TABLE Adams, T. History of Shaftef- on Unitarian 646 History of Ifraelites bury laretes 421 Agg, John, Edwy and Elgiva, Bampton Lectures, Browne's; a Romance 628 1806 623 Ferdinand and Ordelia, a Novel lated by Macdonald 506 Fuller, Andrew, Narrative of Facts 538 Fungus Hæmatodes, Wardrop Julia, the African, a Poem 521 Argus - Horsley, Bp. Sermons by Huish, Robert, Solomon from 38 Jerningham, Ed. Alexandrian Lambert's, John, Travels in 5ង Çanada 545 Lane, W. Illustration of Living Melville, Lord, Letter to, on -, Speech on Troop 138 Ships Laurence, Dr. Richard, on Methodism, a few Words on Le Mesurier, Rev. Tho, on Military Cabinet, Cooper's 636 Letter to Perceval on Adultery 344 84 Minstrel, Beattie's, continued Lloyd, Mary, Brighton, a Poem Micellaneous Questions on Hif 406 tory, &c. 537 Owen |