Ure's Dictionary OF ARTS MANUFACTURES, and MINES. Containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. By ROBERT HUNT, F.R.S., Keeper of Mining Records, formerly Professor of Physics, Royal School of Mines; author of "Researches on Light," etc. Assisted by numerous contributors eminent in science and familiar with manufactures. Vol. IV. supplementary to the Seventh Edition; pp. 1028, with 440 wood-cuts. Medium 8vo, price $12.50 (42s.), cloth. THE SEVENTH EDITION OF URE'S DICTIONARY, Complete in four vols., including Supplement. With 2604 wood-cuts. Price $36 (£7. 75.), cloth. It was discovered, when the latter pages of the Third Volume of this Dictionary were printed, in 1875, that several of the articles in the earlier portions of the work required some additions, owing to the advances which had been made in the useful applications of science, and that new articles were necessary to record the progress of several examples of inventive ingenuity. To meet this necessity it was determined to produce a Supplementary Volume, in which all the required additions should be made, and all improvements and new applications of value carefully recorded. It is hoped this has now been done in a satisfactory manner, and that this Supplementary Volume will be found to include everything relating to Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, which has claimed attention since the publication of the previous volumes, and to represent faithfully the state of these divisions of human industry up to the commencement of 1878. BLAINE. Encyclopædia of Rural Sports. By D. P. BOURNE (John). Hand-book of the Steam Engine. Recent Improvements in the Steam Engine. With 124 CRESY'S ENCLYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Practical. Illustrated by upward of 3000 engravings on COX'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT PER- $1.40. DISRAELI'S NOVELS. Single volume edition. DYER'S HISTORY OF ROME. Maps, etc. Post 8vo, FROUDE'S (J. A.) HISTORY OF ENG- HOOKER (Dr. J. D.) A General System of Botany, LATHAM'S JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY. R. England and Essays. Twelve vols. Cabinet edition. Post 8vo, cloth, $24. History of England. Five vols., 8vo, cloth, $25. [This is the best large type Library Edition.] Complete Works. New edition. History of England, two vols. Critical and Historical Essays, one vol Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, one vol. Together, four vols., crown 8vo, cloth, $9. Life and Letters. By his Nephew, G. Otto Trevelyan. In two vols., 8vo, half calf, $13.50. MERIVALE (Charles, D.C.L.). History of the POLE (Wm., F.R.S.). The Theory of the Modern SMITH'S (Rev. Sydney) WORKS. Wit and WATTS. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. By Henry Watts, F.C.S., assisted by eminent scientific and practical chemists. Five vols., 8vo, cloth, $50.25. Ditto, first supplement, $11.25Ditto, seccnd supplement, $13.50. Messrs. Longmans & Co.'s Publications, London, FOR SALE BY WORTHINGTON, 750 Broadway, New York. Special rates for yearly or other contracts. A deduction at the rate of $4 per page, throughout these terms, for each re-insertion of standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing. Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt. All advertisements not ordered re-inserted or contracted for, to be charged at single rates. In case of imperfect fulfilment of contracts, all pages inserted to be charged up at single rates. Books Wanted, or for Exchange, or Rare and Secondhand Books for Sale, 10 cents per line. Situations Wanted, free insertion of five lines. Short advertisements must be paid in advance. Advertisements should reach the office not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. NOTES IN SEASON. AN original novel of American life and character, published anonymously under the title of "As it may happen," is nearly ready from the press of Porter & Coates. The ms. or advance sheets have been read by several competent to judge, and all, as may be noted elsewhere, unite in prophesying for it a deserved success. It is said to combine much interest of plot with humor in delineation, and one prophet speaks of it as the American novel we have all of us been waiting for. LEE & SHEPARD have nearly ready "Midnight Marches through Persia," by Henry Ballantine, a work of such interest that President Seelye, of Amherst, has written an introduction for it; and a volume on " Spiritual Manifestations," by Rev. Charles Beecher, which cannot fail to at tract general attention. Spiritualists will be glad of such reinforcement as he brings to their cause, which has had hard luck for many months past; and intelligent people not spiritualists will gladly listen to a man of mind and character like Mr. Beecher. 