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JUNE 14, 1834.]

Military Academy.

[H. of R.

As to the republics of South America, will they not a body which, without superior rank, exclusive privisoon rise into power, grandeur, and pride? Possessed leges, or hereditary distinctions, (for, thank God, we of the finest climates and most fruitful soils, productive have none in this country,) that cherishes and keeps of every thing that we produce, rich in the resources of alive a certain standard of thought and action, which great nations, what is to hinder them from becoming serves, in some measure, to temper and counteract that our rivals in this new world? There is not one link to spirit of sordid selfishness which the exclusive pursuit of bind them in friendship with the United States; nor have money inevitably produces. I will not, sir, go deeper they ever, on any occasion, discovered a disposition to into these matters, content with having suggested them forget that they differ from us in language, laws, and reli- to the consideration of the House. Though less obvious, gion. Sir, there are two causes of hostility between na- they are not the less important-because they enter deeptions, equally fruitful in their consequences-identity and ly into the formation of a national character, on which, afcontrast. They may be so much alike in every thing ter all, every people must rely for the respect of the as to be always coming in contact in pursuit of the same world. objects, or so totally different as to make their friend- But we are at peace, sir. How long this calm may ship impossible. For the application of these remarks last, in the present troubled state of the world, when I need only refer to the English on one border and kings seem engaged in an almost universal struggle with the Spaniards on the other. In their vicinity to us we the people, no one can tell. The spirit of prophecy is see the germes of future collision and future contests. baffled in the confusion which the future presents. All Sir, there is another Power, too, whose head, though we can know, at least all I know, is, that the nation which reared in another quarter of the world, stretches its relies on an eternal calm will one day be awakened by Jimbs until they almost touch our own extremities. In a whirlwind. Such, sir, is the nature of men and the one direction we are separated from it thousands of miles; constitution of society, that it will ever be found that a in another we approach within what may be called stri- few years, more or less, always accumulate the materials king distance. I allude to the vast empire of Russia. If, for national revolutions and national contests. It requires sir, you look on the map of the northwest coast of Amer- then only a spark to set the pile of combustibles in a ica, you will find our own citizens and the Cossacks al- flame. If we look at the history of the world, we shall most within hail of each other. Who shall say they will find one-half the six thousand years of its duration spent not one day meet to contest the possession of vast regions, in wars. Nay, sir, there never was a period, not a day, out of which kingdoms and States may be cut and carv- not an hour, not a moment of time, since the world beed? Sir, I confess this is looking into futurity; but are came separated into nations and tongues, in which a uniwe legislating, as laborers work, by the hour or by the versal peace reigned among them. Are our passions difday, or for ages yet to come? This is not a question, ferent from those of our ancestors? Are the causes or trifling as it may seem to some, the consequence of whose the occasions for human strife diminished or alleviated? decision will die with that decision. It is a question whe- On the contrary, have not the diffusion of the great inte ther military habits, military skill, and military spirit, shall rests of nations, by their commercial rivalry, multiplied be kept alive in this, the only legitimate free Government them almost to infinity? Why, then, sir, dare we presume on earth, or be suffered to expire; nay, to be extinguish- that we alone, of all the nations that exist, are to be exed by an act of our own legislation. empt, hereafter, from the necessity of defending our rights

