Benzoylecgonine in Coca, Deter- Benzyl Alcohol as Antiseptic (Macht Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl Cin- 235. -Benzyl Compounds, Pharmacology β-Naphthol Ointment, Fatal Poi- Betulin, (Vesterberg) 205, (Schulze Bikukulla cucullaria and B. cana- Bile Pigments in Urine (Guyot), 70 Biological Liquids, Detection of Sb Bird-lime, Japanese, 226, 227. Bismoxyl (Levaditi and Nicolau), 236. Bismuth Amalgam Oil for Syphilis Bismuth and Sb, Detection of, in Bismuth and Sodium Bismuth 576. Bismuth as Antisyphilitic, (Emery Bismuth Cacodylate, Degree of Bismuth, Determination of, as BiPO (Luff), 166. Bismuth Diasporal, 249. Bismuth in Urine. See Urine. Bismuth Oleate for Syphilis, 238. 238. Bismuth Quinine Iodide, Value of, Bismuth Tetroxide prepared from Bismuth, Therapeutic Action of Bismuth Treatment of Syphilis, Bisulphites, Estimation of (Kuehl), Bitter Almonds, Fixed Oil Content Bitter Almonds, Oil. See Essential Bixa Orellana Seeds, Fixed Oil of Black Mustard. See Mustard. Blood, Ca in, Determination of Blood, Choline in, Determination Blood, Creatinine in, Determina- Blood Samples for Wassermann's 46. Blood Serum, Bilirubin in, Colour of (Strauss and Schubart), 47. Blood Serum, Uric Acid in, Deter- Blood, Sugar in, Determination of, 50. Blood Sugar of Diabetes, Change Blood, Typhoid Organisms in, Blood in Urine. See also Urine. Boerhaavia repens, Constituents of B.P.C.: List of Previous Meetings, (Rakshit), 207. Bois de Cuir, 212. Bois de Plomb, 212. Boletus Tincture, Reaction of, with Fe (Guyot), 503. Borax and Quillaia Hair Washes Bordeaux Mixture in Powder (Rob- Bordeaux Turpentine Oil, 117. droxymethylanthraquinones Boronia Leaves, Rutin in (Morri- Botanical Nomenclature of French B.P. Characters for Magnesium B.P. Chemical Tests and Standards B.P. 1914, Corrigenda of the First B.P. Limits for Pb and As (Dott), B.P. Weights and Volumes of B.P.C.: Address of Welcome to; B.P.C.: Annual Report of Execu- B.P.C.: Closing Session, 733. B.P.C.: Constitution and Rules, B.P.C.: Corresponding Members, B.P.C.: Corresponding Members, B.P.C.: Election of Officers for 1924, 733. B.P.C.: Excursion to Oxford, 738. B.P.C.: Greetings from Abroad, 565. B.P.C.: Invitation to Bath for B.P.C.: Ladies' Committee, 536. 534. B.P.C.: List of Visitors to, 537. B.P.C.: Luncheons, 737. B.P.C.: Officers, 1923, 533; 1924, B.P.C.: Opening Session, 544. B.P.C.: Order of Business, 1922, B.P.C.: Reception, 736. ness, 542. B.P.C.: Smoking Concert, 738. man, 734. B.P.C.: Vote of Thanks to Local B.P.C.: Welsh Concert, 737. Bronchial Affections, Diplotaxis for, Brucea amarissima for Dysentery, Bulgarian Opium, 331. Burette Jet, Improved (Ault), Burmese Citronella Oil, Adulter- Butter and Fats, Determination of Butylethylbarbituric Acid, 305. C. Cabbage Gum (Eucalyptus), 106. Cacao Butter, Methods for Exami- Cade Oil, Variable Sp.g. of (Massy), Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate, Caffeine, Extraction of (Watson, Calcium and K Salts, Action of, Determination of, in Calcium Lactate, Cause of Explo- Calcium Lactate Mixture, Decom- Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Official 323. Calcium Phosphates, Method for Calcium Salts ineffective in Cocaine Calcium Therapy in Tuberculosis Calomel Diasporal, 248. Calomel Ointment, Valuation of, Calorose, Invert Sugar for Thera- Camphochol (Taschenberg), 242. Camphor, Menthol and Thymol, Camphor Oil. See Essential Oil. Camphor Water, Acidity of, 388. Camphorated Oil, French Codex, Canarium commune, Nauli Oleo- Cancer Grafts, Action of Ca and K Cancer, Liquid Paraffin a Possible Cane and Beet Sugar for Pharma- Cannabis Indica, Effects of Large Doses (Schneider), 344. Caprifoliaceæ, Constituents of some Capsaicin, Constitution of (Nelson Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Hesperi- Capsularin from Jute Leaf (Saha and Choudhury), 138. Caratella americana, Histology of Carbon Tetrachloride for Hook- Carbon Tetrachloride, Medicinal, Carob Tree Manna (Charaux), 138. Harvesting (Holmes), 315. Castela Nicholsoni and other Soma Chlorides and Phosphates, Influ- Chlorides in Urine. See Urine. Chlorine in Benzaldehyde, Determi- Chloroform for Sterilizing Albumin Solutions (Kuhl), 53. Chloroform to Prevent Fermenta- Cholera Vibrio, Biological Reaction Choleval, 231. Choline, Determination of, in Blood, Chrisler, E. S., H. A. Harding, and Chrysanthemum cinerariæfolium Chrysanthemum cinerariæfolium Flowers, Pharmacology of (Zeig- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum as 506. Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cu Reaction Cerebrospinal Fluid, Paregoric as Cesol and Neo-Cesol, 245. Chaps, Ointment for, 518. Charcoal, Medicinal, Characters and Chaulmoogra Oil Derivatives, Phar- Chaulmoogra Oil Esters for Tuber- Chavicin, Pungent Principle of Chembalika Wood Oil. See Essen- Chemistry, 1-227. (Kolthoff), (Rupp), 187. Chlorates, Test for (Poch), 168. Adulterant of Insect Powder, 326. Chydenanthin, 210. Chydenanthus excelsus Seeds, Con- Cicuta virosa, Poisonous Consti- Cinchona Bark and its Prepara- Cinchona Bark, Determination of Cinchona Barks, Note on East Cinchona Febrifuge Mixtures, Com- Cinchona ledgeriana Bark, Deter- Cinchona Preparations, Influence Cineol, Commercial (Penfold), 106. See Essential Oil. Citrus sinensis Oil. See Essential Clavipurin, 246. Cleansing Preparations, Caustic Clinical Tests, 41-80. Clivia nobilis, Alkaloids of (Reeb), 9. Clivianine, 9. See Essential Oil. Clove Root Oil. See Essential Oil, 90. tial Oil. Coagulable Protein in Fæces, De- Coal Tar Emulsion, 475. Cobalt and Ni in the Vegetable Coca, Determination of Benzoylec- Cocaine Poisoning, CaCl2 as Anti- Cocaine Poisoning, Ca Salts ineffec- Colloidal Bi (Stephenson), 238. Colloidal I for Tuberculosis, 282. Colloidal Silver, French Codex, Collosan, 282. Coloured Powder as "Indicator" |