Imágenes de páginas

§ 133.]

The Colonies in 1760.


torical Account; Pownall, A Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe on the Present State of Affairs between the Old and the New World; M. C. Tyler, History of American Literature; Thomas, History of Printing; Brewer, Agriculture, in Harper's Magazine, 1875-76; McCulloch, A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, etc.; Adam Anderson, An His torical and Statistical Deduction of the Origin of Commerce; MacPherson, Annals of Commerce; Beer, The Commercial Policy of Eng land toward the American Colonies; Bernard, Letters on the Trade and Government of America; Bishop, History of American Manufactures; Swank, History of the Manufacture of Iron; Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations; Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times; Gee, Trade and Navigation of Great Britain; Channing, The Navigation Laws (American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, 1889); American History Leaflets, No. 19; C. F. Bishop, History of Elections in the American Colonies, in Columbia University, Studies in History, etc., III, No. 1.

... at the

On topics dealing with ecclesiastical matters, see Anderson, Colonial Church; Perry, Protestant Episcopal Church, and Papers Relating to the History of the Church; Briggs, American Presbyterianism; Narrative of.... Imprisonment of Two Presbyterian Ministers ... City of New York, 1707; Backus, History of the Baptists; R. A. Guild, Chaplain Smith and the Baptists; Baird, Huguenot Emigration to America; G. D. Bernheim, History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina; Catholic Historical Researches; I. A. Cornelison, Religion and Civil Government in the United States; I. D. Rupp, Religious Denominations; John Brown, British Churches, II; Benedict, History of the Baptists; J. G. Shea, The Catholic Church in the United States, I, II; Hodges, Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church; American Church History Series; and several papers in Johns Hopkins University, Studies.

For the daily life of the people, see Maury, Huguenot Family in Virginia; Franklin's "Autobiography" in any edition of Franklin's Works; Alexander Graydon, Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania (1752-1818); John Adams's "Diary" in his Works; Elkanah Watson, Memoirs; Burnaby, Travels through the Middle Colonies (1759-60); Kalm, Travels in North America; Rochefoucauld, Travels through the United States (1795); Robin, New Travels through North America (1781); Chastellux, Travels; Brissot, New Travels in the United States of America (1788); Smyth, A Tour in the United States (1784); Claude Blanchard, Journal; Martha J. Lamb, The Homes of America. See also §§ 24, 33.

For the separate colonies, see the following works, and others enumerated in §§ 23, 24, 29, 32, 33, 34:

NEW ENGLAND: Hildreth, United States, II, 559; Weeden, Economic History, Chs. xii-xvii; Felt, Customs of New England; Drake, Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Provincial Papers of New Hampshire; Belknap, History of New Hampshire; Sanborn, History of New Hampshire; Bouton, Rambles about Concord; Brewster, Rambles about Portsmouth. VERMONT State and Provincial Papers of Vermont; Williams, History of Vermont; Vermont Historical Society, Collections.

MASSACHUSETTS: Acts and Resolves of the Province of Massachusetts Bay; Barry, Massachusetts, II; Washburn, Judicial History of Massachusetts; Medicine in Massachusetts, in Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, Second Series, I; Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, Index Volume (the contents of the Collections may be learned from the indexes in the tenth volume of each series); Nason, Life of Frankland; Upham, Salem Witchcraft, Introduction; Winsor, Memorial History of Boston; S. A. Drake, Old Landmarks of Boston. The social conditions can be further studied in the town records, especially in the following: Weston Town Records, 1746–1803; Boston Record Commissioners' Reports (Nos. 14, 16, 17, and 19 contain the Boston Town Records and the Selectmen's Minutes, 1742 to 1763).

RHODE ISLAND: Laws of Rhode Island; Rhode Island Colonial Records; Historical Society, Proceedings; Arnold, History of Rhode Island; Staples, Annals of Providence; Newport Historical Magazine; G. W. Greene, History of East Greenwich; Westerly and its Witnesses; W. E. Foster, Life of Stephen Hopkins.

