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HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, N. Y. JANUARY 1, 1879. D. APPLETON & CO. HAVE IN PRESS AND IN PREPARATION: EASE. (Illustrated.) BATHS AND BATHING. THE HEART AND ITS FUNCTIONS. Volumes of the "International Scientific Series." CHROMATICS FROM THE MODERN POINT OF VIEW. By Prof. O. N. RoOD. EDCUCATION AS A SCIENCE. By Prof. BAIN. BRAINS AS AN ORGAN OF MIND. By Dr. H. CHARLTON BASTIAN. THE CRAYFISH: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. By Professor HUXLEY. THE STARS. By Prof. SECCHI. New Volumes of the "Experimental Science Series." ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. НЕАТ. MECHANICS. CHEMISTRY. THE ART OF EXPERIMENTING WITH CHEAP AND SIMPLE INSTRUMENTS. DESTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION. Personal Experiences of the Late War. By RICHARD TAYLOR, Lieutenant-General in the Confederate Army. Small 8vo. A new edition of PREHISTORIC TIMES. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK. OCEAN WONDERS: A Companion for the Seaside. By WILLIAM E. DAMON. Fully illustrated. BEECHER'S LECTURES TO YOUNG MEN. THE LORD'S PRAYER. By the Rev. GEO. D. BoardMAN, D.D., author of "The Creative Week." (In January.) THE ENGLISH REFORMATION. By the Rev. CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE, D.D., author of "Life of Christ." ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN English gRAM MAR. BY RICHARD MORRIS. (In January.) BIBELOTS AND CURIOS. A Manual for Collectors. By FRÉDÉRIC VORS. (Shortly.) COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS OF THE SEAS; Or, APPLETONS' GENERAL GUIDE TO THE UNITED The Disturbing elemenT. By.C. M. Yonge. ITALIAN AND FRENCH COMPOSERS. HandyVolume Series. MODERN FISHERS OF MEN among the Various Sexes, Sects, and Sets of Chartville Church and Community. (In January.) MY GUARDIAN. BY ADA CAMBRIDGE. (In January.) HEALTH, AND HOW TO PROMOTE IT. BY RICHARD MCSHERRY, M.D., Professor of Practice of Medicine, University of Maryland; President of Baltimore Academy of Medicine, etc. A PRIMER OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. By J. H. PATTON. Uniform with School Science Primer Series. COOLEY'S CYCLOPÆDIA OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS. New edition, entirely rewritten. Two vols., 800 pages each. HISTORY AND LITERATURE PRIMERS. Edited by J. R. GREEN. New Volumes. GEOGRAPHY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- 18mo. By Prof. JOHN NICHOL. Spencerian Steel Pens. These Pens combine Elasticity of Movement with Smoothness of Point not found in other Pens, and are a nearer approximation to the real SWAN QUILL than anything hitherto invented. They are used in all the principal COMMERCIAL COLLEGES in the United States, and pronounced by Accountants, Teachers, Officials, and Correspondents, the BEST PENS MANUFACTURED. We make twenty Numbers of Pens, differing in flexibility and fineness of Point, and adapted to every style of writing, as follows: No. 1. College Pen.-Point Fine; Action Perfect. This is a great favorite with our leading penmen; is largely used in the Schools and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American public. No. 2. 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A great favorite with accountants, tellers, etc. No. 10. Custom House Pen.- Point Medium. No. 12. Epistolaire Pen.- Point very Fine and very Flexible. This is the finest pointed pen made, and for very delicate writing, mapping, and fine pen drawing, it has no equal. No. 13. Engrossing Pen.-Point Blunt and Smooth. Particularly adapted to coarse-hand writing and engrossing No. 14. Ártistic Pen.- Flexible, with Extra Fine Point. This exquisite and truly celebrated pen is the best pen extant for fine, ornamental writing. No. 15. The Queen.-Point Extra Fine. Designed and especially adapted to ladies' fine-hand writing, and well suited to all kinds of fine epistolary work. No. 16. Official Pen.-Point Broad. The "pen of pens" for engrossing, or easy bold hand, commercial or professional writing. No. 17. Literary Pen.-Point Broad. A free, smooth, and easy pen for steady writing. No. 18. Legal Pen.-Point Broad. A very durable pen for easy, commercial, and manuscript writing. Non-corrosive. No. 19. Mercantile Pen.-Point Medium. Action quick. Suited to all styles of writing. A splendid pen for off-hand ornamental work. No. 40. Newman Falcon (TWO STYLES).-Fine and Medium Points. The best and most perfectly made FALCON pen in the market. Sample Cards, containing all the twenty Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. Liberal Discount to the Trade. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 138 & 140 GRAND ST. 1122 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia: 8 & 10 Bible House, New York; 7 Beacon Street, Boston; 73 Randolph Street, Chicago; 207 N. 6th Street, St. Louis. NEW YORK. S05 Broadway, N. Y. CINCINNATI, 0. Announcement to the Trade. 189 Broadway, New York, January 1, 1879. The next number of BRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT, Part 78, for January, will be ready for delivery about the 20th inst. Your order for the quantity you require is respectfully solicited. None are sent without orders. The terms, as heretofore, will be as follows: Fifty copies or over, 95 cents; twenty-five or over, $1; all under, $1.05, Cash. Where the money does not accompany the orders, the amount will be subject to draft at any time after the delivery of the work. N. B.-WANTED-Parts of the "RETROSPECT," 44, 46, 48, to be credited the retail price for future parts, or exchange for others. P. O. Box 3033. Published by W. A. TOWNSEND, 189 BROADWAY, N. Y. Index Medicus A MONTHLY CLASSIFIED RECORD OF THE Current Medical Literature of the World. COMPILED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DR. JOHN S. BILLINGS, SURGEON U. S. A., AND DR. ROBERT FLETCHER, M.R.C.S. ENG. The INDEX MEDICUS will record the titles of all new publications in Medicine, Surgery, and the collateral branches, received during the preceeding month. These will be classed under subject headings, and will be followed by the titles of valuable original articles upon the same subject, found during the like period, in medical journals and transactions of medical societies. The periodicals thus indexed will comprise all current medical journals and transactions of value, so far as they can be obtained. At the close of each yearly volume a double index of authors and subjects will be added, forming a complete bibliography of medicine for the preceding year. Few words are required to demonstrate the utility of the projected serial. In its pages the practitioner will find the titles of parallels for his anomalous cases, accounts of new remedies, and the latest methods in therapeutics. The teacher will observe what is being written or taught by the masters of his art in all countries. The author will be enabled to add the latest views and cases to his forthcoming work, or to discover where he has been anticipated by other writers, and the publishers of medical books and periodicals must necessarily profit by the publicity given to their productions. The INDEX MEDICUS will be published monthly, beginning with January, 1879, to range with the leading medical journals, which it supplements as a current guide to all. The subscription price will be $3 per year, payable in advance. Prompt subscriptions in support of the enterprise are solicited. Prospectus and sample copies sent on application. The addresses of probable subscribers are desired from the friends of the enterprise. Address, [P. O. Box 4295.] F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, 37 Park Row, New York. Abbott on the Acts of the Apostles." $2. kor Typegraphic finish, pictorial embelishment and illus. Hallon, Condensation, richness, and freshness, we know nothby by squali."-Sund. Sch. 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