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Documents accompanying the President's Message.


Fort Independence, Boston harbor.-In making the necessary preparations for commencing the repairs of this work, it was soon perceived that the amount of funds appropriated for that object would not be sufficient to effect it. The estimates were predicated upon the prices of materials and labor as they existed in 1831, since which they have risen about 25 per cent., judging by the best data that could be procured. Under these circumstances, it was deemed proper to limit the operations, for the present, on Castle island, to the building of the sea-wall, for its preservation, and the repairing of the southwest wharf. The former has been put under contract, and measures were taken for the early completion of the letter. An additional estimate for this fort will accordingly be submitted.

[23d CONG. 1st SESS.

ing-ditches of the island to such a size as would suit them for navigation with lighters. The extent of this excavation is 6,700 cubic yards.

Fort Monroe, Hampton roads, Virginia.-A part of the funds placed at the disposal of the department, for this work. has been applied during the year to the objects specified in my last report. Although much has been done towards its completion, yet, owing to the great demand for labor, and the consequent difficulty in com manding it at Fort Monroe, though an advance of fifteen per cent. was offered, the outwork on the front of attack is not in state as far advanced as it was hoped it would be. Fort Calhoun, Hampton roads, Virginia.-By a reference to my last annual report, it will be perceived that it has for some time been a leading object at this work to compress the substratum, by the accumulation of mateFort Warren, George's island, Boston harbor.—The|rials upon it, to a state which will produce an equilibrium calls upon the department, during the last season, bave when it shall be required to sustain the weight of the been so numerous, and of a nature so pressing, as to ren-walls, and the armament of the fort. Twelve thousand der it impossible, with its limited means, to mature the plans for this work. Every effort in the way of preparation will, however, be made this fall and winter for the efficient prosecution of the preliminary works early next spring.

Fort Adams, Newport harbor, Rhode Island.-Great progress has been made in this work since my last report. The operations on it have been conducted in a manner altogether satisfactory; it is in a good state, and exhibits some of the finest specimens of workmanship to be met with in our public works.

Fort Hamilton, Narrows, New York.-There is a small amount of the last appropriation for this work, yet unexpended, in the hands of the agent. It will be applied in the course of the coming year, to give the work that degree of finish which can only be attained after the lapse of sufficient time to allow the defects in construction, that cannot be foreseen, to develop themselves.

Fort Columbus and Castle Williams, Governor's island, New York.-Satisfactory progress has been made in the repairs of Fort Columbus, which will be completed, it is believed, this fall, or early next spring. The operations for the repair of Castle Williams have been confined to the building of a wharf and the collection of materials; as it was deemed advisable to direct as much of the available means as might be found consistent with a due regard to economy, to the attainment of one object at a time.

five hundred tons of stone have been added to the mole, and eleven thousand eight hundred tons of building stone deposited on and near the walls during the year.

Fort Macon, Beaufort, North Carolina.-This work will be completed and ready for inspection by the middle of the present month. The works for the preservation of its site have been prosecuted with considerable advantage, and give promise that they will accomplish the desirable object for which they were begun.

Fort Caswell, Oak island, North Carolina.-As was anticipated in my last report, this fort will be completed and may be garrisoned before the end of this year.

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Fortifications in Charleston harbor, South Carolina Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie have been much improved as regards their ability for defence, and the latter thoroughly repaired. Works to arrest the encroachments of the water, on the site of Fort Moultrie, have been commenced; but sufficient time has not yet elapsed to justify the expression of any opinion as to their ultimate effect. About 16,500 tons of stone have been added to the mole to be occupied as a foundation to Fort Sumter, and the necessary preparation made to commence the construction of this work as soon as the mole shall be finished.

Fort Pulaski, Cockspur island, Georgia.-About two months at the commencement of the last working season, at this work, were lost in consequence of the absence of the superintending engineer, who was withFort Schuyler, Throg's neck, East river, New York drawn from his command to meet a pressing demand The attention of the officer charged with the construction elsewhere. The work was prosecuted, however, with of this fort, has been directed principally to the accom- great efficiency during the remainder of the season, and plishment of such preparatory measures as shall enable the progress has been such as to give satisfaction. The him to commence and prosecute his operations with ad- means have been applied principally to meet the difficulvantage, as soon as the plans shall be matured and adop-ties encountered in the foundations. ted. These are not yet in readiness, in consequence of incessant engagements of the officers of the department. Fort Delaware, Delaware river.-The latter end of April a commencement was made on the Pea Patch island, to construct the temporary quarters and workshops, preparatory to a demolition of the walls of the old fort. This object has been effected, and extended to provide for the accommodation of nearly all the laborers, mechanics, and others, whose time and services will be required in the construction of the work for the defence of this position.