CONNECTICUT: Hinman, Antiquities of Connecticut; Hollister, History of Connecticut; Barber, Historical Collections of Connecticut; History of New London; Caulkins, History of Norwich; New Haven Historical Collections; Connecticut Historical Society, Collections.

NEW YORK: Acts of the Assembly of New York; New York Historical Society, Collections; Smith, History of New York; Jones, History of New York during the Revolution; Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York; Wood, Long Island; Historical Collections of Long Island; Furman, Antiquities of Long Island; Furman, History of Brooklyn; Thompson, History of Long Island; Mandeville, History of Flushing; Valentine, History of New York [City]; Memorial

§ 133.]

The Colonies in 1760.


History of New York [City]; Denton, Account of New York [City]; Munsell, Annals of Albany; An Account of a Journey to Niagara and Quebec, 1765.

NEW JERSEY: Allinson, Laws of New Jersey; New Jersey Archives; Barber, Historical Collections of New Jersey; Elmer, Constitutional Government of New Jersey; Murray, Notes on Elizabeth; Hatfield, History of Elizabeth; G. Thomas, History of Salem, West New Jersey; Wickes, History of Medicine in New Jersey.

PENNSYLVANIA: The Charters and Acts of the Province of Pennsyl vania; Votes of Pennsylvania; Hazard, Pennsylvania Archives and Colonial Records; Pennsylvania Historical Society, Collections; Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography; Penn and Logan Correspondence; Proud, History of Pennsylvania; Egle, Pennsylvania; Scharf, History of Philadelphia; Watson, Annals of Philadelphia; Smith, History of Delaware County; Life and Works of Benjamin Franklin; Michaux, Travels; History of the University of Pennsylvania.

MARYLAND: Bacon, Laws of Maryland; Maryland Historical Society, Proceedings and Fund Publications; Histories of Maryland, by Scharf (Vol. II), McMahon, McSherry, and Browne; Neill, Terra Maria; Johnston, History of Cecil County; Jacob, Life of Cresap; Griffiths, Annals of Baltimore; Ridgely, Annals of Annapolis; Eddis, Letters from America; Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1752-61; T. C. Gambrall, Church Life in Colonial Maryland.

VIRGINIA: Hening, Laws of Virginia; Campbell, History of Virginia; Beverly, Virginia; Burk, Virginia, Vol. III; Jefferson, Notes on Virginia; Meade, Old Churches and Families of Virginia; Foote, Sketches of Virginia; Semple, The Baptists in Virginia; Kercheval, History of the Valley of Virginia; Peyton, History of Augusta County; Maury, Huguenot Family; R. A. Brock, Huguenot Emigration to Virginia (Virginia Historical Society, Collections, Vol. V); Hartwell, Blair, and Chilton, Present State of Virginia; Jones, Present State of Virginia; Dinwiddie's papers in Virginia Historical Society, Collections, New Series, Vols. II and III; E. Ingle, Local Institutions of Virginia; and Channing, Town and County Government. See also biographies and writings of Washington, Jefferson, Henry, Mason, and Madison.

NORTH CAROLINA: Archives of North Carolina, edited by Saunders; Iredell, Laws of North Carolina; Martin, History of North Carolina;

Williamson, History of North Carolina; Wheeler, Historical Sketches of North Carolina; Lawson, Descriptions of North Carolina; Bernheim, German Settlements in North and South Carolina.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Grimké, Laws of South Carolina; Cooper, Laws of South Carolina (contains the Statutes at Large arranged topically); Ramsay, History of South Carolina; Logan, History of the Upper Country of South Carolina; Mills, Statistics of South Carolina; Glen (governor of the colony), Answers to the Lords of Trade is in De Brahm, Documents [relating to] South Carolina; Glen, Description of South Carolina is in Carroll's Historical Collections, II (which also contain contemporary accounts by Purry, Milligan, Archdale, etc.). See also The Charleston Year-Books.

