Imágenes de páginas


Abelmoschus Manihot
(Ozawa), 154.



Abies Pindrow, Essential Oil of
Leaves of, 82.

Abietic Esters, 220.

Absinthe Liqueurs, Official Test
for Ketonic Constituents in, 181.
Acetic Acid. See Acid.

Acetic Ether to remove Adhesive
Bandages (Zoller), 498.

Acetic Fermentation, Action of
Radio-active Substances on (La-
borde, Jaloustre and Leulier),

Acetic Fluid Extracts, Proportion
of HC2H3O2 for, 428.
Acetoacetic Acid. See Acid.
Acetone in NH OH, 158.
Acetone in Urine. See Urine.
Acetylene as an Anæsthetic, 228
Acetylsalicylic Acid. See Acid.

Achras Sapota Seeds, Dextro-quer-
citol in (van der Haar), 204.
Acid Acetic, Proportion of, for
Acetic Fluid Extracts, 428.
Acid Aceto-acetic in Urine, Deter-
mination of (Riegler), 68.
Acid Acetylsalicylic, Iodometric

Titration of, 482.

Acid Acetylsalicylic, Incompatibles
of (Ruddiman), 384.

Acid Acetylsalicyl. and Spt.Ammon.
Co., Dispensing, 384.
Acid Acetylsalicylic, Incompatible
with Quinine Salts, 370.
Acid Acetylsalicylic, Solubility of,
in Alkali Citrate and Acetate
Solutions (Tattam), 385.
Acid B-hydroxybutyric and Ace-
tone, Separate Micro-determina-
tion of, in Urine (Lublin), 68.
Acid B-Kavic, 155

Acid Boric, Determination of

(Strecker and Kannappel), 167.
Acid Boric, Titration of, in Pres-
ence of H3PO4 (Kolthoff), 168.

Acid Boric, Toxic Symptoms caused
by Absorption of, from Dusting
Powder (Savariaud), 342.

Acid Boric Vaseline, Valuation of,

Acid Butylethylbarbituric, 305.
Acid Carbolic, Rapid Fatal Absorp-

tion of (Turtle and Dolan), 345.
Acid Citric in Plant Tissues, 228.
Acid Citric in Sweat (Leake), 65.
Acid Diallylbarbituric, 249.
Acid Elsholtzic, Constitution of
(Asahina and Kuwada), 189.
Acid-Fast Caramel, 80.

Acid-Fast Organisms in Tissue,
Improved Method of Staining
(Hager and Dersch), 41.

Acid Formic, Determination of, in
Urine (Benedict), 74.

Acid Formic, Gravimetric Deter-
mination of (Auerbach and Zey-
len), 193.

Acid Fumaric, Microchemical De-
tection of (van Itallie), 215.
Acid Hydrochloric, As-free, 160.
Acid Hydrochloric, Influence of,
in Cinchona Preparations (Sco-
ville), 407.

Acid Hydrocyanic in Bitter Almond
Oil, Determination of (Hastings),

Acid Hydrocyanic in Plant Tissues,
Detection of (Rosenthaler) 217,
(Bruns) 218.

Acid Hydrocyanic, Preparation of
(Fritzmann), 417.

Acid Kavic (Murakama and Ma-
yeda), 155.

Acid Mandelic, Pharmacology of,

Acid Meconic, Content of, in Indian
Opium (Annett and Bose), 331.
Acid Meconic, Determination of,
in Opium (Annett and Bose), 195.
Acid Monomethylorthophosphosali-
cylic, 291.

[blocks in formation]

Acid Nitric, As-free, 160.
Acid Oxalic, Detection of, in Plant
Tissues (Patschkowski), 221.
Acid Oxalic, New Reaction for
(Mueller), 197.

Acid Perchloric as Micro-Reagent
(Cordier), 516.

Acid Phosphoric, Na,HPO4, and
Pyrophosphates, Volumetric De-
termination of (Moerk), 176.
Acid Phosphoric, Sensitive Test
for (Feigl), 177.

Acid Phosphoric and Sodium Phos-
phate, Methyl Red Indicator for
(Moerk and Hughes), 177.
Acid Picric for Herpes, Erysipelas,
and Dyshydrosis (Challamel), 299.
Acid Picric for Zona (Delpech), 299.
Acid Salicylic, Detection of, in

Blood Serum, and in other
Liquids of the Organism (Héris-
sey), 47.
Acid Salicylic, Determination of
(Luce), 478.

