So patiently; and through one hand has spread A touch so tender for the insensate Child- (Earth's lingering love to parting reconciled, Brief parting, for the spirit is all but fled)- That we, who contemplate the turns of life Through this still medium, are consoled and cheered; Feel with the Mother, think the severed Wife Is less to be lamented than revered; And own that Art, triumphant over strife And pain, hath powers to Eternity endeared.
TRANQUILLITY! the sovereign aim wert thou In heathen schools of philosophic lore; Heart-stricken by stern destiny of yore The Tragic Muse thee served with thoughtful vow; And what of hope Elysium could allow Was fondly seized by Sculpture, to restore Peace to the Mourner. But when He who wore The crown of thorns around his bleeding brow Warmed our sad being with celestial light, Then Arts which still had drawn a softening grace From shadowy fountains of the Infinite, Communed with that Idea face to face: And move around it now as planets run, Each in its orbit round the central Sun.
[I BECAME acquainted with the walks of Nunnery when a boy: they are within easy reach of a day's pleasant excursion from the town of Penrith, where I used to pass my summer holidays under the roof of my maternal Grandfather. The place is well worth visiting; though, within these few years, its privacy, and therefore the pleasure which the scene is so well fitted to give, has been injuriously affected by walks cut in the rocks on that side the stream which had been left in its natural state.]
THE floods are roused, and will not soon be weary; Down from the Pennine Alps* how fiercely sweeps CROGLIN, the stately Eden's tributary! He raves, or through some moody passage creeps Plotting new mischief-out again he leaps Into broad light, and sends, through regions airy, That voice which soothed the Nuns while on the steeps They knelt in prayer, or sang to blissful Mary. That union ceased: then, cleaving easy walks Through crags, and smoothing paths beset with danger, Came studious Taste; and many a pensive stranger Dreams on the banks, and to the river talks. What change shall happen next to Nunnery Dell ? Canal, and Viaduct, and Railway, tell!
MOTIONS and Means, on land and sea at war With old poetic feeling, not for this, Shall ye, by Poets even, be judged amiss! Nor shall your presence, howsoe'er it mar The loveliness of Nature, prove a bar To the Mind's gaining that prophetic sense Of future change, that point of vision, whence May be discovered what in soul ye are. In spite of all that beauty may disown In your harsh features, Nature doth embrace Her lawful offspring in Man's art; and Time, Pleased with your triumphs o'er his brother Space, Accepts from your bold hands the proffered crown Of hope, and smiles on you with cheer sublime.
A WEIGHT of awe, not easy to be borne, Fell suddenly upon my Spirit-cast From the dread bosom of the unknown past, When first I saw that family forlorn.
Speak Thou, whose massy strength and stature scorn The power of years-pre-eminent, and placed Apart, to overlook the circle vast- Speak, Giant-mother! tell it to the Morn While she dispels the cumbrous shades of Night; Let the Moon hear, emerging from a cloud; At whose behest uprose on British ground That Sisterhood, in hieroglyphic round Forth-shadowing, some have deemed, the infinite The inviolable God, that tames the proud*!
["CATHEDRAL pomp." It may be questioned whether this union was in the contemplation of the artist when he planned the edifice. However this might be, a poet may be excused for taking the view of the subject presented in this Sonnet.]
LOWTHER! in thy majestic Pile are seen Cathedral pomp and grace, in apt accord With the baronial castle's sterner mien; Union significant of God adored, And charters won and guarded by the sword Of ancient honour; whence that goodly state Of polity which wise men venerate, And will maintain, if God his help afford. Hourly the democratic torrent swells; For airy promises and hopes suborned
The strength of backward-looking thoughts is scorned.
Fall if ye must, ye Towers and Pinnacles, With what ye symbolise; authentic Story
Will say, Ye disappeared with England's Glory!
'Magistratus indicat virum.'
LONSDALE! it were unworthy of a Guest, Whose heart with gratitude to thee inclines, If he should speak, by fancy touched, of signs On thy Abode harmoniously imprest, Yet be unmoved with wishes to attest How in thy mind and moral frame agree Fortitude, and that Christian Charity Which, filling, consecrates the human breast. And if the Motto on thy 'scutcheon teach With truth, 'THE MAGISTRACY SHOWS THE MAN;' That searching test thy public course has stood; As will be owned alike by bad and good, Soon as the measuring of life's little span Shall place thy virtues out of Envy's reach *.
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