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University o MICHIGAN





With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular


VOL. XV., No. 1. NEW YORK, January 4, 1879.

WHOLE NO. 364.


A History of American Literature.

By MOSES COIT TYLER, Professor of English Literature in the University of Michigan. Vols. I. and II., comprising the period 1607-1765. Large octavo, handsomely bound in cloth extra, gilt top, $5; half-calf extra, $9.50.

The "History of American Literature," now offered to the public, is the first attempt ever made to give a systematic and critical account of the literary development of the American people. It is not a mere cyclopædia of literature, or a series of detached biographical sketches accompanied by extracts; but an analytic and sustained narrative of our literary history from the earliest English settlement in America down to the present time. The work is the result of original and independent studies prosecuted by the author for the past ten years, and gives an altogether new analysis of American literary forces and results during nearly three centuries. The present volumes—a complete work in themselves-cover the whole field of our history during the colonial time.

"A work of great and permanent importance." -N. Y. Evening Post.

"Its appearance will be hailed with pleasure by every reading man and woman.-N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. "It would be easy to go a great way in eulogistic admiration of the work and the manner of its accomplishment. It is not only the only literary event of this decade, but altogether the most important attempt made to comprehend our literary achievement."-Hartford Courant.

"This work ought to make a new departure in studious labor in this country. It is valuable as an example as well as product. From a literary point of view, it is one of the most valuable publications of the century, because it measures and assigns a place to all the good literary work that has been accomplished in this country during the period described."- Boston Post.

"Written by a thoroughly competent scholar, who has examined the entire mass of American writings during our colonial era, and has made fitting mention of every one having appreciable literary merit, giving such portions of these writings as may form a terse anthology of our early literature. The work is full of information, full of the results

of critical thought, and as entertaining as a story."-Episcopal Register.

"Of the thoroughness, candor, and care of Prof. Tyler in the preparation of this work the evidence is ample. We know personally something of the patient labor of years that has been expended on it already, and the result is one upon which the public is to be congratulated. In its historic completeness, in its studious mastery of the subject, in its diligent devotion to details, in its justness of judgment, in its flavor of illustration and extract, and its stately and finished style, it may confidently be expected to fulfil our ideal of such a history, and that a place hitherto vacant will be occupied by it beyond the danger of dispossession for many years to come."-Literary World.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, Publishers,




Will Publish immediately:


MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT'S LETTERS TO GILBERT IMLAY. With a Prefatory Memoir by C. KEGAN PAUL, author of the "Life of Godwin," and two Etchings after OPIE. Square 12mo. Price, $2.

These letters by Mrs. Shelley's mother, the author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman," which are addressed to the man with whom she lived before she became Mrs. Godwin, and who afterward deserted her, were recently found among the papers of the Shelley family. They will have a new interest in this country from the fact that Imlay was an American.


CANTERBURY CHIMES; or, Chaucer Tales Retold for Children. By FRANCIS STORR and HAWES TURNER. With illustrations from the Ellesmere MS. 16mo. Price, $1.50.

A most successful attempt to introduce Chaucer into the nursery. A story like "The Cock and the Fox," we can testify from actual trial, will fascinate an ear not more than four years old, on which "Jack, the Giant Killer," had begun to pall.


THE DRAMATIC LIST. A Record of the Principal Performances of Living Actors and Actresses of the British Stage. With Criticisms from contemporary journals. Compiled and Edited by CHARLES EYRE PASCOE. Crown 8vo. Price, $5,

This important work contains Biographical Sketches of all the more prominent living Actors and Actresses of the British Stage: James Anderson, Miss Bateman, Dion Boucicault, H. F. Byron, W. H. Chippendale, Helen Faucit, Mrs. Charles Kean, Adelaide Kemble, Fanny Kemble, Charles Mathews, J. L. Toole, Benjamin Webster, and numerous others.


READING AS A FINE ART. BY ERnest Legouvé. From the Ninth French Edition, uniform with How to Take Care of our Eyes" and "On the Right Use of Books." 16mo, cloth. Price, 50 cts.

