Imágenes de páginas

Massachusetts Bay-Naturalization.

Mississippi, histories, *61; admitted, 360;
secedes, 406.

Mississippi Bubble, The, 244.
Mississippi River, discovered, 236, 239,
explored, 243; navigation of, 337; opened
by Union forces, 415. - See Boundaries,

Missouri, histories, *65; compromise con-
troversy, 361; admitted, 361; enlarged,
394; interference in Kansas, 396; ef-
fect of compromise of 1850, 395; effect
of Dred Scott decision, 399; adheres to
the Union, 410, 415; emancipation in,

Mitchell, A. F., Westminster Assembly,
265; Westminster Confession, 265.
Mitchell, S. W., In War Times, *139;
Roland Blake, *139.

Mobile, capture by Farragut, 415.
Mombert, J. I., Lancaster County (Pa.),

Monette, J. W., Valley of the Mississippi,

Monitor, battle with Merrimac, 415.
Monmouth, battle of, 298.

Monographs, growth of, 2; preparation
of, 26, 220; subjects for, 222.
Monongahela, history, *73.

Monroe, James, biographies, *95; Calen-
dar of the Correspondence of, *126;
amendment to Confederation, 321; in
France, 337; Conduct of the Executive,
339; Louisaina Purchase, 347; vetoes
internal improvement bill, 356; presi-
dent, 359: Missouri act, 359; message
of 1823, 363.

Monroe Doctrine, annunciation, 362.-See
Mexico, Panama Congress.
Montana, histories, 65, *77.
Montcalm, General, Journal, 283.

Monterey, occupation of 1842, 385.

Montesquieu, Esprit des Lois, 290.
Montgomery, Congress at, 412.

Montgomery, D. H., American History,


Montreal, discovery of, 240.


Moore, Francis, Voyage to Georgia, *83.
Moore, Frank, Furman's Long Island,
Andrew Johnson, *93; war ballads,
*141; Rebellion Record, 407.
Moore, G. H., Treason of Charles Lee,
299; Slavery in Massachusetts, 315.
Moore, J. W., North Carolina, *69;
American Congress, 330.
Moorehead, W. R., Primitive Man, 231.
Moran, J. F., Bi-Cameral System, 313
Morey, W. C., Written Constitution, 307;
First State Constitution, 307; Ameri-
can Federalism, 313.

Morgan, Daniel, biography, *95.
Morgan, E. V., Slavery in New York,

Morgan, L. H., Montezuma's Dinner,
232; Houses and House-Life, 232;
League of the Iroquois, 232.
Morey, J., Edmund Burke, 301.
Morris, Gouverneur, biographies, *95;
Diary and Letters, *130.


Morris, Robert, biographies, *95; super-
intendent of finance, 319.- See Bank,

Morse, Jedediah, American Universal
Geography, 51, 227, 237, 309.
Morse, J. T., Jr., American Statesmen
(Series), 86, 145-147, Benjamin Frank
lin, 90; Alexander Hamilton, *91;
John Adams, *87; John Quincy Adams,
*87; Thomas Jefferson, *93; Abraham
Lincoln, 94, 145.

Morton, N., New England's Memorial,

Morton, T., at Merry Mount, 268; New
English Canaan, 270.

Mosby, J. S., War Reminiscences, 418.
Moses, J., Illinois, *60.

Motley, J. L., biography, *95; Corre-
spondence, 126; Merry-Mount, *139.
Motolinia, Historia, 238.

Mott, James and Lucretia, biography, *96.
Moultrie, General, Memoirs, 296.
Mountfield, D., Church and Puritans,

Mourt, Relation, 266.

Muhlenberg, H. A., General Peter Muh-
lenberg, *96.

Muhlenberg, Peter, biography, *96.
Mulford, I. S., New Jersey, *66.

Muller, F. & Co., Remarkable Maps Re-
produced, 229.

