NOTICE. The favourable reception of late given to numerous reprints of English Classics in a compact, portable, and inexpensive form, has induced the Proprietors of SIR WALTER SCOTT'S Works to follow the example. They are now producing an Edition of his NOVELS, compressed into Five Volumes, Royal Octavo; his POEMS are here presented in a Single Volume of corresponding dimensions; and the same course will be adopted presently as to his MISCELLANEOUS PROSE WRITINGS, including his Biographies of Swift, Dryden, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Novelists; Tales of a Grandfather, &c., with his Antiquarian and Critical Essays. THIS Volume contains a more complete Collection of SIR WALTER'S POETRY than has ever before appeared. In addition to the great Metrical Romances, and the Miscellaneous Pieces given in the later Editions, it includes, for the first time, the Songs and Fragments scattered over his Novels, and various Specimens, both Serious and Comic, which were originally printed in the MEMOIRS OF HIS LIFE. As the object in the present Collection has been to adhere to the original productions of SIR WALTER, the old parts of the Romance of Sir Tristrem are not given, nor the Contributions to the Minstrelsy by other hands. In the arrangement of annotations, it has, upon mature consideration, been thought most advisable to follow as nearly as possible the plan originally adopted by the Poet himself. The Author's longer Notes, so rich in historical and biographical interest, are given in Appendices to the several Romances, and other larger performances; the short ones, explanatory chiefly of ancient words and phrases, at the bottom of the page. To avoid confusion, the Notes of the Editor are given with these last. 1839. The references to the Life of SIR WALTER apply to the Second Edition, J. G. L. 13th March, 1841 |