That the Academy at West Point is eminently calcula- or vindicating our honor? ted to keep alive and foster such habits, skill, and spirit, It is true, sir, we are at peace with all the world, and I think cannot be denied, when its nature and organiza- long may we continue so. It is not the policy of this tion are considered. I will not enter into the minutia of Government, and I trust it never will be, to go to war for its discipline and the course of education pursued at that conquest. If we should ever be involved in a war again, institution, because I do not wish to add, at least more it will be in defence of our liberty; and all I wish is, that than my quota, to the mass of words, rising mountain we may not go to sleep under the seducing delusion that high, which this memorable session has produced already. we shall never be disturbed in our slumbers; for, let it be It is enough for me to say that it ought to be entitled to recollected that, in addition to the ordinary causes of hos the national confidence by the fruits it has already protility among nations, the United States presents one pe duced. I make no invidious or insidious comparison culiar to itself. I mean an example of the immeasurable when I say, that the young officers who have been edu-blessings arising from the successful experiment of a racated at West Point are, with no exceptions that have tional liberty, that cannot but endanger the safety, and, ever come under my observation, an honor to the nation; consequently, provoke the ill-will of despots and their and as useful as they are honorable. I appeal to all who tools all over the world. Let us, therefore, be on our have ever known or associated with them, for testimonials guard, and, if we repose at all, let it be under arms, and of their high acquisition in military science-their manly, with the means of defence within our reach. Let us not, uncorrupted character, and their capacity for enduring because we do not want them now, wantonly throw them hard service. I say, sir, they are not excelled by any away. Let us preserve among us, at least, a few deposirace of young men that exist, or ever did exist, in this or tories of military spirit and military knowledge. Let us any other country. When they come forth from the in- never again be reduced to the degrading necessity of imstitution with their diploma, or, in other words, with their porting engineers from France, disciplinarians from Pruscommission, under the great seal of their country, they sia, or defenders from any part of Europe. Let us, in come forth hardened by exposure, disciplined by arts and one word, sir, depend on the strength of our own arms, science, fortified by virtuous habits, animated by gratitude a just cause, and a righteous umpire, for the defence of and patriotism, and inspired by a love of glory. our rights and our glory.

It is such men, sir, that we want in this country. They The honorable gentleman [Mr. DICKINSON] stated, as constitute an ingredient indispensable to the preservation an argument against the expediency of continuing this inof the national character, in which, it must be confessed stitution, that neither the immortal Washington nor his by all, interest-the love of money-furnishes too power- brave associates, during the war of the Revolution, nor ful an impulse. There should be, somewhere or other General Jackson and the officers under his command, duin every country, a depository for the preservation of the ring the late war, had received the advantages of a mili

holy fire of patriotism and honor. There should always tary education. be a body of men, however small, who value the high The honorable gentleman might have gone a step sentiments of patriotism and honor more than money-further, and stated that Washington had not had the ad

H. OF R.]

Military Academy.

[JUNE 14, 1834.

vantages of a collegiate education. But I apprebend that such has been the case, so far as my observation has exsuch an argument would have but little weight in indu-tended, during the present administration. cing the people to believe that there is no necessity for The friends of the institution have just cause of com. protecting and encouraging seminaries of learning. plaint that the alleged abuses, if they do exist, are laid Washington, however, was brought up in the camp. He to the charge of the institution, when, in fact, they ought had heen educated in the tented field, under experienced to be laid to the charge of the members of this House officers, and had, like most of our citizens at that day, and the other branch of the National Legislature, for the been exposed to danger and inured to arms in contests appointments are now made from the respective congreswith the savage foe. But, nevertheless, I am inclined to sional districts, as the vacancies occur. The patronage believe that we should never have been an independent of the Government, in this respect, is in