BOOKS RECEIVED.-Continued. THE CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY, Chicago, Ill.: The Catholic Church and the Marriage Tie. By James Cardinal Gibbons. Pp. 16. Paper. BIBLE TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL, New York: Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles Compared. Edited by M. W. Jacobus, D.D. Pp. 180. Price 50 cents. CHRISTIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, New York: The Church of God on Trial. By Ed. J. Maginnis. Pp. 248. THE ETHNOLOGICAL SURVEY, Manila, P. I.: Negritos of Zambales. Part I. By William Allen Reed. Pp. 90. Paper. EASTERN STATE PENITENTIARY, Philadelphia, Pa.: Seventy-fifth Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Penitentiary. For the year 1904. Pp. 82. Paper. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, Washington, D. C.: Annual Report of the United States Life Saving Service. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904. Pp. 465. STATE COMMISSION OF PRISONS, New York: Tenth Annual Report of the State Commissions of Prisons. For the year 1904. Pp. 317. THOMAS BAKER, LONDON: Recollections from the Mirror of a Mystic. Translated from the works of John Rüsbröck by Earle Baillie. Pp. 98. P. LETHIELLEUX, Paris: L'Église et L'État Laïque. Par Bernard Gaudeau. Pp. 128. Paper. LUCIEN BODIN, Paris: L'Evolution de la Vie et de la Conscience. Pp. 318. LIBRAIRE VICTOR LECOFFRE, Paris: Piété Confiante Lettres de l'Abbé de Tourville. Pp. 330. Nazareth. Par Gaston Le Hardy. Pp. 234. L'Église Byzantine. Par J. Pargoire. Pp. 400. FÉLIX ALCON, Paris: Religions et Sociétés. Par MM. Théodore Reinack, A. Puech, Raoul Allier, Anatole LeroyBeaulieu, Bon Carra de Vaux, and Hippolyte Dreyfus. Pp. 286. La Vraie Religion selon Pascal. Par Sully Prudhomme. Pp. 444. Price 7 fr. 50. THE MONASTERY, Crawley, Sussex, England: Freemasonic Indictment of the Third Order of St. Francis. By the President of the Grand Orient of France. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Father William, O.S.F.C. Pp. 45. Paper. THE OFFICE OF THE CATHOLIC WORLD, 120-122 West 60th Street. Entered at the Post Office as Second-Class Matter. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. N.B.-The postage on "THE CATHOLIC WORLD" to Great Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, and Germany is 6 cents, FOR CATHOLICS Sent, Express Prepaid, FREE For Examination. The Apparitions and HEAVEN'S BRIGHT QUEEN. From the earliest ages to the present time. Monsignor Bernard O'Reilly, D.D. Contains over 1,500 pages, 26 full-page illustrations. Bound in royal purple cloth, gilt tops. A complete history of all the APPARITIONS, from the earliest ages down to those of recent days which, after the most careful examination and investigation, have received the IMPRIMATUR and endorsement of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Should be in every Catholic Home & Library. TEAR OF If you want to examine these books, all you have to do is to fill out the attached coupon and mail it to us, and we will ship same by express, prepaid with privilege of inspection. If for any reason you decide not to keep the books, THIS S COUPON. PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. You may send for my inspection and approval the set of four volumes of The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen. If I decide to keep the books I will pay for same as follows: $5.00 after I examine them, and $1.00 a. month for five months thereafter, or $9.00 cash in full payment, at my option. It is understood that you are to send me the books on approval, and if for any reason I decide not to keep them, I am to return the books to you, charges collect. Name Street. City or Town State you may return them, charges collect. FOUR HANDSOME VOLUMES. ROYAL PURPLE CLOTH, GILT TOPS. EDITORIAL COMMENT. "To the believers this grand work must bring comfort and consolation, and to the unbeliever it will prove a valuable compendium of data that have their quota of interest for the student of human nature."