Imágenes de páginas

' of the class next immediately below them, wise le- CHAP.

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gislators call similar, not the same, in class with their parents, because they are degraded, to a middle rank 'between both, by the lowness of their mothers: they are named in order, Múrdhábhishicta, Máhishya, and Carana, or Cáyast'ha; and their several employments are teaching military exercises; musick, astronomy, and 'keeping herds; and attendance on princes.




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7. Such is the primeval rule for the sons of women one degree lower than their husbands: for the sons of women two or three degrees lower, let this 'rule of law be known.


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8. From a Bráhmen, on a wife of the Vaisyaclass, is born a son called Ambashtha, or Vaidya, on a Súdrà-wife a Nisháda, named also Pára


9. From a Cshatriya, on a wife of the Súdra-class, springs a creature, called Ugra, with a nature partly warlike and partly servile, ferocious in his manners, cruel in his acts.

10. The sons of a Bráhmen by women of three lower classes, of a Cshatriya by women of two, and of a Vaisya by one lower class, are called Apasa'dáh, or degraded below their fathers.

11. From a Cshatriya, by a Bráhmenì-wife, springs a Súta by birth; from a Vaisya, by a military or 'sacerdotal wife, spring a Mágadha and a Vaidéha.

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12. From a Súdra, on women of the commercial, military,




military, and priestly classes, are born sons of a mixed breed, called Ayogava, Cshattri, and Chandála, the lowest of mortals.

13. 6 As the Ambashť'ha and Ugra, born in a direct order, with one class between those of their parents, are considered in law, so are the Cshattri, "and the Vaidéha, born in an inverse order with one 'intermediate class; and all four may be touched with• out impurity.

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14. Those sons of the twice-born, who are begot'ten on women without an interval (Antara) between 'the classes mentioned in order, the wise call Anantaras, giving them a distinct name from the lower degree of their mothers.

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15. From a Bráhmen, by a girl of the Ugra-tribe,

' is born an Avrita; by one of the Ambasť ha-tribe,

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an Abhira; by one of the Ayogava-tribe, a Dhig


16. The Ayogava, the Cshattri, and the Chandála, 'the lowest of men, spring from a Súdra in an in

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verse order of the classes, and are therefore, all three 'excluded from the performance of obsequies to their

' ancestors:

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17. From a Vaisya the Mágadha and Vaidéha, 'from a Cshatriya the Súta only, are born in an in

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verse order; and they are three other sons excluded

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18. The son of a Nisháda by a woman of the

• Súdra

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Súdra-class, is by tribe a Puccasa; but the son of CHAP. a Súdra by a Nishádi-woman, is named Cuccutaca.



One, born of a Cshattri by an Ugrá, is called Swapáca; and one, begotten by a Vaidéha on an Ambashthì-wife, is called Véna.

20. Those, whom the twice-born beget on women of equal classes, but who perform not the proper

' ceremonies of assuming the thread, and the like, people denominate Vrátyas, or excluded from the gáyatrì.

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21. From such an outcast Bráhmen springs a son of a sinful nature, who in different countries is ' named a Bhúrjacantaca, an Avantya, a Vátadhána, a Pushpadha and a Saic'ha:


22. From such an outcast Cshatriya comes a son 'called a J'halla, a Malla, a Nich'hivi, a Nata, a Carana, a C'hasa, and a Dravira:


23. From such an outcast Vaisya is born a son 'called Sudhanwan, Chárya, Cárusha, Vijanman, Maitra, and Sátwata.


24. By intermixtures of the classes, by their marriages with women who ought not to be married, and by their omission of prescribed duties, impure classes have been formed.

25. THOSE Men of mingled births, who were born in the inverse order of classes, and who intermarry among themselves, I will now compendiously de• scribe.

26. The



26. 6

The Súta, the Vaidéha, and the Chandála, 'that lowest of mortals, the Mágadha, the Cshattri by tribe, and the Ayogava.


27. These six beget similar sons on women of their own classes, or on women of the same class 'with their mothers; and they produce the like from 'women of the two highest classes, and of the low


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28. As a twice-born son


may spring from ‹ Bráhmen by women of two classes out of three, a 'similar son, when there is no interval, and an equal son from a woman of his own class, it is thus in 'the case of the low tribes in order.


29. Those six beget, on women of their own tribes, reciprocally, very many despicable and abject races even more foul than their begetters.

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30. Even as a Súdra begets, on a Bráhmenì-woman, a son more vile than himself, thus any other 'low man begets, on women of the four classes, a son yet lower.

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31. The six low classes, marrying inversely, beget 'fifteen yet lower tribes, the base producing still baser; and in a direct order they produce fifteen more.

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32. A Dasyu, or outcast of any pure class, begets on an Ayogavi-woman a Sairindhra, who should know how to attend and to dress his master; though not a slave, he must live by. slavish work, and

may also gain subsistence by catching wild beasts CHAP. ' in toils :

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33. A Vaidéha begets on her a sweet-voiced Maitréyaca, who, ringing a bell at the appearance of dawn, continually praises great men:

34. A Nisháda begets on her a Márgava, or Dása, ' who subsists by his labour in boats, and is named Caiverta by those, who dwell in Aryάverta, or the land of the venerable.

35. Those three of a base tribe are severally begotten on Ayogavi-women, who wear the clothes of 'the deceased and eat reprehensible food.

36. From a Nisháda springs by a woman of the Vaidéha-tribe, a Cárávara, who cuts leather, and from a Vaidéha spring by women of the Cárávara ' and Nisháda-casts, an Andhra and a Méda, who 'must live without the town.

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37. From a Chandála by a Vaidéhì-woman, comes
a Pándusópáca, who works with cane and reeds;
and from a Nisháda, an Ahindica, who acts

38. From a Chandála, by a Puccasì-woman, is
born a Sópáca, who lives by punishing criminals
condemned by the king, a sinful wretch ever de-
spised by the virtuous.

39. A Nishádì-woman, by a Chandála, produces a son called Antyávasáyin, employed in places for burning

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