Imágenes de páginas
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.III, 376

Estes & Lauriat,.

...314, 722

Fisher, A. J.


Foley, John..

.14, 158, 270


American S. S. Union..

American Tract Soc...

Anderson (John R.) & Co.....

Appleton (D.) & Co. 11, 17, 33, 61, 98, 100, 154,
161, 181, 227, 229, 265, 273, 297, 325, 389,
432, 433, 453, 481, 520, 529, 549, 573, 593,
630, 637, 680, 689, 705
Armstrong (A. C.) & Son.....454, 500, 587, 636
Authors' Pub. Co....

Baker, Pratt & Co..315, 380, 406, 428, 450, 659
Bancroft, A. L....

Fords, Howard & Hulbert.
Fortescue, W. S..


Gillott (Jos.) & Sons... 14, 30, 58, 119, 158, 178,
225, 247, 270, 292, 313, 406, 429, 450, 476,
525, 543, 570, 584, 609, 633, 702, 719

Ginn & Heath..


Gould & Kello..

.314, 450, 525

Barnes (A. S.) & Co...16, 53, 110, 214, 267, 374

Bangs & Co..

Benziger Bros..

Bicknell & Comstock..

Blair, J. C.

Boericke & Tafel.

Bouton, J. W..

Bossange, Gustave..
Brand (H. W.) & Co..

Brentano (Aug.), jr..
Brown & Gross...
Burbank, Jas. P.
Burke (J. W.) & Co..


[blocks in formation]

Carter (Robert) & Bros.......113, 362, 548, 685
Carter, Dinsmore & Co....28, 117, 178, 246, 293
379, 429, 476, 525, 570, 609, 650, 719
Cassell, Petter & Galpin... ...92, 210, 408
Church (John) & Co...12, 31, 59, 115, 159, 179,
225, 243, 270, 294, 314, 377, 402, 430, 449,
478, 494, 526, 546, 569, 590, 634, 654, 701

[blocks in formation]




.271, 380, 610
.114, 377, 590

Graves, Locke & Co..
Green, S. W...
Griggs (S. C.) & Co.
Guide Books for Summer Travel..631, 687, 690
Hall (H. B.) & Sons....... 15, 159, 271, 429, 519
Happy Hours Co..9, 31, 59, 116, 159, 173, 226,
247, 271, 294, 312, 315, 360, 402, 430, 449,
478, 494, 526, 543, 566, 610, 722
Harper & Bros... 10, 27, 54, 104, 105, 156, 175,
215, 248, 266, 288, 375, 404, 426, 447, 475,
496, 522, 531, 572, 586, 606, 651, 704, 717
Holman (A. J.) & Co.........380, 406, 429, 450
Holt (Henry) & Co..85, 206, 369, 448, 482, 545,

Houghton, Osgood & Co......90, 91, 157, 177,
209, 219, 230, 289, 316, 367, 427, 499, 530,
546, 567, 569, 591, 610, 632, 681
Huntington (F. J.) & Co.... ..271, 294, 314
Index Medicus.
......13, 177
Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co....12, 118, 218,
225, 270, 381, 430, 478, 526, 569, 609, 654
Jansen, McClurg & Co..
.I14, 449
Jones Bros. & Co...
112, 159, 221, 243



Jones (G. I.) & Co....


Keuffel & Esser.....29, 119, 179, 247, 293, 379,

.109, 370

Cushing, E. H. See Williams, S. M.
Davis, Bardeen & Co.....

Derby Bros..


494, 519, 543, 570, 589, 633, 650, 701, 722
Leavitt (George A.) & Co...

Lee (Homer) & Co.....

.30, 116

Lee & Shepard......

Desilver (Chas.) & Sons. 205, 271, 360, 425, 473,

Devoe (F. W.) & Co....
Dillingham, Charles T.
Dodd, Mead & Co.....
Draper, W. F................

519, 566, 610, 650
...174, 244, 290
.84, 153, 721
.26, 64, 249, 328, 660

.157, 230, 366


.120, 272, 378

Leypoldt, F.....13, 177, 180, 268, 295, 382, 386
Lindsay & Baker..
Lippincott (J. B.) & Co..28, 34, 57, 102, 103, 155,
178, 211, 245, 291, 371, 381, 405, 452, 498,
524, 544, 607, 633, 653, 683, 724
Literary News..
..268, 295

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[blocks in formation]

Van Nostrand, D.
Waggoner, J. Fred.



Pinckney, C..


