot, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard, adds a fourth -Worship, which he describes as supremely indispensable to the vitality and resisting power we most need. In a new book entitled, "What Men Live By," he draws upon his research into the essential principles of mental healing Work, Play and Love, he says, are his saints. One finds in them an outlet for devotion and gropes toward God. But when we assume that all true religion can be woven into these we fall into the same fallacy that certain teachers fall into who think that English composition can be taught by weaving it into history, science and philosophy. Vital religion is not acquired in that way. Worship, prayer, direct communion with God, is an essential if we are to secure that which we all know well enough that we want-food of the soul in health or disease. Work, Play, Love and Prayer, says Dr. Cabot, are of all times and all races in whom character is an ideal. Their interplay

is the essential of that “more abundant life" which many modern prophets, for example Ellen Key, "extol without defining":

"Every human being, man, woman and child, hero and convict, neurasthenic and deep-sea fisherman, needs the blessing of God through these four gifts. With these any life is happy despite sorrow and pain, successful despite bitter failure. Without them we lapse into animalism or below

it. If you want to keep a headstrong, fatuous youth from overreaching himself

and falling, these must be the elements of strength. When you try to put courage and aspiration into the gelatinous character of the alcoholic or the street-walker, you will fail unless you can give responsibility, recreation, affection, and through them a glimpse of God. I do not believe that evolution, revolution, or decadence have power to change these elemental for those overdriven in their industrial needs. . . In genuine emergencies and harness, material relief (food, rest, air, sleep, warmth) may be the first necessity, but unless we can give the vital nourishment which I am now advising, all material relief soon becomes a farce or a poison, just as medicine is in most chronic diseases a farce or a poison."


Work, Love and Play brace and reenforce each other, yet, adds Dr. Cabot,

"they all leave us rudderless and unsatisfied without Prayer. They can attain creative power only in Worship, which-inchoate or full formed-is the source of all originality, because it sends us to our origin. The harder we work and play and the more intensely we devote ourselves to whomever and whatever we love, the more pressing is our need for reorienting, recommiting, refreshing ourselves in an appeal to God."

shows itself in loss of power, in posiThere is a spiritual fatigue which

tive nausea of existence. Dr. Cabot

emphasizes the value of prayer-pauses and mountain - top prayer - vision, and follows Professor Hocking in a theory of worship-cure:

"As the growth of a colony of bacteria is checked by the chemical products of its own way of living, as there is something in the very nature of work that calls (through fatigue) for rest, so there is that in all Godless living which tends to draw us (through the pain and paralysis of spiritual fatigue) back to God. 'Worship is the self-conscious part of the natural recovery of value' in life, when it has grown stale. For worship is the conscious love of the Spirit of the Universe, and we need it regularly like food or sleep."






to be destroyed or rendered powerless by the decomposition of the material body. When the earthly end comes to the body, this psychic etheric organism may betake itself to some more favorable environment and may again clothe itself with a new physical body."

A NEW SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE SOUL AFTER DEATH scientifically plains their interaction. It "may reaupon indestruc- sonably be inferred to be a normal tible "mentiferous or specialization of the cosmic ether-ocean psychic ether, filling the that fills astronomic space and which is inter-atomic spaces of the ultimate source of mundane enthe brain and human body, as the seat ergy." By diffusion through the orof continued life, according to Dr. ganism it puts the soul into relation James Thompson Bixby, writing in with all the material parts. "It relieves Harper's Magazine. In discoveries re- the opponent of materialism from supgarding electric constituents of atoms; posing a miraculous origin for the soul, in the acknowledged existence of an by a divine creation out of non-reality." "universal cosmic undulatory ether" Further: pervading inter-stellar voids and every organic body; as well as in new knowledge of telepathic and mental therapeutic states, Dr. Bixby (who is an S.T.D. not an M.D.) finds that many of the chief laws of nature strongly oppose the view that death ends all.

Dr. Bixby asserts that better evidence is wanted than theological assurances of a future life, and he undertakes to educe reasons from such laws and facts as modern science accepts. That "something more" than matter which physicists find in every human being; which occupies far more space than all its corporeal particles; which "forms a continuous substance, imponderable, invisible, active, and, in its chief qualities, quite opposite to matter," Dr. Bixby identifies as a “mentiferous ether," a spiritual imponderable "substratum of the soul." It holds the states of consciousness together and ex


"Of the cubic contents of a human form, ninety-nine parts out of a hundred are occupied by etheric or immaterial substance, intermeshed with which are myriad currents and swirls of subtle imponderable energies, accompanied at considerable intervals by the atomic dots that supply the illusion of solidity. . . . Just as electric currents give symmetric forms to detached iron filings on a disc, or the viewless ether-waves give intelligible shapes to the loose metal parts in the receivers of wireless messages, so it is the imponderable and intangible forces-etheric, electric, vital and mental—that move and arrange so intelligently the disconnected in the immaterial substance of our real atoms which surround or are interspersed personality. . . .

