Imágenes de páginas

Lessons in Astronomy. By Charles A. Young. The lapse of time and the necessity of making changes in the subject-matter has led Dr. Young to make a thorough revision of his popular text-book on astronomy. This required the making of an entirely new set of plates, giving the author the opportunity for excising extraneous matter, and inserting much that was new in discovery and theory. Many of the old illustrations have been replaced by new ones, and several beautiful plates of astronomical objects and instruments have been inserted. The star maps of the old edition have been replaced by maps which are far more satisfactory. In its new form it is easily the best book on astronomy for schools. Ginn & Co.

Lessons in Physics. By Lothrop D. Higgins. Where in schools little or no laboratory work can be had, Professor Higgins' book will be very useful. He sets forth the facts of physics in simple and clear language, and in a manner to be attractive to the student. It takes the student immediately into intimate relation with the facts and phenomena of his daily experience; it makes him think about things that meet him everywhere. The personal magnetism of the teacher has entered into every chapter of the book, a magnetism that is highly infectious and sustaining. We shall much misunderstand the minds of children if they do not find this to be just the book in physics they will most enjoy. Ginn & Co.

A Practical Course in Spanish. By H. M. Monsanto and Louis A. Languellier. This well-known work has been long before the public, and has earned a revision which has been made by Freeman M. Josselyn, Jr., of Boston University. Dr. Josselyn has in his revision endeavored to preserve the original form of the work, recasting only such grammatical statements as seemed to demand it. The Spanish text is now in strict accordance with the latest rules for orthography and accent, being in entire harmony with the revision of Spanish accentuation made by the Academy in 1888. Teachers of Spanish will find this book to be thoroughly up to date and a practical working text-book in Spanish. American Book Company.

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Daniel Webster for Young Americans. With an introduction and notes by Charles F. Richardson, and an Essay on Webster as a Master of English Style by Edwin P. Whipple. This book contains the most famous speeches of the great American orator. They have been selected and arranged with reference to the needs of the young people of the United States. The volume makes accessible for school and college use the best of the splendid efforts of Daniel Webtser in behalf of the early constitutional progress of our country. Among the important speeches included in the book are, "The First Settlement of New England;" "The Bunker Hill Monument; "Discourse on Adams and Jeffer""The Reply to Hayne;' son;" "The Murder of Captain Joseph White;' " && The Constitution not a Compact Between Sovereign States;' The Character of Washington;""The Presidential Protest; ""The Constitution and the Union; " "The Addition to the Capitol;" and "The Landing at Plymouth." The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and Washington's Farewell Address are also included. There are numerous illustrations which make vivid the stirring scenes among which the lot of the great orator was cast. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass., Publishers, always make first

lass books.

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Descriptive Chemistry. By Lyman C. Newell. This is a large work of six hundred pages, and is primarily intended for teachers who wish to emphasize the facts, laws, theories, and applications of chemistry. While following the well-defined paths, the author has nevertheless some carefully worked-out opinions of his own, and these he has used with the best results. His noteworthy points are the application of chemistry to well-known industries, such as the manufacture of illuminating gas, acids, soap, steel, paper, sugar, etc., and the newer processes involving electricity, such as the manufacture of aluminum, calcium carbide, caustic soda, graphite, etc. Dr. Newell's work is a worthy contribution to the study of chemistry, and will have abundant use in laboratories and among standard text-books. D. C. Heath & Co.

We have received the following books for review in EDUCATION :American Book Company: Les Trois Mousquetaires par Alexandre Dumas. With introduction, notes and vocabulary by C. Fontaine. Mademoiselle de La Seigliere. Comedie par Julues Sandeau. With introduction, notes and vocabulary by Elizabeth M. White. Der Trompeter Von Sakkingen. With introduction, notes and vocabulary by Valentin Buehner. Cicero De Senectute. Edited by Frank Gardner Moore, Ph.D. Outlines of Greek History. With a survey of Ancient Oriental Nations. By William C. Morey, Ph.D. Beginner's French. By Victor E. Francois, A.M. The Gateway Series: General Editor Henry Van Dyke. Macaulay's Essay on Milton. Edited by Edward Leeds Gulick, A.M. The Merchant of Venice. Edited by Felix E. Schelling, Ph.D., Litt.D. Shakespeare's As You Like It. Edited with notes by William J. Rolfe, Litt.D. Poets of the South. By F. V. N. Painter, A.M., D.D. Patir A Tiempo por Don Mariano José De Larra. With notes and a vocabulary by Edwin B. Nichols. Undine. By Fouque. With introductory notes and vocabulary by J. Henry Senger, Ph.D. Moliere's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. With introduction, notes and vocabulary by P. A. Roi and William B. Guitteau.

The Macmillan Company: Elements of English Composition. By Tuley Francis Huntington, A.M. Demosthenes on the Crown. Edited by William Watson Goodwin, LL.D. Price, $1.10. First French Book according to The "New" Method. By D. Mackay, M.A., and F. J. Curtis, Ph.D., B.A. The Heart of Nature Series: First Book, Stories of Earth and Sky; Second Book, Stories of Plants and Animals; Third Book, Stories of Birds and Beasts. By Mabel Osgood Wright. New Physical Geography. By Ralph S. Tarr, B.S. Price, $1. Modern English Prose. Selected and edited by George Rice Carpenter and William Tenney Brewster. Price, $1.10. A Synoptic Text-book of Zoology. By Arthur Wisswald Weysse, A.M., Ph.D. Price, $4. A Modern School. By Paul H. Hanus. Price, $1.25 net. The Macmillan Series of Writing Books, 1, 2, 3 and 4. By Harry Houston.