a measure com. nation, had not our ministers abroad been instructed to mitted to them, the Executive placing full and entire obtain the services of experienced officers. Our success confidence in their recommendations-and that, too, for may, in a great measure, be ascribed to the engineers and the very best reason-because they are better acquainted disciplinarians of Europe who joined our standard; and it with the moral character of the applicants. The honorais my earnest desire that we may not, in future, be redu- ble gentleman from Kentucky, [Mr. R. M. JOHNSON,] in ced to the degrading necessity of employing foreign offi- his report, which I have already alluded to, makes use of cers in our service. the following pertinent observations on this subject: As regards General Jackson and his achievements, I “The very word selection implies a balancing of claims; have to say that he has not, either in or out of Congress, and it is not to be supposed that any individual, however a more ardent friend and admirer than I am; and that extensive his intercourse with society might have been, would be the last man to rob him of a leaf of his well-would be able, from his personal knowledge of candiearned laurels; nay, more, I am willing to grant that, dates, to frame in all cases a just award. This difficulty when most of those who now think and speak lightly of increased as the number of admissions to be granted inhim shall have passed away from the earth, and not a creased, and as the classes from which a selection was to stone nor a mound shall remain to tell that they have be made were multiplied. To rely entirely upon the lived, the name of General Jackson and the fame of his representations of individuals residing at a distance, and achievements will form one of the brightest pages in the equally unknown with those whom they recommended, history of our country. But, as regards both Washington would be, obviously, most unsafe. It would be reposing and Jackson, it is enough to say that they, like a few confidence, under circumstances which would not justify other great men who have lived in different ages of the trust in ordinary matters of mere pecuniary interest. The world, are exceptions to all general rules, and required, representative branch of the Government, including under perhaps, few of the aids which are necessary to ordinary this denomination the Senate and the House, afforded men. But no country can expect to have such men as a mean of obtaining the information prerequisite to a these always at command. It is only at some fearful cri- decision, which promised an effectual security for the sis that Providence seems to call up such men, as the rights of all. No inference could be more legitimate than deliverers of nations. But even to such men as these this, that they who were intrusted with the higher conthe skill and science of others are essential, and it can- cerns of the people, and who were directly responsible not be the part of wisdom to leave them destitute of such to the people, would be safe counsellors in the adminis assistance. tration of this interest. From these and similar views The honorable gentleman from Tennessee (continued originated, probably, the rule of selecting one cadet from Mr. W.) stated that the navy is the right arm of our na-each congressional district, and of allowing great weight tional defence. Be it so. I am the last man in the world to the recommendations of the representatives of the to undervalue our glorious navy. But one arm is not respective districts. This rule, while it afforded to the always sufficient for defence. Nations require two arms appointing power the means of judging correctly, or sometimes. It will never be in the power of this Govern- rather of avoiding. error, was acceptable to the represenment to support a navy sufficiently large to defend a coast tatives and to their constituents." like ours, extending from Canada to Mexico, or to pre- But, sir, I am not willing to admit that these charges vent the landing of armies. At any rate, a navy cannot are true. On the contrary, I have no hesitation in stating protect our interior from invasion; nor can those forts that nothing is more unjust than the accusation that the which have been and which are erecting for the defence institution is aristocratical in its tendencies, or that the of our exposed points of attack be rendered efficient for selections for it are solely made from the wealthy and that purpose without skilful engineers and officers of influential. From the information I have received, deriartillery. Are we to take example from the Turks, and ved from sources entitled to the fullest credit, I am warto imagine that great forts and big guns, without the skill to use them, will keep off an enterprising enemy? No, sir. Let us have men who know how to direct these means of defence, and let us have this Military Academy to prepare them for that purpose.