Munro, W. H., Bristol (R. I.), *74.
Munsell, Joel, Annals of Albany, *113.
Murat, Achille, America, *83, 366; Etats-
Unis, *83.

Murdock, Nova Scotia, 242.

Murphy, H. C., Verrazano, 240.

Murray, N., Elizabeth-Town (N. J.),
*66, 266.

Muzzey, A. B., Reminiscences and Memo-
rials, *130.

NADAILLAC, Marquis de, Prehistoric


Nantucket (Mass.), history, *64; Records,

Napoleon I, sale of Louisiana, 347; con-
tinental system, 350. See France,

Napoleon III, Mexican invasion, 421.-
See France.

Narvaez, expedition, 239.

Nash, Wallace, Two Years in Oregon,

Nashville (Tenn.), history, *75; battle of,


Nason, E., Life of Frankland, 286.
National Conventions, first, 369. - See

National Cyclopædia of American Biog-
raphy, *40.

National Educational Association, Report
of the Committee of Ten, *31.

National Geographic Magazine, 50, *103.
National Geographic Monographs, *51.
Nationality, topics on, 14, 17.

Native Americans.- See Know Nothings.
Naturalization, act of 1798, 342.

Navarrete, Coleccion, 235; Biblioteca Mar-
itima, 236.

Navigation Acts, revision of 1764, 288.
Navy, in troubles with France, 340; in
War of 1812, 352; in Civil War, 415.
- See Blockade, Embargo, England,
France, Military, Slave Trade, Wars.
Neagle, case of (in re Neagle), 334.
Neal, D., Puritans, 265.

Nebraska, lack of organization, 394;
Douglas's bills, 395; bills of 1854, 395;
act for organization, 395.
Nebraska University, historical publica-
tions, 55.

"Necessary and proper."- See Bank,
Constitution, Implied Powers.
Needles, Slavery in Pennsylvania, 315.
Negroes, South Carolina under, *74;
colonial slavery, 250, 314; race element,
310; as soldiers in Revolution, 320;
characteristics, 375, 376; free, legal sta-
tus, 375, 379; mobs against, 377; troops
in Civil War, 423. See Colonization,
Fugitives, Slavery.

Negro Plot (N. Y.), 259.
Neill, E. D., Minnesota, *64; Virginia
Company, 251; Virginia Vetusta, 251;
Virginia Carolorum, 252; Terra Ma-
riae, 254; Founders of Maryland, 254;
Maryland not a Roman Catholic Col-

ony, 255.

Neilson, C., Burgoyne's Campaign, 299.
Nelson, Anson and Fanny, Sarah Child-
ress Polk, 97.
Neolithic man, 231.

Netherlands, king of, arbitration by, 383.
Neutral trade, aggressions of British on
(1794-1812), 337, 350-352.- See Block-
ade, Embargo, England, France, Navy.
Neutrality, declared in 1793, 337.
Nevada, histories, *58, 65.
Newark (N. J.), history, *66.
Newburg (N. Y.), history, *68.
"Newburg Addresses " (1783), 319.
Newbury (Mass.), history, *64.
Newburyport (Mass.), history, *64.
Newell, R. H., Orpheus C. Kerr Papers,


New England, early explorations, 246,
249; colonies, 263-276; Quakers in,
277; commissioners in (1664), 278; An-
dros in, 278; witchcraft in, 279; in
colonial wars, 281-283; condition of
(1760), 284; objects to Louisiana pur-
chase, 347; and the embargo, 351;
Henry's mission to, 351; opposes War
of 1812, 354; threatens secession, 404.-
See Tariff, Slavery.

New England Association of Colleges
and Schools, on entrance requirements,


New England Confederation, formation,

276; records, 276; and the Quakers, 277.
New England, Council for, its charter and
grants, 266-269.

New England Emigrant Aid Society, 396.
New England Historic-Genealogical Soci-
ety, publications, *123.