64 D. APPLETON & Co. have just ready "The Speaking Telephone," by Geo. S. Prescott, in which he also includes readable papers on the electric light and other recent electrical improvements. Tales from the German of Paul Heyse," forming No. 15 of Collection of Foreign Authors, and "My Guardian," by Ada Cambridge, make up their list of fiction for this week. "Exercise and Training," by C. H. Rolfe, and "Alcohol," by W. S. Greenfield, are the first of the valuable series of Health Primers, and the " 'Appleton's Handbook of Winter Resorts" has been revised for the winter of 1878-79. HARPER & BROTHERS will send out next week Samuel Smiles' new book, illustrated, on the Scotish geologist, "Robert Dick, Baker of Thurso," of which we have already spoken: an eclectic volume on Samuel Johnson, as described by Boswell and other chroniclers and in his own writings, edited by E. T. Mason; a story of colonial days, "Captain Nelson," by the well-known chronicler Samuel Adams Drake, in the Library of American Fiction; and in the Half-Hour series, a welcome little "Primer of Spanish Literature" by Helen P. Conant, and Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield." BESIDES the two volumes nearly ready at Chas. Scribner's Sons, already noted,-Jules Simon's History of the French Government under Thiers, and Prof. Boyesen's book on Goethe and Schiller,-they have in preparation, for early in the new year, two volumes of Gladstone's essays, of which there will be five in all, embracing, under the title of "Gleanings of Past Years," his most important contributions to periodical literature during the entire period from 1843 to 1878; Max Müller's Hibbert Lectures, delivered in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey, "On the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religions of India" a volume of sermons by Rev. Chas. Shakspeare, with introduction by Canon Farrar, presenting, on the text of "St. Paul at Athens," a defence of spiritual Christianity in relation to certain aspects of modern thought; and a revised and enlarged edition, the final one, of ex-President Woolsey's important work on "International Law." HENRY HOLT & Co. promise some pleasant reading for the new year in Frances Anne Kemble's Records of a Girlhood," of which they will presently issue a handsome one-voluine American edition, containing all the matter of the three English volumes, with a lovely portrait of Fanny Kemble as a girl, engraved here for their edition. Her reminiscences of those famous days of the English stage when she herself was a rising star, and of her acquaintance with the most famous people of that time, have already much delighted readers of the Atlantic Monthly, but these articles form only a portion of the book. An index has been prepared for this volume. Henry Holt & Co. also have nearly ready a book on "Demonology and Devil-lore,' by Moncure D. Conway, who claims on his title-page a double right to treat of the subject, as both a B.D. of Divinity College, Harvard University, and a member of the Anthropological Institute, London. The book will be one to take rank with E. B. Tylor's important and interesting works on primitive culture and folk-lore, and will make two large volumes, with a number of illustrations depicting various imaginings of His Satanic Majesty. AUCTION SALES. January 13, 14, 3.30 P.M.:-Theological and Miscellaneous books. Bangs. January 20, 3.30 P.M. :-Library of the late Chas. S. Hunt, comprising rare and valuable works on polit. econ., finance, currency and banking, hist., and general lit. Bangs. January 21, 3 P.M.:-Miscellaneous books (consigned directly from England). Bangs. Ure's Dictionary OF ARTS MANUFACTURES, and MINES. Containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. By ROBERT HUNT, F.R.S., Keeper of Mining Records, formerly Professor of Physics, Royal School of Mines; author of "Researches on Light,' etc. Assisted by numerous contributors eminent in science and familiar with manufactures. Vol. IV. supplementary to the Seventh Edition; pp. 1028, with 440 wood-cuts. Medium 8vo, price $12.50 (425.), cloth. THE SEVENTH EDITION OF URE'S DICTIONARY, Complete in four vols., including Supplement. With 2604 wood-cuts. Price $36 (£7. 