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SIGNOR MONALDINI'S NIECE. A Novel. 16mo. Price, $1.

This is a story ot Italian life, written by an American author, with the benefit of the experience of a long residence in Italy. It is the first volume in a new series of "No Name" novels, the first series, comprising fourteen volumes, ending with the publication of "A Masque of Poets." This series retains all the features which made the first so popular, differing from it only in the style of binding.

Messrs. Roberts Bros.' Latest Publications.

MRS. MERRIAM'S SCHOLARS. A Story of the "Original Ten." By EDWARD E. HALE. Being a Sequel to "Ten Times One is Ten." Price, $1.

CASTLE BLAIR. A Story of Youthful Days. By FLORA L. SHAW. Second Edition. Price, $1. THE BLESSED LIFE. Favorite Hymns selected by the Editor of "Quiet Hours." Second Edition. Price, $1.

A MASQUE OF POETS. "No Name Series." Third Edition. Price, $1; Red Line Edition, $1.50. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF ANNA JAMESON, Author of "Characteristics of Women." Second Edition. Price, $2.50.

MODERN FRENCHMEN. Five Biographies by PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON. Second Edition. Price, $2.




[blocks in formation]

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A deduction at the rate of $4 per page, throughout these terms, for each re-insertion of standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing.

Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt.

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Books Wanted, or for Exchange, or Rare and Secondhand Books for Sale, 10 cents per line. Situations Wanted, free insertion of five lines.

Short advertisements must be paid in advance. Advertisements should reach the office not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible.


One year, postage prepaid..

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Single copies, 8 cents; post-paid, 10 cents.

All subscriptions payable in advance.

.$3 20

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expressly for American readers, and to be issued by G. P. Putnam's Sons. French politics promise to become of much interest early this year, and apart from this consideration any good books on Thiers should be welcome here.

PROF, BOYESEN's book on Goethe and Schiller will be issued presently by Charles Scribner's Sons. In it he has had the suggestions of Bayard Taylor, whose "Life of Goethe" will unfortunately never be finished, and gives in general the latest results of German scholarship. Prof. Boyesen well calls the study of Goethe's writings "a perpetual journey of disCovery;" his book combines a review of Goethe's life and work, which takes in all that long bio graphical research has furnished as to the facts. Works as late as Grimm's last year's Lectures on Goethe have helped to furnish material for the volume. The essay on Schiller is hardly less minute than that on the greater master.

W. F. DRAPER has in press a new edition of a Compedious and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, with an English-Hebrew Index," by Benjamin Davies, carefully revised, and with a statement of the principles of Hebrew grammar, by Edward C. Mitchell; also, an Introduction to the Greek of the New Testament," by George L. Cary, which is designed for the use of those persons

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Remittances should be made by draft on New York, P.O. who, though previously unacquainted with the

money order, or registered letter. We cannot be responsible for loss.

Address P. O. Box 4295, N. Y, PUBLICATION OFFICE, 37 PARK Row, N. Y.

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MR. W. W. WHEILDON, of Concord, Mass., has written and just published, through Lee & Shepard, a thick pamphlet on "Paul Revere's Signal Light," showing quite conclusively that we may still hold on to Mr. Longfellow's poem of Paul Revere's Ride" as good history.

HARPER & BROS. will issue during the present month a new volume, on "David Hume," in the admirable English Men of Letters series; a new edition, neatly printed in 12mo, of Crabb's Synonyms, an old standard with much new additional matter; and the new Smiles biography of "Robert Dick, Baker of Thurso," a Scottish naturalist, one of the men such as Mr. Smiles delights to honor-a book illustrated with a number of interesting cuts.

Greek language, would nevertheless be glad to read the New Testament in its original tongue. An address by Prof. Archibald Duff, Jr., on the "Use of the Old Testament in the Rise of our Doctrines" will also be issued shortly.