ranted in saying that the rich, the poor, and the middle classes, are now and have heretofore been duly represented, and that there are not to exceed one-fifth of them selected from the sons of that class styled the wealthy; and, surely, no one will contend that they ought to be But the great objection urged against the Academy by totally excluded from this privilege; for, as they bear the gentleman is that, in the apportionment of cadets, the their full share of the burdens of the Government, they sons of the rich are preferred to those of the poor. Pray, are entitled, upon every principle, to enjoy equal privisir, if this be true, whose fault is it? There is no provi- leges with the other classes. I have a distinct recollecsion in the act establishing this institution giving this pref- tion of an incident connected with one of these appointerence. It is not inherent in the Academy; and it is ments, which came under my own observation, and which therefore nothing--if, indeed, it has existence-nothing I will take the liberty, with leave of the House, to relate. but the abuse of the appointing power somewhere. Far Some few years ago a young boy came to this city alone, be it from me, sir, to say where that somewhere is. 1 with no recommendation but his own manly spirit, to ask would only respectfully, very respectfully, ask from for admission to the Academy at West Point. Hopeless whence this power of appointing cadets generally re-as his chance of success seemed to be to all, the then Secceives its first impulse? Is it not, nine times in ten, from retary of War, Mr. Barbour, gave him the appointment; the members of this very House? That I know to have and it gives me pleasure to add that, although he was not, been the case during the administration of the honorable at the time when he received bis warrant, sufficiently adgentleman who sits near me, [Mr. J. Q. ADAMS;] and vanced in his studies to be admitted, yet he applied him

JUNE 14, 1834.]

Military Academy.

[H. or R.

self with so much assiduity, during the few months he The midshipmen in our navy have always been selected had to spare before entering, in preparing for his admis- from the young men of our country between the ages sion, that, upon presenting himself at the Academy, he of 16 and 18 years, and yet we have never heard a word was admitted, and passed through his course with honor of complaint on that subject. The gentleman from Kento himself. He is now, sir, an educated man, and an offi-tucky [Mr. R. M. JOHNSON] has made the following judicer of standing in the army. Sir, I have reason to believe cious remarks in relation to these appointments, in his rethat there are many similar cases, which have come under port, which I have had occasion more than once to adthe observation of other members of this House. I leave vert to: them, however, to speak for themselves.