D. C. Heath & Co.: Principles of Political Economy. By Charles Gide. Second American Edition by C. William A. Veditz, Ph.D., LL.B. Modern Language Series: Goethe's Das Märchen. Edited by Charles A. Eggert, Ph.D. Campe's Robinson der Jüngere. Edited by C. H. Ibershoff. Baumbach's Das Habichtsfräulein. With introduction, notes, vocabulary, and material for conversational exercises in German by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt.

Silver, Burdett & Co.: The Song Year Book. For intermediate and grammar grades. Compiled and edited by Helen Place. Introductory price, 50

cents. An Introductory Arithmetic. By David M. Sensenig, M.S., and Robert F. Anderson, A.M. Introductory price, 40 cents. The World and its People: Book XII, Porto Rico. By J. B. Seabury. How the People Rule. By Charles de Forest Hoxie, Pd. M. Introductory price, 40 cents.

Ginn & Co.: International Modern Language Series: Elementary German for Sight Translation. By Richard Clyde Ford. Schucking's Die Drei Freier. Edited by Otto Heller, Ph.D. The Louisiana Purchase and the Exploration, Early History and Building of the West. By Ripley Hitchcock.

Hinds & Noble: The Beginner's Cæsar. By Harrison Dickinson Cannon. Howe's Handbook of Parliamentary Usage. Price, 50 cents, postpaid. Longmans, Green & Co.: Education as Adjustment. By M. V. O'Shea. Price, $1.50.

E. L. Kellogg & Co.: Art of Class Management and Discipline. By Joseph S. Taylor, Pd.D. Education Through Nature Study. By John P. Munson, Ph.D. Price, $1.25 net; postage, 10 cents.

Government Printing Office: Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1902. Volume II. By. The Commissioner of Education. Wright & Co.: Thou Art the Man. By Frederic W. Pangborn.

C. A. Koehler & Co.: El Grau Galeoto. By José Echegaray. Edited by Aurelio M. Espinosa, Ph.B. Price, 75 cents; postage, 7 cents.

D. Appleton & Co.: Twentieth Century Text-books Series: A History of the Middle Ages. By Dana Carleton Munro.

J. B. Lippincott Company: Lippincott Educational Series: The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant. Translated and edited, with an introduction by Edward Franklin Buchner, Ph.D. (Yale).

D. Van Nostrand Company: The Metric Fallacy, by Frederick A. Halsey; and The Metric Failure in the Textile Industry, by Samuel S. Dale. Price, $1. The Round Table Press: The Complete Anas of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Franklin B. Sawvel, Ph.D.

The Book-Lover Press: The Red-Keggers. By Eugene Thwing.

Paul Elder & Co.: Mosaic Essays: Happiness, Success, Nature, Friendship, and Consolation.

The Rolling Stone Club, Medina, N. Y.: Europe on $4 a Day. By A. Rollingston. Price, 25 cents.

Whittaker & Co., London: An Easy First French Reader. Price 75 cents net.

Periodical Notes

In the February Atlantic Monthly Mr. Clarence H. Poe writes convincingly on "The Dangers of Lynching."-The Macmillan Company publishes the Burlington Magazine, which has be come famous during its two and a half years of life for its beautiful reproductions of all sorts of rare objects of art, the real appreciation of which is confined chiefly to the connoisseur.-Mrs. Theodore W. Birney gives in the March Delineator some very useful suggestions about " Chil. dren's Books and Reading." In the same magazine, a "New Physical Culture for Children" is described by M. Wilma Sullivan.-"The Carlisle School," by Lilian C. Paschal, in The Designer for March, describes most entertainingly how the descendants of the original lords of North America are being turned from the wide ways of savagery to the straight and narrow paths of civilization. And the interesting pictorial series, "The Arts and Crafts in American Education,' by Abby L. Marlot, in the February Chautauquan, will interest our readers.-"The Tsar: A Study in Personality." By Arnold White: See Everybody's Magazine for March.-In Scribner's for March, Edith Wharton, in "The Descent of Man," depicts with humor a college scientist who became a popular author.

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Devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy and Literature


of Education

APRIL, 1904

No. 8

A New Educational Ideal

As shown in the Y. M. C. A. Training School at
Springfield, Mass.



E are living in a period of reconstruction. This is peculiarly true in the field of education. Some of these reconstructions amount to revolutions. Curricula, educational ideals, methods, and machinery are in a state of constant change. None of the old educational orthodoxies are sacred enough to be secure. Old school pedagogy and new school pedagogy wage inky warfare in our magazines and newspapers. Trustees, faculties, school boards, find themselves becoming debating societies. Even taxpayers and the general public ask new questions, make new demands, and impose new conditions. It causes serious inconvenience, but it is increasingly clear that the present discussion and experimentation is widening our educational outlook, and making our educational methods more wise and effective.

This being the situation, educators cannot fail to be interested in experiments in education from which they may gain hints which may be of value in settling some of their own special problems. This will be a sufficient excuse for a description of


some of the educational ideals and methods which are being worked out at the Training School of the Young Men's Christian Association in Springfield, Mass.


The central thought of its educational program is that "The proper study of man is man." This does not throw any discredit, even by implication, upon the study of the natural sciWe simply insist that man gives meaning to nature, and the exigencies of our special work compel us to emphasize the "humanities " rather than the natural sciences in our curriculum. In doing so we are really developing an old idea. Some of the old-time universities were called "Schools of the Humanities." Our ideal is to develop a modern "School of the Humanities" for training men for social life and social service.

It is the first article in our educational creed that it is the function of education to develop man on all sides of his naturethe physical, the mental, the moral, and the social.

The following syllabus will give a general idea of the course of study, omitting such studies as relate simply to the methods of work and organization of the Young Men's Christian Association.

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