Twenty-two thousand yards of the masonry of the old fort have been demolished by mining; 10,000 yards of the same have been removed, and transported to the ex terior of the dyke surrounding the island, for its preservation; of which 300 running yards have been thus secured, .and 400,000 bricks of the old work cleaned, preparatory to their being used in the construction of the new work.

Fort Marion, St Augustine, Florida.-The funds appropriated at the last session of Congress for th's fort have been applied, so far as it was deemed necessary for such a work, and operations have, for some time, been directed to the repairing of the sea-wall connected with it, with a hope of accomplishing the object of the law on the subject, by the middle of January or February.

Fort Pickens, Pensacola harbor, Florida.-The condition of this work is in a high degree satisfactory. The masonry, with the exception of a very small portion, is completed, and the entire work will, in probability, be finished by the end of March next.

Fort at Foster's bank, Pensacola harbor, Florida.-It was hoped, in the early part of the year, that the nature of the service would be such as to permit a convention of the board of engineers to revise, among others, the project for this work, and to fix its precise locality. This hope was, however, disappointed, and the funds have in part been, and the balance will be, applied to the collecTo accomplish the removal of the ma'erial of the old tion of materials, and to making such preparations as fort, the most economical plan was to excavate the drain-will enable the constructing engineer to commence the

23d CoNG. 1st SESS.]

Documents accompanying the President's Message.

work under the next appropriation to advantage, as soon as the plans shall be matured.

Fort Morgan, Mobile point, Alabama-This work will be completed and ready for inspection by the end of December next.

recommendation of that officer, and that of the local agents.

Kennebunk river, Maine.-The means provided for the works at the mouth of this river have been faithfully applied; the Hardin pier, so called, having been thorough. ly repaired, with the exception, perhaps, of a small quantity of stone that may yet be required for the greater security of the work, which has been considerably extended, and which is much exposed to ice and drift wood.

Fort Livingston, Grande Terre, Louisiana.-At the time of making the appropriation for this work, the land on which it was to be located was private property. Much time has, unavoidably, been consumed in effecting a purchase. The department has been assured, however, that the protracted negotiation with the owner would Some additional work will be required to complete the soon be brought to a satisfactory termination, when the improvement on the east side of the channel. It is deem. purchase and collection of materials will be made prepared necessary to construct a pier of considerable length, tory to commencing the work with the next appropriation. extending from what is called the outer pier to the bar. Contingencies of fortifications.—A considerable portion The piers heretofore erected at this place are of wooden of the appropriation under this head has been applied, crib work, filled in with stone; and it has been observed during the year, to the repairs of Fort Jackson, Battery that those which are up the river some distance are in a Bienvenu, Tower Dupre, and Fort Wood, Louisiana, and good state of preservation, while those lower down have Fort Washington, Maryland. been much injured by worms: some, indeed, have been completely destroyed in the course of eight or ten years after their construction. For this reason the estimate for the additional pier alluded to contemplates the use of stone entirely.


Chicago harbor, Illinois-It being impossible to command the services of an engineer officer at this place, the works were given in charge to the commanding officer at Fort Dearborn. Owing to the position of Chicago, considerable difficulty was experienced in the early part of the season in procuring suitable materials and workmen to commence, as almost every thing, except timber and stone, had to be drawn from Buffalo. The first proposals received on the invitation of the com. manding officer through the public prints were rejected because of their exorbitant character. Proposals were again invited, and finally contracts made for the supply of a small quantity of stone and timber, more with the view to ascertain the resources of the country, where every thing is new, and to create a competition, than with a hope of doing much in the way of construction during the past season. But little has been done therefore, further than to collect some materials and wo kmen, and to construct a small portion of one of the piers. A commencement in a position like this is, however, of great value, and hopes are entertained of being able to prosecute operations with advantage during the next working


La Plaisance bay, Michigan.-Eight hundred and forty feet of new pier work were sunk at this place within the year; piles were driven nearly the whole length of the pier, and will all be driven and secured by caps this fall. Considerable stone has been deposited in the pier, and, as far as the appropriation extended, the work has been prosecuted satisfactorily.