75.), cloth. It was discovered, when the latter pages of the Third Volume of this Dictionary were printed, in 1875, that several of the articles in the earlier portions of the work required some additions, owing to the advances which had been made in the useful applications of science, and that new articles were necessary to record the progress of several examples of inventive ingenuity. To meet this necessity it was determined to produce a Supplementary Volume, in which all the required additions should be made, and all improvements and new applications of value carefully recorded. It is hoped this has now been done in a satisfactory manner, and that this Supplementary Volume will be found to include everything relating to Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, which has claimed attention since the publication of the previous volumes, and to represent faithfully the state of these divisions of human industry up to the commencement of 1878. BLAINE. Encyclopædia of Rural Sports. By D. P. BOURNE (John). Hand-book of the Steam Engine. Recent Improvements in the Steam Engine. With 124 BRANDE & COX'S DICTIONARY. A Dic- BUCKLE (Henry Thomas). History of Civili- CRESY'S ENCLYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL 3vo, cloth, $13.50. COX'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT PER- DISRAELI'S NOVELS. Single volume edition. DYER'S HISTORY OF ROME. Maps, etc. FROUDE. Short Studies on Great Subjects. By J. A. FROUDE'S (J. A.) HISTORY OF ENG LAND. Twelve vols. Popular edition. Post 8vo, HOOKER (Dr. J. D.) A General System of Botany, LATHAM'S JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY. R. Life and Letters. By his Nephew, G. Otto Trevelyan. MERIVALE (Charles, D.C.L.). History of the POLE (Wm., F.R.S.). The Theory of the Modern PROCTOR. Prof. Proctor's Popular Account of the SMITH'S (Rev. Sydney) WORKS. Wit and WATTS. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Messrs. Longmans & Co.'s Publications, London, FOR SALE BY WORTHINGTON, 750 Broadway, New York. C 65] Jan. 11, 19 Jan. 11, '79 | No. 365 The Publishers' Weekly. The Publishers' Weekly Special rates for yearly or other contracts. $18.00 10 00 4 00 20 A deduction at the rate of $4 per page, throughout these terms, for each re-insertion of standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing. Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt. All advertisements not ordered re-inserted or contracted for, to be charged at single rates. In case of imperfect fulfilment of contracts, all pages inserted to be charged up at single rates. Books Wanted, or for Exchange, or Rare and Secondhand Books for Sale, 10 cents per line. Situations Wanted, free insertion of five lines. 19 Primers, and the "Appleton's Handbook of Winter Resorts" has been revised for the winter of 1878-79. HARPER & BROTHERS will send out next week Samuel Smiles' new book, illustrated, on the Scotish geologist, "Robert Dick, Baker of Thurso," of which we have already spoken: an eclectic volume on Samuel Johnson, as described by Boswell and other chroniclers and in his own writings, edited by E. T. Mason; a story of colonial days, "Captain Nelson," by the well-known chronicler Samuel Adams Drake, in the Library of American Fiction; and in the Half-Hour series, a welcome little Primer of Spanish Literature" by Helen P. Conant, and Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield." BESIDES the two volumes nearly ready at Chas. Scribner's Sons, already noted,-Jules Simon's History of the French Government under Thiers, and Prof. Boyesen's book on Goethe and Schiller,-they have in preparation, for early in the new year, two volumes of Gladstone's essays, of which there will be five in all, embracing, under the title of "Gleanings of Past Years," his most important contributions to periodical literature during the entire period from 1843 to 1878; Max Müller's Hibbert Lectures, delivered in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey, "On the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religions of India :" a volume of sermons by Rev. Chas. Shakspeare, with