Acid Salicylic and Official Salicy-
lates, Assay of (Taub), 199.
Acid Salicylic Ointment, 50 per
cent., for Skin Diseases (Reid),
Acid Salicylic, Urinary Excretion
of Minute Quantities of (Hérissey,
Fiessinger and Debray), 62.
Acid Shellolic, Nature of (Harries
and Nagel), 156.

Acid Sulphuric, As-free, 160.
Acid Sulphuric, Colour Reaction
with Liver Oils, 129.

Acid Sulphuric Test for Fish-liver

Oils (Evers and Foster), 127.
Acid Tartaric in Plant Tissues, 225.
Acid Trochic, 227

Acid Uric in Blood, Determination
of (Benedict), 57.
Acid Uric, Determination of, in
Blood Serum (Harpuder), 48.
Acid Uric in Urine. See Urine.
Acidity and Alkalinity of B.P.
Chemicals (Rosenblum), 386.
Acidity of Camphor Water, 388.
Acids Ethylbarbituric and their
Homologues as Hypnotics (Tif-
feneau), 190.

Acids of Fruits used in Jams, 215.
Acids, Organic, in Urine. See

Acids of Prunus avium Fruits, 222.
Acids Lactic and Succinic in
Rubus idaus Leaves, 224.

[blocks in formation]

and Tests for, 423.
Active Principle of Pepsin, 32.
Adhesive Bandages, Acetic Ether
for Removing, 498.

Adonis vernalis and A. aestivalis
(Kiefer), 314.

Adrenalin, Physiological and Chemi-
cal Determination of (Richaud),
Adrenalin, Detection of (Stuber,
Russmann and Proebsting), 25.
Adrenalin, Dispensing, 385.
Adulterated Burmese and Javan
Citronella Oil, 89.

Adulterated Insect Powder, 326.
Adulterated Salvarsan, 199.
Adulterated Santonin, 200.
Afatyl, 288.

Agar Agar, Jap. Pharm., 460.
Agave lechugulla, Saponin from
(Johns), 134.
Akineton, 229.

Albumin Solutions, CHCl, for Steri-
lizing, 53.

Albumin in Urine. See Urine.
Albumose Silver,

(Herzog), 401.

Estimation of

Alcohol, Absolute, Commercial
Preparation of (Mariller and van
Ruymbeke), 181.

Alcohol Absolutus, Jap. Pharm.,

Alcohol, Detection of Diethylphtha
late in, 188.

Alcohol Solubility Test for Citron-
ella Oil (Salamon), 87.
Aldehydes in Essential Oils. See
Essential Oils.

Aldehydes and Ketones, Detec-
tion and Determination of, with
Nessler's Reagent (Bougault and
Gros), 182.

Aldehydes and Sulphites, Analyti-
cal Application of Reaction
between, 201.

Aldehydes in Urine (Stepp), 69.
Algal and Lavatol (Kionka), 229.
Alkalies, As-free, 159.

Alkaloidal Iodo-antimonites (Viel),
Alkaloidal Iodobismuthates, Crys-
talline (François), 2.

Alkaloidal Microchemical Reactions
(Rosenthaler), 3.

Alkaloidal Titrations, Indicators
for (McGill), 3.
Alkaloids, 1-25.

Alkaloids of Aconitum columbianum
(Miller) and A. septentrionale
(Weidemann), 1.

Alkaloids affording Vitali's Reac-
tion (Hardy), 23.

Alkaloids of Clivia nobilis (Reeb), 9.
Alkaloids destroyed by Soil (La-
vialle), 4.

Alkaloids, Determination of, in
Ipecacuanha (Fromme), 13.
Alkaloids, Micro-detection of, with
K4Fe(CN)6 (Cole), 4.

Alkaloids, Total, Cinchona, Deter-
mination of (Fromme), 7, (Groot-
hoff), 8.

Alkaloids of Opium, Determination
of (Mancini), 14.
Allanblackia floribunda, 328.
Allantoin, Reaction of, with Ness-
ler's Solution (Moore), 183.
Alligator Oil, 121.

Allyl-Theobromine, Theobryl, 308.
Almonds, Bitter, Oil. See Essen-
tial Oil.

Almonds, Sweet and Bitter, Fixed
Oil Content of (Rosenthaler), 121.
Aloes, U.S.P. (Gathercoal and
Terry), 442.
a-Amyrin, 155.

