BOOKS FOR SALE. BUSINESS WANTED. at a bargain. All new. E. A. LILLY, Sullivan, Ill. ABOUT 50 vols. of assorted subscription books for sale AN interest in a book business wanted by a gentleman of long experience in both wholesale and retail, or would buy the entire business if sold low. Address B. K. S., care of this office. SITUATION WANTED. A after Jan, test, as traveller for a first-class book GENTLEMAN of ten years' experience desires a sithouse. Territory desired, the West and South. The very best of references given from former employers, also from book men in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis. Address T., care "Publishers' Weekly." NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT RENEWAL THE stock and plates and all appurtenances of a subscription business. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Address SUBSCRIPTION," care of "Publishers' Weekly," New York. L" IBRARY OF CONGRESS, to wit: Be it remembered that on the 2d of January, 1879, G. P. QUACKENBOS, of New York, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the title or description of which is in the following words, to wit: "First Lessons in Composition, in which the Principles of the Art are developed in connection with the Principles of Grammar: embracing full directions on the subject of Punctuation, with copious Exercises. By G. P. Quackenbos, LL.D. Two Hundredth Thousand. New York: D. Appleton & Company. 1878:" the right whereof he claims as Author and Proprietor, in conformity with the laws of the United States respecting Copyrights. A. R. SPOFFORD, Librarian of Congress. In renewal for fourteen years from January 23, 1879, when the first term of twenty-eight years will have expired. MOLLESON Writing, BROTHERS, No. 18 Beekman Street, New York, Book, News and Manila Papers. SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER. We supply the paper for the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY and the TRADE-LIST ANNUAL. K indergarten Material and Kindergarten Books; largest assortment, and lowest prices. Show Lots consisting of the most important and characteristic articles, suitable for display in stores and show-windows - offered at low prices. Illustrated Catalogue free. E. Steiger, 25 Park Place, New York. MARCUS WARD & CO., 611 and 613 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have pleasure in announcing that their new and elegant Presentation Book, SHORES OF THE POLAR SEA. A Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76, by DR. EDWARD L. Moss, H. M. S. "Alert," IS NOW READY. One volume imperial folio, superbly illustrated with sixteen large Chromo-Lithographs and numerous Engravings from drawings made on the spot by the Author, together with Map showing different routes of ships and sleighing parties. Price, $30. CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR CARDS. The New Sample-Books are now ready. Orders should he sent in early. HEALTH PRIMERS. EDITED BY J. LANGDON Down, M.D., F.R.C.P. J. MORTIMER-GRANVILLE, M.D. Though it is of the greatest importance that books upon health should be in the highest degree trustworthy, it is notorious that most of the and cheap popular kind are mere crude compilations of incompetent persons, and are often misleading and injurious. Impressed by these considerations, several eminent medical and scientific mea of London have combined to prepare a series of HEALTH PRIMERS of a character that shall be entitled to the fullest confidence. They are to be brief, simple, and elementary in statement, filled with substantial and useful information suitable for the guidance of grown-up people. Each primer will be written by a gentleman specially competent to treat his subject, while the critical supervision of the books is in the hands of a committee who will act as editors. As these little books are produced by English authors, they are naturally based very much upon English experience, but it matters little whence illustrations upon such subjects are drawn, because the essential conditions of avoiding disease and preserving health are to a great degree everywhere the same. NOW READY: I. exercise and TRAINING. II. ALCOHOL: Its Use and Abuse. III. PREMATURE DEATH: Its Promotion or Prevention. IV. THE HOUSE AND ITS SURROUND INGS. To be followed rapidly by other volumes, among the titles being "Baths and Bathing," "The Heart and its Functions," " Clothing and Dress," "Fatigue and Pain," etc. In square 16mo volumes, cloth, price 40 cents each. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 and 551 Broadway, New York. A VALUABLE AND INSTRUCTIVE SERIES. Library of Contemporary Science. THIS SERIES WILL CONSIST OF ORIGINAL WORKS ON History, Philosophy, Astronomy, Mythology, Finance, Chemistry, Botany, Geography, Geology, Archeology, Zoology, Etc. Each subject being treated by a specialist of unquestionable authority in his own line. A volume will be devoted, with drawings when required, to each subject, and a uniform plan followed in the compilation. Each volume will embrace from three hundred and fifty to five hundred pages. Complete in twelve volumes. Within the last century Science has made great headway, and the results already obtained are something wonderful, for problems which once seemed beyond the reach of human knowledge have been approached and partially resolved. But these valuable acquisitions of unfettered research have not as yet been placed within the reach of the general public, being distributed over a large number of special works of one kind and another. There is no such thing as an elementary and methodical statement of these discoveries, disencumbered of scientific technicalities and condensed into a convenient compass. Yet some knowledge of these matters is, in the present day, an absolute necessity. These are the reasons which have led to the publication of the present series. Just Issued. ESTHETICS. By EUGENE VÉRON. Translated by W. H. ARMSTRONG, B.A. Crown 8vo. Extra cloth, $1.75. CONTENTS.