Now, sir, I maintain that if there have been but ten young men of that character who have been taken from the common walks of life, and thus rescued from ignorance, degradation, perhaps from vice, and placed in situations where they may become blessings to their country, all the money which the Government has expended upon the institution has been a cheap price for such an acquisition.

"It is natural to remark, in this connexion, that the same system, in all its essential features, exists in the naval department, with regard to the admission and education of midshipmen. The regulations of that service prescribe that these young men, who are selected by the Secretary of the Navy, shall spend five years on shipboard, during which period of probation they shall be instructed by the chaplains or schoolmasters; and that they shall pass an examination by a board of officers before they can be Sir, without the advantages of an education, which such candidates for the rank of lieutenants. Here, then, is a young men can now receive at this institution, the army body of young men, who are selected by an individual, will be for ever closed to the poor--for, sir, how is it pos- educated at the public expense, liable to be dismissed if sible that a poor young man is to educate himself for the they they fail at an examination through incapacity or army? It is true he may enlist in the ranks and run his idleness, and who alone can be advanced to the posts of chance of promotion. In times of war and long commo-lieutenants. Is there not, obviously, the same reason for tions such men do rise, because the very circumstances the charges of exclusiveness and favoritism as there is in which they exist educate and form them for usefulness in the case of cadets? The only difference is, that a ship in military life. But a man does not become an engineer is the school for the one, the Academy at West Point for or an artillerist intuitively. We might just as well ex- the other. The consequence of this difference is, that pect men to be born lawyers and statesmen. While on the former are less thoroughly and extensively taught this subject, I think I can say, without the fear of contra- than the latter. It cannot, surely, be that the very perdiction, that no preference or favoritism, of the kind al- fection of the military institution, and the many advanready adverted to, has ever been shown at the Academy. tages it combines and holds out, occasions the objections I do not know that such a charge has ever been made; to it and the efforts that are made to render it unpopular but if it has been made, I have only to say it is totally in the country. The impulse of true patriotism would destitute of foundation, as distinctly appears from the be to extend to the navy similar means of improvement fact that many of the sons of the most wealthy and power- with those enjoyed by the army; to substitute, for the ful men in this country have been dismissed from the institution, either for incapacity or insubordination. This shows that neither fear nor favor operates there, however it may operate elsewhere.

mere theoretical teaching in navigation which young midshipmen derive from their schoolmasters, and the practical acquaintance with nautical instruments they are obliged to seek from the lieutenants or older midshipBut the honorable gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. men, a naval school-a school in which they may acquire DICKINSON] urges, as a further objection against the a 'competent knowledge even of the art of ship-building, institution, that the graduates of the West Point Academy the higher mathematics, and astronomy; the literature now engross all the appointments in the army, and con- which can place our officers on a level of polished edusequently the door is closed against our citizens. Sir, cation with the officers of other maritime nations; are not the cadets selected from among our own citizens? the knowledge of the laws, municipal and national; the Does the mere circumstance of their going to West acquaintance with the principles of honor and justice,' Point deprive them of their rights as citizens? Or is it a which constitute the distinction of the warrior patriot." matter of any moment whether they are appointed in the Sir, it is proper to remark that the appointments of first instance to the rank of cadets (which is the lowest the midshipmen are obtained through the influence of grade in the army) at the early age of 16 or 17 years, or the members of both branches of our National Legislaappointed second lieutenants after they shall have at- ture, precisely in the same manner as the cadets procure tained the ages of 21 or 30 years? Surely not; for the their warrants. They are selected, too, from the same same influence would, doubtless, be brought to bear in class of our citizens. And yet it is worthy of remark, that favor of their application for the latter office that is now we have never heard it alleged that the navy is aristocratbrought to bear in favor of their applications for cadets' ic in its tendency, nor have we heard charges against the Executive of favoritism in selecting and appointing the wealthy and influential solely to office.