Pott, Young & Co..
Prang (L.) & Co...

Putnam's (G. P.) Sons....

.632, 652

Porter & Coates....32, 55, 62, 63, 161, 182, 298,
.56, 478
..56, 327
.1, 93, 208, 361, 405,
477, 523, 589, 594
Randolph (A. D. F.) & Co....114, 378, 430, 569
Raynor (S.) & Co....
Ritchie & Starrett.
Riverside Press. See Houghton, Osgood & Co.
Roberts Bros..... ·3, 86, 87, 269, 363, 574, 688
Routledge (Geo.) & Sons......376, 497, 545, 567
Rowell (Geo. P.) & Co....
Scribner & Welford.....
.94, 97, 390, 613
Scribner's (Chas.) Sons...66, 121, 184, 250, 274,
330, 409, 435, 456, 533, 658
Sheldon & Co...
Shoppell, R. W.
.25, 84, 173, 721


Wallach, Willy.. ..117, 176, 246, 292, 379, 428,
476, 524, 567, 607, 653, 719
Ward (Marcus) & Co... 14, 30, 58, 116, 153, 173,
226, 247, 269, 292, 315, 380, 406, 428, 550,
605, 638, 716
Warrington Pen Co...... .14, 30, 57, 119, 158
Wells (S R.) & Co...
Wemple & Kronheim..15, 29, 57, 119, 158, 179,
226, 246, 269, 293, 313, 381, 405

West & Hale..
Widdleton, W. J.
Wiley (John) & Sons..
Williams, S. M.
Wilson (John) & Sons.
Withington, W. H.
Wood (Wm.) & Co.

.449, 519

.217, 365, 455

.519, 566, 650, 722

.173, 205


Worthington, R................18, 65, 183, 403, 410, 528,

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(Exclusive of Book Notices.)


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Copyright question (The):-C., home and international

(ed.), 72.-International C. by Judicial decision (A.

B. Sedgwick in the Atlantic), 77. Farrer on

copyright, 79.-The last attempt at international

C. (J. D. Baldwin to G. H. Putnam), 79.-W. I.

Prime on domestic copyright, 79.-The protection

of Am. publishers on foreign books, 80.-The two

sides of cheap books, 146.-New light from the Ev.

Post, 147.-Discussion before the Ñ. Y. Free Trade

Club, 151.-Drone on C., from the Tribune, 167.—In-

ternational C., by G. H. Putnam, 193, 194, 236, 260,

283, 305, 350.-A London international Congress; In-

ternational C. in Spain, 198.-The international ex-

perience of "Helen's Babies," 262. A proposed

international C. basis (ed.), 304.-The Clarendon con-

vention and amendments, 317.-Syllabus of amended

convention, 321.-Suggestion from Harper & Bros.,

322.-Wm. H. Appleton's proposed bill, and letter to

the London Times, 323.-The new outlook (ed.), 339.

-"C., national and international, from the point of

view of a publisher" (E. Marston), (ed.), 341.-For-

eign editions of copyrighted books, 398.-The Elder-

kin-Sherman bill (ed.), 440.-The Easy-chair" on C.,

469.-The London Times on the Harper plan, 470.-

The "Monopoly" of C.-The royalty scheme (ed),

508.-H. C. Baird and G. H. Putnam (ed.), 509.-H. C.

Baird's bill of exceptions, 510.-Appleton Morgan's

open letter to Wm. M. Evarts, 511.-Present status of

the C. movement (ed.), 579.-Royalty vs. monopoly

scheme, by J. W. Lovell, 580.-Letters to Harper

Bros., 582.-Untrammelled C., from E. Marston's

letter to the London Times, 601.-The English atti-

tude (ed.), 644.-Harper & Bros'. letter to the Lon-

don Times; Debate in Macmillan's Mag. (S. S.

Conant), 645.-The London Bookseller, 695.-The

Academy on Conant and the Macmillan rejoinder,

696.-Copyright notes, 699.-The Literary Congress

in London (ed.), 711.-Report of same..

Opinions of authors, publicists, etc.:-John Habber-

ton; Wm. M. Hammond; Joseph Cook, 239.-H.

W. Longfellow; G. W. Green; E. E. Hale; W. D.

Howells, 262.-Theod. D. Woolsey; David A.

Wells; John Elderkin; J. G. Holland, 352.-E. C.

Stedman, 353.-Chas. Eliot Norton, 353, 583.-

James Parton; "Marion Harland,'

353.-E. P.

