death of Lord Melville and President Blair, 264. On the Vision of Don Roderick, 277. Dedication to him of Rokeby, 289. Letter on Rokeby, 311. "Morte Arthur," romance of the, ex- tract from regarding the "Chapell Perilous," 145.
Mortham Castle, description of, 355. Morton, Earl of, Regent, 236. 599. Moss-troopers, 48. See Borderers. Motherwell, William, his collection of ballads, 550.
Mottoes, "sooner make thas find them," 660.
"MOTTOES from the Waverley Novels,"
658 passim 719. Mull, the Sound of, 464. Mummers, English, 166. Murder, superstition formerly resorted to for the discover of, 773.
Mure, John of Auchindrane, 770. His son James, 772. Murray, Thomas, Randolph, Earl of, at Bannockburn, 454. 489. 491. 493. the Regent, death of, 595.
-, Mr. William, manager of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh, 707. "MY AUNT MARGARET'S MIRROR," Mottoes from, 713.
Mysteries, ancient, 166
NEAL NAIGHVALLACH, an Irish King of the fourth or fifth century, 362. "Neck Verse," the, 12. Necromancy, 47, 48. 66.
Nelson, Lord, tribute to the memory of, 77.104. "Unpleasant chapter in his history," 794, n.
Newark Castle, on the Yarrow, 9. Nicholas, Grand-Duke (now Emperor) of Russia, "VERSES sung after a din- ner given to him at Edinburgh," 656. "No, John, I will not own the book," 647.
"NOBLE MORINGER, THE," 618. "NORA'S Vow," 655.
Norham Castle, 147.
Penance vaults, 155.
Penrith, "Round table" of, 379. 405. Pepys, Secretary, his collection of bai- lads, 543.
Pepper, Father, 565.
Percy, Bishop, his copy of "Chevy Chace," 540. "Reliques of Ancient Poetry," 544. Imitations of the an- cient ballad, 557.
Henry, at Homildon Hill, 721. Thomas, his defence of the bishop against Ritson's criticism, 547. "PEVERIL OF THE PEAK," Mottoes from, 699-701.
"PHAROS LOQUITUR," 640. Philipson, Major Robert, called "Ro- bin the Devil," 372. Pibroch, the, 237. "PIBROCH OF DONALD DHU," 655. Picton, Sir Thomas, 505. Picts, the, a Celtic race, 541. Pilgrims, 151.
Pinkerton, John, his collection of bal- lads, 548. 703. List of Scottish poets, 548.
"PIRATE," Verses from the, 687-693. Pisistratus, Homer's Works, collected by, 538.
Pitcairn, Robert, Esq. Editor of "Cri- minal Trials of Scotland," 775. Ex- tracts from his work, 771, 772. 774. "PITT CLUB of Scotland, SONGS written for the," 639, 640.
Pitt, Right Hon. William, 633. "Among those who smiled on the adventurous minstrel," 6. Procured for Scott the office of Clerk of Session, 73, 74. Tri- butes to his memory, 76. 143. His grave beside that of Mr. Fox, 78, 79. Plotcock, summons of, preceding the battle of Flodden, 125. 165. 649. "POACHER, THE," 636. "POETRY, POPULAR, Introductory Re- marks on," 537. Continuation of the subject under the title of "Essay on the Imitations of the Ancient Ballad," 554.
"POETRY, ROMANTIC, Remarks on," 373. State of the art of, at the end of the 18th century, 560. Poniatowski, Count, 504. Ponsonby, Sir William, 505.
Pope, lines from, on the ruling passion, 98, n. Priam, 107.
Pringle, the late Alexander, Esq. of Whytbank, 87, n.
"PROPHECY, THE," 563. 672. Pryse, "to sound the," 597. 599. Pye, Henry James, Esq., 565.
QUARTERLY REVIEW, critical notices from, on the Lady of the Lake, 188. 198. 215. Don Roderick, 266. 269, 270, 271. 276. Rokeby, 289. 292. 343, 344. 346. Bridal of Triermain, 377. 379. 381, 382. 386. 401, 402. And Lord of the Isles, 410. 417. 424. 427. 432. 440. 460, 461. "QUENTIN DURWARD," Verses from, 701-2.
RAE, Right Hon. Sir William, 108. Ramsay, Sir Alexander, of Dalhousie, cruel murder of, 52.
Allan, structure of stanza used by him, 542. As a ballad collector, 544. His "Tea-Table Miscellany," 64. 544. And "Vision," 548.
