New Buildings containing every accommodation. A large number of private rooms. Send for a Prospectus. REV. L. A. DELUREY, O.S.A., Pres. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, EMMITSBURG, MARYLAND. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. Beautifully situated among the Blue Ridge Mountains. Classical and Scientific Courses. Specially organized departments of Music and Art. Well equipped Library and Laboratory. Steam heat and Electric light. Terms, $250.00 per Academic year. Letters of inquiry directed to THE MOTHER SUPERIor. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND, CHARLES STREET AVE., BALTIMORE, MD. College for Young Women and Preparatory School for Girls. Regular and Elective Courses. Extensive Grounds. Location unsurpassed. Suburb of Baltimore. Spacious Buildings. Completely Equipped. Conducted by SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME. SACRED HEART COLLEGE, WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN. Branch of Notre Dame University, Indiana. Thorough Classical, English, Commercial, and Preparatory Courses. Terms moderate. Buildings heated by steam. Home comforts. For further information and catalogues apply REV. J. O'ROURKE, C.S.C., President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY AND to Boarding School for Young Ladies. Complete Educational Facilities. Healthful Climate in the Pineries. Terms moderate. Send for Catalogue to MOTHER SUPERIOR. Saint Mary's of the Woods Conducted by the Sisters of Providence from Ruille-sur-Loir, France. Chartered in 146, and empowered to confer Academic Honors and Collegiate Degrees. The location is ideal; the equipments are elegant and complete; the facilities for highest intellectual, moral, and religious culture are unsurpassed For Illustrated Prospectus address SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE, Saint Mary's, Vigo Co., Ind. PITTSBURG CATHOLIC COLLEGE OF THE HOLY GHOST. For Day Students and Boarders. Thorough in the Grammar, Academic, Commercial, and College Departments. Courses in French, German, Spanish, Short-hand, and Typewriting. A Special Class for Students preparing for any Profession. Rooms for Senior Students. Very Rev. M. A. HEHIR, C.S.Sp., President. THE FOUR-TRACK The Great Illustrated Magazine of Travel and Education. 150 OR MORE PAGES MONTHLY. Its scope and character are indicated by the following titles of articles that have appeared in recent issues; all profusely illustrated: Eleven Hours of Afternoon. Where Blue Met Grey-Poem, Where Every Prospect Pleases, New York From An Air Ship, The Limited Express-Poem, The Nub End of Canada, Corral and Lasso, Santo Domingo, Cy Warman Alexander Hume Ford Minot J. Savage Thomas C. Harbaugh Julia D. Cowles Kirk Munroe M. Imlay Taylor Allen Day Bertha Smith T. D. MacGregor T. E. Donne Nixon Waterman Sir Edwin Arnold Frank Yeigh Minnie J. Reynolds Frederick A. Ober DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, NEW YORK, September 1, 1905. TAXPAYERS WHO DESIRE TO OBTAIN THEIR bills promptly should make immediate written requisition blanks may be procured in the borough offices), stating their property by Section or Ward. Block and Lot or Map number, making copy of same from their bills of last year. If a taxpayer is assessed for personal tax, the requisition should also request bill for such tax Each requisition should be accompanied by an envelope bearing the proper address of the applicant, AND WITH RETURN POSTAGE PREPAID. In case of any doubt in regard to Ward, Section, Block or Lot number, taxpayers should take their deeds to the Department of Taxes and Assessments and have their property located on the maps of that Department and forward to the Deruty Receiver of Taxes with the requisition a certified memorandum of their property, which will be furnished by the Department of Taxes and Assessments. Taxpayers in this manner will receive their bills returned by mail at the earliest possible moment and avoid any delay caused by waiting on lines, as required in case of personal application. The requisition must be addressed and mailed to the Deputy Receiver of Taxes in whichever borough the property is located, as follows: JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, No. 57 Chambers Street, JOHN B UNDERHILL. corner Third and Tremont FREDERICK W BLECK WENN. corner Jackson Avenue and Fifth Street, Long Island City, Borough of Queens. New York. JOHN DE MORGAN, Bay and Sand Streets, Stapleton, Staten Island, Borough of Richmond, New York. After receiving the bills the taxpayer will see that they are properly rebated, then draw check for the ret amount to the order of the Receiver of Taxes and mail bill and check, with an addressed envelope, with the return postage prepaid, to the Deputy Receiver in whichever borough the property is located. Checks should be mailed as soon as possible after the bills have been received by the taxpayer. All bills paid during October must be rebated before payment. DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. The Mass Book. A Complete Prayer Book of 64 pages for 5 cents. 100 copies for $2.50. THE Mass Book recently published by the Columbus Press is an entirely new departure in prayer book publications. This book contains everything that a Catholic needs for his devotions, and, what no other book contains, a short, clear explanation of the essential doctrines of the Church. There is no better book to distribute among Catholics or non-Catholics. Send 5 cents in Postage Stamps for a copy of THE MASS BOOK. The Columbus Press, 120 West 60th St., Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Inrgest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO.361 Broadway, New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. A Journal of the Ancient Faith and Modern Thought. I. TREATS topics of interest bearing on Theology, Scripture, Philosophy, and the cognate Sciences. 2. GIVES the results of the united efforts of eminent Catholic scholars, lay and clerical, throughout the world. 3. PRESENTS shorter Studies, and careful Reviews of books and publications. . + 185th Thousand. ÷ QUESTION BOX, BY REV. BERTRAND CONWAY. The book answers over 1,000 questions asked by non-Catholics. It has required three years of continuous labor to produce it. It runs to over 600 pages. Paper, 20 cents per copy. Postage, 6 cents extra. 66 66 66 9 66 In quantities of 100, and in paper, the book sells for $10.00. Send remittance with your order. The Columbus Press, 120 West 60th Street, New York APRIL, 1905. THE Catholic World The Religious Education Association. Rev. Thomas I. Gasson, S.J. A Further Answer to Dr. McKim.—II. Rev. Bertrand L. Conway, C.S.P. THE OFFICE OF THE CATHOLIC WORLD, NEW YORK. 120-122 West 60th Street. ART AND BOOK COMPANY, 22 Paternoster Row, London, E. G. ENTERED AT THE POST-OFFICE AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. |