Imágenes de páginas

Mercier, and the 3rd from father pijart,—all three addressed to Monsieur Lambert Closse,"1 who received them on the Way from Montreal

at which The governor and The abbé Kaylus are offended.

to quebec,- happened to fall into the hands Letters intercepted, of Madame d'alleboust. After Sieur lambert had read them, he laid them on the table at the fort of quebec, having gone thither to visit Monsieur the Governor and madame the wife of the Governor. The latter took possession of them, and then showed them to Monsieur The Governor and to Monsieur The abbé, who was greatly piqued by them, because in the 2 last there were cutting words against him. Among other things, in the one from father pijart, it was stated that this sieur is of a violent temper, and that we are carrying on a war more annoying than that of the Iroquois.

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21, Sunday. Monsieur The Abbé said, upon preaching his sermon: Messieurs, before saying a word to you concerning the gospel, I will give you A piece of advice. Some persons come to church, not to apply to themselves what they hear, but to criticise it and explain my Intentions. It Would be better for them to stay at home, and be Abed, with a good quartan fever." Then he began the explanation of The gospel, which was, Cujus est Imago? wherein the pharisees try to surprise Our Lord in his words. He thus made them speak: "Who, then, is this Jesus, this Newcomer, who makes himself beloved. by the populace, who tries to discredit us? For thirty or 40 years, we have governed the

Satirical discourse by The abbé Kelus.

la Religion.


auons accoustumè a comander &c. Ne voulans pas luy parler eux mesmes Ils luy enuoyerent vn faiseur de complimens.


a 4 heures du soir est arriuè nouuelle des trois Riuieres: que 9 alguonquins sont allès en guerre contre les Iroquois d en bas Et d en hault ayant apris que les Iroquois y venoient les premiers: et qu'on en auoit veu deux canots au lac St pierre Vn Cabanage dans les trois Riuieres et que quelques Iroquois ont pillé deux francois a 1 arbre a la Croix.

24. Mr le gouuerneur assembla au fort les Alguonquins Et hurons pour Leur presenter les 2 colliers enuoyès d'Onontage par le P Ragueneau Ces 2 colliers disoient 1° que les Anciens n'auoient point trempè dans la trahison faite contre les Hurons. 2° que cestoient pour payer les domages et les tors que la Ieunesse d Onontage auoit fait aux francois en leur habitations.

Les sauuages demanderent quomen ils se Comporteroient enuers les Iroquois d en hault & den bas. La reponse fut 1° qu il leur seroit libre de se deffendre ou d'attaquer les premiers qu il seroit a propos neanmoins quil n'attaquasse point par de nos habitations. 2° que le francois Deffendra les Hurons Et algonquins a la veüe des maisons francoises. 3°.

state and Religion. We have been accustomed to command," etc. "Not wishing to speak to him themselves, They sent him a dealer in compliments."

24. At 4 o'clock in the evening, news arrived from three Rivers that 9 alguonquins have gone to war against both the lower And the upper Iroquois, having learned that the Iroquois were the first to come thither; that two canoes of the latter had been seen in lake St. pierre, and An Encampment on the three Rivers; and that some Iroquois have plundered two frenchmen at l'arbre a la Croix.

24. Monsieur the governor assembled at the fort the Alguonquins And hurons, in order to present to Them the 2 collars sent from Onontage by Father Ragueneau. These 2 collars said: Ist, that the Elders had not had a hand in the treachery committed against the Hurons; 2nd, that they were intended to pay for the damages and the wrongs which the Youth of Onontage had done to the french in their settlements.

The savages asked how they should Conduct themselves toward the upper and lower Iroquois. The answer was: 1st, that they would be free to defend themselves or to attack first; that it would, nevertheless, be proper for them not to make their attacks near our settlements. 2nd, that the french will Defend the Hurons And algonquins within sight of the french houses. 3rd, that the french will not be the first to strike the blow, and will not



francois mis a mort

Huronne religieuse.

le francois ne frappera pas le premier & ne rompera pas le premier la paix. 4° tous les francois ont consenti a tout ce que dessus.

25. a 6 heures du soir trois Agnieronons pillerent Iusque a la chemise M Pinguet le vieux, qui faisoit sa pesche d anguille vn peu au dessus du Cap rouge. Vn huron de ceste bande pris a 1 isle d orleans depuis deux ans s echappa & se rendit au quebec. (Cela s est trouuè fault)

25 Nous aprismes par deux francois a 10 heures du soir: que les Agnieronons estoient en nombre, et qu'il faisoient vn fort au cap rouge. Cela se trouua faux.)

28 Mr. Labbè Ietta 1 excomunication a la grand'messe apres auoir publiè le monitoire par trois diuers dimanches, contre Ceux qui auoient bruslè La maison de Mr denis.


I Arriua le matin de Montreal Vn canot a quebec qui porta nouuelle que Les Onontageronons ou autres sauuages auoient tuez trois francois scauoir Mr Nicolas godet, St pere, Et son garçon: Ce fut le 25 octobre.

3 Mourut a 6. heures du soir geneuiefue huronne, a 1 hospital, Mr L'abbè luy auoit donnè le Viatiq3 le iour de la toussaints, et l'habit Religieux, le Iour des morts 1 extreme onction Et vn peu deuant que de mourir elle fit les vœux de Religion selon qu'elle auoit desiré. Elle n'auoit que 15 ans elle fut

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