GEORGIA: Historical Society, Collections, the histories of the colony by C. C. Jones, McCall, and Stevens; White, Statistics of the State of Georgia; White, Historical Collections of Georgia; Lee, History of Savannah; Strobel, The Salzburgers; Miller, Bar and Bench; Moore, Voyage to Georgia.

Bibliography. Winsor, America, Vol. V (the Index, under the names of the several colonies, indicates the portions of the volume devoted to bibliography); Lodge, English Colonies (footnotes to the chapters cited at the head of this section); Perkins, Check-list of American Local History. Convenient lists are appended to the several volumes of the American Church History Series.

§ 134. Passive Resistance, 1761-1766.

Summary. — 1761, Writs of Assistance. - 1763, The Parson's Cause. - 1763, Pontiac's Conspiracy. 1764, Revision of the trade laws. — 1765, Stamp Act passed. — Was it constitutional? Reception in the colonies. —1765, The Stamp Act Congress, its importance as a precedent. Condition of political parties in England. The first Rockingham Ministry. -1766, The Act repealed. The Declaratory Act.

General. Frothingham, Rise of the Republic, Ch. v; Lecky, England, Ch. xii; Mellen Chamberlain, in Winsor, America, VI, 1–34; Channing, The United States, 1765-1865, Ch. ii; George Bancroft, United States (last revision); Hildreth, United States; Gay, Bryant's Popular History.

§ 134-]

Passive Resistance.


Special. -ON THE SECTION AS WHOLE: Mahon, England, Chs. xliii-xlv (omitting portions relating to America in general and to English politics); Ramsay, History of the American Revolution; Grahame, History of the United States, IV; Gordon, History of the American Revolution; Holmes, Annals; Mrs. Warren, History of the Rise, etc.; Pitkin, Political History of the United States; Wm. Kingsford, History of Canada, V.

WRITS OF ASSISTANCE: Horace Gray in Appendix I (especially p. 540) to Quincy's Reports of Massachusetts Bay, 1761-72, and ibid., p. 51; Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England, II, Ch. xviii; Tudor, Life of James Otis; Minot, History of Massachusetts, II; Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts, III; Barry, Massachusetts, III.

THE PARSON'S CAUSE: Lives of Patrick Henry, by William Wirt, M. C. Tyler, and W. W. Henry, especially the latter's work, Vol. I; Campbell, Virginia, 507; Hening, Laws of Virginia; Burk, History of Virginia; Maury, Huguenot Family.

THE STAMP ACT: Mahon, England, Chs. xliii and xlv; Massey's and Adolphus's Histories of England; The Rockingham Papers; The Grenville Papers, Vol. II; Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; Bedford Correspondence; Almon's Papers; Walpole, Letters; Works of Edmund Burke; Campbell, Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Lives of the Lord Chief Justices (Camden and Mansfield); Parliamentary History; Rogers, Protests of the Lords; Fitzmaurice, Life of Shelburne; Wells, Life of Samuel Adams; Hosmer, S. Adams; and lives of Otis, Hutchinson, John Adams, and Henry, especially W. W. Henry's Patrick Henry, Vol. I; Hutchinson, Massachusetts, III; P. O. Hutchinson, Governor Hutchinson, I. Franklin's examination is in his Works. For the Stamp Act Congress see Account of the Proceedings of the Congress held in New York in 1765, reprinted in Niles, Principles and Acts, and elsewhere.

Sources. STATEMENTS OF THE AMERICAN THEORY: James Otis's speech on Writs of Assistance in Quincy, Reports, as above; Tudor, Life of Otis; Minot, History of Massachusetts; and see also S. A. Green in Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, December 11, 1890; James Otis, Vindication of the Massachusetts House of Representatives; James Otis, The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, 1764; Stephen Hopkins, The Rights of Colonies Examined, 1765; Richard Bland, Enquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, 1769; S. Adams, or Otis, or both, Vindication of the Town of Boston,

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