Imágenes de páginas

first break the peace. 4th, all the french agree in everything, as stated above.

25. At 6 o'clock in the evening, three Agnieronons robbed Monsieur Pinguet, senior, Even to his shirt, while he was fishing for eels a little above Cap rouge. A huron of this band, taken at the island of orleans two years ago, escaped and betook himself to quebec. (That was found false.)

25. We learned from two frenchmen, at 10 o'clock in the evening, that the Agnieronons were in force, and that they were making a fort at cap rouge. (That was found false.)


28. Monsieur The abbé, after having pub- Excommunication. lished the monitory on three several sundays, Hurled excommunication, at high mass, against Those who had burned The house of Monsieur denis.


I. In the morning, A canoe arrived at quebec from Montreal, which brought the news that The Onontageronons or other savages had killed three frenchmen,- to wit, Monsieur Nicolas godet, St. pere, And his servant.12 This was on the 25th of october.

3. Geneviefve, a huron, died at the hospital, at 6 o'clock in the evening. Monsieur The abbé had given her the Viaticum, on all saints' day, as also the garb of Religion. On all souls' Day, he administered extreme unction; And, a little before dying, she took the vows of Religion, as she had desired. She

Frenchmen put to death.

Huron nun.

agnies prisonniers

enterre le lendemain Iour de dimanche a 1 hospital par Mr L abbè.

A 9 heures du soir le sieur la Meslee amena de trois Riuieres 5 Agnieronons a Mr le Gouuerneur pour scauoir d eux les meurtriers des trois francois tuez a montreal. ces 5 agnieronons furent pris auec 6 autres agnieronons par les francois des trois Riuieres qui les obligerent tout par finesse d'entrer dans le bourg & là sen saisirent vn desquels se deffendant Contre Mr le barbier qui se trouuoit trop foible pour larrester mit La main a lepee & frappa le dit Agnieronon de la pointe qui ne fit qu'effleurer la peau. les 5 cy dessus sont logez chez Mr Cousture & ont les fers aux pieds deux a deux.

3 En mesme temps nous aprismes, que les alguonquins 9 en Nombre qui estoient allez en guerre contre les Onontageronons vers les isles de Richelieu, estoient de retour auec vne Cheuelure d'Onontageronon.

4 a 7. heures du matin Mr d Alliboust Gouuerneur me donna aduis de ceste Nouuelle: me dit qu il estoit d'aduis d'Enuoyer 2 agnieronons des 11 prisoniers en leur païs pour aduertir leurs gens de leur detention et du subiet qui estoit du meurtre de 3 francois par les sauuages Et pour scauoir distinctement les meurtriers. Sur les 11 heures du matin il assembla les principaux habitans (aucun de nos peres ny fut appellè non plus

was only 15 years old. She was buried the next day, Sunday, at the hospital, by Monsieur The abbé.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, sieur la Meslee brought 5 Agnieronons from three Rivers to Monsieur the Governor, in order to learn. from them who were the murderers of the three frenchmen killed at montreal. These 5 agnieronons, with 6 other agnieronons, were taken by the french of three Rivers, who had obliged them all by subtlety to enter the village, and seized them there. One of them defended himself Against Monsieur le barbier, who, finding himself not strong enough to stop him, laid hold of his sword and struck the said Agnieronon with the point, which merely grazed the skin. The 5 mentioned above are lodged with Monsieur Cousture, and are shackled together, two by two.

3. At the same time, we learned that the alguonquins, 9 in Number, who had gone to war against the Onontageronons, toward the islands of Richelieu, had returned with an Onontageronon Scalp.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Monsieur d'Alliboust, Governor, 13 gave me word of this News. He told me that he was of opinion that 2 agnieronons of the 11 prisoners should be Sent into their country, to warn their people of their detention and of the cause of it,which was the murder of 3 frenchmen by the savages, And to learn definitely who were the murderers. About II o'clock in the morning, he assembled the principal habitans

Captive agniez.


point appellez aux qu'aux autres assemblees) leur exposa le subiet de leur assemblee. La Conclusion fut qu il failloit enuoyer deux Agnieronons &c. Supra

fran. noyé


5 6. 7. Mr le gouuerneur fait scauoir au fort aux sauuages le dessein qu il a pris d enuoyer a agnièe deux des prisoniers pour faire entendre a leur gens la cause de 1 emprisonement de leur Compagnons les sauuages approuuent ce dessein. 6. on mene deux prisoniers Chez nous, on leur dit qu'on les enuoye a Agnie. 7 le lendemain Ils partirent pour les trois Riuieres dans vne chalouppe.

17 Arriua de trois Riuieres vne chalouppe pleine de sauuages des terres qui apportent nouuelle que leur gens y sont arriuez. Ils venoient scauoir Ce qui se passoit a quebec.

19 Mr le gouuerneur prend dessein auec les sauuages de les enuoyer querir pour venir hyuerner a quebec.

A Midy vn canot tourna deuant quebec vn des deux francois qui estoit dedans fut noyè.

20 nous aprismes par lettres des trois Riuieres que les trois Agnieronons qu'on enuoyoit en leur païs pour les affaires cy dessus partirent le 13 de nouembre des trois Riuieres en Compagnie des francois qui les escorterent dans vne chalouppe iusques au premier sault de la Riuiere de Richelieu, crainte de mauuais rencontre.

(none of our fathers was called, any more than to the other assemblies), and set before them the purpose of their meeting. The Conclusion was, that it was necessary to send two Agnieronons etc.,- Ut Supra.

5, 6, 7. Monsieur the governor communicates to the savages at the fort his resolution to send two of the prisoners to agnièe, in order to apprise their people of the reason for the imprisonment of their Companions. The savages approve this design. 6. Two prisoners are brought To us; they are told that we are sending them to Agnie. 7. The next day They started in a shallop for three Rivers.

17. A shallop arrived from three Rivers, full of savages from the inland, who bring news that their people have arrived there. They came to learn What was going on at quebec.

19. Monsieur the governor takes counsel with the savages, to send for them and invite them to come and winter at quebec.

At Noon, a canoe capsized before quebec; one of the two frenchmen who were in it was drowned.

20. We learned by letters from three Rivers that the three Agnieronons, whom we were sending to their own country in behalf of the above-mentioned affairs, left three Rivers on the 13th of november. They went in Company with some frenchmen, who escorted them in a shallop as far as the first sault in the River of Richelieu, for fear of a hostile encounter.

Not called to the assemblies.



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