Imágenes de páginas

§ 56 b.]

Brief List of General Readings.


3. Goldwin Smith, United States, Ch. v; Simon Sterne, Constitutional History, 190-274; S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History of the United States, IV, Chs. xvii-xxiii.

5. James G. Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress, I, Chs. xi-xxvi; II. 6. J. C. Ridpath, Popular History of the United States, Chs. lxvii-lxxi. The following general works on this period were announced or in preparation in December, 1895:

J. W. Burgess, History of the United States since 1815; James Schouler, History of the United States, VI; James F. Rhodes, History of the United States since 1850, IV-V; Frederic Bancroft, Life of William H. Seward; Geo. C. Gorham, Life of Edwin M. Stanton; Eben G. Scott, History of Reconstruction; George T. Curtis, Constitutional History of the United States, II; Thornton K. Lothrop, William H. Seward; Moorfield Storey, Charles Sumner; Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Charles Francis Adams; Albert Bushnell Hart, Salmon P. Chase.

§ 56 b. General Readings.

1000-1600. Discovery and Exploration.

(For topical references, see §§ 81-87, 92-96.)

1. T. W. Higginson, Larger History, 27-108; R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 20-32, 36-42.

2. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, I, 118–174; J. G. Palfrey, Compendious History of New England, I, 2-17; J. A. Doyle, The English in America, Virginia, 18-82.

3. George Bancroft, United States (original edition), I, 1-68; (last revision) I, 1-49.

4. J. Winsor, America, I, 59-75; II, 1-23, 129-152, 231-259, 473498; III, 1-7.

5. C. R. Markham, Christopher Columbus; J. Winsor, Columbus ; A. Helps, Spanish Conquest of America, and Columbus.

6. H. Harrisse, Discovery of America; John Fiske, Discovery of America.

7. R. Biddle, Sebastian Cabot; H. Harrisse, John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America.

8. F. Parkman, Pioneers of France.

9. J. A. Froude, English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century, and History of England, XI, 94, 369–403, 441; J. K. Laughton, The Spanish Armada, Introduction; J. Cobbett, Life of Sir Francis Drake; C. R.

Markham, The Hawkins' Voyages; E. Edwards, Life of Walter Ralegh; I. Tarbox, Sir Walter Ralegh.

10. E. J. Payne, Elizabethan Seamen; T. W. Higginson, American Explorers.

1490-1700. French Exploration and Colonization.

(For topical references, see §§ 87-91.)

1. R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 32-36, 246–252; T. W. Higginson, Larger History, Ch. v; G. Bryce, History of the Canadian People, 128162.

2. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, I, 174-200; J. A. Doyle, English Colonies in America, Virginia, I, 82-146; F. Parkman, Conspiracy of Pontiac, Ch. ii.

3. G. Bancroft, United States (original edition), I, 15-34, 68-83; III, 109-174; (last revision) I, 15-21, 50-59; II, 149–174.

4. R. Hildreth, United States, I, 42, 44-46, 71–75, 91-92; II, 99–122. 5. Winsor, America, II, 260-283; IV, 5-10, 46–62, 103–130.

6. F. Parkman, Pioneers of France (edition 1887), 1-179, 187-443; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West (edition of 1879); A HalfCentury of Conflict, I, Ch. xiii.

7. H. Harrisse, Discovery of America, 214-228; Murphy, Voyage of Verrazano; J. C. Brevoort, Verrazano, the Navigator; H. B. Stephens, Jacques Cartier; J. Sparks, Life of Ribault; E. M. Slafter, "Memoir," prefixed to his edition of Champlain's Works.

1607-1760. The Southern Colonies.

(For topical references, see §§ 97-103.)

1. H. C. Lodge, English Colonies, Chs. i-x; R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 64-111, 258–263; G. P. Fisher, Colonial Era, 30-81, 272–312. 2. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, I, 262-339, 476–517; J. A. Doyle, The English in America, Virginia, and the Carolinas. 3. J. Winsor, America, III, 127-153, 517-553; V, 258-270, 285-335, 357-392.