Oswego harbor, Sodus bay, Genesee river, Black Rock harbor, Buffalo harbor, and Dunkirk harbor, State of New York; Presqu' Isle harbor, State of Pennsylvania; Conneaut creek, Ashtabula creek, Cunningham creek, Grand river, Cleaveland harbor, Black river, and Huron river, State of Ohio-For the condition and progress made on these works up to the 30th September last, I beg leave to refer you to the annexed report of their general superintendents, marked D. From these it will be perceived that although the operations at them continue to be attended with success, still much remains to be done before they can be completed in a solid and permanent manner; and as the expenditures on each already exceed the original estimated cost, and the amount required to place them in that condition is very great, it was thought advisable by the department that the subject should be brought fully to the consideration of Congress. With this view, a thorough inspection, to be made by a skilful and experienced engineer, was ordered during the last summer. His report on the subject, marked E, hereto annexed, is accordingly respectfully submitted. The estimates presented for these works are predicated on the

Berwick branch of the Piscataqua.-The improvement in this river at Quamplegan rapids has been completed. There is now an unobstructed passage over the rapids, of nearly six feet at mean high water.

Merrimack river, Massachusetts. -Some additions have been made within the year to the breakwater in course of construction, to improve the navigation of the river at Newburyport. The work is represented as being in good condition.

It is thought that the erection of a pier, to extend from Badger's rocks to Salisbury head, would greatly improve the navigation of the river; an estimate for which is accordingly submitted, and recommended for favorable consideration.

Deer island, Boston harbor.-The works for the preservation of this island have been prosecuted with much success, and it is expected that the whole of the masonry will be completed by the middle of this month. Four thousand tons of rough stone have been placed in the breakwater in front of the sea-wall during the year: two thosand tons more will be added during the present season, leaving only four thousand tons to complete that work and the connecting breakwater between the principal walls.

Plymouth beach, Massachusetts.-The operations at this place have been of the same character as those of the previous year. They have been directed to the exten. sion (about 510 feet) of the stone wall to the west of the breakwater, and to repairing the breach by planting grass. The grass is represented as doing well, and the condition of the beach, generally, as being good.

Provincetown, Massachusetts.--About 220 acres of ground were planted with beach grass during the last spring, besides repairing many places previously planted, but which had been injured by the encroachments of the sand.

Hyannis harbor, Massachusetts.-The breakwater at this place has been much improved and considerably increased since my last report. The additional length constructed within the year is about 230 feet, giving a length of 820 feet completed. Its entire length, when finished, will be 1,320 feet, leaving, therefore, 500 feet yet to be constructed.

Mill river, Connecticut.-The additions to this work have been completed, and are represented as having accomplished the objects for which they were made.

Harbors of New Castle, Marcus Hook, Chester, and Port Penn, Delaware river.--The operations at the harbors on the Delaware river have been confined to the harbor of Marcus Hook, from which, by means of a steam dredg

Documents accompanying the President's Message.

ing machine, 15,369 cubic yards of earth have been excavated and removed, forming a safe and secure retreat for about twenty sail of vessels. Some progress has been made in repairing one of the piers forming this harbor, using stone for all that part above the low-water mark. To persevere upon the plan heretofore pursued is not deemed advantageous towards effecting the desired ob ject; any results accomplished by it would not, it is believed, be attended by a permanent good. The estimate presented for the service of the year is however to continue the operations upon the present plan.

[23d CONG. 1st SESS.

under many disadvantages, owing to the difficulty of procuring laborers during the past season, yet, what has been done is of a character altogether satisfactory, and seems to promise a success beyond the most favorable expecta. tions. The part of the channel that was deepened to ten feet has been increased by the action of the current to from twelve to fourteen.

Escambia river, Florida.-This river was surveyed in July last, to ascertain the nature of the required improve. ment, and to obtain an estimate of its probable cost. In the following month the work was let out on contract, and will be completed this fall, leaving a portion of the funds unexpended.

