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the Cabin of atchenha was wounded in the head by a firebrand in the hands of a drunken Alguonquin, who had come a few Days previously from three Rivers. The alquonquin's name is Mitewemeg. The injury is Slight.

11, 12, 13. The forty hours' devotion was held. The Blessed sacrament was exposed in Our Chapel on the 11th Day from 4 o'clock in the morning Until 8 in the evening. The benediction was at 5 o'clock.

On the 12th, the blessed Sacrament was exposed at the hospital. There was High mass and a sermon, and benediction at half past 4 in the evening.

On the 13th, the blessed sacrament was exposed at the Ursulines'. High mass was sung there with music. There was a sermon and benediction at 4 o'clock in the evening.

14. On Ash Wednesday, Father Poncet held, in his Room, the first meeting of the Congregation of Our lady. Twelve were present.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, one of the two Iroquois who remained at quebec was wounded with a blow from a firebrand in the hands of Mitewemeg, a drunken algonquin. The blow was not serious; satisfaction was made with a collar, and all passed well.


12 members of the


1st meeting, in father Poncet's room.

Monsieur Vignard said the first mass Monsieur vignard's

in the chapel of the Congregation of our lady, at the first meeting of the Congregation, at which Monsieur de Charni was announced as the prefect of the said Congregation.

At evening, our two frenchmen arrived

Ist mass.

1st prefect of the Congregation.

tage selon l'ordre qu'ils en auoient faute de guide et du Chemin qui estoit long et mauuais.

P. albanel revient des monts n. Dame

Sr. St. Ignace morte.

Iour des Rameaux


8 le P. Albanel auec Mr Lepinè & 4 francois Retourne par terre du cotè du sud, de son hyuernement auec les sauuages. Il eut fain en chemin en son retour par terre lespace de 12 Iours Il estoit parti des montz nostre dame le 3 feburier.

15 Iustement a midy expira dans vn assoupissement sœur st Ignace hospitaliere. L enterrement se fit le lendemain a 9 heures du matin.

22 Retourna a tadoussac le P Albanel auec le sieur Lespinè en chalouppe

25 Vn Ieune francois appellè le grand Iacques ou le picard passant sur les glaces pour aller a L isle d'orleans Enfonca et se noja.

Le Pere supr dit la grande Messe n'ayant que le Pere poncet pour 1 assister sans diacre et soubdiacre. le P Poncet fit l'eau beniste dans la sacristie, puis il asperga le peuple. en suitte il fit vne petite d'instruction sur la Ceremonie des Rameaux qui se fit incontinent apres par le P Sup'. Il donna les Rameaux a Mr Le Seneschal Mr Charni n'i estoit pas puis aux Marguilliers. le P Poncet fit la distribution au peuple. Le P supr. Chanta seul la passion.

28 on les Chanta en nostre chappelle. Mr

from Montreal, not having been able to pass beyond to Onontage as they had been ordered to do, for lack of a guide and on account of the Road, which was long and bad.


8. Father Albanel, with Monsieur Lepinè and 4 frenchmen, Returns by land, on the south shore, from his wintering with the savages. He suffered hunger on the way, returning by land, for the space of 12 Days. He had left the nostre dame mountains on the 3rd of february.

15. Precisely at noon, sister st. Ignace, a The hospital nun, expired in a swoon.1 burial took place the next day, at 9 o'clock in the morning.


Father Albanel returned to tadoussac with sieur Lespinè, by shallop.


25. A Young frenchman called Jacques" or "the picard," while passing over the ice to go to The island of orleans, Broke in and was drowned.

The Father superior said high Mass, having only Father poncet to assist him, without deacon or subdeacon. Father Poncet prepared holy water in the vestry, and then sprinkled the people. Thereupon, he gave a brief instruction concerning the Ceremony of the Palms, which was performed immediately afterward by the Father Superior. He gave the Palms to Monsieur The Seneschal,- Monsieur Charni was not there, then to the Churchwardens. Father Poncet made the

Father albanel

returns from the nostre Dame mountains.

Sister St. Ignace dead.

Palm Sunday.

Les tenebres

Godefroy chanta la ere lecon La 2de pierre duquet. La 3° Mr de repentigni. Tout alla bien.

29 Le P Supr dit la grande messe: personne de nos PP. ny Cõmunia quia non erat numerus competens. on Chanta tenebres, et le salut.


office dans la grande Eglise.





on chanta tenebres.

on Comenca a officier dans la grande Le P Supr officia - Tout alla bien.


I. Le P Supr officia a la grande Messe. il y eut deux grandes Messes. auec diacre et soubdiacre. Salut chez nous a 5 heures.

Au matin arriuerent de Montreal deux agnieronons pour faire des presens aux hurons vide. [blank space]

On prescha apres disner.

2 On chanta la grande Messe auec Diacre et soubdiacre on prescha le matin ce fust le predicateur du Caresme. Salut a 5 heures a 1 hospital.

3 grand Messe auec Diacre et soubdiacre. Salut apres disner aux Vrsulines.

Ie fis faire abiuration d heresie en ma chambre en presence de Iobin & pierre du Val Et du p Chastelain selon la formule du conseil de trente a Vn garcon appartenant au dit Iobin appellè Rene voie.

10 partit Mr de Charni pour les trois Riuieres dans Vne Chalouppe.

distribution to the people. The Father superior Sang the passion alone.

28. They were Sung in our chapel. Monsieur Godefroy sang the 1st lesson; pierre duquet, the 2nd; Monsieur de repentigni, the 3rd. All went well.

29. The Father Superior said high mass; none of our Fathers received Communion, quia non erat numerus competens. We Sang the

tenebræ and the benediction.

30. We sang the tenebræ.

The Tenebræ, on


31. We Began to hold services in the large Services in the large Church. The Father Superior officiated. All

went well.




The Father Superior officiated at high Mass. There were two high Masses, with Ideacon and subdeacon. Benediction with us

at 5 o'clock.

In the morning, two agnieronons arrived from Montreal, to make presents to the hurons; vide [blank space].

There was preaching after dinner.


We sang high Mass, with Deacon and subdeacon. There was preaching in the morning, by the preacher for Lent. Benediction at the hospital at 5 o'clock.

3. High Mass, with Deacon and subdeacon. Benediction at the Ursulines' after dinner.

I directed in my room,- in the presence of Jobin, pierre du Val, And father Chastelain, according to the formula of the council of trent, the abjuration of heresy of A servant



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