-, Captain, at the action of Fuen- tes d'Honoro, 283.
Robert the Bruce. See Bruce. Robertson, Rev. Principal, his account of the death of the Regent Murray 595.
Rob Roy. death-bed anecdote of, 227, n See Macgregor.
"ROB ROY," Verses from, 667-8. Robin Hood, 218. 258. 538. 543. 549. Rogers, Samuel, Esq., "the Bard of Memory," 560.
Roderick, Gothic King of Spain, de- feated and killed by the Moors, 278 280. His enchanted cavern, 279. 282 See Don Roderick. "ROKEBY," 285. Rokeby Castle, 300. 354. 364.
family of, 354. 364.
Felon Sow of, 365.
Roman antiquities at Greta Bridge,
camp, at Ardech, 255. "ROMANCE OF DUNCIS," 650. Romance literature, birth of, 161. Romilly, Sir Samuel, his opinion of the Lady of the Lake, 222, n.
Rose, William Stewart, Esq. Dedica tion to, of the First Canto of Marmior., 76.
Ross, John, Earl of, his treaty with K. Edward IV., 463.
Ross, William, Earl of, deed containing his submission to K. Robert Bruce, 492.
Sir Walter, 484. "Round Table," 145. 405.
Roxburghe Club, the, 704.
John, Duke of, 543. 566. Rum, Island of, 482. Russell, Major-General Sir James, of Ashestiel, 73. Rutherford, Miss Christian, aunt of Sir Walter Scott, 173. 622.
of Hunthill, family of, 67.
ST. CLAIR, family of, 69, 70. "SAINT CLOUD," 648.
Saint John, Valo of, 405.
St Mary's Lake, 252.
"ST. RONAN'S WELL," Mottoes from, 702.
"ST. SWITHIN'S CHAIR," 644. Saints. St. Bride of Douglas, 71. Chad, 142. 171. Columba, 590. Cuthbert, 153, 154, 155. Dunstan, 235. Fillan, 151. 590. George, 506. Hilda, 92 154. Maronock, 263. Modan, 235. Mungo, 1. Oran, 590. Regulna, (Scottice Rule, 151. Rosalia, 1E Serle, 217 Trimon, 783
Sale Room," the, an Edinburgh perio- dical, 661, n. ; 665, n. Sallust, Extract from, on the Death of Catiline, 503, n. Sangreal, the, 145.
Saxons, the Anglo, their language, 541. 545. 553; and poetry, 675-6. SAXON WAR-SONG," 675. Scalds, antique poetry of the, 676. Scales-tarn, Lake of, 379. Schiller, 560. 562.796.
Schiltrum, signification of, 493, n. Scots Magazine, the, extracts from, 96.
401. 534. 591. 737.
Scots Greys, 696.
Scott of Buccleuch. See Buccleuch.
of Harden, family of, 62. 152. 166.
Hugh, Esq. of Harden, now Lord Polwarth, 166.564, n.; 566 n. His lady, 564, n. 565. Inscription for the mo- nument of the Rev. John Scott, their son, 717.
John, Esq., of Gala, 410, n. Sir John, of Thirlestane, 61. Mary, "the Flower of Yarrow," 25. 62. 152.
Sir Michael, 15. 52, 53, 54.
Miss Sophia, the author's daughter, 618, n.
Robert, of Sandyknows, the au- thor's grandfather, 99.
Walter, Lessudden, the author's great-grandsire, 129. 166.
Major Sir Walter, the author's eld- est son, 652.
and Kerr, feuds of the families of, 47. Sea-fire, phenomenon so called, 468. Seaforth, the last Earl of, 647, n. Seal, its taste for music, 410. 464. "SEARCH AFTER HAPPINESS, the; or,
the Quest of Sultaun Solimaun," 661. Seatoun, Christopher, fate of, 474. Second-sight, account of the, 232. 590. "SECRET TRIBUNAL RHYMES," 715. "Selectors of the slain," 70. "SEMPACH, BATTLE OF," 615. Serendib, 661.
"SETTING SUN," Juvenile Lines on the, 623.
Seven Spears of Wedderburn, 30.
Shields, the Castle of the, ballad of, 526. Seward, Miss Anna, criticisms by, 17, n.; 23, n. 40, n. Letter to, 40, n. Epi- taph designed for her monument, 635. Seymour, Lord Webb, 370.