Newfoundland, Gilbert's expedition to,

New France, 242. See Canada, French.
New Hampshire, physical maps, 51; his-
tories, *65; Records, 109, 110; Masonian
grant, 268; early settlement, 275; con-
dition of (1760), 286; first state govern-
ment, 306, 307; emancipates slaves,
320; ratifies constitution, 325..

New Haven, histories, *58; Records,
*112; settlement of, 275; in New Eng-
land Confederation, 276; joined to Con-
necticut, 275.

New Haven Colony Historical Society,
publications, *122.

New Jersey, physical maps, 51; histories,
*66; Records, *113; settlement and gov-
ernment of, 260; condition of (1760),
287; first state government, 307; eman-
cipates slaves, 320; land cessions, 317,
336; ratifies Constitution, 325.
New Jersey Historical Society, publica-
tions, *123.

New Mexico, histories, *67; discovery of,
239; conquered by the U.S., 387; ceded
by Mexico, 387; territorial crisis, 391;
organized as a territory, 391. - See
Compromises, Mexico, Texas.

New Netherland, settlement of, 258; con-
quered by English, 258.- See New

New Orleans, histories, *61; battle of
(1815), 353, 367; capture (1862), 415.
See French, Louisiana.


New Plymouth Colony, settlement and
history of, 267.- See Massachusetts,
New England, Plymouth.
Newspapers, *104-106.

New Sweden, histories, *59. - See Dela-


New York, histories, *67-69; Records,
*112; boundaries, 258, 260; Andros in,
278; condition of (1760), 287; in the
Revolutionary War, 298; claims to west-
ern lands, 304; first state government,
307; land cessions, 317; ratifies Consti-
tution, 325; anti-rent agitation, 382,

New York Historical Society, Catalogue,
*38; publications, *123.

New York, University of, Regent's Report
on Boundaries, 260.

Niagara, in 1759, 282; in War of 1812,
352, 353.

Nicaragua, discovery of, 236.

Nichols, Thomas L., Forty Years of
American Life, *84.

Nicolay, J. G., Outbreak of Rebellion,

[blocks in formation]


Non-Intercourse, policy of, 351.- See
Embargo, Neutral Trade.
Nootka Sound Convention (1790), 362.
Nordenskiold, A. E., Fac-Simile Atlas,

Norfolk (Va.), history of, *76.

Norman, B. M., New Orleans, *61.
Norris, W. H., and others, Digest of
Maryland Decisions, *117.
Norse explorers, 234.

North, Lord, plan of conciliation, 300.
North, S. N. D., Newspaper Press, *104.
North America, physiography of, 227.-
See Geography.

North Carolina, histories, *69; Records,
*115; explored, 248; Roanoke colony,
248; settlement of, 255; condition of,
(1760), 287; western land claims, 304;
secedes, 410. See Carolinas.
Northeastern boundary controversy, 383.
Northwest coast, history, *70; bound-
aries, 383.

Northwest Ordinance, 317; slavery clause,
317-320; confirmed, 336.

Northwest Territory, history, *70, *71;
state cessions, 317; divided, 336.
Northwestern boundary controversy, 383.
Northrop, Solomon, Narrative, 394.
Northrop, T., Twelve Years a Slave, 376.
Norton, A. B., Knox County (O.), *71.
Norumbega, story of, 240, 264.
Norwich (Conn.), history, *58.

Notes, how to take, 20, 28, 198, 200-203,


Nott, Samuel, Slavery, 376.

Nourse, H. S., Records of Lancaster,
(Mass.), 111, 272.

Novels, lists of, 136, 137.

Nueva España, 238. See Mexico.
Nullification, theory of, 327, 342. - See
Constitution, Implied Powers, Interpo-
sition, Secession.


BERLIN (O.), abolition center, 376;
rescue of fugitives, 393.
O'Callaghan, E. B., Documentary His-
tory, 53, 106, 113; New Netherland,
*67; Documents relating to New York,
106, 113; Laws of New Netherland,

Ogden, J. C., Bethlehem and Nazareth
(Pa.), *84.