ROBERTS BROTHERS are preparing for early publication quite an imposing list of books. About the middle of this month they will issue "Signor Monaldini's Niece," as the initial volume to a new series of No Name books. This is said to be the work of an American who has spent many years in Italy, and is also said to all the No Name stories. At the same time will be one of the brightest and most engaging of be issued a little 50-cent book on Reading as translated from the French of Legouvé by Miss a Fine Art," a suggestive and practical brochure, Abby Alger; an American edition of "Canter

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bury Chimes; or, Chaucer's Tales retold for Children," by Mrs. Haweis and others, with illustrations from the Ellesmere ms.; "The Dramatic List," comprising a great deal of information respecting English theatrical matters, persons, laws, usages, and customs, by Charles Eyre Pascoe, an American residing in England; and ་་ Imlay," which were lately discovered among Mary Wollstonecroft's Letters to Gilbert the Shelley papers by Mr. Kegan Paul, who has Mary Wollstonecroft. Imlay was her brevet edited the letters and prepared a memoir of husband, and was by no means worthy of her; but that did not prevent her writing letters of great interest. Roberts Brothers will publish, probably about February 1st, the

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Life and Times of Stein," that wise giant of German statesmanship, by Professor Seeley, author of "Ecce Homo;" and Hamerton's "Life of Turner," the celebrated English artist. These cannot fail to be works of great value and literary charm. The "Life of Stein" will be in two octavo volumes uniform with the si- "Life of Sumner," and the "Life of Turner" will be in one volume, uniform with Hamerton's other books.

Two books on French politics are forthcoming this month, which should attract a considerable share of American attention. These are M. Jules Simon's History of the French Government under M. Theirs, which will be published here by Chas. Scribner's Sons multaneously with its issue in London, and Le Goff's biography of Thiers, prepared


In this list, the titles in brevier are direct transcriptions from books actually received, according to the rules of the American Library Association; those in nonpareil are from the best information available, and will be repeated in brevier when the book is received for registry.

The notes followed by a number are those which are sent out on printed title-slips, as revised by the Library Association authorities; unless bracketed, which means that they have not yet been so revised. Those not followed by a number are on the sole authority of the WEEKLY, and are not included in the title-slip registry.

The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory. A colon after initial designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin; C: Charles; D: Daniel; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry ; Ï: Isaac: J: John; L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W, William.

Sizes are designated as follows: F. folio: over 30 centimeters high); Q. (4to: under 30 cm.); O. (8vo : 25 cm.); D. (12m0: 20 cm.); S. (16mo: 171⁄2 cm.); T. (24m0: 15 cm.); Tt. (32m0: 121⁄2 cm.); Fe. (48mo: 10 cm.). Sq., obl., nar., designate square, oblong, narrow books of these heights. Where figure instead of letter symbols are used, the record is from publisher's designation, and not measurement.

Imported books are marked with an asterisk; authors' and subscription books, or books published at net prices, with two asterisks; educational books published at “wholesale" prices, with a dagger.

Almanac, see Freidenker; Puck; Whittaker.
Arnold, Alex. S. Henry Lovell a temper-
ance story for old and young. Valley Falls,
R. I., A. S. Arnold, 1878. 196 p. il. D. cl.,
$1; pap.. 50 c.

Scene laid in New England; illustrates in a forcible manner the evils of intemperance; free from sectarianism. Bellew, Frank. Parlor amusements: home and social entertainments. N. Y., G. W. Carleton & Co., 1878. 216 p. 150 il. sq. 16°. cl., 75 c.

[ocr errors]

Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: E. L. [Lord Lytton.]
The last days of Pompeii. N. Y., Harper,
1878. 78 p. Q. (Franklin sq. lib., no. 33.)
pap., 15 c.

Cotterill, T: Family prayers for a week. N. Y., T.
Whittaker, 1878. 70 p. 18°. cl., 40 c.; pap., 15 c.
English history in short stories.

Rev. ed. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & Co., 1878. 181 p. col. pl. S. cl., $1.