Shakspeare, his description of a popular song, 555.
Shane-Dymas, an Irish chieftain in the reign of Elizabeth, 363.
"Sharpe, Sir Cuthbert, IANES to," 712. Sharpe, Charles K., Esq. of Hoddam, 540, n. 550, n.; 742.
Shaw, Mr. James, notice of a list of Sir Walter Scott's publications prepared by him, 565.
Sheale, Richard, the author or tran- scriber of "Chevy Chase," 540. 553. "SHEPHERD'S TALE, THE," 624. Sheridan, Thomas, Esq., 359. Shoreswood, the priest of, 150. Sibbald, Mr. James, 703.
Siddons, Mrs. Henry, EPILOGUES writ- ten for, 669. 706.
Sidney, Sir Philip, his opinion of the ballad of "Chevy Chase," 539, n., 540.555.
Sinclair, Right Hon. Sir John, 697.
Sir Charles Baudwin," Chatterton's ballad of, 557. "Sir Caulin," ib. 547.
"Sir Eger, Sir Grime, and Sir Greysteil,' romances of, 541.
"Sir Martyn," a forgotten poem of Mickle, extract from, 553. "Sir Patrick Spens," old Scottish song of, 569.
"Sir Tristrem," metrical romance of Thomas the Rymer," 542. 557. 581. Skene, James, Esq. of Rubislaw, Dedi- cation to, of the Fourth Canto of Mar- mion, 105.
Skirving, Mr., author of a Ballad on the Battle of Prestonpans, 556. Sky, Island of, description of its scen- ery, 427. 478.
Smailholm Tower, description of, 591. "SMITH, MISS, LINES WRITTEN FOR,' 665.
Smith, Sir Sidney, Tribute to, 97. Smythe, Professor at Cambridge, 571. Snakes and Serpents, 70.
Snood, worn by Scottish maidens, 196.
Snow, description of a man perishing in, 106. 158.
Snowdoun, (Stirling,) 229. 260. "SOLDIER WAKE, SONG," 707. Soltier, Sir John, 62, 63.
Somerled, Lord of the Isles, 412. 465. Somerville, John, 15th Lord, 410, n; 694, n.
Lord, (temp. Jac. III.) anec- dote of, 704, n. SONGS-
Admire not that I gain'd the prize, 746.
A Hawick gill of mountain dew, 696. Ah! County Guy, the hour is nigh, 701. Ah, poor Louise! the live-long day, 713.
Allan-a-Dale has no fagot for burning, 315.
All joy was bereft me the day that you left me, 632.
An hour with thee! when earliest day,
And did you not hear of a mirth befel, 642.
And whither would you lead me then! 332.
Anna-Maria, love, up is the sun, 676. Assist me, ye friends of old books and old wine, 703.
Ave Maria! maiden mild! 202. A weary lot is thine, fair maid, 315. A weary month has wander'd o'er, 648. Birds of omen dark and foul, 673. Canny moment, lucky fit, 652. Dark Ahriman, whom Irak still, 708. Dinas Emlinn, lament; for the mo- ment is nigh, 630. Donald Caird's come again, 670. Dust unto dust, 677.
Enchantress, farewell, who so oft has decoy'd me, 694.
False love, and hast thou play'd me this? 643.
Farewell to MacKenneth, great Earl of the North, 647.
Farewell merry maidens to song and to laugh, 690.
Farewell to Northmaven, 687.
Fathoms deep beneath the wave, 688. Follow me, follow me, 647.
From the Brown crest of Newark its summons extending, 651. Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, 653. Glowing with love, on fire for fame, 651. God protect brave Alexander, 656. Go sit old Cheviot's crest below, 627. Hail to the chief who in triumph ad- vances, 189.
Hail to thy cold and clouded beam, 298.
Hawk and osprey screamed for joy, 521.
Hear what Highland Nora said, 655. He is gone on the mountain, 198. Hie away, hie away, 644.
High deeds achiev'd of knightly fame 674.
Hither we come, 776.
Hurra, hurra, our watch is done, 397. I asked of my harp, "Who hath in-
jured thy cords?" 707.
I climb'd the dark brow of the mighty Helvellyn, 629.
Ill fares the bark with tackle riven, 522.
I'll give thee, good fellow, a twelve month or twain, 675.
It chanced that Cupid on a season, 651 It was a' for our rightful king, 359. It was an English ladye bright, 37. It was Dunois the young and brave. was bound for Palestine, 650.