Oglethorpe, J. E., biographies,*96; founds
Georgia, 267.


Ohio, histories, *70; admitted, 336, 360.-
See Northwest Ordinance and Terri-

Ohio River and Valley, history, *70; the
French in, 243; in colonial wars, 282;
rival claims to, 282.

Ohio Historical and Archæological Soci-
ety, publications, *124.

Old South Leaflets, *133, 145.
Oliver, P., Puritan Commonwealth, *63,

Olmsted, F. L., Seaboard Slave States,
*84; Texas Journey, *84; Back Coun-
try, *84; Cotton Kingdom, 376.


"Omnibus Bill" of 1850, 391.


O'Neil, C. A., American Electoral Sys-
tem, 330, 365.

Opinions of the Attorneys-General, *122.
Oppenheim, Samuel, Congressional Re-
porters, 330.

Orange County (N. Y.), history, *68.
"Orders in Council" on neutral trade,
350; withdrawn (1812), 352.

Ordinances, of 1787. See Northwest
Ordinance; of Nullification, 370; of Se-
cession, 404, 406.

Ordronaux, J., Constitutional Legislation,
311, 333.

Ordway, Albert, Indexes of the Journals
of Congress. 39.

Oregon, histories, *71, 72; annexation of,
309, 347; British in (1812), 347; under
Monroe Doctrine, 363; boundaries, 366,
368; in 1830, 366; question in election
of 1844, 385; settlement of boundaries,
383; admitted, 402. See Boundaries,
England, Russia, Spain.

O'Reilly, Don John, Regulations, *116,

[blocks in formation]

Pacific Ocean, discovery of, 236.
Pacific States, history of, 57, 58, 71, 75, 77.

See California, Idaho, Montana,
Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington,

Pacte de Famille, 245.

Page, T. N., The Old South, *131;

torical novels, *139.


Paget, J., Inquiry into the Evidence, 262.
Paige, L. R., Cambridge (Mass.), *63;
Hardwick (Mass.), *63..

Paine, Thomas, biography, *96,,277;
Common Sense, 297; Public Good, 318.
Pakenham, correspondence with Calhoun,

Paleolithic Man, in America, 231.

Palfrey, J. G., New England, *47, *56;
Compendious History, *56.

Palmer, P. S., Lake Champlain, *67, 242.
Palmer, T. H., Historical Reporter, 354.

[blocks in formation]

Panic, of 1819, 356; of 1837, 381; of 1839,

Paper Money, in the colonies, 280; under
Confederation, 319; state bank notes,
see State Banks; Civil War, see Legal

Paris, Peace of 1763, 245, 282; of 1783,
245, 303.

Parish government, colonial, 312.
Parker, A. A., Trip to the West, *84.
Parker, Joel, Origin of New England
Towns, 271; Constitutional Law, 424;
Habeas Corpus, 424; Three Powers,


Parker, Samuel, Exploring Tour, *84.
Parker, Theodore, biographies, *96; His-
toric Americans, 293; Speeches, 396.
Parkinson, Richard, Tour in America,

Parkman, F., France and England, 45,
46, 47; Oregon Trail, *84; Vassall
Morton, *139; Pioneers, 241, 242; La
Salle, 242; Montcalm and Wolfe, 281.
Parliamentary History, 289.
Parson's Cause, The, 288, 289.
Parsons, Theophilus, biography, *96.
Parsons, Theophilus, Jr., Chief Justice
Parsons, *96.

Parties, organization of national, 334;
Federal, 334-359; Jeffersonian Repub-
licans, 334, 342-354: Era of Good Feel-
ing, 356-362; Jacksonian Democracy,
366-374; Anti-Masonic, 368; Whig, 368,
382-397; Liberty, 377; Free Soil, 390;
Know Nothing, 397; Republican, 397-
401; War Democrats, 423; in Civil
War, 423.

Partisan Leader, 412.