"In this psychic ether-organism within. the material organism there is present already during life a soul-body, a nonatomic substance, an active, coherent, continuous, and constructive energy not liable

Four prenatal membraneous envelopes of the human embryo are developed, absorbed or disrupted to promote a higher and better organism within. Dr. Bixby asks:

"Why should the inclosing organism of the babe be supposed the final one any more than the earlier envelopes? If each was provisional to a higher organism within, why may not the present body be so? In humanity, the evolution process turned inward, improving and elaborating the mind and spirit instead of the animal body. Simultaneously with this, may not the vital formative power have turned its course toward preparing within an invisible etheric organism for the next onward metamorphosis? As it is illogical to infer from the unconsciousness of sleep the cessation of the soul over night, so it is equally illogical to infer from the unconsciousness of death that the soul has then reached an absolute end."

Unless there is continued life after death for souls, Dr. Bixby declares that "the vital evolution upon our globe will have been a senseless fiasco."


UR novelists and dramatists still rush in where sociologists fear to tread. White slavery having been, let us hope, disposed of for the time being, feminism comes to the fore and clever novelists among the younger writers are pushed forward as sociological experts on the subject.

Mr. Johnson, author of "The Salamander," finds the roots of feminism in religious agnosticism. Women are losing their faith and losing the discipline and self-restraint that were the product of that faith. A man may lose his faith in religion and still retain a sense of order and discipline. He gets it elsewhere. But the "profoundly agnostic class" which Mr. Johnson finds the feminists to be "seems to-day to go its way without the slightest check, either from family, tradition, religion, or much thought for public opinion."

To a New York Times interviewer Mr. Johnson explains the matter as follows:

"Woman, due to the fact that for centuries she has been almost a benevolent


parasite, has in her very little natural
instinct for order. To her, religion has
brought the necessary element of stability

in her various attitudes toward the duties
and responsibilities of life. For ages this
has been her bulwark, her defense against
the world, and her protection from her-
self. The effect of the rising wave of
agnosticism among women I believe will
be much further-reaching, therefore, than
in the case of men."

To Mr. Johnson nothing is compar-
able in interest to this present feminist
upheaval; it is a genuine revolution of
ideas, and therein lies its greatest dan-


He even draws a parallel between it and the earlier stages of the French Revolution:

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themselves feminists is made up of noble women who, revolting against inconsequential existences, desire for themselves an object in life fraught with greater responsibilities. The other, an exceedingly dangerous element, is made up of those who desire not responsibilities but no responsibilities at all, and who seize upon their newly-acquired liberty in order to increase their opportunities for pleasure and excitement."

The peril will increase, Owen Johnson thinks, because this element has not yet reached its full development. Wild as are the desires of the feminists, they still have conservative instincts; but what about the day when their children "have gone into the world two generations removed from their own restraint"?

Mr. Johnson specializes in social symptoms of city life. He views with alarm the new developments such as the pleasure-seeking young girl who "too often enters into marriage with "The great danger to the idealist lies the lightness and calculation with which with irresponsible fanatics, who can with she plans a week of pleasure"; the little difficulty be kept under control. feminine agnostic who, peeping out of "The great division of those who call her Fifth Avenue motor car, "is in

"So with feminism.

quest of the adventure that she is coming to feel is her right and her privilege as a means of escape from the boredom of not having anything to do and of not believing in anything"; the increasing practice among even the most respectable and modest women of "displaying themselves in public restaurants (in God knows what company!) on the arms of dancing escorts whom they hire by the hour or the afternoon, as one formerly might have employed a detective to watch one's family jewels at a social festival."

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reaction. If this awakening comes late, the outcome may be a reversion more violent than any Puritanical revolt the world has ever seen.

always wanted woman to be better than "Whether rightly or wrongly, man has

himself. He realized that in their formative period it is necessary for his children to be surrounded with good influences at home. When it is borne upon him that woman has lost the one quality which enabled her to hold his reverence, his respect and his devotion, he himself will impose terms that will result in a return to customs which centuries have made normal."



