IT IS VERY TRUE that the new "modelling Ecclefiaftical Government was the principal point debated in that famous Dif pute (which gave rife to the following work): "But then the Puritans contended for that "Reformation on Principles that equally con"cluded for a Reformation in the Civil like"wife: And this, Mr. Hooker well under"ftood, when he took fo much Pains to over"throw their fundamental Maxim, the Head "Theorem, as he calls it, of their Scheme"That the Scripture of God is in fuch fort the "Rule of buman Actions, that fimply whatsoever 66 we do, and are not by it directed thereunto, "the fame is Sin. Now who fees not that "this Principle purfued, brings on, directly "and neceffarily, a Reformation of the Civil "Government upon Jewish Ideas? the very "Error of the reformed Minifters of that |