Facts about England; its history, government, and antiquities brief sketches of the English monarchs, and the principal counties of Great Britain and Ireland.


Even-song: service of song to be used on Lord's day when
the morning and evening prayers have been said. N. Y.,
T. Whittaker, 1878. 87 p. 32°. flex., 15 c.
First Irish book, see Irish.

Freidenker-Almanach, 1879. 2d year. Mil-
waukee, C: Doerflinger, 1878. 113 p. D. pap.,
25 c.

Geary, Grattan. Through Asiatic Turkey:
narrative of a journey from Bombay to the
Bosporus. N. Y., Harper, 1878. 92 p. Q.
(Franklin sq. lib., no. 34.) pap., 15 c.
Impartial account of the present condition of Asiatic Tur-
key, as seen in a journey of three months, begun in March,
1878. Some space devoted to Persia and the Persians.
Harris, Lee O. The man who tramps: a story
of to day. Indianapolis, Douglass & Carlon,
printers, 1878. [Yohn Bros.] 304 p. D. cl.

[blocks in formation]

Irish book[s] for the use of Irish classes in Amer-
ica. N. Y., Lynch, Cole & Meehan, 1878. First,
book, 48 p.; Second, 104 p. D. pap., ea., 25 c.
Elementary books for teaching the Irish language; pub-
lished by request of the "Society for the Preservation of the
Irish Language;" with the Irish characters and English ex-
planations; carefully graduated.

Lawrence, Mrs. C. W. Do they love us yet? N. Y.,
Ja. Miller, 1878. 250 p. 12°. cl.. $1.50.
Miller, Mrs. E. P. Mother Truth's melodies:


sense for the children: a kindergarten. N. Y., G. W. Carleton & Co., 1878. 215 p. 300 il. 12°. cl., $1. Munsey, W: Elbert. Sermons and lectures. Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke & Co., 1878. 481 p. 2 eng. D. cl., $2.

37 +

Author, late of the Halston conference, M. E. Church South. Twenty-seven sermons on Isaiah's vision; The law and the Gospel; Christ the way; Ezekiel's vision; The day of judgment; Retribution; The future and eternal punishment of the wicked, etc. Five lectures, on Elijah, Man, Music, Intemperance, The Bible.

Pinkerton, Allan. Criminal reminiscences and detective sketches. N. Y., G. W. Carleton & Co., 1878. 324 p. 12°. cl., $1.50.

Puck's Volks-Kalender, 1879; ed. by Leopold
Schenck; il. by J. Keppler, P. Krämer and
others. N. Y., Keppler & Schwarzmann,
1878. 132 p. O. pap., 25 c.

Rubin, Th. A. Sphinx Americana: Räthsel.
Milwaukee, C: Doerflinger, 1878.
37 p. T.

bds., 20 c.; pap.. 15 c.
Second Irish book, see Irish.

Smith, Julia P. Kiss and be friends: a novel. N. Y.,
G. W. Carleton & Co., 1878. 390 p. 12°. $1.50.
Whittaker's churchman's almanac: Prot. Epis.
almanac and church dir., 1879. N. Y., T.
Whittaker, 1878. 211 p. S. bds., 75 c.; pap.,

25 C.
Witman, Frederica K.

Legend of the mound. Harrisburg, Lane S. Hart, 1878. 39 p. il. sq. D. cl., $1.50.

An Indian legend in verse of an island in the Susquehanna.

Zahner, Rob. Transmission of power by com-
pressed air. (Reprinted from Van Nostrand's
mag.) N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1878.
p. T. (Van Nostrand's science ser., no. 40,)
bds., 50 c.

[blocks in formation]


.$1.50 1.50

DAVIS, BARDEEN & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Huntington, Unconscious teaching.





Freidenker Almanach....



Rubin, Sphinx Americana..

.....20 C.



75 1.50

Bulwer, Last days of Pompeii (F. S. L., 33)
Geary, Through Asiatic Turkey (F. S. L.,




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