OLLEGE men used to be obliged to go to chapel. Now 30 per cent. of the state universities have cut chapel exercises altogether; 37 per cent. of those still held occur but once a week; in some state universities daily chapel means merely an assemblage to hear announcements or an occasional address, not even scripture reading and prayer. "The percentages of chapel observances we figure out from data collected by Richard C. Hughes, secretary of university work for the Presbyterian Board of Education. Mr. Hughes has made a "survey" of religious conditions at state universities in which it is also brought out that nearly half of the 7,545 faculty members of 47 state universities do not appear to belong to local churches or congregations. In a census of the religious preferences of 104,923 state university students, 8,452 expressed none, and 28,550 more are accounted for religiously in the "no information" column.

From Mr. Hughes's survey (published in full in The Biblical World) issues this indictment: Neglect of religion at the state universities is a grave defect in state-supported education which it is up to the churches to remedy.

A few state institutions offer courses in religious subjects and in some cases university credit is given for courses in religion provided by the churches on independent foundations; but it is pointed out that it is quite possible to teach the material of religion without teaching religion. Chapel service, where maintained, is not a practicable substitute for church service.

Estrangement between the churches and the campus increases with the growth of the university. Only a minority of the faculties take active part in the church life as officers and teachers. In 47 universities with 7,545 in the faculties, only 726 are officers

of the church and 502 are teachers in these churches. "It is clearly evident," says Mr. Hughes, "that the churches have not kept pace with the growth of the universities and have, by their own neglect, lost much of their rightful leadership in education."

The religious census of a big state university-one to six or seven thousand people-shows what churches have enough students to call for the employment of a pastor and indicates the churches that can easily cooperate in a union enterprize. The student-body is too large and complex to be dealt with by any one organization or church, continues the report. "The solution of this difficult problem must come through a new type of unselfish, active, daily cooperation of all the churches in interest in a given university." A central clearing house is needed. "The student associations, by reason of their history and organization, should be best fitted to perform this function, but to do this will require a reorganization on a democratic basis by which the accredited representatives of the churches will come into its management. The university pastor should be placed in the same relation to the work of the association in the state university as the president maintains in the church college."

Mr. Hughes warns the churches that enter this field against emphasis upon sectarianism. But "the demand that all unite in one church at the university and that all denominational lines be obliterated-in short, that there be accomplished at the university within the short period of the student's residence what all Christendom has failed to accomplish in centuries-cannot be said to meet the needs. Students are like other people, and this demand cannot be met." He adds:

"This demand, however, grows out of a feeling that the state university offers a unique opportunity for emphasizing the

great fundamental truths of religion and for developing a strong leadership. The liberal intellectual atmosphere of the university discourages the growth of narrow sectarianism, and there is so much vague many look upon loyalty to a church as generalization regarding religion that very evidence of narrowness. This sort of teaching sends men into the world unattached; it is a breadth of view that is narrowing in its results. It too often leaves the graduates with only a general interest in religion as a subject for discussion, but without either motive or plan for Christian service."

"The problem will not be solved," says Mr. Hughes, "until the local churches are developed as effective agencies for religious education and the students brought into these churches."

"The universities are showing us the way. They are beginning to deal directly with every interest in the state except religion. Through their research laboratories, extension departments, experiment stations, the short courses for farmers, housekeepers, and others, they are bringing the results of modern scholarship directly into the homes, the factories, the farms, and all the industries of the state. They are vitalizing the state with the spirit, the method, and the results of scholarship. It is the duty of the church to vitalize scholarship with the spirit of Christ. The university sends its experts out to all parts of the state to meet the people directly, and then it brings the people, old and young, into the university.

This is a new movement and has not yet

reached all the universities, but it is sure to spread to all. The churches must follow the same plan, send their experts into the university and bring the members of the university into the churches.

"The universities more than welcome the churches; they recognize the need and their own limitations. President Van Hise, who has carefully studied the problem and has had unusual opportunity for watching the methods and results of the work by the churches, says that this work must be done by the churches if it is to be done, and that it is better done than

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ERMANS are excited over recent religious statistics showing Catholic increase in school population over Protestant, decrease in the birth-rate of Protestant compared to Catholic children, and relative decline of Protestant to Catholic population in the land of Luther. On figures from Prussia, which constitutes two-thirds of Germany, the Protestant Dr. Früh fixes the date of overwhelming Catholic preponderance of school population in the Fatherland as early as 1961.

The discussion was begun by the Kölnische Volkszeitung some months ago, which undertook to demonstrate that “if the present figures go on, then in

1925 the Roman Catholic school population of Prussia will be greater than the Protestant." What this means can be seen from the fact that for fully a hundred years the Protestant contingent in Prussia has been about twice as large as the Catholic. The Volkszeitung, which is, next to the Berlin Germania, the leading Roman Catholic journal of the country, points to the fact that in 1901 there were 1,434,101 more Protestant children in the schools of Prussia than Catholic; in 1906 there were only 1,385,036, and in 1911 only 1,282,733. Accordingly in the five years from 1901 the Catholic contingent has gained 49,065 on the Protestant and from 1906 to 1911 has gained 102,303.