Harbor of Mobile, Alabama. The progress here has

Ocracock inlet, North Carolina.-Though much retarded on account of tempestuous weather and the breaking of machinery, the operations at this place have been al tended with considerable success, and with the most flat-been satisfactory. The breadth of the bar at Choctaw tering effects upon the navigation through the inlet. A dredging machine has been kept at work when the weather would permit in Wallace's channel, from which about 34,000 cubic yards of earth have been removed within the year. A navigation of eight feet has been ob. tained through this channel.

Cape Fear river.-The jettee near Barnhard's creek, on the eastern side of the river, and the one near Old Town, on the western side, have been completed: that near Barnhard's creek continued to wash up during the last winter; and nearly the whole of the labor applied this year has been for the purpose of keeping these two jet. tees in repair. Notwithstanding the difficulties that have heretofore attended the construction of jettees, it is confidently anticipated that a navigation of fourteen feet water will be obtained when they are permanently secured.

pass, or length of channel to be cut through it, is 620 yards; 580 were executed with a width of 100 feet, on the 30th September; and the remaining 90 yards are, no doubt, finistied ere this. Operations will be continued till the means are exhausted in increasing the width of the channel.

Pascagoula river, Mississippi. Owing to a difficulty with the contractor, the operations at this place have not been of a satisfactory character. The work was not resumed till the 17th June last, since which time nothing has been done further than to make some repairs of boats, machinery, &c. It was expected that the dredging machine would be in operation by the 1st instant.

Red river, Louisiana.-he removal of the great raft from the bed of this river has been shown, by the operations of Captain H. M. Shreve, during the last summer, to be perfectly practicable. He was at work at it till the Savannah river, Georgia.-An officer has been engaged means at the disposal of the department were exhausted; during the year in making an examination of this river and his success leaves the most ample testimony of his between its mouth and Savannah, with a view to obtain great zeal and ability. Captain Shreve's report on this the data necessary to enable the superintending engineer subject is so interesting that I deem it proper to lay it be to apply the funds appropriated therefor to the best ad- fore you entire. It is herewith appended, marked F; vantage. This examination is nearly brought to a close, and I would earnestly recommend for favorable considerwhen active operations will be commenced for the re-ation the estimate submitted with it, for the prosecution, moval of obstructions, suitable preparations in the way to completion, of this great work. of boats and machinery being in the course of prepara tion for the purpose.

Inland navigation between the St. John's and St. Mary's. -The improvement contemplated here requires the agency of a steam dredging machine. To have purchased one from the small appropriation placed at the disposal of the department, would have so far exhausted it as to have left little or nothing for the prosecution of the work. Under these circumstances, it was thought advisable to do nothing till the improvement of the Savannah river, and that at the St. Mark's or Appalachicola, would admit of the boats employed at these places being transferred to the St. John's and St. Mary's. Nothing, therefore, bas yet been done.

St. Mark's harbor and river, Florida.-A canal has been opened through the natural bridge on the St. Mark's. Owing, however, to the unexpected appearance of rock at this place, much of the money which it was hoped might be applied to the improvement of the river above, has been expended on it, and will render an additional appropriation necessary. The object of this appropriation will be to open the river to the only convenient place of landing for the upper country, and to deepen the channel already made, and that over the outer bar, at the entrance into the river, for the admission of large vessels drawing fifteen feet.

Ochlochney river, Florida.-The appropriation for the improvement of this river has been applied to the removal of the logs and trees which obstruct its navigation from its channel. The whole will be expended by the middle of the present month.

Appalachicola river and harbor-Although the improvements contemplated at this place have been prosecuted

Arkansas river, Arkansas Territory.-The examination of this river was made by an officer of the engineers early in the spring, and the boats, machinery, &c. under the personal direction of Captain Shreve, commenced the removal of obstructions to its navigation in the early part of August last. At the latest advices, not much had been done, however, owing to the unfavorable state of the water; but this winter, while operations will be suspended on the Ohio by reason of the ice, it is intended to concentrate a force on the Arkansas, and to prosecute the work to the extent of the available means.

The report of the officer who made the examination of this river above alluded to, being of an interesting character, is hereunto annexed, marked I.

