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print a report of their programmes; others seem to be restrained by a fear of vain glory, especially the circles under the guidance of religious directors. They should remember the admonition of Scripture, not to keep their light hidden under a bushel. Whatever tends to glorify the work of the Church in the world, and promote self-improvement, ought to be made known to the brethren of the household of the true faith.

Publicity for good works of all kinds is in accord with the following advice from the Rev. Morgan M. Sheedy:

The Catholic Church trains her young people in a way to secure good morals, good citizenship, a respect for property rights and the rights of others. She has a firm faith in God, in Christ, in the Bible, and a firm acceptance of the religion of the Savior, without which civilization must eventually disappear.

Outside of the Church religion is fast drifting into infidelity; the Bible is regarded as mere literature; disbelief spreads apace. So we see there are splendid opportunities opening to the Church in this land. The field is inviting for a display of her best energies.

While doubt, infidelity, and materialism are making great inroads among other religious bodies, the Catholic Church alone is able to resist the attacks of these enemies of religion. And this is due not only to the truth and logic of her system, but to the care and sacrifices she makes in the Christian training of her children.

From that training must spring the highest type of American citizenship. The three essential elements, religion, morality, and intelligence, the pillars of human happiness and the firmest props of the duties of men and citizens, are embodied in the education of our Catholic youth. Hence with us it is an accepted maxim: The better the Catholic, the better the citizen. They who aspire to be fellow-citizens of the saints and of the household of God must be loyal and law-abiding members of society. Religion regulates the relations of class to class, gives to morals a sound basis, to legislation efficacy, to administration honesty. The Church is concerned with the welfare of men in all the complex relations of life; she is deeply interested in almost every movement that tends to uplift humanity. Her history is the history of modern civilization. She is not content to trust to the leavening influence which her teaching indirectly exercises on society in virtue of its power to transform the life of the individual, but she is ever ready to support practical measures for the moral and social betterment of the community.

Every movement, therefore, for good citizenship, for honest and efficient administration in city, state, and nation has her support and blessing. Her beneficent influence makes itself felt throughout the entire sphere of human life and conduct. She would hallow all the relations of men with the principles of the Sermon on the Mount, and bring to bear upon society the vivifying energy of Catholic truth. The supreme interest with which the Catholic regards all the great movements of the day is made manifest in the teaching and policy of the late Pope Leo XIII.

The Catholic citizen, therefore, who understands the aims and spirit of the Church must be in active sympathy with every movement for the public good. And the more he is imbued with the spirit of religion the more he conforms in his daily conduct to its teachings, all the more deeply will he be interested in what makes for civic righteousness; or, in other words, the better the Catholic, the better the citizen.

Now, I know of no period in our history when the influence of the better Catholic was more needed than to-day. We need him in politics, in business, in social life, in public administration. We need him to stay the tide of political corruption, which for the moment obscures the great democratic experiment. Ex-President Cleveland, in a recent address, reviewed our many moral defects as a people and earnestly appealed for a revival of the virtues of good citizenship. President Roosevelt is a strenuous lay preacher of the civic virtues. There is no form of government so much as a republic that demands wisdom and virtue in the people. Universal suffrage requires the individual voter to be not only a good citizen at the ballot-box, but a good citizen all the year round. He must by precept and example spread abroad and actively support, at all times, the principles of civic virtue and honest government. Catholic citizens everywhere should be pre-eminent in this work. Thus can we hope to allay the fears of those who find many discour aging symptoms in the body politic.

M. C. M.


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AM not quite sure whether it is St. Bénézet or his modern biographer that I am the more anxious to write about. St. Bénézet is a delightfully interesting person, but he is also rather mythical. The biographer is real enough, but his life was not externally eventful, and one of the most remarkable things about him was his devotion to St. Bénézet. Perhaps under the circumstances it will be wisest to try to say a few words about both of them. The engineer of the twelfth century and the engineer of the nineteenth, will each help to throw the personality of the other into higher relief.

Let me begin by confessing, to my shame, that a few months ago I was unacquainted with the very name of either of these two heroes of science. It was a mere chance which led me to stumble across the track of St. Bénézet, and in the effort to learn something more about this quaint, mediæval figure I came to make acquaintance with the elaborate étude which M. de Saint-Venant, Membre de l'Institut, has consecrated to the memory of his patron.*

As the book is, unfortunately, but only too evidently, a posthumous work, it is prefaced by some little account of its author. There among the tributes paid by men of science to *St. Bénézet, Patron des Ingénieurs. Par M. A. B. de Saint-Venant, Membre de l'Insti tut, etc., Bourges, 1889.

Copyright. 1907. THE MISSIOnary SocieTY OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE



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