Official government statistics are even more favorable to the Roman Catholic claims, as those of the 24th of May, 1911, report 3,871,444 Protestant pupils and 2,647,417 Roman Catholic.

The same problem has been approached from a different standpoint but with similar results by Dr. Ewald Früh, in the Christliche Freiheit, who shows that the Roman Catholics, especially of Prussia, are increasing at a much more rapid rate than are the Protestants. He goes back to the year 1886 and shows that down to 1911 the Roman Catholic school population has increased 53.2 per cent. but the Protestant only 26.4, and he reaches the conclusion that at the present rate the Roman Catholics will be in the ma

jority in Prussia in 1961, or 36 years
later than the calculations of the Volks-
scitung. Johannes Kübel, a leading
Protestant church statistician, con-
cludes in the Chronik of Tübingen that
there are better grounds for believing
that the Roman Catholic figures are
correct than for believing in the cor-
rectness of those of the Protestant
Früh. He maintains that by the end
of the present century Germany will be
overwhelmingly Catholic.

Other scholars, also Protestant writ-
ers, believe that these pessimistic fears
are fully justified by the present birth-
rates of the country. Johannes For-
berger has devoted a special pamphlet
to this subject entitled "Decrease of
Birth-rate and Confession” (“Geburts-
rückgang und Konfession") in which
he shows that while there has been a
decrease in the birth-rates of Catholic
Germany in recent years as compared
with earlier decades, this decrease has
been much smaller than among the
Protestants. Some of the leading sta-

tistics in the case are the following:
Out of 1,000 births in Prussia, not
counting those from Jewish parentage
and "mixed marriages,” i. e., marriages
between Protestants and Roman Catho-
lics, in 1875 there were 603 Protestant
and 339 Roman Catholic children; in
1890 the figures were 585 and 345; in
1900, 553 and 376; in 1905, 539 and
390; in 1910, 523 and 404; in 1911,
514 and 408. In ten years, it is pre-
dicted even by Protestant writers, there
will be more Roman Catholic children
born than Protestant in the home-land
of the Reformation. Kübel says, "these
figures teach a hard lesson." The
only comfort that Protestants are able
to find is the fact that a much
larger percentage of children born from
"mixed marriages" become Protestant
than Roman Catholic, and the number
of "conversions" each year from the
Roman Catholic church is much larger
than from the Protestant to the Catho-
lic. Forberger adds: "Not even the
consolation that Protestant quality will
outweigh Catholic quantity is left, as
statistics show that the higher edu-
cational institutions are being crowded
by the Roman Catholics. But as long
as the present decrease of birth-rate

in Protestant Germany is so much greater than in the Roman Catholic sections, the latter must and will gain on the former with alarming rapidity."

Recent general statistics from allGermany confirm the fear that the condition is practically the same all over the country. In 1871 the Protestant contingent was 64.89 per cent. of the total population and the Roman Catholic was 33.56. There has been a steady and aggravating decline in the former decade by decade, and an equally decided gain in the latter, until at the present time the Protestants represent only 61.82 per cent. of the population, while the Roman Catholics can claim 36.31 per cent.

Hermann Mulert, in the Christliche Welt, in an article entitled, "Is Prussia Becoming Catholic?" ("Wird Preussen Katholisch"?), does not deny the lessons of these statistics, but believes there are facts that make them less alarming. In the first place, he shows that in non-Prussian Germany there has been even a retrogression of the Roman Catholic percentage between 1871 and 1910, namely from 40.25 per cent. to 37.26, while the increase of Protestantism in these sections has been from 58.49 per cent. to 61.13. Then he claims that the period: covered by the statistics of the Kölnische Volkszeitung is too short to afford trustworthy conclusions. Further, the claim that by 1961 the Catholic school contingent in Prussia will be greater than the Protestant is too hasty, as other factors may arise that would modify the present tendency. Twelve years ago Naumann predicted that by 1925 Germany would have eighty million inhabitants; but the present decrease in birth-rate shows that these calculations will not prove to be true.

In this connection Forberger emphasizes the "Slavic danger," on account of the phenomenal birth-rate of those nations. In 1871 the Germanic races of Europe numbered eighty-four million souls and the Slavic seventy-four millions; in 1911 there were one hundred and twenty-seven million Germans and one hundred and forty million Slavs.

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