Parton, James, Aaron Burr, *88; Benja-
min Franklin, *90; Andrew Jackson,
*92; Thomas Jefferson, *93.

Patents, colonial. See Charters.
Patroons, in New Netherlands, 258.

[ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

Pearson, J., Schenectady Patent, *69.
Peck, G., Wyoming (Pa.), *73, 299.
Pedagogy, value of, 22. See Methods.
Pedder, H. C., J. G. Garfield, *90.
Pierce, D. K., and Hale, C., Convention
of Massachusetts, 326.

Pellew, George, John Jay, *93.
Peninsular Campaign, 1862, 415.

Penn, William, biographies, *96; connec-
tion with New Jersey, 260; founds
Pennsylvania, 261; Macaulay's charges,
262; his later connection with Pennsyl-
vania, 263; grants Charter of Privileges,
263.-See Pennsylvania.

Penn-Logan correspondence, 263.
Pennsylvania, histories, *72; Records,
*114; public men of, 213; disputes with
Maryland, 253; colony, 261-263; condi-
tion of in 1760, 287; first state govern-
ment, 306, 307; emancipates slaves, 320;
ratifies Constitution, 325; recharters
United States Bank, 372.
Pennsylvania Hall Riot, 377.
Pennsylvania Historical Society, publica-
tions, *103, 124.

Pennsylvania, University of, history, 287.
Pennypacker, S. W., Hendrich Penne-
becker, 263.

People of the United States, composition
of the, 310; share in ratification of the
constitution, 327.

Pequod War, 274.

Perceval, John, Transactions of the
Trustees of Georgia, *116.
Periodicals, select list, *101-104.

Perkins, F. B., Check List for Local
History, *57.

Perrot, N., Mémoire sur les Mœurs,

[blocks in formation]

Peters, Richards, Admiralty Decisions,
*117; Condensed Supreme Court Re-
ports, *121.

Peters, Richards, Jr., Reports, *121.
Perth Amboy (N. J.), history of, 66.
Peru, discovery of, 236; Spanish conquest
of, 238.

Peschel, O., Theilung de Erde, 235.
Peterson, E., Rhode Island, *74.
"Petition and Advice," The, 290.
Petitions, Abolition, 378.- -See Slavery.
Petrie, George, Church and State in
Maryland, 255.

Peyton, American Crisis, 414.
Peyton, J. L., Augusta County (Va.), *77,
253, 287.

Phelan, J., Tennessee, *75.
Philadelphia (Pa.), history of, 73.
Phillips, Wendell, biographies, *96;
Speeches, *126; an abolitionist leader,
376; Conquest of Kansas, 397.

Palmer - Prescott.

Phillips, Paper Currency, 306; Conti-
nental Paper Money, 306.
Phinney, E., Battle of Lexington, 295.
Phisterer, F., Record of the Armies, 403.
Physical geography, 50.

Physiography, of North America, 227; of
the Civil War, 402. See Geography.
Pickard, K. E. R., kidnapped, 376.
Pickering, Danby, Statutes at Large
[English], *108.

Pickering, Judge, impeached, 345.
Pickering, Octavius, Timothy Pickering,

Pickering, Timothy, biography, *96.
Pickett, A. J., Alabama, Georgia, and
Mississippi, 65.

Pictures, as illustrations, 172.

Pierce, E. L., Charles Sumner, *99.
Pierce, Franklin, biography, *96; elected
president, 397; attitude on Nebraska
bill, 395.

Pierce, F. C., Grafton (Mass.), *63.
Pierce, Mary Francis, Weston Records,

Pierson, H. W., Thomas Jefferson, *93.
Pike, J. S., South Carolina, *74; New
Puritan, 279; First Blows of the Civil
War, 392.

Pike, Z. M., Expeditions to Sources of
Mississippi, 84, 348.

Pilgrims, The, in England and Holland,
265; in New Plymouth colony, 266, 267;
on the Connecticut River, 274. See
Connecticut, Maine, New Haven, New

Pilling, J. C., Bibliographies, 233.
Pillsbury, Parker, Anti-Slavery Apostles,


Pineda, 236, 239.