--New York Herald. "Of all the tributes to our Blessed Lady, none is more worthy than the publication of "The Apparitions and Shrines of Hea ven's Bright Queen," in four handsome volumes, compiled by William J. Walsh, which has been issued by Catholic Publication Society, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. His work, as might be expected, displays great critical acumen, long extended study, and a fine literary discrimination. Complete, yet compact, ranging in its selections from the earliest recorded apparition and tribute, down to those of recent days, yet edited with such care and compiled with such skill that each is vivid in the memory of the reviewer."New York News, Jan. 8, 1905. Gentlemen: I received the two sets of "The Apparitions and Shrines" which I ordered, and I am highly pleased-in fact delighted. I have nothing in my library more instructive and interesting, and I hope the demand will be great. Sincerely, JOSEPH P. BUCKLEY, (Chairman Society St. Vincent de Paul.) N view of the solemn and explicit manner in which the Catholic Church reprobates divorce, we can imagine very readily how great was the surprise of non-Catholics, as well as Catholics, when Bishop Doane, of Albany, recently advanced the claim that the "Roman" Church sanctions divorce "in the freest possible manner," and that her matrimonial discipline is "equivalent to the non-Roman or Protestant recognition of divorce from the bond." Surprise is, in fact, a poor word to describe the feeling caused by such a claim, especially in the minds of those who are in any measure acquainted with the doctrine and practice of the Church in regard to marriage. * In the absence of contradiction, Bishop Doane's statement of the position of the Church on the divorce question will have weight with some persons. He is a prelate grown old in the service of his church; he is Chancellor of the University of the State of New York; he has received honorary degrees from various institutions of learning on account of his presumed acquirements; he is a minister of God who may be rightly expected to treat the tenets and discipline of even the "Roman" Church with justice as well as with charity, and who may be believed to be free from that unholy spirit which leads bigots to speak beyond their knowledge, and to substitute malevolence *" Remarriage after Divorce; the Practice of the Roman Church contrasted with its Theory," in the April number of the North American Review. Copyright. 1905. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE VOL. LXXXI.-19 for science when they have to discuss another religion. What more lawful presumption than that this venerable, seemingly learned, probably unbigoted prelate of a respectable church will not discuss publicly a religious matter without being informed on it, and especially will not attribute to another Church a position which it never held, which it does not hold, and which it never will hold ? This lawful presumption, however, is not conclusive in the present case. Like most presumptions it fails in presence of a contrary fact. And the fact here is that Bishop Doane, in endeavoring to tell the readers of the North American Review what the Catholic Church teaches and practices concerning remarriage after divorce, has demonstrated his absolute incompetence to treat the subject of his article, has made public his ignorance of Catholic law and theology, and has been guilty of misrepresentation which is so gross and so reiterated that it takes on the nature of a crime. It is, in truth, nothing short of criminal to misrepresent and falsify in this matter and in these circumstances. The Catholic Church condemns divorce and excommunicates those who seek it. Her children, on account of this stern disapproval, shrink from divorce. The influence exerted in consequence on our social life is highly beneficial, it is the best and most effectual that we know. No good man would care to see this influence destroyed. Any one who rashly and unreasonably sets to work to subvert it is an enemy not only of the Catholic Church (such enmity would be easily pardoned by many), but of the State; for he weakens the barriers which stem the dangerous current of divorce, and he thereby menaces the welfare and permanency of our republic. He commits an act of immorality, the more heinous when it comes in the form of pernicious doctrine from one whose position, while it obliges him to a sacred adherence to truth, lends to his utterances on any subject a high authority and assures him, before he speaks, of a very considerable following. Of this reprehensible offence, the Bishop must plead guilty, and guilty with aggravating circumstances. His achievement surpasses what our wildest fancy could have contemplated as possible. A careful reading of his argument discloses that he has consummated more error in a briefer space than any writer who has ever contributed an article on any subject to a respect |