Our army was crowded with scientific officers from abroad before this institution was established. But since I should be glad if the honorable gentleman will name then, these stations have been filled by our own native a single officer, either of the army or navy, who has any citizens. The whole number of graduates at the Military means for the support of himself or his family beyond Academy, from its organization up to the eighteenth day the pay he receives. I am not acquainted with one myof June, 1812, when our country declared war against self, and I am clearly of opinion that there is not one of Great Britain, was 86. At least eighty of them took an them who can save a dollar from the pay he receives, even active part in that war, and the influence upon the army if he lives until he is a hundred years of age, to bequeath of such men as McRee, Totten, Wood, and Gibson, and to his wife or children. many other graduates of that institution, may well be conceived, when it is recollected that they were foremost in the assault and the last in the breach. Many of those brave men repaid with their lives the debt which the country incurred in their education. Wood, Gibson, Rathbone, Williams, Hobert, Rouan, Burchard, Wilcox, and Smith, were killed in battle, besides others who died from wounds and exposure.

Sir, how were the appointments in the army obtained previous to the establishment of the institution, and how were they made during the late war, when our country required for its defence men of strong arms and stout hearts? I answer, in the same manner that the cadets and midshipmen are now appointed. The same mode of appointment would be continued, should this institution be abolished; and, sir, are not all or most of the civil

H. OF R.]

Military Academy.

[JUNE 14, 1834.

appointments in the General Government obtained be an admirable school of military science and discipline, through the same influence? And where can the Exec- both of which are indispensable to the safety of a nation. utive look with more confidence for the information ne- Sir, I want no great standing armies to defend and aftercessary to enable him to make proper selections for wards enslave the country. But, at the same time, I canoffices of all descriptions, than to those who are sent here not but know, from experience as well as history, that by the people as their representatives? I will not say, though courage and patriotism may enable a people to sir, that there have been no abuses in the institution. If, achieve and maintain their liberties, it will be at a cost of however, the opponents of the Academy mean to urge, life and property far greater than they would have susas an argument against it, an abuse with which it has no tained had their courage and patriotism been directed or possible concern, if they mean to say that the abuse of aided by a reasonable degree of military skill. I am not a good thing is decisive against the thing itself, then, sir, inquiring whether the people of the United States are I have nothing to say but this: they should take away all capable of defending their rights and liberties against any power and patronage from men and give it to the angels. power but that which holds in its hands the destinies of The administration of power will ever be imperfect, so the world, but into the best and cheapest mode of delong as man remains an imperfect being. Sir, the same fending them. This I firmly believe to be the preservairregularities-abuses, if you please-in administering tion of an institution for educating a certain number of the patronage, have existed, and will and must exist, in all young men of the country in such habits of military discountries, ages, and nations. You cannot, by any effort cipline and such scientific acquirements as will serve to of human power, or human wisdom, or human virtue, retain and preserve among us a sufficient knowledge of prevent some abuses of power; yet this is no argument the art of war, to prevent our relapsing into that state of against the necessity of the exercise of power and author- perfect ignorance which never fails, some day or other, ity in the government of mankind. All that is required to be followed by great disasters, if not by inevitable ruin. is, that the thing should be necessary, not that it should I have the honor, sir, it is true, said Mr. W. in conclube perfect; that it should be generally useful and saluta- sion, of being one of the representatives from the State ry, not that it should never be misused. Sir, if gentle- where this institution is situated; but I am not governed men are going to become the pupils, or rather the disci- by personal or local considerations in giving it my support. ples of perfectibility, and denounce every human faculty I would be as strenuously opposed to its destruction were and power that is in the slightest degree abused by the it situated on the remotest borders of our country, as I possessor, they will make shadows of Governments and am now. It is not, therefore, the small amount of the fools of mankind. public money expended in that State in sustaining it Though no advocate for entailed burdens on posterity, that would influence me in the slightest degree; because, for the sake of some present advantage, I cannot but if all the money which this bill appropriates were withthink the best economy is that which is sanctioned by ex- held from this day forth for ever, the loss would not be perience. It has always been found that nations enter: felt in that great State, any more than the loss of a drop ing into war unprepared have been obliged to expend of water from an overflowing fountain. enormous sums, and been subjected to the most serious When Mr. WARD had finished his speechdisasters and losses; nay, sir, sometimes to the loss of Mr. SMITH, of Maine, said he was desirous of offering their independence, before they would supply their defi- another amendment, which went to repeal the laws by ciencies. The sums thus expended, in consequence of which the establishment had been remodelled and extendneglecting the warnings of a prudent foresight, have al-ed in its present plan, and reducing it to its elementary ways been infinitely greater than would have been requi- form and dimensions, as a school for the instruction of a red to put the nation in a state of defence. The very small corps of military engineers. losses and disasters sustained in consequence of this neg- Mr. DICKINSON insisted on his amendment. lect have far exceeded the amount which would have Mr. BROWN said: The motion of the honorable genbeen required to prevent them. I need only resort to tleman from Tennessee [Mr. DICKINSON] to strike out the the history of the late war, to establish that fact beyond enacting clause of the bill, and the amendment which the all question. Hence, sir, it is that I oppose, and always honorable member from Maine [Mr. SMITH] declared he shall oppose, this habit of dismantling the nation as we would hereafter submit, involves not only the fate of would a ship of war in time of peace. I would, at least, the bill under consideration, but the existence of the cherish the germe of the means of defence, even though Military Academy itself. He rose to express his redefence might not be necessary at the time. I would not gret that this important question should be discussed at grudge a few thousand dollars to repair a fortress which this time; and he would ask his honorable friends to pause cost millions, or to preserve from ruin a useful establish- before they proceed further. The Military Academy had ment, the loss of which would involve an expenditure of been established more than thirty years. Its establisha hundred times the amount. It short, sir, I would, in ment had been repeatedly and earnestly recommended the affairs of the Government, adopt the habits of pru- to Congress by General Washington, while President of dent, economical individuals, whose experience has taught the United States. It has been sanctioned and sustained by them to lay out a little that they may save a great deal; every adminstration, (commencing with that of Mr. Jefto provide for a rainy day, and to seize the opportunity of ferson,) down to the present time; and, he ventured to say, clear weather to prepare for the storm. it had at all times enjoyed the confidence and approbaFor these and many other reasons with which I will tion of a large majority of the American people. not trouble the House, I am opposed to destroying any would remind honorable gentlemen that the faith of the thing useful, because it may not be required perhaps for nation was concerned in the duration of the institution for the moment. Large sums have been expended in the some time yet to come. Did they mean to deprive its various buildings at West Point, which the dissolution of professors and teachers of the places to which the Govthe Academy would render entirely useless, as well as ernment had invited them, and for which their learning without value. The whole will be lost to the Govern- and attainments so eminently qualified them, without a ment; and though I do not think this a sufficient argu- moment's notice, or the slightest opportunity for preparament for keeping up the establishment, I cannot but con- tion? Did they mean to cast loose upon the world 250 sider it a strong one for preserving one, that I myself young men, selected from every part of the Union, whose think of the utmost consequence to the future, if not to education and hopes of future usefulness had been comthe present. The Academy at West Point is acknowl-mitted to the care and guardianship of the nation? edged on all hands, by the most experienced soldiers, to trusted he knew too well the high motives and generous