I was a wild and wayward boy, 329. Joy to the victors! the sons of old Aspen, 803.
Look not thou on beauty's charming,
Lord William was born in gilded bower, 517.
Love wakes and weeps, 690. MacLeod's wizard flag from the grey castle sallies, 669.
March, march, Ettrick and Teviot- dale, 682.
Measurers of good and evil, 715. Merry it is in the good green wood, 205. Merrily swim we, the moon shines bright, 678.
My hawk is tired of perch and hood, 227.
My wayward fate I needs must plain,
Not faster yonder rowers might, 186. O, Brignall banks are wild and fair, 311.
O, dread was the time, and more dreadful the omen, 640.
Of all the birds on bush and tree, 685. Oh! say not, my love, with that mortified air, 637.
O, hush thee, my babie, thy sire was a knight, 652.
O, Lady, twine no wreath for me, 328. O listen, listen, ladies gay! 39. O, lovers' eyes are sharp to see, 632. O, low shone the sun on the fair lake of Toro, 631.
O, Maid of Isla, from the cliff, 694. Once again, but how changed since my wand'rings began, 654.
On Ettrick Forest's mountains dun, 694.
On Hallow-Mass Eve, 'ere you boune ye to rest, 644.
O, open the door, some pity to show, 631.
O, Robin Hood was a bowman good, 752.
O, tell me, harper, wherefore flow? 639. Our vicar still preaches that Peter and Poule, 221.
O, young Lochinvar is come out of tho west, 121.
Pibroch of Donuil Dhu, 655. Quake to your foundations deep, 400. Rash adventurer, bear thee back, 396. Red glows the forge in Striguil'n bounds, 630.
Saufen bier, und brante-wein, 653. She may be fair, he sang, but yet, 522. Since here we are set in array round the table, 633.
Soft spread the southern summer night, 648.
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er, 184. Soldier, wake-the day is peeping, 707.
So sung the old bard in the grief of his heart, 647.
Stern eagle of the far north-west, 687. Summer-eve is gone and past, 326 Sweet shone the sun on the fair lake of Toro. 804.
Take these flowers, which, purple waving, 624.
That day of wrath, that dreadful day,
The Baptist's fair morrow beheld gal- lant feats, 709.
The Druid Urien had daughters seven, 526.
The Forest of Glenmore is drear, 628. The heath this night must be my bed, 200.
The herring loves the merry moon- light, 657.
The last of our steers on the board has been spread, 717.
The monk must arise when the matins ring, 672.
The moon's on the lake, and the mist's on the brac, 656.
The news has flown frae mouth to mouth, 695.
The sound of Rokeby's woods I hear, 331.
The sun is rising dimly red, 688. The sun upon the lake is low, 742. The sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill, 666. The violet in her greenwood bower, 624.
There came three merry men from south, west, and north, 677. There is mist on the mountain, and night on the vale, 645.
They bid me sleep, they bid me pray, 208.
Though right be aft put down by strength, 639.
To horse! to horse! the standard flies, 604.
To the Lords of Convention 'twas Claver'se who spoke, 759. 'Twas All-soul's eve, and Surrey's heart beat high, 38. 'Twas a Maréchal of France, and he
fain would honour gain, 637. 'Twas near the fair city of Benevent, 709.
Twist ye, twine ye! even so, 653. Viewless essence, thin and bare, 713. Wake, maid of Lorn, 410. Waken, lords and ladies gay, 631. Wasted, weary, wherefore stay? 653. We love the shrill trumpet, we love the drums rattle, 744.
What makes the troopers' frozen courage muster? 809. Wheel the wild dance, 649.
When Israel of the Lord beloved, 676. Whence the brooch of burning gold,
When friends are met o'er merry cheer, 760.
When the heathen trumpets clang, 666.
When the tempest's at the loudest, 751.
Whet the bright steel, 675.
While the dawn on the mountain was misty and grey, 330. Where shall the lover rest? 100. Why sit'st thou by that ruin'd hall? 457
Why weep ye by the tide, ladie? 654. Yes, thou may'st sigh, 714.
Young men will love thee more fair
and more fast, 645. Southey, Dr. Robert, Letter from, on Marmion, 143, n. Lines from his Roderick contrasted with some of Scott's, 267, n. ; 268, n. ; 273. And Pil- grimage to Waterloo, 500, n.; passim 506, n. His Imitations of Ballad Poetry, 558. 567. Extract from his Life of Nelson, 794.
