Imágenes de páginas

English Literature, Progress of..

English People, Best


Enthusiasm, Defence of......


Everett, Hillard on........


Elizabeth, Hume on.........

Elizabeth, Prescott on......

Elizabeth, Rapin on.......

Elizabeth, Scott on.......



191 Immortality, Consciousness of..........
423 Immortality, Universal Belief in....
122 Incarnation, Mystery of the........
310 Incomprehensibility of God.........

Elizabeth, Literature of the Age of...... 345 Indians, Employment of................

Eloquence, Webster on....

364 Inferior Animals, Cruelty to..............
313 Ingratitude an Incurable Vice.........
Inquiry and Private Judgment in Re-











Evil Speaking, Selden on


Insanity, Symptoms of..........................
Inventions, Revival of.............



Exercise, Elyot on........

Excellency of the Christian Religion..... 93

Exercise, Combe on

Existence of God..




Irish Village and School-House............ 435
Irving and Scott's last Interview.......... 371
Isabella of Spain and Elizabeth of Eng-


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Faith in Providence.....

Fame, Love of........

Feast in the Manner of the Ancients.

18 Knowledge, Love of..........

Fossils of the Old Red Sandstone........
France, Critics and Moralists of


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Francis of Assisi..........


Ladies, Unmarried......


Franklin, Overbury on a........................


Language, Changes in.....


Franklin, Jefferson on........


Languages, Harris on.......


Franklin and the American Revolution 250

Languages, Spencer on......


French, Character of the.......


French Revolution...........

Last Judgment.....



Latin and Greek.............................


Friendship in Heaven


Laughter, Hobbes on....


Friendship and Benevolence...

153 Law Studies, Sharswood on.........


Future State, Berkeley on.......


Law, Study of the, Blackstone on......... 221
Laws in General, Blackstone on...........


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Laws, Sleeping, Bentham on ................................


90 Learning, Useless.....


Good Breeding, Chesterfield on...................


Lexicography, Johnson on.........


Good Breeding, Warton on....................


Liberty and Government..


Good Works, Franklin on .......

178 Libraries, Roman..


Government, Burke on...........

235 Life, Conduct of.......


Grant, Sir William.......


Life Not too Short....


Great Seal, More's Resignation of the...


Literary Aspirations....


Greatness, Inconvenience of....................


Literature, National.


Greek and Roman Authors.....


Loneliness, Vaughan on..........................


Lord's Supper.......


Hamlet, Hazlitt on.........

348 Love, Bacon on........


Happiness, Butler on........

69 Love, Power of


Happiness of Others....


Luther, Robertson on...................


Happiness and Misery


Harley, Death of......

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Hastings, Impeachment of..


Mambrino's Helmet.....


Hastings, Trial of.


Man's Writing a Memoir of Himself..... 295

Heathen, Future State of the......


Marriage, Prospect of.........


Henry VIII., Froude on....

514 Marriages, Early.


Henry VIII., Hume on.......


History, Credit due to


Homer, Blackwall on.........
Homer, Fox on

Homer and Virgil, Pope on....
Honour to God.....
Horace, Spence on....................
Human Life, Shortness of..
Humility, Selden on
Hypocrite, Hall on the......

Mary, Queen of Scots, Execution of...... 515
Mary, Queen of Scots, Robertson on..... 210
137 Mathematical Learning...


272 Matrimonial Happiness......


157 Matrimony, Dickens on....


95 Melancholy and Contemplation.....


169 Memory, Fuller on................


146 Memory, Stewart on........


50 Memory, Watts on.........


43 Memory, Winslow on.......
Men and Women.....



Image-Breakers of the Netherlands...... 505 | Mercy, God's..................


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"The history of eloquence at Athens is remarkable. From a very early period great speakers had flourished there. Pisistratus and Themistocles

are said to have owed much of their influence to their talents for debate. We learn, with more certainty, that Pericles was distinguished by extraordinary oratorical powers. The substance of some of his speeches is transmitted to us by Thucydides, and that excellent writer has doubtless faithfully reported the general line of his arguments."-LORD MACAULAY: On the Athenian Ora

tors: Knight's Quarterly Magazine, August, 1824, and in his works, complete, 1866, 8 vols., 8vo, vii.


ened by a long acquaintance, and warm in thing unfavourably expressed, in respect to his affections, may quickly pronounce everywhat he wishes and what he knows; whilst the stranger pronounceth all exaggerated, through envy of those deeds which he is conscious are above his own achievement. For the praises bestowed on others are then only to be endured when men imagine they can do those feats they hear to have been done; they envy what they cannot equal, and immediately pronounce it false. Yet, as this solemnity has received its sanction from the authority of our ancestors, it is my duty to obey the law, and to endeavour to procure, so far as I am able, the good will and approbation of all my audience.

"His oration upon those who fell in the first campaign of the Peloponnesian war has been I shall therefore begin first with our forepronounced the most remarkable of all the com- fathers, since both justice and decency re positions of antiquity."-REV. JAMES TAYLOR, quire that we should, on this occasion, D.D.: Imperial Dict. of Univ. Biog., iii. 644. bestow on them an honourable rememTHE ORATION WHICH WAS SPOKEN BY PERI-brance. In this our country they kept CLES AT THE PUBLIC FUNERAL OF THOSE themselves always firmly settled; and, ATHENIANS WHO HAD BEEN FIRST KILLED through their valour, handed it down free IN THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR. (From THUCYDIDES.)