Roe; S. Irenæus Prime; Miss Warner, 396.-Ed-

ward Eggleston; J. M. Hart; Elizabeth Stuart

Phelps, 397.-J. T. Headley, 398.-Donald G. Mit-

chell, 468.-Geo. P. Marsh; G. W. Curtis, 469.-

Geo. Carey Eggleston; Moses Coit Tyler, 511.-

Wm. Black; Thos. Hill, 562.- Geo. Ticknor Cur-

tis: Benson J. Lossing; Hamilton Fish, 582.-

E. P. Whipple..


Opinions of publishers, printers, etc. :-J. B. Lip-

pincott & Co.; Roberts Bros.; G. W. Carleton;

Theo. L. DeVinne, 197.-Lindsay & Blakiston;

Sower, Potts & Co.; John Wiley, 239.-Wm. Wood

& Co., 262.-S. C. Griggs; Van Antwerp, Bragg &

Co., 306.-Estes & Lauriat, 307.-O. J. Victor, 469.

-H. C. Baird, 510.-J. W. Lovell, 580.-J. R. Os-


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- See also Canada; Cheap libraries; Postal.

DeVinne, Theo. L., On woodcuts, proofs and prints,




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Cushing, Edward Hopkins, Obituary....


Defrauding, see Swindling.

Demoralization, see Underselling.


Discounts, see Underselling.

Duty on books, see Postal.

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(ed.), 555.-Digest of same, 556.-Decisions relating
to publishers, 583, 697.-The postal reformation (ed.). 599
Property in subscription orders..
Publishers' Circular, London, A millennial number.... 696
Publishers' trade-list annual: Good Words, 84; Notice. 711
Publishers' Weekly :-The new year (ed.), 6.-Change
of administration (ed.), 71.-New features, 74.-Mr.
Amies' complaints (ed.), 146.-Summer number, ed.
580, 644, 696

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Routledge, Silver celebration....


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Royalty scheme, see Copyright.

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State school-book question: In Wisconsin and Cali-
fornia, 198.-In New York, 240.-State-made school-
books (ed.), 395, 487.-The pending bill in Michigan,
424.-View of the Educational Weekly, 487, 488.-
The N. Y. State bill

Summer number: - Preliminary notices, 580, 644.-
Reading for the summer...

Summer selections:-How to stay at home without
grumbling, 662.-Hints on summer dress, 663.-June,
July, August (poetry); The open sky, by John Ruskin,
664.-The blessing of the rain, by John Burroughs,
695.-Spring and summer (poetry); An old home-
stead; Honey-flowers, by John Burroughs, 666.-
The same old story (poetry); Collecting ferns, 667.-
Camping out, 668.-Some conditions of camping, by
W. H. H. Murray; The voyage (poetry); Advice to
bathers, 669.-Hints on boat-sailing, 670.-Archery,
671.-Is it going to rain; Seeing stars, 672.-Peripa-
tetics; Oxygen

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241.-Swindlers caught, 626.-Another swindler..... 712
Tariff, see Canada; Postal.

Subscription orders, Property in





Oxygen, see Summer selections.

Paris exposition, Shipment of unsold goods.


Periodicals, Discounts on.......

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- See also Postal.

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[blocks in formation]

Postal:-Two dangers to the trade; Foreign news-
papers, etc., free of duty; Omission in the new postal
bill (ed.), 22.-Suspension of letter rate rule as to the
papyrograph and electric pen processes, 48.-Passage
of the postal bill (ed.), 145.-Books duty free, 146.-
Postal Conference Committee; Printed blanks in peri-
odicals, 199.-Papyrograph process, 200.- Printed
blanks again, inconsistent decision, 240.-A specimen
postal absurdity; The Index Medicus ruling (ed.), 258.
-The bill as passed, 280.-A new code of regulations,
308.-Advertising sheets, 399.-Preparing the new
regulations, 439.-Collection of duty on books, 461,
467.-The Senate and the Postmaster-General; Pub-
lications for advertising purposes, 490, 491.-Free
trade in books; Prof. S. I. Curtiss answered by A.
D. F. Randolph, 512.-The new postal regulations

Two dangers to the trade (ed.).

Underselling :-A question of Underselling, 151.-Dis-
counts on periodicals (ed.), 235.-H. C. Lea's caution-
ary clause, 304.-Discounts outside of the trade, 308.
-A sample letter, 540.-Underselling in England.... 698
- See also A word to both sides; Climax of a life, 48.-
The bookseller as a missionary, 166.-Working up

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