-Origin and Grouping of the Arts-Source and Characteristics of Esthetic Pleasure-Taste-Genius-What is Art?-Definition of Esthetics-Decorative and Expressive ArtStyle-Classification of the Arts-Architecture-Sculpture-Painting-The Dance-Music Poetry. Recently Published. THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. Linguistic, Philology, Etymology. By ABEL HOVELACQUE. Translated by A. H. KEANE, B.A., author of "History of the English Language," etc. 12mo. Extra cloth, $1.75. "It is a work of rare value."-The North American. "A work which is likely to find favor among our savans and men of science, on account of its excellent classification and analytical disquisition of the various tongues spoken."-New York Herald. BIOLOGY. By Dr. CHARLES LETOURNEAU. Translated by WILLIAM MACCALL. cuts. Crown 8vo. Extra cloth, $1.75. Illustrated with 83 Wood "The work is one that can be heartily recommended as an admirable introduction to the study of the most important scientific literature of the day."-Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. ANTHROPOLOGY. By Dr. PAUL TOPINARD. With Preface by Prof. PAUL BROCA. Translated by ROBERT T. H. BARTLEY, M.D. Illustrated with 49 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, $2. "Dr. Topinard has certainly studied anthropology with diligence and enthusiasm, and he writes about what he has studied with intelligence. His book is, of itself, too important and profound to be fairly noticed in a newspaper notice."Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Nearly Ready. By ANDRÉ LEVEVRE. Being the Fifth Volume of the Series. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 1717 Market Street, Philadelphia. HARPER & BROTHERS will send either of the above works by mail (excepting the larger works, whose weight excludes them from the mail), postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. HARPER'S CATALOGUE mailed free on receipt of Nine Cents. HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, N. Y. HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & COMPANY Will Publish, Saturday, February 8: HEREDITY. Fifth volume of Boston Monday Lectures. By JOSEPH COOK. With Preludes on Current Events. I vol., 12mo, $1.50. "Mr. Cook's Monday Lectures' have already become one of the most popular and useful institutions of America; and on this side the Atlantic we know of no author, either British or American, who is just now so widely read."-A London Magazine. Society the Redeemed Form of Man, and the Earnest of God's Omnipotence in Human The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler. I vol., crown 8vo, $1.75. The Poetical Works of Churchill, Parnell, and Tickell. 2 vols., crown 8vo, $3.50. "This notably neat, compact, and inexpensive edition of the classic British poets. In no other shape is it possible to secure so complete an edition so well made or at so moderate a price."-New York Evening Post. To be Published on or about February 20: The Lady of the Aroostook. By W. D. HOWELLS. I vol., 12mo. Uniform with "A Chance Acquaintance," "The Wedding Journey," "A Foregone Conclusion," etc. $2. None of Mr. Howell's Charming stories have been received with more eager delight than has been produced by the successive chapters of "The Lady of the Aroostook" in the Atlantic Monthly. It is exquisitely good, even for Mr. Howells-and that is saying a great deal. Poems of Places. Vol. 27. The Middle States. Edited by H. W. LONGFELLOW. 18mo, $1. "One can only say that amid modern collections of poetry, Mr. Longfellow's will be outranked by none in the regard of the tens of thousands of readers."-Christian Intelligencer. TRADE SALE OF BOOKS, Stationery, Stereotype Plates, etc., WILL COMMENCE THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1879. Consignments solicited for the above sale. Invoices or Lists of Books for this Sale should be mailed by the 10th of February, comprising Titles, Quantities, Retail Price, and Style of Binding. In order to promote the interests of the Sale, by insuring a large attendance of Buyers, Contributors are requested to consign liberal quantities in the interest of both seller and buyer. TERMS OF SALE.-On all purchases from the WHOLE CATALOGUE amounting to $1000 and upwards, FOUR and SIX months' credit; on purchases from the whole Catalogue, less than $1000 and more than $300, FOUR months' credit; and on all purchases less than $300, CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Clinton Hall, Astor Place, New York. |