4. G. Bancroft, United States (original edition), I, 97-108, 133–176, 209-285; II, 128–234, 246–256; III, 13–34, 417–446; (last revision) I, 99-118, 135-176, 408-474; II, 9-13, 20-23, 281-299, 340–341.

5. R. Hildreth, United States, I, 94–96, 99–135, 204-215, 335-367, 509-572; II, 25-43, 90-92, 173–182, 208-215, 228–240, 267, 276, 285– 293, 326-329, 336-340, 362-369, 374-385, 414.

§ 56b.]

General Readings, 1000-1760.


6. C. Campbell, Introduction to History of Virginia; W. H. Browne, Maryland (Commonwealth series); W. J. Rivers, Sketch of the History of South Carolina.

7. Charles Campbell, History of Virginia; J. T. Scharf, History of Maryland, I and II; F. X. Martin, North Carolina; D. Ramsay, South Carolina; C. C. Jones, History of Georgia.

8. Ann Maury, Huguenot Family; Kercheval, History of the Valley of Virginia; Streeter, Maryland Two Hundred Years ago; Bernheim, German Settlements in North and South Carolina.

9. Meade, Old Churches and Families of Virginia; W. H. Browne, George and Cecilius Calvert; H. Bruce, Oglethorpe.

1609-1760. The Middle Colonies.

(For topical references, see §§ 104-108.)

1. H. C. Lodge, English Colonies, Chs. xi-xvii; R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 195-232; G. P. Fisher, Colonial Era, 177-206, 241-271. 2. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, I, 339-369, 429-450; J. Winsor, America, IV, 395–409; III, 385-411, 421-449, 469-495. 3. G. Bancroft, United States (original edition), II, 256-326, 359-404, 410-426; III, 35-65; (last revision) I, 475-527; II, 24-46, 339–342. 4. R. Hildreth, United States, I, 136–149, 413-450; II, 44–78, 87, 91, 130, 138-140, 171–172, 182-187, 192, 200-207, 219, 226, 242-246, 260, 315, 320, 342-345, 357-361, 365, 391, 408.

5. E. H. Roberts, New York (Commonwealth series); T. F. Gordon, History of New Jersey; W. H. Egle, Illustrated History of Pennsylvania.

6. W. H. Smith, History of the Province of New York; Samuel Smith, History of the Colony of New Jersey; Robert Proud, History of Pennsylvania.

7. Archer, Henry Hudson; J. R. Brodhead, History of the State of New York (to 1691); Janney, Life of Wm. Penn; Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography (in his Works, see § 32); Biographies of Franklin (see § 25).

1607-1760. New England.

(For topical references, see §§ 109-130.)

1. H. C. Lodge, English Colonies, Chs. xviii-xxii; R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 112–194; G. P. Fisher, Colonial Era, 82-176, 215-240. 2. J. Fiske, Beginnings of New England; R. Frothingham, Rise of the Republic, 33-67; J. Bryce, American Commonwealth, I, 589–598.

3. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, I, 370-428, 517-558; II, 1-51, 68-114, 373-471; Winsor, America, III, 257-283, 295-339; V, 87-104.

4. G. Bancroft, The United States (original edition), I-III; (last revision) I and II, passim.

5. R. Hildreth, United States, I, II, passim.

6. J. G. Palfrey, Compendious History of New England, I–IV. 7. J. Winsor, Memorial History of Boston, I, II.

8. C. F. Adams, Three Episodes of Massachusetts History; J. A. Doyle, The English in America, The Puritan Colonies.

9. Wm. Barry, History of Massachusetts; S. G. Arnold, History of Rhode Island; B. Trumbull, History of Connecticut; H. Hall, History of Vermont; J. Belknap, History of New Hampshire; W. D. Williamson, History of Maine.

