Imágenes de páginas

has written that he wishes to see the hurons before they leave for Agnie."

2nd: "Thou sayest, Agnieronon, that thou wilt pray to God with the huron. Thou wilt do nothing of the kind; if thou dost, it will be in appearance only."

3rd: "All the french shallops have gone to meet the governor. Thou knowest well how to make canoes; thou makest them when thou comest to split the huron's head, and thou shalt make some to come and bring him."


I. At 4 o'clock in the morning, Father le Mercier arrived in a Canoe,— with Caron and boquet, and some other frenchmen,-in good health, and bringing good news of The faith at Onontagè. The letter which Father Chaumonot writes to me from Ganentaha, near Onontagè, is dated the 17th of May. Thus, Father Mercier must have taken only 14 Days to come down from onontage to quebec.

The Reverend

Father le Mercier returns.

2. 14 huron women, with several little Hurons go to agniez. Children, embarked in 7 Agnieronon Canoes,

in order to go and live at agnie.

the destruction of the hurons.


Here begins

At 11 o'clock at Night, Father Ragueneau arrived in a shallop from three Rivers,

to go up to Onontage.

13. At two o'clock in the Afternoon, The Sillery burned down. house at Sillery, the chapel, and all the build

ings were reduced to Ashes by the fire, which

Hurons vont a onontagué.

P. ragueneau.

Iroq. perissent au
Sault S. Louis.

fran. et algonq. aux poissons blancs

Riv. du baptis Kam. 6. L. au dessous des

3 Rivi.

par la Cheminee de la Cuisine & que le vent porta par tout.

16 a 6 heures du matin les hurons de la nation de la Roche s embarquerent a quebec dans trois chalouppes equippees de francois pour les mener iusque a Montreal. Et de la les dits hurons debuoient aller a Onontage pour y demeurer.


Mouilla deuant Quebec le vaisseau du Capt tadourneau.

22 Partit pour Onontage le P Ragueneau auec l'equipage dans Vne chalouppe.

24. se noye proche du Moulin des chastelets Margontier 4 iours apres son arriuee [en] ce païs.


partit dans vne chalouppe pour Montreal le P Mercier auec vn second equipage pour onontage.



Retourna de tadoussac le P Albanel dans vne chalouppe.


arriuerent a montreal 10 Canots d'onontageronons qui venoient [querir] Les hurons attendans a Montreal. sept Onontageronons verserent dans le Sault St. Louis, et y perirent. 25 Arriua Mr le moine a quebec, qui nous en apporta la nouuelle.

15. Le 20 Auril partirent des trois Riuieres 8 francois auec 20 Canots de sauuages alguonquins pour aller en traitte aux poissons blancs. Ils entrerent dans les terres par la Riuiere de

caught in the Kitchen Chimney, and which the wind spread everywhere.

16. At 6 o'clock in the morning, the hurons of the nation of the Rock embarked at quebec in three shallops, manned with frenchmen, to convey them to Montreal, whence these hurons intend to go to Onontage, to dwell there.

21. Captain tadourneau's vessel anchored before Quebec.


Hurons go to


Father Ragueneau started in A shallop Father ragueneau. for Onontage, with his outfit.

24. Margontier is drowned

near the

Moulin des chastelets, 4 days after his arrival

in this country.

27. Father Mercier left in a shallop for Montreal, with a second outfit, to go to onontage.



Father Albanel returned from tadoussac in a shallop.

22. 10 Canoes of onontageronons arrived at montreal, who came to meet The hurons waiting there. Seven Onontageronons upset in the Sault St. Louis, and perished.

25. Monsieur le moine arrived at quebec, and brought us the above news.

15. On the 20th of April, 8 frenchmen left three Rivers, with 20 Canoes of alguonquin savages, to go to trade with the poissons blancs. They penetrated into the country through the River baptiskam, which is 6 leagues below three Rivers. On this River,

Iroquois perish in the Sault St. Louis.

French and algon

quins go to the poissons blancs.

River baptiskam, 6 Leagues below

3 Rivers.

francois noyé dans un rapide.

3. nations au nord.

retour de Mr. d'aillebout et aut.

baptiskam, qui est 6. lieuës au dessous des trois Riuieres. Ils passerent dans ceste Riuiere 28. saults en 14 Iours. Ils arriuerent au terme de leur voyage le 28 May apres avoir Passè 74. saults ou portages. ils retournerent aux 3 Riuieres le 15. Iuillet chargez de Castors. le voyage est rude, Long et hazardeux. Neanmoins il fut heureux. Il ny eut qu'vn seul francois, qui y perit, en tombant dans vn rapide en glissant ou il se noya. Ils y virent des poissons blancs, qui demandent a prier dieu. des agouing8i,8ec et des Kristinons qui sont proche de la mer du nord.

29 a 10 heures du matin mouilla deuant quebec le vaisseau Nantois qui nous apporta Mr d'alliboust. Et laissa a lisle d'orleans chez abbé de Kaylus et 3. monsieurs Maheu Mr Maisonneufue Et Mr Ecclesiast. Labbè Kelus auec 3 ecclesiastiqз.

31. le Capitaine marot fit voile pour la france du port de quebec. a 10 heures du


agniez cherchent Les Hurons.


9 arriuerent a quebec 20 agnieronons pour emmener le reste des hurons. Ils estoient 100 dont ces 20 se sont detachez. Les 10 Canots d onontageronons dont il est parlè cy dessus 22 Iuillet. s en sont retournez se voyants plus foibles pour leur entreprise que les Agnieronons. les 80 agnieronons, attendirent a Montreal les 20. descendus a quebec.


in a rapid.

3 nations of the north.

they passed 28 rapids in 14 Days. They arrived at the end of their journey on the 28th of May, having Passed 74 rapids or portages. They returned to 3 Rivers on the 15th of July, laden with Beavers. The journey is rough, Long, and dangerous; nevertheless, it proved successful. But a single frenchman Frenchman drowned perished, by slipping and falling into a rapid, where he was drowned. They saw some of the poissons blancs, who are asking some agouingwi, wecs, and some Kristinons, who are near the northern sea, to pray to God. 29. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the Nan- Return of Monsieur tois vessel anchored before quebec; it brought us Monsieur d'alliboust, And left Monsieur Maisonneufve And Monsieur The abbé Kelus, with 3 ecclesiastics, at the house of monsieur Maheu, in the island of orleans."

31. Captain marot set sail for france from the port of quebec, at 10 o'clock in the morning.


9. 20 agnieronons arrived at quebec, to carry away the rest of the hurons. Their band numbered 100, from whom these 20 detached themselves. The 10 Canoes of onontageronons-of whom mention is made above, under July 22-have returned, seeing themselves weaker for their undertaking than the Agnieronons. The 80 agnieronons remained at Montreal waiting for the 20 who came down to quebec.

II. At ten o'clock in the evening, Mon

d'aillebout and


Abbé de Kaylus, and 3 Ecclesiastics.

Agniez seek The

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