introduction by Canon Farrar, presenting, on the text of "St. Paul at Athens," a defence of spiritual Christianity in relation to certain aspects of modern thought; and a revised and enlarged edition, the final one, of ex-President Woolsey's important work on "International Law." Short advertisements must be paid in advance. NOTES IN SEASON. AN original novel of American life and character, published anonymously under the title of "As it may happen," is nearly ready from the press of Porter & Coates. The ms. or advance sheets have been read by several competent to judge, and all, as may be noted elsewhere, unite in prophesying for it a deserved success. It is said to combine much interest of plot with humor in delineation, and one prophet speaks of it as the American novel we have all of us been waiting for. HENRY HOLT & Co. promise some pleasant they will presently issue a handsome one-vol- LEE & SHEPARD have nearly ready" Midnight D. APPLETON & Co. have just ready "The AUCTION SALES. January 13, 14, 3.30 P.M. :-Theological and Miscella- January 20, 3.30 P.M. :-Library of the late Chas. S. January 21, 3P.M. :-Miscellaneous books (consigned WEEKLY RECORD OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. In this list, the titles in brevier are direct transcriptions from books actually received, according to the rules of the American Library Association; those in nonpareil are from the best information available, and will be repeated in brevier when the book is received for registry. The notes followed by a number are those which are sent out on printed title-slips, as revised by the Library Association authorities; unless bracketed, which means that they have not yet been so revised. Those not followed by a number are on the sole authority of the WEEKLY, and are not included in the title-slip registry. The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory. A colon after initial designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin C: Charles; D: Daniel; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry ; l; Isaac: 7: John; L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William. Sizes are designated as follows: F. folio: over 30 centimeters high): Q. (4to: under 30 cm.); O. (8v0: 25 cm.); D. (12m0: 20 cm.); S. (16mo: 171⁄2 cm.): T. (24m0: 15 cm.); Tt. (32mo: 121⁄2 cm.); Fe. (48mo: 10 cm.). Sq., obl., nar., designate square, oblong, narrow books of these heights. Where figure instead of letter symbols are used, the record is from publisher's designation, and not measurement. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; authors' and subscription books, or books published at net prices, with two asterisks; educational books published at “wholesale" prices, with a dagger. Addison, Jos. The spectator: moral, humorous, satirical, and critical essays. Handy ed. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878 318+ 301 p. 12°. cl., $1.25. Archibald the cat, and other sea yarns, by the old sailor "out of the World." With il. by F. S. Church. N. Y., The World, 1878. 60 p. sq. S. ("Out of the World" ser., no. 3.) pap., 25 c. 13 amusing stories of personal adventure on the sea; told in sailor dialect. Barnwell, R. Grant. History of the Russo-Turkish Phil., J: E. Potter & Co., 1878. 15+ 640 p. maps, plans and il. 12°. cl., $2.50. war. Boy's own book: cyclopædia of all athletic, scientific, recreation, outdoor and indoor exercises and diversions. 5th ed., rev. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 362 p. il. 12°. cl., $1.25. Caledonia, described by Scott, Burns and Ramsay; il. by J: Macwhirter, eng. by R. Patterson. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 441 p. il. 4°. cl., $7.50. Famous boys and how they became great men. [New issue.] N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 300 p. il. 12°. cl., $1.25. Frazier, Mark. Who did it? N. Y., Authors' Pub. Co. [1878]. 137 p. sq. S. (Satchel ser.) pap., 30 c. Story of suspended animation-a girl's apparent death, burial, and secret removal; takes place in a small New England town in 1857. German (The): how to give it, how to lead it, how to dance it by two amateur leaders. Chic., Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1878. 132 p. 12°. cl., $1.25. Hall, F. de Havilland. Differential diagnosis: a manual of the comparative semeiology of the more important diseases. Am. ed., with extensive add. Phila., D. G. Brinton, 1879. 