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Thou shalt tell thy people in thy country what thou hast seen me do."

Immediately thereupon, after the Song, the Anieronon also made six presents of porcelain beads, which all Said the same thing. To the frenchman, to the alguonquin, to the three huron Nations: "I rejoice that you kindly receive my elder brother, the Onontageronon." And to the onontageronon: "I rejoice that thou dost carry peace everywhere."

On the evening of the same day, a second assembly was held at the same Place and by the same persons, at which each nation responded, in the 1st place, to the presents of the Onontageronon; and, in the 2nd place, to those of The Agnieronon. The frenchman spoke ist to the onontageronon, and said to him, with A brasse of porcelain beads: Keep thy word; do not again take up thy hatchet against the huron." 2nd: The huron said: "It is well that thou comest to visit thy Friends, and that thou hast thrown away thy hatchet." 3rd: The Alguonquin said: "We are brothers from all time; I keep my word, as well as the frenchman."



The frenchman Answered the Agnieronon: "It is well that you are both content,- thou, Agnieronon, and thou, Onontageronon. will depend only on you that the land be united."

10, Ascension Day. Father le Moine, being at Sillery, held a Council with The huron and The Onontageronon, to wit: whether the huron should give himself to the onontage

la cuisse Legerement par Mr le Mire qui Vouloit reprimer L insolence dudit Onontageronon et de ses compagnons qui faisoient les Insolens & les larrons dans sa maison.

Le Capitaine fit ses plaintes, le P. le moine mit vne emplastre d'vn collier de porcelaine au blessè. le Capitaine aussy fit vn present au francois mescontent de la Ieunesse d'Onontage. Item vn second presen pour payer les vaches tüées par la Ieunesse. Enfin vn 3° present pour paier le francois d'eslargir ses bras et laisser aller tous les hurons qui Voudroient aller a Onontage. Puis en Cachette ledit Capitaine fit vn present d'vn beau Collier au huron de la nation d'Arendageronon pour 1 attirer a Onontage. Le present au lieu d estre cache fut produit par le huron a quebec Le soir du Iour qu'il retourna du Conseil fait a sillery, dans Lassemblee des Alguonquins Et hurons.

Au matin le huron respondit a ce collier d Onontageronon par deux presens par La bouche de Atsenha dit le plat.

Le mesme Iour 11. L alguonquin fit 5 presens au huron de 10 peaux d orignac

1°. Ie

te remets La teste que 1 agnierons t'a souuent couppee. 2 le t'essuie tes larmes. 3 ie te donne vn breuuage. 4 Nous sommes freres risquons Ensemble tousiours. 5 Ne t en va pas sitost a Agnie ny a Onontage, attends encor vn peu ne part point que tu n'aye


The Council was disturbed by the News that an Onontageronon had been Slightly wounded by a gunshot in the thigh, by Monsieur le Mire," who Wished to repress The insolence of the said Onontageronon and of his companions, who were acting Insolently and as thieves in his house.


The Captain made his complaints. le moine applied a plaster, in the shape of a porcelain collar, upon the wounded man. The Captain likewise made a present to the frenchman, who was dissatisfied with the Youth of Onontage. Item, a second present, to pay for the cows killed by the Young men. Finally, a 3rd present, to pay the frenchman to open his arms wide, and release all the hurons who Might wish to go to Onontage. Then, in Secret, the Captain made a present of a fine Collar to the huron of the nation of Arendageronon, in order to attract him to Onontage. The present, instead of being concealed, was produced by the huron at quebec, on The evening of the Day when he returned from the Council held at sillery, in The assembly of the Alguonquins And hurons.

II. In the morning, the huron responded to this collar of the Onontageronon with two presents, through The mouth of Atsenha, called le plat.[" the dish "].'

On the same Day, the 11th, The alguonquin made 5 presents to the huron, of 10 mooseskins. Ist: "I restore to thee The head which the agnieronon has often cut off for thee." 2nd: "I wipe away thy tears." 3rd:

moulin de M. de


apris des nouuelles des francois qui sont a Onontage Et des nouuelles de tes freres qui sont a Agnie.

Le huron respondit de bouche a ces presens sur 1 heure 1° tu me donne la vie 2 ie veray

le soleil plus aysement. 3 mon Cœur est en bonne assiette. 4 et 5. Ie penseray a ce que Iay a dire.

12 a 8 heures du soir vn huron nepueu d'Anotaha fut tuè par vn Onontageronon proche du moulin de Mr de Mores. Le Capitaine fit semblant de ne point approuuer le fait et donna a vn huron qui estoit allè voir les Onontageronons dans leur fort deux presens 1er porte ta teste entiere va ten paisiblement a quebec 2 Va ten dire a Onontio & aux Alguonquins que le suis marri de ce qui est


14 partit pour tadousac le P. Druillettes en retourna a quebec le 27.

15. a 7 heures du matin les Onontageronons s'en retournerent En leur païs auec trois ambassadeurs hurons.

22. Le Mardy 2de feste de la pentecoste retourna le sieur Cousture a quebec des Trois Riuieres: apportant pour Nouuelles que les Agnieronons qui estoient aux trois Riuieres auoient empechè deux des trois Hurons ambassadeurs d'aller a Onontage auec Les Onontageronons.

20 21 22. on fit L oraison des 40 heures

"I give thee a drink." 4th: "We are brothers; let us always run the Same risks." 5th: "Do not go away at once to Agnie, nor to Onontage; wait a little. Do not start until thou hast learned news of the french who are at Onontage, And of thy brothers who are at Agnie."

The huron forthwith responded to these presents orally. 1st: "Thou givest me life." 2nd: "I shall see the sun more easily." 3rd: "My Heart is well disposed." 4th and 5th: "I will think of what I have to say.'


12. At 8 o'clock in the evening, a huron, Monsieur de mores's nephew to Anotaha, was killed by an Onontageronon near Monsieur de Mores's mill." The Captain pretended not to approve the deed, and gave two presents to a huron who had gone to see the Onontageronons in their fort. Ist: Carry thy head whole; go peaceably to quebec." 2nd: "Go and say to Onontio and to the Alguonquins that I am grieved at what has happened."


Father Druillettes left for tadousac, whence he returned to quebec on the 27th.

15. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the Onontageronons returned To their own country with three huron ambassadors.

22. On Tuesday in whitsun-week, sieur Cousture returned to quebec from Three Rivers, bringing as News that the Agnieronons who were at three Rivers had prevented two of the three Huron ambassadors from going to Onontage with The Onontageronons.

20, 21, 22. The 40 hours' devotion was

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