Mississippi and Ohio rivers.-For the progress made in the improvement of these rivers, I beg leave to refer you to the accompanying report from the superintendent, H. M. Shreve, marked G

Cumberland river, Tennessee.-Operations were commenced on this river 16th October, and continued till the 7th December, 1833. Owing to the unusual high state of the water little was done towards the improvement of its navigation, other than the cutting away of the timber overhanging its banks in the island chutes and deep bends between Nashville and Harpeth island, and making the necessary preparations for prosecuting the work as soon as the water and season would permit. The work was resumed on the 1st of January last, since which time the operations have been directed with much success to improving the river at Harpeth shoals and their vicinity, to the cutting away of the hanging timber from the banks, and to the removal of logs, &c. from the sand bars.

Road from Memphis, on the Mississippi, to William

23d CONG. 1st SESS.]

Documents accompanying the President's Message.

Strong's house, on the St. Francis.-An examination and survey have been made of the country between the two points above named, with the view to the location of this road; but the reports and drawing thereon not having been received, nothing has been done by this department. As soon as the reports shall be received, the lo. cation and construction of the road will be commenced without loss of time.

will soon be in a travelling condition for a distance of thirty-three miles west. The grading, bridging, and culverts being finished by this time, excepting the bridges at White river on the first and Mill creek on the twentyseventh mile, both of which will, most likely, be finished by the end of the year. The contracts for the present year on the western division are for such work as was deemed necessary to bring the road into immediate use as far as the western boundary of the State. These contracts, therefore, embrace the entire distance from the thirty-fourth to the seventy-first mile, inclusive; and the works provided for by them have progressed in a manner altogether satisfactory to the superintendent. When these contracts shall be completed, carriages will be able to travel, with but trifling interruption, from Indianapolis to the eastern boundary of Illinois.


Cumberland road in Ohio.-The affairs of this part of the national road have been manged in a manner highly satisfactory. The operations on it, though much influenced by the prevalence of the cholera in the section of the country through which it passes, have been prose cuted with a zeal and ability highly creditable to the of. ficer charged with their direction. The bridges between Zanesville and the 21st mile west from thence, inclusive, have been repointed and put in complete order; the culCumberland road in Illinois.-A belief was induced in verts which had given way in consequence of bad mate- the early part of the year that the affairs of this part of rials and workmanship, have been taken down and re- the road were conducted in a manner not likely to be built; the masonry between Hebron and Columbus, a productive of results desired by the Government; and, distance of 27 miles, has been completed, with the ex- therefore, an officer of engineers was instructed to make ception of two small bridges, one on the 51st and the an inspection of the road and its concerns, and to report other on the 53d mile, declared defective in workman- the result for subsequent action. Before the inspection ship, and not accepted from the contractors. The ma- was made, however, a direct charge was preferred, from sonry west of Columbus remains nearly in the state de a source that seemed to require consideration, impeachscribed in my last annual report, the existence of the ing the moral character of the superintendent in a parcholera having prevented any improvement in it. Prep- ticular that could not well be true without being accom arations have been made to construct the abutments for panied by dereliction of official duty. It was, therefore, the bridges over the canal at Hebron, and the Scioto at deemed necessary to suspend the superintendent till the Columbus; those for the former bridge will most likely facts in the case could be ascertained. An investigation be completed this fall. The wooden superstructure over was had of the affairs of this road, and it is shown that a the canal feeder on the 32d mile, Blacklick creek on the state of things existed which rendered any progress in 43d, Big walnut on the 46 h, and Alum creek on the the way of extension, during the present year, totally in50th mile west of Zanesville, have all been finished. The consistent with a proper regard for the public interest; superstructure over the canal at Hebron will probably be and it is not perceived how any thing further can be done completed this year, and the timber for that over the till the blunders (but too palpable on almost every part Scioto will be got out this winter. The superstructure of the road) shall have been repaired, and a system esover Little Darby, which was damaged in April last by tablished which will prevent their recurrence, and restore a tornado, has been repaired and strengthened by addi- a wholesome state of things onthis important national work. tional bracing. The first stratum of metal is in course of Cumberland road east of the Ohio.-The repairs of this preparation to cover the road between the 22d and 32d part of the national avenue have progressed well. miles, inclusive, west of Zanesville. Measures were taken Maryland, three thousand two hundred and thirty seven to have this metal prepared and put upon the road by the rods have received the entire covering of stone, and are 1st of August last, but the efforts of the contractors were completed; two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four defeated by the prevalence of disease, and the increased rods have received a covering of nine, sixteen hundred demand for labor. The second stratum of metal was to and ninety-seven of six, and twenty-seven of three inches have been put on by the 1st of last month, but the distance of metal. Three thousand nine hundred and eleven rods of the stone to constitute this layer, added to the causes have been graded and are ready to receive the covering, already adverted to, rendered this impossible. The third and for which there are, on the line of the road, six thou. and last stratum of metal is undergoing preparation to be sand one hundred and thirty-eight perches of broken or placed upon the road as soon as broken, between Zanes- prepared, and upwards of seven thousand perches of ville and the 21st mile west from thence, inclusive. The rough stone. In Pennsylvania, six thousand nine huntime limited by the contracts for completing this part of dred and ninety-three rods of the road have been com. the road was the 1st of August last, but some of the pleted; ten thousand and ten rods have received a covercauses which operated against the advancement of the ing of nine inches, six hundred and ninety-two of six, and road in the neighborhood of Hebron, have operated to its three thousand five hundred and ninety five of four and a prejudice in this. It is confidently anticipated, however, half inches of metal. Four hundred and ninety-four rods that these twenty-one miles will be finished within the of the road are graded and ready to receive its cover; and present year, when they will be turned over to the State. there are, near the road side, seven thousand six hundred The grade has been completed by this time as far as Co- and eleven perches of prepared, and two thousand two lumbus, by which there is a saving of five hours in the hundred and thirty-six perches of rough stone. passage of the mail between Zanesville and Colum-ginia, eight hundred and twelve rods have been covered bus, which commenced running on this road in July last. with four and a half inches of metal, and one hundred and The clearing and grubbing will most likely be comple- seventy-six with three inches. Eighteen hundred and ted as far as Springfield, 43 miles west of Columbus, by fifty-five rods of the road have been graded, and are ready the end of the present month. for receiving the metal; and for which there are, on the line of the road, eight thousand three hundred and fifty perches of prepared, and twelve thousand six hundred and forty-five perches of rough stone. Besides this, there is a considerable quantity of stone out at the different quarries, which will be hauled to the road and prepared during the winter. Five thousand four hundred and fiftythree cubic yards of masonry have been constructed on