7-205 p. sq. D. cl., $2. Presenting in tabular form the diagnostic points of the more frequent and important diseases. In two parts-I. General diseases, including fevers and diseases of the blood. II. Local diseases, including those of the nervous system, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary. Index. Hill, Rosamond and Florence D. The recorder of Birmingham: mem. of Matthew Davenport Hill, by his daughters. N. Y., Macmillan, 1878. 19+ 515 p. 8°. cl., *$4.50. Hittell, J: S. History of San Francisco, and, incidentally, of California. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1878. 500 p. 8°. cl., $4. Houghton, George. Drift from York Harbor, Maine. [Poems.] Bost., A. Williams & Co., 1879. 48 p. sq. D. pap., 35 c. 23 poems, mostly brief, the longest being entitled, Alongshore, The Gate-way, The summer storm, The building of the bridge, The witch of York, The black boars, Niagara. Hylton, J. D. The bride of Gettysburg an episode of 1863, in three parts. Palmyra, N. J., J. D. Hylton, 1878. 172 p. D. cl., $1. A poem based upon events in our late war. Janet, Paul. Final causes; tr. from the French by W: Affleck. N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1878. 8°. cl., $6. Lawrence, Mrs. Cornelius W. Do they love us yet? N. Y., Ja. Miller, 1879. 4 +234 p. S. cl., $1.50. By a well-known spiritualist and medium, and society lady; compilation of poems, prose extracts, etc., from celebrated authors recognizing a belief in a continuity of life beyond the grave, and intercourse and communications_between so-called spirits and denizens of this world. The second part consists of spiritual communications made to the author and others, through mediums. Page, H. A. Famous men. [New issue.] N. Y., R. Raspé, Rudolph Erich. Travels and surprising adventures of Baron Munchhausen. [New issue.] N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 251 p. il. 12°. cl., $1.25. Sayre, L. E. Conspectus of organic materia medica and pharmacal botany; compr the vegetable and animal drugs, their phys. character, geog. origin, classification, etc.: table of tests and solubilities of alkaloids app. Phila., D. G. Brinton, 1879. 3-220 p. D. cl., $2. Treating especially of drugs proper and their characteristics; subjects systematically arranged and suitably illus trated; a chart given of medical properties, doses, etc., for easy reference and study; table of incompatibles and antidotes. In the compilation, standard text-books followed; in drugs, classification of Prof. John M. Maisch. Index. Designed for students of materia medica. Tennyson, Alfred. Complete works. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 8+ 436 p. 12°. cl., $1. - Same. Illustrated ed. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 8 +436 p. 8°. cl., $1.75. Trebor (bseud?). As it may happen: a story of American life and character. Phila., Porter & Coates, 1879. 3-416 p. S. cl., $1.50. Dramatic in plot and situations; characters taken from a middle class of life; scenes laid in a small village in Penna. ; interest centres chiefly in an eccentric, miserly old man and his beautiful daughter, and the events growing out of a love affair. Vaughan, C. J. My son, give me thine heart: sermons preached before the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, 1876-'78. N. Y., Macmillan, 1878. 263 p. 16°. cl., *$1.50. Ward, Adolphus W: On some academical experiences of the German Renascence: address introd. to the session 1878-'70 of Owens Coll., Manchester. N. Y., Macmillan, 1878 54 p. 8°. pap., *40 c. Whittaker, James T. Physiology: preliminary course lectures. Cin., Robert Clarke & Co., 1879. 12 + 288 p. il. S. cl., $1.75. By professor of physiology and clinical medicine in the Medical College of Ohio, etc. 12 lectures for first course students, on the influence of physiology upon practice; the conservation of force; the origin of life, and the evolution of its forms; and on protoplasm, bone, muscle, nerve, and blood. Wilson, Andrew. Leisure-time studies, chiefly biological. N. Y., R. Worthington, 1878. 15 + 381 p. il. 12°. cl., $3.50. World's (The) almaniac for 1879: compendium of useless and interesting information; with il. by F. S. Church. N. Y., The World, 1878. 61 p. sq. T. ("Out of the World" ser., no. 2.) pap., 25 c. New comic fables, verses, odd stories, and other humorous matter. |