Pinckney, C. C. (of S. C.), 337, 340.
Pinckney, W., biography, *96.

Pitkin, T., historical influence, 1; Political
History, *47.

Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham), biogra-
phy, *96; Secretary for War, 282;
Correspondence, 289; ministry of, 291.
See England.

Pitt, William (the younger), biographies,
*97. -See England.
Pittsburg Landing, battle, 415.
Pittsfield (Mass.), history of, 64.
Pizarro, conquest of Peru, 238.
Plattsburgh, battle of, 353.
Ploetz, Carl, Epitome, *40.
Plumer, William, biography, *97.
Plumer, Wm., Jr., William Plumer,
Plymouth, colony of New, histories,
Records,*111; Bradford's History, *125;
colony founded, 266; later history, 267;
grants from the Council for New Eng-
land, 268; in New England Confedera-
tion, 276; Quakers in, 277; in King
Philip's War, 277; united with Massa-
chusetts, 278, 279.


Plymouth Company (English) and its
colonies, 268.

Poems and ballads, select list, 141-142.
Polk, James K., biographies of, *97;


elected president, 385; orders Taylor
forward, 387; Oregon treaty, 383; forces
Mexican War, 387; peace of 1848, 387;
opposes internal improvements, 378, 388,
attempts to organize territory, 390.
Polk, Sarah, biographies, *96.

Pollard, E. A., Lost Cause, *47; Jefferson
Davis, *90; Southern History of the
War, 416.

Pollock, F., Science of Politics, 290.
Pomeroy, J. N., Constitutional Law, 323;
International Law, 422.

Ponce de Leon, discovers Florida, 239.
Pond, Enoch, Increase Mather, *95.
Pontiac's Conspiracy, 288.

Poole, W. F., Index to Periodicals, 34,
*37; Anti-Slavery Opinions, 315.
Poor, H. V., Internal Improvements, 357.
Poore, B. P., Catalogue of Government
Publications, 34, 39; Charters and
Constitutions, 53, 109, 134; Perley's
Reminiscences, *131.

Pope, The, letter to Jefferson Davis, 412.
Pope, John, Tour through the United
States, *84.

Popham Colony, 264.

Popular sovereignty, theory of, 390; early
suggestions, 394; Douglas's notion, 395;
application in Kansas, 396; abandoned
in 1860, 400. — See Dred Scott, Kansas,
Nebraska, Douglas, Lincoln.
Population, statistics of, 52; by decades,
162; in 1760, 284; character in 1783,
310, 311; in 1830, 366; in 1860, 402.
Porter, D. D., David Porter, 341; Naval
History, 416; Incidents, 418.

Porter, J. A., City of Washington, 332.
Porter, L. H., on study of history, 32.
Port Royal (Acadia), in intercolonial wars,

Port Royal (Carolina), Huguenot colony,


Portsmouth (N. H.), history,*65; Records,

Portsmouth (Va.), history, *76.

Post, Mrs. L. M., Personal Recollections,

Post-Office, under Confederation, 319;
organization of United States, 331; used
by Abolitionists, 378.

Potter, C. E., Manchester (N. H.), *66.
Potter, E. R., Narragansett (R. I.), *74;
Considerations on Rhode Island, 382.
Potter and Ryder, Paper Money of Rhode
Island, 280.

Pouchot, M., The Late War, 282.
Powell, J. W., Survey, 50; physical maps,
52; Reports, 231.

Pownall, Gov., Memorial to the Sover-
eigns, 285.

Pratt, D. J., Report on Boundaries, 260.
Pratz, Le Page du, Historie, *61, 244.
Preble, W. P., Decision of the King, 384.
Pre-Columbian discoveries, 234.
Presbyterians, English, 265.

Prescott, W. H., biography, *97; Con-
quest of Peru, 238; Conquest of Mex-
ico, 238.

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