Biochemical Synthesis of, from
Mannanes (Hérissey), 134.
Aluminium Oleate (Viechovski),
Aluminium Plant and Apparatus,
Sodium Silicate for Cleaning
(Seligman and Williams), 498.
Aluminium Salicylate, Basic, for
Diarrhoea, 234.

Alumnol, Aluminium B-naphthol-
Disulphonate: Characters and

Tests for, 402.

Ambergris, Testing of (Cole), 26.
American Male Fern, 324.

American Peppermint Oil. See
Essential Oil.

American Possible Sources of San-
tonin, 520.

American Source of Cantharidin, 28.
Amidopyrin Test for Occult Blood,

Amino-arsenophenol, 252.

Ammonia, As-free, 159.

Ammonia and Olive Oil in Hair
Lotion, 396.

Ammonia, Commercial, Acetone in
(Bougault and Gros), 184.
Ammonia, Determination of, with-
out Distillation (Sander), 158.
Ammonium Antimonyl Tartrate
(Stephenson), 230.

Ammonium Picrate, Chemothera-
peutic Properties of (Rosenthal
and Imm), 333.

Amoebiasis, Emetine Bismuth Io-
dide for, 251.

Amorphous Cinchona Alkaloid as
Accelerator of Rubber Vulcani-
zation (Eaton and Bishop), 5.
Ampoules, Thiosinamine, 440.
Amygdalin Content of Apricot and
Peach Kernels (Rosenthaler), 135.
Amyl Nitrite, Explosion of Glass
Capsules of, 403.

Amylase in Duodenal Secretion,
Determination of, 55.
Amylum, Jap. Pharm., 461.
Anæmia, Pernicious, and Secondary,
Germanium Dioxide for, (Alex-
ander) 256, (Lenker) 257.
Anæsthetic, Acetylene as, 228.
Anæsthetic Ether. See Ether.
Anæsthetic, Lejar's, 512.

Anæsthetics, Local, Identification
of (Warren), 194.

[blocks in formation]

Animal Products, 25–41.
Anise Fruits, Chemical Test for
Admixture of Conium Fruits
with (Brandt and Wolff), 315.
Annam Briar Oil. See Essential


Annamese Essential Oils, 97.
Annatto. See Bixa.

Annual Report of the Executive
Committee, 562.
Anthelmintics, Chemical Composi-
tion of (Caius and Mhaskal), 334.
Anthochlor (Klein), 80.
Anthraquinones, Amounts of, in
Commercial Rhubarbs (Maurin),

Antianaphylactic Action of Vichy
Water (Ahlong and Vauthrey),

Antiferments, Efficiency of (Har-
vey), 135.

Antimonial Compounds, Toxicity
of (Brahmachari), 334.
Antimony and As, Separation of,
with MeOH, 164.

Antimony and Bi, Detection of,
in Biological Liquids (Caille and
E. Vièl), 42.

Antimony Compounds for Proto-
zoal Diseases (Stephenson), 230.
Antimony, Detection of, (Saba-
litschka) 158, (Rupp) 159.
Antimonyl Sodium Tartrate (Ste-
phenson), 230.

Antipepsin in Gastric Secretion,

[blocks in formation]

Apparatus for Stirring Waterbath
(Clark and Tatham), 500.
Apple Flavour, Synthetic (Power
and Chesnut), 500.

Apple Jack, 105.

Apples, Odorous Constituents of
(Power and Chesnut), 205.
Apricot Kernels, Amygdalin Con-
tent of, 135.

Aralia montana Leaves, Saponins
from (van der Haar), 136.
Argemone mexicana, Fixed Oil of
Seeds of, 122.

Argentum Colloidale, Jap. Pharm.,

Argirine and Choleval (Sarti), 231.
Arrowroot, Florida, 325.
Arsalyt for Malaria (Anding), 231.
Arsenic administered as Cacody-
lates and Arsenobenzenes, Elimi-
nation of (Mathieu), 335.
Arsenic Antidote, U.S.P., Inefficacy
of (McGrugan, Atkinson and
Brough), 443.

Arsenic in BiONO3, French Codex
Test for (Isnard), 443.
Arsenic, Colorimetric Determina-

tion with Quinine Molybdate
(Chouchak), 165.

Arsenic, Influence of, on Bone
Development and Growth of
Rabbits (Eeckhout), 335.
Arsenic and Pb, B.P. Limits for
(Dott), 442.

Arsenic, Microchemical Detection
of (Piutti and Boggio-Lera), 161.
Arsenic, Qualitative Reactions for
(Kolthoff), 161.