Many of those who have spoken before me on occasions of this kind have commended the author of that law which we are now obeying, for having instituted an oration to the honour of those who sacrifice their lives in fighting for their country. For my part, I think it sufficient for men who have approved their virtue in action, by action to be honoured for it-by such as you see the public gratitude now performing about this funeral; and that the virtues of many ought not to be endangered by the management of any one person, when their credit must precariously depend on his oration, which may be good, and may be bad. Difficult indeed it is, judiciously to handle a subject where even probable truth will hardly gain assent. The hearer, enlight


every since succeeding generation. Worthy, indeed, of praise are they, and yet more worthy are our immediate fathers; since, enlarging their own inheritance into the extensive empire which we now possess, they bequeathed that, their work of toil, to us their sons. Yet even these successes, we ourselves, here present, who are yet in the strength and vigour of our days, have nobly improved, and have made such provisions for this our Athens, that now it is all-sufficient in itself to answer every exigence of war and of peace. I mean not here to recite those martial exploits by which these ends were accomplished, or the resolute defences we ourselves and our forefathers have made against the formidable invasions of Barbarians and Greeks. Your own knowledge of these will excuse the long detail. But by what methods we have rose to this height of glory and power; by what


polity, and by what conduct, we are thus aggrandized, I shall first endeavour to show, and then proceed to the praise of the deceased. These, in my opinion, can be no impertinent topics on this occasion; the discussion of them must be beneficial to this numerous company of Athenians and of strangers.


ship like men ; but we, notwithstanding our easy and elegant way of life, face all the dangers of war as intrepidly as they. This may be proved by facts, since the Lacedemonians never invade our territories barely with their own, but with the united strength of all their confederates. But when we invade the dominions of our neighbours, for We are happy in a form of government the most part we conquer without difficulty, which cannot envy the laws of our neigh-in an enemy's country, those who fight in bours; for it has served as a model to defence of their own habitations. others, but is originally at Athens. And strength of our whole force no enemy hath this our form, as committed not to the few, ever yet experienced, because it is divided but to the whole body of the people, is by our naval expeditions, or engaged in the called a democracy. How different soever different quarters of our service by land. in a private capacity, we all enjoy the same But if anywhere they engage and defeat a general equality our laws are fitted to pre- small party of our forces, they boastingly serve; and superior honours, just as we give it out a total defeat; and if they are excel. The public administration is not beat, they were certainly overpowered by confined to a particular family, but is at- our united strength. What though from a tainable only by merit. Poverty is not a state of inactivity, rather than laborious hindrance, since whoever is able to serve exercise, or with a natural, rather than an his country meets with no obstacle to pre- acquired, valour, we learn to encounter danferment from his first obscurity. The offices ger: this good at least we receive from it, of the state we go through without obstruc- that we never droop under the apprehension tions from one another, and live together in of possible misfortunes, and when we hazard the mutual endearments of private life with- the danger, are found no less courageous out suspicions; not angry with a neighbour than those who are continually inured to it. for following the bent of his own humour, In these respects our whole community denor putting on that countenance of discon- serves justly to be admired, and in many we tent which pains, though it cannot punish; have yet to mention. In our manner of so that in private life we converse together living we show an elegance tempered with without diffidence or damage, whilst we dare frugality, and we cultivate philosophy, not, on any account, offend against the pub- without enervating the mind. We display lic, through the reverence we bear to the our wealth in the season of beneficence, and magistrates and the laws, chiefly to those not in the vanity of discourse. A confesenacted for redress of the injured, and to sion of poverty is disgrace to no man; no those unwritten, a breach of which is al- effort to avoid it is disgrace indeed. There lowed disgrace. Our laws have further is visibly, in the same persons, an attention provided for the mind most frequent inter- to their own private concerns and those of missions of care, by the appointment of pub- the public; and in others engaged in the lic recreations and sacrifices throughout the labours of life there is a competent skill in year, elegantly performed with a peculiar the affairs of government. For we are the pomp, the daily delight of which is a charm only people who think him that does not that puts melancholy to flight. The grand- meddle in State affairs-not indolent, but eur of this our Athens causes the produce good-for-nothing. And yet we pass the of the whole earth to be imported here, by soundest judgment, and are quick at catchwhich we reap a familiar enjoyment, not ing the right apprehensions of things; not more of the delicacies of our own growth thinking that words are prejudicial to than those of other nations. actions, but rather the not being duly prepared by previous debate before we are obliged to proceed to execution. Herein consists our distinguishing excellence, that in the hour of action we show the greatest courage, and yet debate beforehand the expediency of our measures. The courage of others is the result of ignorance; deliberation makes them cowards. And those undoubtedly must be owned to have the greatest souls who, most acutely sensible of the miscries of war and the sweets of peace, are not hence in the least deterred from facing danger.

In the affairs of war we excel those of our enemies who adhere to methods opposite to our own; for we lay open Athens to general resort, nor ever drive any stranger from us, whom either improvement or curiosity hath brought amongst us, lest any enemy should hurt us by seeing what is never concealed: we place not so great a confidence in the preparatives and artifices of war as in the native warmth of our souls, impelling us to action. In point of education, the youth of some people are inured, by a course of la berius exercise, to support toil and hard

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