Cumberland road in Indiana.—An officer of engineers is at present engaged in making an inspection of the road through this State, and his report will be laid before you as soon as received, the report of the superintendent of the eastern division being of a character so general as to render it impossible to get at the exact condition of the road. The western division, beginning at Indianapolis,

In Vir

different parts of the entire road.

Documents accompanying the President's Message.

The new location to

turn Wills's mountain has been opened, and considerable
progress made in the bridge to cross Wills's creek.
An examination was made of the Cumberland road east
of the Ohio in 1827, for repairing it upon the plan of its
original construction, when it appeared that 75 miles of
the old pavement were in good order, and required three
inches of broken stone for a covering to restore it to its
primitive state-estimated to cost $3 75 per rod; that 323
miles required four and a half inches of stone, and 21
miles required six inches of stone, broken to four ounces
in weight, and that the masonry might cost $11,000; and
the whole road, thus repaired, would cost $230,274.

In February of 1826, it was estimated that the sum of $278,983 would be sufficient to repair the whole road upon the McAdam plan; and in May, 1827, (a period of sixteen months,) the superstratum or cover of reduced stone had been worn and washed away to an extent almost incredible, and proved that too great a reliance was placed upon the layer of large stone, as there were not so many of them of as good a quality as was first supposed. To have effected the same repair in 1827, as was contem. plated in 1826, would have required an additional sum of $50,000-making $328,983 necessary to repair the road, upon the best information to be obtained at that period. The utter destruction of the road was foreseen at that time unless measures were taken to repair it thoroughly, it being then in a "most wretched" condition.

In July, 1832, it was determined to repair the road effectually, from end to end, and cede it to the respective States through which it passed; after which, the repairs were to be met by the tolls collected from the travelling on it.