Spain, Defence of, under the Invasion of Bonaparte, 280.
Invasion of, by the Moors, 278. War with, in 1625-6, 358. "Speates and Raxes," Story of, 704. Spells, 57.
Spenser, Edmund, 116. 300. from his "Faërie Queene,” 276. Spirits, intermediate class of, 48. 157. 241, 242. 354. 599, 600. "Spirit's Blasted Tree," Legend of the, 166-168.
Staffa, Cave of, 435. 482.
Standard, The Battle of the, 156. Stanhope, Lady Hester, 6, n. Stewart, Professor Dugald, 359. 564. Stirling Castle, 217. 256. 259. Stoddart, Sir John, 5. Strafford, Earl of, 253. Strathmore, Earl of, killed at Sheriff- muir, 737, n.
Strathbogie. See Athole.
Stuart, Sir William of Ochiltree, mur- der of, in 1588, 235.
Strutt, Joseph, his Romance of Queen- hoo-hall, 257.
"SUB-PRIOR, TO THE," 679. Sultaun Solimaun, 661. Superstitions, Popular, 157. 773. See also "Fairies," "Ghosts," Spirits." Surrey, Earl of, (beheaded in 1546,) 69. Surtees, Robert, Esq. 523, n. Sutherland, Duchess of, 697. 726. Swinton, Sir John, 722. Arms of the family of, 724.
Swiss Guards, Massacre of the, in 1792, 604.
Swords, enchanted, 236. Sympathy, cure of a wound by, 57, 58.
Taghairm, a Highland mode of augury, 244, 245, 246.
"Tales of Wonder, Lewis," 566. "TALISMAN," Verses from the, 708-11 Tanistry, Irish custom of, 361. 786. Tantallan Castle, 127. 164.
Taylor, William, Esq., his version of "Lenore," 564.
Tecbir, The, theWar-cry of the Saracens, 268. 280.
Tees, the River, 316. Teith, the River, 178.
"TEMPEST, SONG OF THE," 687. Terry, the late Mr. Daniel, comedian, 652, n; 742.
Theatre, the, 546.
Themis, 2.
Thomas of Erceldoune, or "The Rhym- er," account of him, 572. His Pro- phecies, 573, 574. Legend of, 627. 541, 542. 545.
"Thomas the Rhymer," a Ballad in Three Parts, 572.
Thomson, Mr. D. of Galashiels, 670, n. Thomson, Thomas, Esq. Deputy-Regis- ter, 488.
"THUNDER STORM," Juvenile lines on a, 623.
Tickell, Mr., his Ballad Poetry, 650
558. "TIME," 657. Time, 194.
and tide, 346.
Tinchell, the, 225, n.; 566.
'TO A LADY, with flowers from a Ro- man wall," 624.
Town Eclogue, 25, n.
Train, Mr. Joseph, his assistance in col- lecting information for the author, 486, 487. Note from, (1840) 452. Tribunal, the Secret, or Invisible, of Germany, 796.
Triermain: See "Bridal of Triermain." family of, 404.
Trosachs, the, 179.
Trouveurs, or Troubadours, 538.
Tunes, attachment to, on death-beda,
Tunstall, Sir Brian, slain at Flodden, 171.
Turnberry Castle, 486-7.
Turner, J. M. W., R.A., 427, n. "TWEED RIVER, ON," 678.
Twenge, Sir Marmaduke, at Bannock- burn, 495.
Twisel Bridge, 136. 170.
"TWO DROVERS, "Mottoes from the 712-13.
Tynemonth Priory, 155.
Tytler, A. F. (Lord Woodhouselee,) his Collections of Ballads, 550. His ver sion of "The Robbers," 502.
P. F. Esq., his "History of Scot- land," 541, n.
Wellington, Duke of, 273, 274, 275. 282, 283, 284. "The Field of Waterloo," 503 passim 638, 639, 640. Wellington, Duchess of, dedication of "The Field of Waterloo" to, 499. "When with poetry dealing," 711. Whistling to raise a tempest, 354. Whitbread, Samuel, Esq., 633. Whitby Abbey, 153.
"WHITE LADY OF AVENEL," Songs of the, 678-682.
Whitmore, John, Esq., &c., dedication of the Vision of Don Roderick to, 264. 'WILD HUNTSMAN, THE," 610. Wilkes, John, Esq., 175.
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