Arsenic, Relations of, to Plant

Growth (Stewart and Smith), 500.
Arsenic and Sb, Separation of,
with MeOH (Duparc and Rama-
dier), 164.

Arsenic, Separation of (Tarugi), 162.
Arsenic, Toxicological Determina-
tion of (Lynch), 162.
Arsenic-free Reagents, Preparation
of (Lockmann), 159.
Arsenobenzenes, Excretion of As
from (Mathieu), 335.

Arsolnol and Phelarsonate, Dangers
of (Forbach), 232.
Arsylene (Roch and Katzenel-
bogen), 232.

Artemisia Absinthium and Arnica
montana Flowers, Micro-detec-
tion of Substitutes for (Hart),

Artemisia afra, Constituents of
Flowering Tops of (Goodson),

Artemisia arborescens Oil. See Es-
sential Oil.

Artemisia brevifolia, Further Exam-
ination of (Greenish and Maple-
thorpe), 646.

Artemisia mexicana, A. neomexicana
and A. Wrightii as possible
American Sources of Santonin,

Arterio-sclerosis, Scleron for, 303.
Arthritis, S Injections for, 378.
Ascaris vitulorum Extracts, Toxic
Effects of (Schwartz), 335.
Ash Leaves of Commerce (Weitz),

Aspriodine, 233.

Atophan for Injection and Ato-
phanyl, 233.

Atractylis gummifera Extract, De-
tection of, in Liquorice Extract,

Atropine and Homatropine, Chemi-
cal-Pharmacological Relationship
of (Macht), 359.

Atropine, Loss of, in Toxicological
Examinations and Pharmaceuti-
cal Assays (Hardy), 5.
Aucubin in Veronica hederifolia
Seeds, 154.

Auricular Fibrillation, Quinidine
Sulphate for, 368.

Auricular Heart Disease, Quinidine
Sulphate for, 300.

Australian Cane Grass Wax, 127.
Australian Sandalwood Oil. See
Essential Oil.

Automatic Washing Precipitates,

Auto-oxidation of Et2O, 189.
Avantine, 233.

Avocado, 220.


Bacillus acidiphilus in Milk Treat-
ment of Intestinal Affections
(Cheplin, Fulmer, and Barney),

Bacillus botulinus, Distribution of,

Backhousia myrtifolia Oil. See
Essential Oil.

Bacteria Spores, Staining (Dorner),

Bacteriological and Clinical Tests,

Bacteriophage of Hérelle (Hau-
duroy), 336.

Bacteriophage, Therapeutic Value
of (Appelmans), 337.
Bacterium, Intestinal, which di-
gests Cellulose, 57.
Bactoform, 234.

Baeckia Gunniana Oil. See Essen-
tial Oil, 83.

Bakers' Dermatitis caused by Po-
tassium Persulphate in Flour
(Tankard), 338.

Bakers' Dermatitis due to NaCl (de
Jong), 338.

Bakuchi Leaves, 461.
Balmosa, 234.

Balsam, Peruvian (Fromme), 155.
Balsam, White Fir (Aiyar), 157.
Balsams, Gums, and Resins, 154–158.
Barium Sulphate for Radiography,
Amended Tests for, 404.

Basic Aluminium Salicylate for
Diarrhoea (Rochas), 234.
Bastard Acacia, 519.
Bath Crystals, 502.

Bath Powders and Bath Crystals,

Bay Rums, 502.

Bayer" 205 " for Human Trypano-
somiasis (Ludlow and Manson
Bahr), 234.

Beans, Destruction of Weevils in,

Beet and Cane Sugar for Pharma-
ceutical Use, 438.

Belladonna and its Preparations,
International Standardization of
(Jones), 692.

Belladonna, Influence of Sunlight
on Growth and Alkaloidal Con-
tent of (Deluard), 503.

Belladonna Poisoning by Topical
Application (Fried), 339.

Benzaldehyde, Cl in, Determina-
tion of (Voigt), 84.

Benzaldehyde and Mandelic Acid,
Pharmacology of (Macht), 340.
Benzene, Detection of, in Light
Petroleum (Schwartz), 184.
Benzine Jelly, 503.

Benzoates and Salicylates, Analysis
of, by Acidimetry and Alkali-
metry (Prideaux and Bentley),

Benzoin, Colloidal, Test for Syphilis,

Benzonaphthol, Microchemical Iden-
tification of (Denigès), 186.

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