10. S. R. Gardiner, History of England since the Accession of James I, III, Ch. xxvi; IV, Ch. xxxvi.

11. A. Young, Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, and Chronicles of Massachusetts; Davis's edition of Morton's New England's Memorial.

12. M. Egleston, Land Systems of New England; C. F. Adams and others, The Genesis of the New England Town System, in Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, Second Series, VII; W. F. Allen, Essays; W. B. Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England.

1690-1763. Expulsion of the French.

(For topical references, see §§ 131, 132.)

1. T. W. Higginson, Larger History, Ch. vii; W. M. Sloane, French War and Revolution, 22-115; R. G. Thwaites, The Colonies, 252-257; A. B. Hart, Formation of the Union, 22-41.

2. J. Winsor, America, V, 105-110, 153-156, 406-418, 483-559; F. Parkman, Conspiracy of Pontiac, Ch. v.

3. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, II, 314, 322, 327, 499–526; III, 45, 125, 192-221; B. A. Hinsdale, Old Northwest, Ch. v.

4. G. Bancroft, United States (last revision), II, 175-185, 305-311, 343, 419-443, 450-565.

5. R. Hildreth, United States, II, 182, 193, 258–262, 265, 276, 317, 330-332, 394-400, 433-496.

6. Francis Parkman, Frontenac and New France, 208-285, 335-387, A Half-Century of Conflict, and Montcalm and Wolfe.

7. Wm. Kingsford, History of Canada; McMullen, History of Canada; D. Hannay, Acadia; B. Murdock, History of Nova Scotia.

§ 56 b.]

General Readings, 1690-1783.


8. P. H. Smith, Acadia, a Lost Chapter; E. Richard, Acadia, Missing Links in a Lost Chapter of American History.

9. Histories of the New England States, of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, and of the States formed from the Territory northwest of the Ohio River, especially Dunn's Indiana (see § 23).

1760-1783. The American Revolution.

(For topical references, see §§ 133-143.)

1. H. C. Lodge, English Colonies, Chs. xxiii-xxv; J. Fiske, The War of Independence (Riverside Library for Young People); T. W. Higginson, Larger History, Chs. ix-xii.

2. W. M. Sloane, French War and Revolution, 116-369; G. W. Greene, Historical View, 1-320; A. B. Hart, Formation of the Union, 42-101; E. Channing, The United States, 1765-1865, 1–106.

3. R. Frothingham, Rise of the Republic, 158-558; W. E. H. Lecky, England in the Eighteenth Century, III, Ch. xii; IV, Chs. xiv, xv. 4. J. Winsor, America, VI, 1-62, 113-172, 275-314, 367-403, 469507, 563-588, 605–647, 716–753; VII, 1–72, 89–165.

5. J. Fiske, The American Revolution, 2 vols.

6. G. Bancroft, United States (last revision), III-VI, 86.

7. R. Hildreth, United States, III.

8. S. H. Gay, Bryant's Popular History, III, 329–623.

9. William Tudor, Life of James Otis ; W. V. Wells, Life of Samuel Adams; J. T. Morse, Jr., John Adams; J. Bigelow, Benjamin Franklin; W. W. Henry, Life of Patrick Henry; W. Jay, Life of John Jay; Randall, Life of Thomas Jefferson; H. C. Lodge, George Washington, I, Chs. v-xi.

10. W. G. Sumner, Finances and Financier of the Revolution; W. B. Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England; E. J. Lowell, The Hessians; G. W. Greene, German Element.

II. Mahon, History of England, Chs. li-liii; Adolphus, History of England; E. F. De Lancey's edition of Jones, New York in the Revolutionary War; Sabine, The Loyalists; Ryerson, The American Loyalists.

12. B. J. Lossing, Field-Book of the Revolution; Dawson, Battles of the United States; Carrington, Battles of the American Revolution.

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