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impulses which guided the action of honorable gentlemen upon this floor, to believe for a moment they could be accessary to such a gross and flagrant violation of the public faith, as these propositions (if adopted) would most surely accomplish.

[H. OF R.

extended the number of the students from 20 to 250, and enlarged the plan of tuition,) be repealed.

Mr. HAWES hoped Mr. SMITH would consent to withdraw this amendment until the question had been taken on that proposed by him. Mr. SMITH declining,

Mr. EWING opposed the amendment of Mr. HAWES, as not being based on good policy. If the school was to be put down, let it be done at once: a gradual and prospective abolition would only furnish cause of dissension. As to the abuse of the patronage of the Government in relation to this institution, it was chargeable mainly on the members of the House themselves.

The question being put on the amendment proposed by Mr. SMITH, it was negatived without a count. Mr. HAWES's shared the same fate.

Mr. HAWES thereupon moved another amendment, proposing that no cadet should, in future, be admitted, until his father or guardian had executed a bond to return the expenses of his education, unless his son should serve in the army. This was also negatived, without debate;

He begged it might not be forgotten that the bill under consideration was one of the usual annual appropriation bills. And had not the House over and over again, in the course of the session, reprobated the practice of creating or destroying offices by means of bills of this character? And if the practice was pernicious when applied to offices alone, lie begged to know if it would not be dangerous and pregnant with mischief when applied to the longsettled and permanent institutions of the country? It had been his fortune to reside in the immediate vicinity of West Point during the greater part of his life. It was within sight of his home, and formed a part of the district which he had the honor to represent. And he ho ped he would be pardoned when he declared he felt an unfeigned and anxious solicitude for the preservation of an institution which he regarded as a necessary and essential part of our system of public defence, and an honor and an ornament to the nation. If the question must now undergo discussion, whether a military school for the instruction of our officers in the elementary principles of Another, moved by Mr. DUNCAN, reducing the nummilitary science should exist hereafter, he must insist upon ber of students to 50, was, in like manner, rejected. his right to be heard, reluctant as he was to examine so Another, by Mr. PINCKNEY, proposing that the school grave a question within the last fourteen days of the ses-be abolished from and after the 1st of January next, havsion. He wanted the subject examined (as it should be)ing been rejected, upon a bill or resolution introduced expressly for the purpose. And he would respectfully assure honorable gentlemen that the friends of the Academy would not shrink from nor shun the inquiry. He would forbear to say more at present, until he saw whether the honorable gentleman from Tennessee would not withdraw his motion to strike out, and suffer the bill to pass through the committee. And should the discussion be renewed hereaf- On motion of Mr. WHITE, of New York, the committer, he trusted the House would afford him an opportuni-tee then proceeded to consider the bill "regulating ty to be heard. the value of certain gold coins within the United States.'

Mr. JONES moved that the bill be laid aside; but The CHAIR pronounced this motion not to be in order while an amendment was pending.

Mr. DICKINSON made a brief rejoinder to Mr. WARD, explaining some of his former remarks in reference to the cadets who had left the institution.

As was another, in nearly the same terms, offered by Mr. BURD.

The bill was laid aside.

Mr. ASHLEY now moved again his bill to continue the Cumberland road to Jefferson city, Missouri; but the committee refused to take it up at this time: Ayes 63, noes 65.


The bill being read by sections,

Mr. BINNEY expressed his approval of so much of its provisions as went to fix the relative value of gold and silver; but as strongly dissented from the remaining features of the bill in relation to the fractional coins of the Mr. R. M. JOHNSON said he had desired briefly to eagle and the dollars. These the bill proposed to debase present his views of the advantages and disadvantages of by too large a portion of alloy, thereby giving the counthe Academy, but, on account of the lateness of the hour try a base currency in part. He considered it quite too and the advanced period of the session, he should abstain late in the session to enter on the discussion of the delifrom doing so. After adverting to the sentiments of Wash-cate and difficult questions involved in this part of the ington, Jefferson, and Madison, respecting the school, he subject. The opinions of the late Secretary of the Treasobserved that, if the propriety of continuing the institu-ury, of Mr. Gallatin, and of the director of the mint, tion was to be regularly debated, it would be best to do were all decidedly opposed to the policy of debasing the He admitted that there was an able report in so in a report upon the subject which had been made by the Military Committee. its favor, but he could not assent to its policy. Mr. WHITE briefly explained. This part of the bill went on the principle of allowing to the Government a seigniorage to cover the expense of coining. He denied that it was debasing the currency. The legal tender was restricted to 10 dollars, and the principle involved dif fered in nothing from the conventional value of a bank note.

Mr. McKAY hoped Mr. DICKINSON would consent to withdraw his motion, as it only tended to weaken his cause as an opponent of the Academy.

Mr. DICKINSON declining,

The question was taken on his amendment, and prompt. ly negatived without a count.

So the House refused to strike out the enacting clause of the bill.

Mr. HAWES, having modified the amendment he before offered, now moved it again, proposing that no student be in future received into the Academy; and that, so soon as the students now in it should have completed their regular course, the institution be discontinued.

Mr. SMITH, of Maine, now offered, as an amendment to the amendment of Mr. HAWEs, a proposition that, from and after the 1st of January next, the 2d section of the law of 1803, and the 2d, 3d, and 4th sections of the law of 1812, respecting the Academy, (viz: the law which VOL. X.--282


Mr. SELDEN agreed to the views expressed by Mr. BINNEY, but hoped the bill would be carried into the House, and discussed there.

Mr. BINNEY, assenting to this course, withdrew an amendment he had prepared and proposed to the com.

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