[23d CONG. 1st SESS.

mate for the year, based upon the facts herein stated. It will be perceived that the sum asked for the service of the year is to finish all that part lying between Cumberland and the Monongahela river, and commence that part situated between this river and the Virginia line, and to finish the sixteen miles in Virginia; making the sum required to repair the whole roid, on the McAdam plan, not less than $645,000, of which the resources of that region of country will advantageously admit of $300,000 being expended during the year.

Should it, however, be the determination of Congress to make a partial repair of this great national line of communication between the Western waters and the Atlantic, the estimates would be materially varied. Leaving the masonry in its present ruined state, constructing no more culverts to throw the water under the road, abandoning the McAdam plan of repair, and merely opening the ditches and drains, and to restore the grade with earth, the cost would be, for the part between Brownsville and West Alexandria, upon which, as yet, nothing has been done, 42 miles, $50,000

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For the 16 miles in Virginia, (finishing the ma-
sonry on Wheeling hill)
For the first 10 miles in Maryland,
For the remaining 22 miles in Maryland,
For the part through Pennsylvania, heretofore
partially McAdamized, 41 miles,


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This, however, effects nothing more than making a clay road, by no means suited to the immense travel passing the mountains by this route, and, when finished, soon destroyed by the rains which would wash the earth from the face of the road into the valleys.

The system adopted was that extensively used in England, and known by the name of its inventor, McAdam. The condition of the road at this period made very extensive repairs necessary, commencing from the grade, there being neither side drains, ditches, nor culverts for drain-it ing the water, presenting no better condition for the basis of repairs on the McAdam system than what is called a "rough grade," with the large bridges.

To use the stone found on the road side is, as before remarked, worse than useless; the expense of applying being very great, and, when applied, soon ground to sand and washed away. Hence, it will be far better to apply the sum that may be appropriated for a partial repair, to form a clay road over the old bed, than attempt to apply sand-stone that is no better, costs more, and is as soon washed away.

two, when the earth had washed from the surface, an irregular mass of rough stone, much like the road in its present condition. The cost of this might be $200,000. A more particular estimate for these partial repairs is not submitted, as they cannot be recommended, and the necessary information has not been collected to prepare one.

Rather than make a partial repair by distributing the sum appropriated over the whole line of 132 miles, the parts through the mountains being in the worst condition, The road repaired in this manner will not justify tolls and, from the face of the country, most difficult to travel, being exacted, as, in the fall and spring of the first year, were first commenced. The supposition of finding good it will be next to impassable, and good only for the first stone in the bed of the road, wherewith to make "MCAd- two or three summers. Another mode of repair might be amized metal," proved fallacious: not a perch was found adopted, viz. that of restoring the grade by breaking up through the whole mountain district, the bed being com- the sand-stone to twelve-ounce pieces, and covering it posed of soft sand-stone. This, when broken to four-with earth. The result of this would be, after a year or ounce pieces, and used for a covering, is, in the course of three months, reduced to sand, and washed by the heavy rains from the road into the ditches and drains, making it worse than useless to depend upon any of the varieties of sand-stone. Under these circumstances, but one course was left, and that was to procure the only suitable material the country produced-lime-stone. The natural position of this stone is under the sand-stone, and found only in the lowest valleys-often in the beds of creeks, covered with several feet of earth, and distant from the line of the road. Through the mountains it is found in few positions. The expense of repairing the road with a good material, and the only one of this character found in the country, is far greater than anticipated before these facts were known. Another heavy item in the expense of repair is the condition of the masonry; this having been exposed for a long time to the weather, without coping to throw off the rain and snow, is now in a dilapidated condition, requiring a considerable portion to be renewed. Under these circumstances, the cost of putting the road in such a condition as will justify toll being exacted, is so far beyond that at first anticipated, as to make it proper to draw the particular attention of Congress to the esti VOL. X.-C

Road from Columbus, Georgia, to Line creek, Alabama.This road has been located after a careful examination of the country through which it passes; and its construction will be prosecuted with as much despatch as circumstan ces will permit. The greater part of the road is in a district of country entirely uninhabited. This will render it a matter of some difficulty to procure labor and supplies; but the department has the assurances of the agent that every effort will be made to complete the road as speedily as possible.

Road from Detroit to Chicago, Michigan.-The contracts for the construction of this road, entered into last year, extended as far as the 132 mile west from Detroit. The contractors were actively engaged on the 30th September, and hopes were entertained that they would be able to complete their engagements by the

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